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Div 2 [FVSL Div 2] Results and Banter - Nov. '04

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New Member
Nov 7, 2001
Dirty Money
GEU Tigers 0 Poco 0. A good game played by both teams. Both had some good chances to score and get the win but nobody could step up and finish their chances.


New Member
Sep 22, 2003
Dirty Money
Sheep said:
GEU Tigers 0 Poco 0. A good game played by both teams. Both had some good chances to score and get the win but nobody could step up and finish their chances.

Interesting post... I don't recall much in the way of chances... In fact, I can only recall one decent chance for both teams, and Poco's big defender had a point blank header cleared over the line by Tommy Stibbs.

GEU played it hard, outworked us, and IF you HAD to choose a team more deserving of the win, I'd give it to GEU. Poco did not show up, had a lot of "hangers on" this week, and easily put in our worst performance of the year.

We've got to turn that around with the young, speedy Bearcats and the 'Canes coming up before the Christmas break. Look for a strong foot in next week, as this week served as a wake up call for a team that has grown a tad complacent with the competition this year.


New Member
Oct 16, 2002
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
I start by saying we had the ****ing worse ref I have ever seen. The guy Bob from that 70's show.....hair topay!!! what a joke he is ****y and just doesn't let the game flow. Both sides agreed that this guy should stick to under 18.

Sorry to see you got chia pet. We've had nothing but trouble with this guy (johnny can attest to that, when he watched our game against Poco last week). He's cost us 2 games so far because of bad PK calls, the other time we had him he cost Port Moody the game.

P.S. DFC Celtic beat LUFC Dynamo 3-2.

And a message to LUFC...Tell #7 to calm down man, i tried to appologise to him after the game for a bad collision we had and he blew me off and told to "watch it" in our next match.


Oct 1, 2003
Dirty Money
bitter_cabbage said:
Interesting post... I don't recall much in the way of chances... In fact, I can only recall one decent chance for both teams, and Poco's big defender had a point blank header cleared over the line by Tommy Stibbs.

GEU played it hard, outworked us, and IF you HAD to choose a team more deserving of the win, I'd give it to GEU. Poco did not show up, had a lot of "hangers on" this week, and easily put in our worst performance of the year.

We've got to turn that around with the young, speedy Bearcats and the 'Canes coming up before the Christmas break. Look for a strong foot in next week, as this week served as a wake up call for a team that has grown a tad complacent with the competition this year.

Have to agree...worst perfprmance of the year. Not much more to add.


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Nov 7, 2001
Dirty Money
redwoods said:
Have to agree...worst perfprmance of the year. Not much more to add.

I highly disagree that it was your worst performance of the year. Ya right. Just face it we are better than you. Too bad the standings don’t reflect that. I can’t understand why you guys are at the top of the league. The Canes and Bearcats should have no trouble beating you guys in the coming weeks.

Now I see why you were demoted from Div 1.


New Member
Jul 24, 2003
Dirty Money

Plain simple Poco City had a bad game you guys were lucky! Also I never seen so many out of shape guys on a team. Do you guys have an oxygen tank on the side lines!



Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Sheep do you honestly believe that shite? I watched that game and Poco just wasn't there. If they would have showed up they would have mopped you guys up. Seriously I have some Jenny Craig brouchers I'll pass em on to you next time you come to Poco.


Aug 16, 2004
Dirty Money
Get Real SHEEP,

You're team is by far the worst team in our division in terms of skill level.
You play kick and run soccer, and not very well at that!!! You have size (quite alot of it, must be the protein shakes you exchange after games) and you try to push teams around.... Plain and simple we played a terrible game today, forgot to show up !! You guys never even got a real shot on net, so if you call that playing a good game then I see why you're close to the basement. Our offence took a day off, you got lucky !! But our D stood tall once again to show why we have only let in 4 goals in 8 games...

