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Premier [FVSL Premier] - Results & Banter - Nov. 04'

Who will hand Langley their first loss of the season?

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Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Dude said:
Oh well...I guess humor and levity are frowned upon by the new management.

When I see some, I'll let you know. :D


P.S. Perhaps Dude, it is a good time for someone to resurrect the "Hottest Birds on the Sidelines" thread ;)


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Aug 18, 2003
Dirty Money
sixfyv said:
No. Nearly from the sideline.
No. After the game Sandro admitted to me that it was not a good shot.
No. A beautiful set piece.
No... two "SHOTS ON NET".
Yeah... hilarious. Guy has a concussion. He couldnt drive home. The only thing that would have been funnier is if he had actually hemorraged... that would have been priceless. :rolleyes: Retard.

Hard, Low and in the corner isn't a good shot? Who's the Retard?

I'm not gonna argue with you about shots on goal, you're trying to make it sound like you were robbed when we could just of easily have won. I didn' t know about your player getting a concusion, I'm sure he'll be fine :rolleyes: but I guess he definately took one for the team :p Still would have been a cracker goal ;) haha, hemorage from a soccer ball, that would be hilarious....

Not to sound like a prick, but the college players over the past few years haven't added shite to the league nor the teams they sign for. If you sign more than two or three to a team it usually causes more shite than good.

Totally agree, that's why I said they'll add some depth.....


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: Mighty Midget

I know Cainy is just trying to get a rise out of me, so I'm going to keep it simple. But that's hard for me to do still picturing the piss take Cainy took last year about him in the wrestling singlet. :D Obviously Cainy saddled up in front of the keyboard a little sauced tonite. Langley is not on a high, just tired of reading about the pau love affair. You guys at pau don't need any motivation to get up for a game , so what's with all this viagra popping in the change room than? Hopefully only the"30" year olds on your team need that kind of help. One last note, Langleys history goes back further than 2 years. We were always top half of the table. You should know this as when you took over at pau you had the help of 6 of those players. You're still a bag of dicks :wa:

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Skip you moved dude's post, I was only joking....Sorry Dude :D

We needed some sauce in this thread....Can't wait for LUFC vs PAU !!! :knvb:


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
striker12 said:
I didn' t know about your player getting a concusion, I'm sure he'll be fine :rolleyes: but I guess he definately took one for the team :p Still would have been a cracker goal ;) haha, hemorage from a soccer ball, that would be hilarious...
You are an idiot. I was trying to make a point... obviously one you cannot grasp.


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Sep 28, 2001
Dirty Money
joely_the_goalie said:
that, and having a total of 20-24 guys signed to both premier and CAT, anything could help right now

jtg that sounds alot like the geu squad. except it looked to me like your premier squad had plenty of subs last friday night.our prem coach wont ask players to come up because he is to scared to piss the cat coach off :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Would Cainy have an easier time getting a rise out of you had he slipped over one of those blue pills? Don't knock it till you try it. I think 1/2 a Viagra, 2 Sudafed, one of those pink pills at the bottom of my bag, all crushed up in a chutney mixing bowl and stirred into a bottle of A&W Root Beer would make one hell of a pre-game cokctail.

Right turn, back on topic...

When are people going to figure out big Nick? It isn't rocket science...you give the big man more than 12" (easy Guinness), and he will score. That sounds gay, doesn't it? Anyhow, the guy has the ball on a short string, and can score anywhere inside 40 yards with a no wind up wrist shot if you give him just a little bit of space.

Back off topic: a bag of dicks walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Why the long faces?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
The unsilent majority :rolleyes:
USM said:
Some of you Langley boys may be on a high just now, so let me give you all a bitch slap back to reality. Take all your players, total up all the premier titles you have won
OGP said:
. As you all sit in judgment of a SUFC talking crap about how you could have turned it up a notch ( and didn't) remember your clubs history.
Ahhh… when in doubt break out the old scrap book and trophy cabinet eh? Bless you cainy. The more things change the more you stay the same. Just remember with the exception of your ONE league cup 2 years ago what club house are all those pretty little trophies you and a core handful of your players have won sits. There is no insult intended there and I’m not comparing old SU with PAU but if you’re going to take the current crew of Langley boys and paint them with one brush I thought maybe you would want to use the matching trim. Tell me though, where was this post last year? TTP sure could have used it. It was certainly slow while what? The PAU Nations internet connection was down? Or was it just your place in the standings?

from more of cainy’s rant said:
LFC2, and dude, in my opinion are the only Langley lads who carry any wieght from your club.
I dunno about that? Utah is carrying a lot of extra weight right now.

Please tell me why you think that? Because they come on TTP? I could rattle off 7 to 10 full time Langley guys, not on TTP, preimer and CAT who I’ve seen commit to the club, the team and LFC this year and in a big way and I’m not considering them showing up for a Roxy shaker as part of their commitment. Again, if you’re going to paint with one brush cainy, at least use the right one.

