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Div 2 [FVSL Div. 2] Results & Banter - Oct. '05

Which table's standings will be the tightest, top to bottom, by month's end?

  • 2A

    Votes: 6 15.0%
  • 2B

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • 2C

    Votes: 25 62.5%

  • Total voters
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Sep 11, 2005
Dirty Money
just as easily as the dfc rovers won div three last year(JTL prediction b4 playing us)

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Kevin Hector said:
Well I watched the battle of the Titans today out in MAple Ridge between the Wolfs and the Titans Wolfs won 4-1 with the Franchise scoring twice if the Wolfs could have finished there chances it would have been ugly.....wait it was ugly the Wolfs should have scored way more..........and the pink ball goes to...........

Very true....I myself hit a crossbar and a post.....we were all over them from start to finish.....our first complete game of the season.

Meford made this game closer then it should have been....if wolfman didn't break his glasses we wouldn't have had so many questionable calls.

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
Kevin Hector said:
Soccermom how did you guys do????

terrible showing for the royals. we played like absolut shite. coyotes took an early 1-0 lead. we tied it up about 10 minutes later. coyotes are THE worst team for offsides, they must've had at least 15 offside calls against them in the first half alone, second half wasn't quite as bad though. we scored again late in the 1st half, then again early in the 2nd. the coyotes then starting figuring out what an offside trap is, and actually got 3 or 4 clean breakaways, a couple times there were 3 of them. on one of the breakaway our keeper came out about 30 yards to clear the ball, missed the ball, the coyote had an OPEN net, he ran it to about the 18 yard box, then shot it wide. it was a disgrace, i dunno how the hell that idiot got on their team. but the yotes did end up getting another with less than 5 seconds left in the 2nd half, 3-2 win for the royals. terrible outting, we were also missing our whole defensive lineup except one, being myself, and i was dieing with a head cold.

good test again the titans next weekend.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Helsinki is in Finland, and you guys are both twats.

Another good showing by the boys, but our finishing still isn't where it needs to be. Should have been 4-0 at half, but was only 1, and that was with a goal in the opening 5 minutes. We did well on our possession game, which helped control the pace to our liking. Too many squandered opportunities in the opening 45. Our fitness still isn't where we'd like it either.

Looking at the Titans / Pomo result, and I'd have to say the our upcoming match vs. the Gunners will be hard fought.

Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
Some big games coming up this weekend in 2a as the Royals play the ND Titans with both teams on 8pts a win for either team and they still move closer to the top, the Gunners with have Aldergrove and that is a big game with 'Grove on 8pts and the Gunners on 13pts if Grove can hand the gunners there first loss then they will be 2pts back of them if the Gunners continue with there winning ways then grove would be 8 back, with LUFC playing the Stars you have to give this one to the guys from LAngley by a landslide it's just starting to get intersting alot is going to change next weekend that's forsure the Gunners need to keep pace with LUFC, as for us we have a White Rock team that in my mind is better then the bottom three of the other Two Groupings and are not an easy team to play against plus they have a guy named Hector as well :D


Active Member
Sep 21, 2005
Dirty Money
Hey K hector, did you guys play at home or away this week? Anyone know if aldergrove plays turf or grass....

Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
dutch08 we played at home on Saturday night under the bright lights of SRT, what Aldergrove team are you talking about? if you mean teh one we played they play on Grass it's a nice pitch in my mind


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
the garden knome said:
dude just remember you are only some nice hair taller...

How this made it past my radar is one of life's great mysteries.

That said, you are so right. The hair was in fine form this Sunday. Your hair (singular) was too.

Don't challenge for a ball inside the box with the Garden Gnome if you value your knees. He's a mean little fcuker, amd he does bite.


New Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Unless I am doing the math incorrectly Div 2C is really heating up at the top. One team with 11 points and 2 with 10, with 4th place at 8 points. Looks pretty toight.

