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CAT [FVSL CAT] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

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Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
kokanee said:
I hear if the lions do get relegated they may merge with GN. It would make sense, since the players have always been good friends from school, and youth soccer. Hell, they share the same feild. They would be a welcomed addtion to the GN camp, who knows maybe the Lion might come out of his den.

Wow, news to me. It is true that players that grew up in north delta are all over the place, our whole team (-1, maybe 2) graded from ndss, at least half of GN, also there are a few rangers and highlanders that are ndss grads as well.

Also agree with cainy, there is a time when people have to decide if they want to play at the top level or play with their friends. So far we have done alright playing together, but there is a lot of potential still within the team, we just have to find it. The average age on our team is 24, and everyone seems to be finishing school or starting careers, and a few have gotten married and had kids


Sep 16, 2002
Dirty Money
joely_the_goalie said:
Wow, news to me. It is true that players that grew up in north delta are all over the place, our whole team (-1, maybe 2) graded from ndss, at least half of GN, also there are a few rangers and highlanders that are ndss grads as well.

psst, Sorry buddy, I think no one wanted to tell you. :rolleyes:


cainy said:
The ND program, and its problems, with good players staying with their mates just doesn't cut it to me. I played youth and under 21s with the same group of guys, yes they were my mates and i enjoyed playing with them, but half of them were still pissed from the night before when they turned up for a match. Some only ran once a week, and even then it was only if the ball was at their feet :rolleyes: Lads are lads you always meet new mates, who hasn't played against players they hate, only to play with them in a tournement, or later in your career, and become good friends. If you want to live in a bubble where it's nice and safe and nobody touches your private parts, your like a teabag in the ocean...WEEK. Once you hit a certain age I can understand, but players should want to play at the best level they can. If the Lions do get relegatedthis season, and I'm not saying they will, they should join Crafty at Delta United. The Lions who don't make Crafty's premier team can still play with his cat team, you can all train together, and play with eachothers cokc and balls after practise :eek:
It's not like players in North Delta are avoiding Premier and "living in a bubble" as you put it. Bulljive and myself are 20 yrs. old and haven't reached the prime of our career's yet, just like many others on our team, we feel there is still much more too accomplish with NDFC. It's much more rewarding to have gone from Div 4 to premier (much like the Lions) than to just join a team that already has. As for all this talk of the North Delta Lions dispersing to go play with other clubs after this season, I think it would be a damn shame, especially after all the success they've had over the years. Also to leave the "North Delta" club????? I just don't see it, I still think they will beat out SUFC for relegation, then get their shite together next year with less injuries and more luck.


New Member
Oct 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Cainy, fcuk off and post where you belong you are the coach in the prem div so stay there. To think that you have an opinion in the C.A.T thread give me a break, you might want to watch a few games before having an opinion. The only way to make the C.A.T system work is to reduce the two teams rosters and have the Prem coach pick the best of the week. That being said have the players who think they are "Prem" players get over themselves get off the bench and actually play some minutes. I play "Prem" might have worked when you had something to contribute, sitting or standing on the sidelines just does'nt make sense when you are just sitting or standing. I do agree with Cainy in one respect it should be about the youth so take a chance, you might be suprised !!
Anyways just a coach/player in a competitive world of the club system called C.A.T, P.D.D or something of that nature.

Cainy, you might want to think about mentioning players who fit your hopefull list for the one "Prem" signing a year, maybe you forgot a name or two. From one lowly C.A.T coach to an almighty Prem coach.


Sep 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Just to throw something out there. What about the u21 division? People have been talking about premier-cat builds a club system. But don't people think, the gap from youth soccer to mens soccer is pretty big. Skill level is one thing, but the physical aspect of playing mens soccer is not comparable to youth soccer. What do others think about the full club system with u21 aswell?


New Member
Oct 3, 2002
Dirty Money
I do not agree with the u21 div,when is it time to get off the nipple ! The payerswho can make the jump go on to play in the Prem division those who cannot play in other divisions.The P.D.D is there for the transition between playing with your peers and going on, if you are good enough.


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Oct 11, 2003
Dirty Money
the only way these kids are going to make the transition from youth to men's league is if they play against men.

playing other u21 teams, other players their age, is not going to ease the gap.


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Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Belfast said:
Cainy, fcuk off and post where you belong you are the coach in the prem div so stay there. To think that you have an opinion in the C.A.T thread give me a break, you might want to watch a few games before having an opinion.

WTF!!?!! :confused:


Have you been dipping into the sauce again while the Missus is asleep?? Last I checked, we were a club. You may not realize it, but we have had quite a good look at all the CAT guys. In fact, while you were busy typing your obviously innebriated post, we were training with a number of your CAT guys out in the pissing rain at Newton! Where were you?! :rolleyes: There is a lot of promising young talent on the CAT side at the moment, and their record speaks volumes to that. Some have begun to make the transition from the CAT team to the Prem team. So what if they get limited minutes at this time! The fact that they have the aspiration, and show character in their willingness to work hard, and train with us to become better will only help them in the future. Very shortly, they will be the backbone of the Premier side.......and hopefully those who seem reluctant to make the jump will join the leaders.

The future of PAU is bright......why so negative?



New Member
Oct 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Skip, it is called work commitments, but thanks for asking. Thanks for taking on the task of coaching my C.A.T team I did not bring that up last week when we all trained together. Anyways regardless take my comments any way you wish I have been promoting the "Club" system for a while now and will continue to do so. That is the reason we joined up with Peace Arch youth not stay as Whiterock many moons back it is about the club system and having faith in the youth. We have been in the same situation this year as the years past, why do you think kids do not want to go up when called on? Then they get outed on T.T.P for not wanting to play Prem. Once again just my opinion.