KNVB is a cnut, ass kisser, Utility player who is only one SU because he was the beer man…. What else was there? See what you can do with-out using the above.


Sep 30, 2004
Dirty Money
SUFC needs to get their shite organized, otherwise it is going to be a long season. THey have some really good young players along with some key veterans. The main problem is that these players don't show up on a consistent basis. I think SUFC will become strong after the christmas break, but that may be too late.


New Member
Aug 18, 2003
Dirty Money
sixfyv said:
You are an idiot. I was trying to make a point... obviously one you cannot grasp.

I was just trying to wind you up, not too difficult I see.

Once again your resorting to name calling.....I can tell your just a young buck so I won't hold a grudge. ;)


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Sep 14, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Plonkers United

utah said:
One last note, Langleys history goes back further than 2 years. We were always top half of the table. You should know this as when you took over at pau you had the help of 6 of those players. You're still a bag of dicks :wa:

I' d like to read these six players names, with the exception of brett jeffries, the langley lads who transfered were flakes who had no idea about committment and hard work. Where are these guys now???


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Plonkers United

studsup said:
I' d like to read these six players names, with the exception of brett jeffries, the langley lads who transfered were flakes who had no idea about committment and hard work. Where are these guys now???
So wouldn't that now make the list down to 5? What about Hozzle... oops down to 4. Take it away Utah...

stir, stir, stir the pot gently down the stream...


Red Forever said:
Hey, Striker 12........your a knob!

Does the make me petty and immature??
No, but it makes you're piss taking piss poor. Not to mention you're spelling. :rolleyes:


New Member
Sep 14, 2001
Dirty Money
Sorry about that Hossy, Just the way you' ve been talking lately about those cnuts over there. KNVB, I never said I was good at math, maybe i should take up another profession that is suited to my intellectual ability and start selling appliances.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Maybe... I can hook you up with a good company if you want. Good benefits, solid pay,loads of free time. What are friends for?

Don't forget Clement, Ryan and Steve Dormer, Nukes and the HEAD coach. Feel free to help me out any time here Utah.


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Dirty Money
All this from one post, diplomatic I thought, on the state of not only Sikh, but without expressively stating it, the state of the bottom feeders in the Valley premier. When we were at the bottom two years ago, there were two shite teams, us and SFC. We had a plan, they did not and the results speak for themselves. In my eyes there is quite a gap between Premier and Div 1, not on a weekly basis as any team can compete over 90 minutes, but over a 18 game schedule. Aldergrove is unbeaten in Div 1 this year with very few changes from last year where they stunk in premier. Whalley cruised through Div 1 and are struggling this year in premier. Again, Whalley on any given week, could very well be this week, beat any premier team, but over 18 games and injuries and suspensions may find it tough to crack the top half of the league. I apologize if I offended T and the crew, but it was not meant as a 'you are shite' and we are not post, maybe a touch of TTP salt thrown in. To compete week in and week out you have to make changes and evolve, changing faces and getting younger. It is commendable that teams want to stick together and go with the horses that got you here, but IMO not sure that will win titles. Nukes is the last guy in our program that played for that Div 1 team that got promoted not so long ago. We had 6 guys start last Saturday that were not with us last year.

This would be a stronger league if we got to play a GEU or PAU or like caliber each and every week. The rivalries are great, and you only get better playing better teams in a intense environment. My point is we are doing very little as potential Valley representatives by playing the likes of Sikh United. I feel Langley have regressed since our preseason where we played Surrey, Metro Ford twice and Burnaby. If anybody is in the Valley premier without the goal of winning the BC's today or tomorrow, then what is the point? You have to beat the VMSL boys (and the Island) to get anywhere. Are the weakest VMSL teams as weak as the weakest FVSL teams in comparism to the strength at the top?

As to Cainy's rant, first I must say I admire what he does for that club, as I can speak first hand to the work it takes to not only putting a group together but keeping them. But this is TTP. Would we be garnering more respect if we would have stepped it up and say won 6-1 instead of 4-0? The Lions scared the shite out of us, Sikh did not. You guys are top of the table and deserve it. Just get's old listening to the shite coming out after a win and how quiet it is after a poor performance. Have a look at how quiet it was after the 1-1 tie at SS earlier this year against a 10 man Langley. Nary a post, and if I remember you guys started talking about the Lions almost immediately. The rematch will be great, win or lose.

All said, I not only am in this for Langley, but would love to see the division get stronger. I watched a fair amount of games in the mid to late 90's as my bro was playing for Slovan (and won the Title, so two in our camp), and top to bottom the league was much stronger collectively. That is where we need to get before a team comes out of the Valley to seriously contend consistently. Just one guys opinion. And if this post creates as many replies as my 'Sikh is shite' post, should be an interesting week of reading.
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