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Div 1 [FVSL Div. 1] Results and Banter - December '05 and January '06

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Four days for the Rangers to seal the deal on that big signing they were talking about a couple of months ago.

What's the dealio Zaruinni?


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
TheRob said:
Four days for the Rangers to seal the deal on that big signing they were talking about a couple of months ago.

What's the dealio Zaruinni?

It was all just a lie to scare a few of you to leave the team...
thanks by the way.

for posting again...love that avatar


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm going to the Ranger game tonight and was wondering what are the odds of a lad getting stuck into a litte geeger action ? Also, Pipo, could you bring those yummy hotdogs I love so much?

6:00 Newton, ya?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
What's a matter knob, the missus laying down her hammer again??? Surely you wouldn't be going to a shite FVSL match (Div. 1 at that) if you were in the good books and allowed to play on the computer all night... You got grounded from the the computer room again didn't you!!!


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
GN 0 - Rangers 6

Good result as we head into the showdown with Aldergrove.

HOS with another shutout...well done.



New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money
Guinness said:
What's a matter knob, the missus laying down her hammer again??? Surely you wouldn't be going to a shite FVSL match (Div. 1 at that) if you were in the good books and allowed to play on the computer all night... You got grounded from the the computer room again didn't you!!!
Rangers 6-Gunnni......Didn't you move from kits to cloverwhocares......NO missus jokes unless you are refferring (sp..fukc you) to your poor 2005 attempt. :knvb: Don't diss dov. 1 PAU no keeper united. Good luck:D


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
NDFC 3-3 sporting

They can thank JB for being the worst ref in the league for their point. probably the most dissapointing result of the season for us last night. We probably could have had about 7 goals quite easily. 1-1 at half with sporting getting their goal on an own goal. we go up 3-1 with 10 too play in the second half. sportings player takes a shot from 30 yards out a nothing shot really probably would have bounced before it came to our keeper. Instead it hit our defender in the face and shoulder redirected straight up and looped over our keeper. 5 minutes too go JB calls the softest PK I have ever seen, the guy had a half chance at most but felt a bump and flopped. It was beyond me their player was inside the box and cut back and was on the top of the 18 heading away from the 18 infact when he fell he was about 3 yards out of the box. Only JB would make that call, because he has too be a MVP or put on a show every game he is involved in. Other then that:D it was a pretty evenly battled game we just created way more scoring opportunites. We hit a cross bar, post, missed an open net, 2 breakaways, but did a good job scoring for the other team. I'm sure sporting will have something else too say because their sporting and they are about domination but too us it was 5 points lost too a below average team this season.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Zaurrini said:
HOS with another shutout...well done.


Don't use names, its number 99, thank-you.

Big Bert and Stepchild broke out of slumps on Saturday night, Maxwell had the big HatTrick to lead the Rangers in the big win, a nice way to come back after X-mas and lead into next weeks ShowDown with Alderbush.
Newton will be rocking on Friday night.

Lets Go Rangers


Shagalot JR

New Member
Nov 1, 2005
Dirty Money
bulljive said:
NDFC 3-3 sporting

They can thank JB for being the worst ref in the league for their point.

We may be a below average team, but ND was only able to take 1 point from us all year, what does that say about ND. I could have sworn that one of the Rangers wrote this message with the number of could of's, should of's, etc. Fact of the matter is that you guys blew a 3-1 lead against a "below average team". Has to be all JB's fault. Don't think the referring was one-sided at all. Your guy took him down in the box.

I guess you must have also forgot how you scored your first goal, I believe it deflected off one of our defenders.

I'm also a bit puzzled on what happen to #7's big mouth when we tied the game. He was yapping quite a bit to our sideline when it was 3-1. He must have lost his voice by the end of the game I guess.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
yah your right the classy thing probably would have been running past our sideline finguring our team and fans. An interesting goal celebration by your player. Myself and the rest of our team rather he shut his mouth, is that the right thing to do yap to your sidelines after you tie it up. He sucked it up and shut his mouth. and in his defence he only started running his mouth after he jumped and your player undercutted him and he landed one his neck and back. People started calling him a pussy because he was hurt, thats all fine the games over and no hard feelings by our team. I don't think the reffing was one sided I think we blew a lead which is on us because we stopped playing, but the call was horrible as well. The standings says it all for us first year in the league and we are already a much better team then sporting.

Shagalot JR

New Member
Nov 1, 2005
Dirty Money
Don't think our player was fingering your sideline, he just put his finger to his mouth to gesture quite given the heckling he was getting while taking the penalty. Nothing wrong with that. I think it was a pretty hard fought game with lots of intensity.