Stop wasting everyone's time and go to div. 3 where you belong.... :eek:


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
WRU 3-0 Aldergrove (2A)

Another 3 points for White Rock...well played game by White Rock today, as we got two in the first half, and one in the second. Relatively clean game, with no cards given and none deserved. Aldergrove played decently, and certainly did not embarass themselves, and were unlucky not to get on the scoreboard with one today. They hit the woodwork twice, and missed on a controversial indirect free kick from the top of our six on a disputed pass back to our keeper, which he handled. However, that credit being given it must be said that if both we and Aldergrove had buried all our quality chances today, the score would have read 6-3 for WRU, so in the end it did not matter. A blank sheet is a credit to the WRock D, which has started to play very well as a unit reflected in the vastly reduced GA department. Aldergrove has a speedy striker/left half (not sure where he was positioned), #11, who seems to be their main threat as most balls are played through him. Our D did a great job taking away his space though, and he never really got a good sniff at goal. Refereeing was spotty today, not great but not horrid either. We had a goal called back (would've been 4-0) on an offside, which we later decided was the right call, and the ref was behind the play quite a bit, resulting in a few incorrect offsides called against us, as well as some missed and mis-called fouls both ways. He was quite calm though, so at least he was tolerable as he did not cop attitude like so many of his colleagues.

A great match for us all around, and now I definately see why Aldergrove has had the up and down season they've experienced so far. Flashes of threat, but nothing consistent. Home to ERU next week, and looking forward to it. :D


Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Hey Frodo, Way to rip into a ref and player all in your first post, well done.

And Canuckbrat, quit pickin on Franchise, he's got it rough down there.
I would know, DFC Celtic, we just left the bottom row 2C, we didn't like the climate down there, so we picked up and moved our way north on the board.
look out div 2, we're hanging around for next year, hehe.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Frodo said:
Sorry to see you got chia pet. We've had nothing but trouble with this guy (johnny can attest to that, when he watched our game against Poco last week). He's cost us 2 games so far because of bad PK calls, the other time we had him he cost Port Moody the game.

P.S. DFC Celtic beat LUFC Dynamo 3-2.

And a message to LUFC...Tell #7 to calm down man, i tried to appologise to him after the game for a bad collision we had and he blew me off and told to "watch it" in our next match.

Did he have a sweet head band on.....That guy is priceless

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
canuckboy said:
And it sure is nice to see GEU Wolves in the basement of 2C, how's it going down there Franchice?

Have you looked at the standings sunshine we have played one less game then you and your 3 points ahead but.....looking by the scores you like to get blowen out week after week! TOLD YOU YOUR DEFENSE WAS SHITTY.....i ONLY HAVE A SIMPLE EXCUSE NO GOALIE IS WHY WE LOST THE LAST COUPLE OF WEEKS BUT we have a new one this week and we are going to run you guys all over the field next week!! Way to open your mouth to early though!!!


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
OK...It's half way through for most teams, there are a couple of make ups, but they won't get played till later. So here's my assessment on the way I think the teams should be lined up for 2C:

1: Port Moody Lions
2: LUFC Dynamo
3: Eagleridge Hades
4: DMU United
5: DFC Celtic
6: Whalley United
7: Coquitlam City Arsenal
8: PoCo City Athletic
9: Peace Arch Selects
10 GEU Wolves

We haven't played the Wolves yet, and I would expect them to be in 7th or 8th.

It's not my predictions, just an assessment based on how these teams played against us (Celtic). The only one I think I might error on is Whalley, who didn't impress me much when they played us (a PK in the last few minutes to tie us) but from indications, they started the season very flat.
I won't comment on the other groups.
My prediction then for Relegation is PAU Selects
and Promotion is LUFC Dynamo.

Played Dynamo yesterday and beat the 3 - 2. Both thire goals were scrambles and potted from inside the 6, our first was the same, and actually an own goal. Our other 2 were decent though. Having said that, they outplayed us and out chanced us 10 to 1. We got lucky just like against Port Moody, but we did work our butt's off and it paid off. They also chirped at the ref too much, and we kept quiet for the most part (for a change).
We're turning into the spoiler team... Not a title I like much, but as long as we're not in the basement, I'll where that title.


New Member
Sep 20, 2004
Dirty Money
Whalley 4 - 2 Port Moody

We were missing a couple of key guys in the middle and it showed. Moody dominated the first half but we seemed to bury out chances on counter-attack. They scored one minute after we went up 2-0. Second half was back and forth evened out. We got a lucky goal when our striker challenged the goal 50-50 and rebounded off the shinpad. We definitely lacked in the middle but it was our wingers, forwards, and sweeper that came through. Good game by both teams. Port Moody had some great chances but failed to capatalize. Next up Peach Arch Old Farts. Hopefully we can keep up our winning streak.
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