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[FVSL Div. 2] Banter and results - February 2007

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Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
TheRob said:
Who was the ref?
Tim... a formal complaint should be laid against this moron! I'll be writing one later to the league. He's the worst there is, bar none. A bad tackle that should have been a warning at best, then the aftermath of the guy on Coq. climbing on top of our guy then getting thrown off, and another Coq. guy jumping on our guys back while he was down and starting to swing at him should have resulted in a yellow for the first Coq, a yellow for our guy, and a red for the second Coq. guy jumping on his back..... result.... our guy gets a red, they don't even get warned! ! WTF! Even though we tied it shortly after that, that kind of took the wind out. They outpaced us the rest of the way. I don't think it was thier "great passing" I think it was our inability to cover the open men playing tired and chasing kids.

I don't think the score was a fair way to judge the game, we always give up an early goal or two, then get serious late in the game to wrap it up. Just couldn't get it done this time. At 2 -2 with 11, I think we'd have taken it, playing with 10 against fit kids, we just ran out of gas, and they got a lucky deflection to go 3 - 2, then a cheeky back heel between the legs that even surprised the guy who did it was all she wrote.

But the ref... what game he was watching is anyones guess! After the game I asked him why the guy who jumped our guy swinging didn't even get a talking to, his response was: "No." Can't argue with that! :rolleyes:
Thanks once again Tim... yer a peach!


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
TheRob said:
Sounds like you are a bunch of hot heads fighting all the time.
Did I mention you guys are 4 - 2 - 7 :)

Also did I mention it was Tim?
I don't think getting jumped from behind while you already have a player on your back, constitutes being a "hot head"... Nothing vicious came from it, it was difused quickly and no one was hurt, but to not get even a talking to for being a second guy jumping in flailig like a girl.... he should at least be warned not to flail like that... Jimminy Crickets.... this is a mens league!

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
I must give some props to Kevin Hector.....I joined this team thinking they were a solid group of guys and had some talent. I was way off, this team has huge potential. I can't remeber the the last time I played in a game and had this much fun....no bitching, great passing and we were still missing key players.

Its unforunate I can't play this weekend but I am looking forward to returning in a week.

Good Luck this weekend Kevin Hector.....see ya in a week

Bring on the Sun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
It sounds to me that the better team won.
Yer quick.... I guess it was the ejumakashin ewe got back east! Lets say "they won" Better? I don't know, we've won games that we stunk in, that doesn't mean we were better on that day, it means we won... bottom line is they won, and that's what counts in the stats...

Even more importantly, we've secured a spot in Secon Div for next year : ) That's the more important issue.... no having to make excuses as to why we chose to stay here.... the reason is because "the better team" moved up, and we didn't...

After finally seeing this team for the first time this year, I'd have to say now that the DFC Coachmen will take the cup. Coq. is a young fast good team, but I think the Coach are much better this year.

Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
Yeah you played so good take the week off and go sun tanning, try the cheese burgers where ever the hell you're going and let me kjnow if they're any good.

Best result this weekend Surrey Wheelhousecaps 12 Coquitlam Ajax 1 Cap's double there goal total for teh season in one game

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
guru said:
Yer quick.... I guess it was the ejumakashin ewe got back east! Lets say "they won" Better? I don't know, we've won games that we stunk in, that doesn't mean we were better on that day, it means we won... bottom line is they won, and that's what counts in the stats...

Even more importantly, we've secured a spot in Secon Div for next year : ) That's the more important issue.... no having to make excuses as to why we chose to stay here.... the reason is because "the better team" moved up, and we didn't...

After finally seeing this team for the first time this year, I'd have to say now that the DFC Coachmen will take the cup. Coq. is a young fast good team, but I think the Coach are much better this year.

Now that speech was funny:D


Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Port Moody Lioins 3 Poco City 1

Good, clean, fun game. Port Moody took a 1-0 lead after about 15 minutes because of bad defending (me). We tied it up 5 minutes later and then had all the play for about 20 minutes. Then we ran out of gas and Moody's youth and speed won them the game.

On a side note we signed a new goalie who is 57 years old,(I think thats even older than Guru!), and in 3 games he has played great, I hope when I'm his age I am playing Div 2 FVSL Soccer! Dare to dream boys, dare to dream.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
canuckboy said:
Port Moody Lioins 3 Poco City 1

Good, clean, fun game. Port Moody took a 1-0 lead after about 15 minutes because of bad defending (me). We tied it up 5 minutes later and then had all the play for about 20 minutes. Then we ran out of gas and Moody's youth and speed won them the game.

On a side note we signed a new goalie who is 57 years old,(I think thats even older than Guru!), and in 3 games he has played great, I hope when I'm his age I am playing Div 2 FVSL Soccer! Dare to dream boys, dare to dream.
I hope when I'm his age I'd have been dead for 10 years....


New Member
Sep 23, 2004
Dirty Money
Aldergrove 2 WRU 0

good game should have won by a couple more some sloppy finishing... congrats to Shaven and the boys - That makes this weekends game pretty much a division decider... looking forward to it definitely MOTW.