DFC have a bye, I mean they play the Titans.
Lions need a win against the surging GEU Wolves to stay in touch with the leaders
A good game should be Poco vs NDelta Nats - Poco needs a win to stay kinda close and a win for the Nats is very important to keep close to the top.

Game of the week in Div 2C must be the League Leaders LUFC vs DMU who are one point back. A tie helps neither and win for DMU will shuffle the leaders again.


New Member
Sep 22, 2003
Dirty Money
Jack The Lad said:
My suspension was for nothing more than a slide tackle. A yellow card in a tennis match at best. The referee's report was shockingly inaccurate. He basically said the other player was pulled off on a stretcher. He got up smiled and shook my hand after the game. JTL

Hmmm... Slide tackle, eh?! A fairly aggressive two-footed one IMHO...in retribution to what should have been called a foul against you (and probably a yellow if the ref had been in position). Not sure you even contacted him, but...

The reffing was shite on that day, but even one of your teammates indicated he thought it was a red. 6 games worth? Probably not, but the league is known to start at 3 games for anything reported as "violent conduct" and then go up from there.


New Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Arsenal is a strange team. Of the teams that DFC has played this year I thought they were, by a fair shot, the best. Teams like LUFC play hard and keeps you honest but Arsensal knocked the ball around well and they have heaps of speed, all over the park. How they keep losing especially after getting a lead is strange. Maybe they just had a blinder against DFC, then again they gave up a 2 goal lead and lost to us too.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
bored said:
DFC have a bye, I mean they play the Titans.
Lions need a win against the surging GEU Wolves to stay in touch with the leaders

It's pretty close to a bye...I am expecting somewhere close to 10 goals for DFC this weekend.....it's on turf...there very slow...so I will say 8-0 DFC this weekend.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
bored said:
Arsenal is a strange team. Of the teams that DFC has played this year I thought they were, by a fair shot, the best. Teams like LUFC play hard and keeps you honest but Arsensal knocked the ball around well and they have heaps of speed, all over the park. How they keep losing especially after getting a lead is strange. Maybe they just had a blinder against DFC, then again they gave up a 2 goal lead and lost to us too.

I found that number 16 their forward was there best player...not much of a touch but can punt the ball ahead and seem to get to it 90% of the time. There backline is a little suspect they try to play a trap system which really didn't work against us....as if you hold on to the ball they will run right by you thinking you will pass. I found them close to Titan talent but it could have been an off game for them.


New Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
I found them close to Titan talent but it could have been an off game for them.
Arsenal and the Titans are the same talent level? I am confused. After our game Guru said Arsenal was a totally different team from last year. The game we played them it could have been a good Div 1 game even mediocre premier, lots of good movement and hard tackles. They came out flying, one guy scored possibly the goal of his life but still they looked good, combined with a slow start from us 2-0 for them. We needed 3 good goals to get the lead.

8-0 for DFC, thats a lot of goals but we will mesh sooner or later and it will mean goals in bunches I think. Saturday night game too, could be a slow sunday.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
bored said:
Arsenal and the Titans are the same talent level? I am confused. After our game Guru said Arsenal was a totally different team from last year. The game we played them it could have been a good Div 1 game even mediocre premier, lots of good movement and hard tackles. They came out flying, one guy scored possibly the goal of his life but still they looked good, combined with a slow start from us 2-0 for them. We needed 3 good goals to get the lead.

8-0 for DFC, thats a lot of goals but we will mesh sooner or later and it will mean goals in bunches I think. Saturday night game too, could be a slow sunday.

Close to the same talent...Arsnel have 100% better forwards....we started throwing guys in different places pushing up lots because they were so slow...it cost us a goal against to the guys credit it was a good shot. i don't know were you play bored but if its up front you better be fast....I am lucky I have some speed, if you beat them they go in hard and for your ankles....it doesn't matter were it is on the field...Mr Hector can vouch for us.....there not a strong team by any means and on a huge field like SRT you guys will be able to pick apart there D for a least 8.

Man am I sore today :(
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