You guys haven't proved that your a better team than us because you haven't beat us. I guess you guys have just a better job on beating Whalley, GEU, and SUGN compared to us. Well done!


New Member
Sep 29, 2005
Dirty Money
ok im here.....the reason i was beaking your sidelines was cause they all though they were dope soccer players beaking at me that i was a pussy for staying down and making fun of my mom....mom jokes..yea pretty fu*king hurting comming from a dude thats like 30 and another dude thats like 70lbs overweight getting 5min a game....i dont know what aquarium you nabbed him from but put him back in the tank...ill tell ya though its just a game and im not too worried about it all really...we should have won we didnt what can you do....but think of this your guy running up our sidelines its not like he scored a nice goal from play its a penelty shot whats the celebration for how hard is it to score......he didnt do sh*t all game "gary" then he scores the easiest goal in soccer and he turned into a superstar.....bottom lie we tied...see ya next year.....out


New Member
Sep 29, 2005
Dirty Money
oh yea he was outside the box on the foul as well running away from the net..pretty gay penelty..........


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
You guys haven't proved that your a better team than us because you haven't beat us. I guess you guys have just a better job on beating Whalley, GEU, and SUGN compared to us. Well done![/QUOTE]

well done in deed! 3 wins you guys couldn't obtain, translation we are consitently a better "team". Yah we beat Geu, whalley and Gnsufc I would be more worried about the fact that you didn't. Doesn't matter who we beat it's about points. If we beat the top 3 teams then lose too all the bottom teams does that make us better? It's about consistency we had a tough schedule to start the league playing Poco, Aldergrove, and the rangers in the first 3 and got a quick lesson what it takes to get points in div 1. We still need to learn how too close out games that should be ours because we really should have a few more wins out of all those ties but that comes with experience. 1 loss in the last 10 for a first year team is more then we expected too be able to do.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
NDFC.. you guys are doing great. 1 loss in 10 is unreal for a first year div.1 team.
sporting has never been a team. in your first year up you are showing them this. what else can you say.


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
Dirty Money
the ref at the NDFC/sporting game did create the tie, in the first half there was and a hand ball in the sporing 18 where the player kicked it on to his own hand, a PK was not awarded ,probably because we had just scored. that players clearance created the cornerkick where our own goal happend. 1-1.who the Fcuk knows if we are suppose to call these games with FIFA rules?all i know is Fraser valley refs like to make up the rules as the game is played. phUCKING shite!!!! thats not how the game should go down. another thing, many times i have seen people on my teams sideline be sent off for inapropriate comments, and in this game sportings bench were making threats to our players and fun of our mothers...WTF, keep it real you fat phuking wankers, and thanks ref for allowing that bullshite to happen... thats just low, full of class, well... full of somthing.


New Member
Sep 14, 2004
Dirty Money
:wa: bull jive, had a great game, were you the one crying about every foul? Too bad sporting came out to play and showed a half ass effort again... We let you come at us after we beat you with 9 men last game. I'm sure you guys played the best you've played all year to come up with two offside goals that no one seemed to care about, cuz your teams obviously in need to get wins to make a name for yourselves. For some reason Sporting doesn't get into games when they dominate the same team twice a year. don't take any offence you wouldn't know any better it's your first year up here. . For starters, we scored a goal in the first half, which by the way was all talent, or was that ND talent? how many players does it take to stop a ball that was headed right to your chest? completely disgusting, and then we had the adacity to toy with you guys all game until it counted and caught up in about 6 mins... r u recalling any of this. Or how bout we give your keeper 3 more chances to save 1 penalty shot, so you don't feel bad about the call by your JB buddy..that also must have been your 1 sided refereeing?" when a player"gary" scores on your keeper 3 times and gets a yellow for celebrating in front of your home crowd that watched their team fall from a 3-1 game. Upset, i don't think so. YES you know.....It's called SPORTING DOMINATION. Sorry try next year, and hopefully we'll have 2 subs?:wa:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Honestly, Sporting is a joke. I KNOW this by the stats in the league and the few posts they write on here. oh, yah, and by killing, no,.... crushing them 11-0 last year. Just ask me when and I will be happy to remind you bitches.

You seem pretty happy to come back from 3-1, from a newly promoted team, and getting the tieing goal on a J.B. called p.k.

another thing, (i can't beleive i am responding to this guy) I don't think teams win to "make a name for themselves".
For most it comes with the passion. or with the balls they have attached to them on day one. Honestly, you guys are the idiots of your league. thats one thing you are dominating at!

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