New Member
Feb 12, 2007
Dirty Money
How can Celtic bitch and complain about the Ref? Sure he wasn't the greatest ref, but elbowing a guy in the jaw as he heads the ball isn't the cleanest thing I've ever seen. And neither were the numerous dangerous slides put on by ALL celtic players... You talk trash about "kids and their homerooms", but in actual fact, what it really boils down to is, that Coquiltam got the job done, hands down. Excuses like bad reffing, poor tackles, and bad judgement resulted in Celtic's first loss. If Coquitlam can hit up the next 2-3 make ups, they'll be on top by 3-4 points.

Jack The Lad

Jan 20, 2002
Dirty Money
canuckboy said:
On a side note we signed a new goalie who is 57 years old,(I think thats even older than Guru!), and in 3 games he has played great, I hope when I'm his age I am playing Div 2 FVSL Soccer! Dare to dream boys, dare to dream.

That 57 year old goalie is very good. He made some great saves against us. And yes he is older than GURU by 3 months.


Jack The Lad

Jan 20, 2002
Dirty Money
Mag_17 said:
you better come to play this weekend cause your not gonna walk all over us like you did in the first game of the season, were on a role-we haven't lost a game since october, were gonna show up to play so dont worry about us jackie ;)

Maggie, the first time we played you guys was our first game together and we were very average. Sure you are on a role but who have you played. You have tied mid table teams like the Royals, GEU Tigers and even Mission. The only good result you have had is vs Poco City. Anyways, looking forward to it - how would you like to place a wager of 24 or 48 beers, I leave the quantity up to you.



Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
R2thedubEd said:
How can Celtic bitch and complain about the Ref? Sure he wasn't the greatest ref, but elbowing a guy in the jaw as he heads the ball isn't the cleanest thing I've ever seen. And neither were the numerous dangerous slides put on by ALL celtic players... You talk trash about "kids and their homerooms", but in actual fact, what it really boils down to is, that Coquiltam got the job done, hands down. Excuses like bad reffing, poor tackles, and bad judgement resulted in Celtic's first loss. If Coquitlam can hit up the next 2-3 make ups, they'll be on top by 3-4 points.
Hey Skippy... have an afterschool snack and chill out.... no one said you didn't deserve the win, quite the opposite. But the elbow to the jaw was from the guy coming in from behind and our guy didn't even know he was there. Hence, no intentional elbow. Just an accident. To give a yellow for an accident was uncalled for. The tide swung both ways with the ref. You guys complained as much as us, and the complaints for the most part was deserved. He was terrible for both teams. The worst part was that the game was pretty even up until we got the red. our guy might have deserved a yellow on the tackle, but in the aftermath with your guy jumping on his back, then a second guy piling on his back and swinging, if you toss our guy, then yours should have gone as well... that was the point. You guys have a good fit young skilled team, no question. And judging by your cards to date, a very clean one as well, I said that to your guys before the game, that it looked like your team was looking for the Lady Byng trophy (hockey).
So don't get all bent. I don't think there's a player in this league that thinks That ref is very good. And tossing out our guy, and not even talking to yours was wrong, and it swung the game heavily in your favour. "Got the job done hands down" is not the phrase I'd use. Capitalized on outnumbering your opponent is more like it. Would you guys have won anyway?? Perhaps, but we'll never know if you guys would have won if we were even strength or not.

In my opinion, that poor judgement call by the ref wrecked a good game. I also won't deny our hard tackles, but we've been the target of those for two seasons now from the weaker teams. I'm sure you guys have as well. Everyone wants a piece of the top teams. However, no one ran your goalie like ours was run at several times, and you guys went heavy into tackles as well ... I don't think either team can say their team wasn't guilty of that.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Jack The Lad said:
That 57 year old goalie is very good. He made some great saves against us. And yes he is older than GURU by 3 months.

I call bull.... what's his old age pension ID number?


New Member
Feb 12, 2007
Dirty Money
I'm glad we can agree upon the reffing, but at the same time, I believe both players should have had yellow cards in the supposed split second "all out scrum." But, even if both players were to get cards, then didn't your player already have a yellow? I liked the intensity of the game by both teams. Do we have another game against you guys this season?? I'm not sure about the physics of the game where our guy goes down facing your net, while heading the ball forward, and you can say your guy came from behind and "accidently" hit him square in the jaw with his elbow? But then again, crazier things 'have' happened on the field... Lookin' forward to the rest of the season... Best of Luck.


Aug 16, 2004
Dirty Money
TheRob said:
Who was the ref?

Tigers 0 - 2 Poco

First time all year we lost when we probably should have won or at the very least tied. They scored one on a PK and another late when we were pushing.

They didn't have their regular keeper. Someone at the end of the game shouted "Even with Oliver in net." when "Oliver" mad some HUGE saves too keep us scoreless. He won the game for them.

I don't know why we can't beat this team. I don't remember the last time we did.

Ok no offence to Oli but the saves he made were shot right at him, ANY guy standing in the net woulda made them. You got that backwards, Your goalie was the best player or it could have been a more lop sided affair.. We didnt play great, but we did have most of the play all game and you guys didnt look like you had much attack going that day.

As for the PK...your guy was beat, tell him to stay on his feet, slide tackles in the box are not smart, especially when you're already beat. Sorry to argue but you guys definately did not deserve any points from this game. We missed 3-4 sitters in the box that should have been goals and a post...the score was closer than the game IMO...you guys hit one off the bar, but that was really your only solid chance at net.

Anyways, good luck the rest of the way.
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