Knight Rhider

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Jul 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Teabag? Who got teabagged??

kokanee said:
I hear if the lions do get relegated they may merge with GN. It would make sense, since the players have always been good friends from school, and youth soccer. Hell, they share the same feild. They would be a welcomed addtion to the GN camp, who knows maybe the Lion might come out of his den.

Whoa whats all this bloody talk of the Lions disbanding and relegation. Stop cursing dem be fighting words. IF is a mighty large word, see look at it. We aint going nowhere in the end it always works out. :cool:

Although Kokanee is right a GN/LION unification is a lot more likely than a DELTA/N.DELTA unification purely because of bad blood. betweenunamedparties

Cainy just when i agree with you, you go and say that. There is nothing wrong with staying to play with mates its all about priorities. Everyone say it PRIORITIES, some guys want to play at the highest level to try to be the best and to challenge themselves against the best. While other cnuts just want to play at the level that they can have fun. Whatever floats your boat or finds your lost remote is cool with me. Who are you Cainy to say these guys are soft because of their decision? No one questions your wee lifestyle no matter how distorted we may feel it is, i mean i dont know who stole your lucky charms?. Maybe it's time to end the search... :p


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Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money
Belfast said:
Cainy, fcuk off and post where you belong you are the coach in the prem div so stay there. . From one lowly C.A.T coach to an almighty Prem coach.
I think somewhere in these statements, is the real issue
I certainly didn't mean to invade someones teritory, I regularily lurk here, but haven't posted. When the topic of the viability of the cat div was being debated I thought i'd weigh in. May i remind you Belfast, when I came back to P.A.U they were a mid table div 2 team, playing down by the highschool, changing, and drinking in the bushes next to the field. We trained on a bit of grass Where the was enuff light cast from Jesse Lee gravel once a week, on a Wednsday.The club was in debt, and had an average age of mid 30s. Currently soccer on the Semiamhoo peninsula is as healthly as it has ever been.Kids can play here from cradle to grave. We have limited the risk of losing good young players to other clubs, because we have a premier team. The path to premier soccer is clear for young players coming from youth to cat, to premier, and then on to masters and seniors. Our Bank balances are healthy, we have won the premier league, played in the semifinals of the B.C championships. We now play on a mens only field next to the changerooms, and club house facility, which we have full run of and we train on lit turf twice a week. I dare say we might have set the bar as far as clubs in the FVSL go. Belfast don't forget who went to see the last youth game for most of your young players, who adressed them afterwards to let then know there was a mens program in Peace Arch and a place for them to continue playing soccer. Those players are now among your best, and with a bit of luck and hard work they will be the future back bone of the premier team. My father is the president of Peace Arch youth, and i'm on the executive as the mens co-ordinater. We couldn't be better situated. To say that I don't have and opinion as far as the cat div is concerned is shocking, :rolleyes: seeing as I am the mens co-ordinater, and they are a mens team. I guess someones toes got stepped on when I posted in the cat thread, just like when I came back to the club. Belfast You asked me to come back and coach the club four years ago, we have done a complete 360 in four short years lets put bruised egos, and stepped on toes aside for the sake of the young soccer players. Ps.. sorry for the late response, I was training your 6 cat players last night, the ones i don't have an opinion on, cause there coach didn't show up to the one practise the have, again. Next time you might want to speak to me in person. Now lets go back to our respective bubbles :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Talk about Egos my God man never once did I question or bring the Clubs history into this but thank you so much you do not need any acolades as you have already broken your arm. You where the one who came on here and instead of making comments on the C.A.T division in general you have named players from the team who "you" feel will make the jump. It is then I who has to explain to a player why he was not mentioned as he has been one of the starters and better players for years. So take your own advise and if you wanted just to discuss our players then talk to me instead of outing them in this forum. Why do you think my back would be up when you question probably the best player in our clubs heart fcuk me, think about it !!


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Oct 5, 2004
Dirty Money
OUCH!!! Things are getting boring in the CAT thread. So PAU comes up with an, not so healthy for the club but certainly entertaining, idea. Let's air the club's dirty laundry and compare resumes... the Pres weighs in, funny how we're talking 'bout Belfast and weighing in ;). Might be a good idea to use the phone so the rest of your boys don't read the political suicide you two are laying on the table.
BTW Belfast you told me that YOU were the reason that there was any soccer in PAU... you lied to me? sonofa... maybe when you scored that cracker you decided to promote yourself? Or is the "Model Club" showing a rift? This shite's awesome!! New club name... Peace Arch Divided Nation
Shows us how it's done Dipshit


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Oct 5, 2004
Dirty Money
You guys shouldn't fued on here. As much as I would love to see you self distruct and let us catch you because of politics... you DO have a pretty good sounding club going on. You shouldn't fuk it up. I'd rather beat you knowing you had no excuses ;).


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Dirty Money
You always read things on here with a grain of salt and wonder at times what is a piss take and what is not. This between Belfast and Cainy has me confused. If a piss take, it ain't that funny or amusing. If not, having a hard time seeing how this little battle in this forum will lead to anything good. Do you guys have each other's number?

Anyways, my thoughts on a otherwise dull day/week.

I personally liked the Big Tina/David Hasselhoff fued more, but will take what I can.
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