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CAT [FVSL CAT] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

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Sep 8, 2003
Dirty Money
Dude said:
Well, it wasn't meant as an ethnic slur, my apologies if you took it that way. I have many Italian friends, most met through the game, so offending you wasn't the intention.

Regs: am I out of line with that? The word "WOP" seems to be used with regular abandon in both the VMSL and Italian league threads, by both I-Tals and non Italians alike...

Anyhow, if it offends you, appologies, not the intention, and I'll refrain from using it.

Question: am I still allowed to call my Fijian wife a crazy dip? Sorry...that was off topic...

What about Taco? Is that offensive?

Knight Rhider

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Jul 31, 2003
Dirty Money
What the hell is going on? I turn my back for a week and a half and you guys let the thread go to shite?

Farmers takin hand outs, racial slurs? HOW ABOUT SOCCER. You know good old futbal, lets talk about that...

1st GN game I know its late gotta get it off my chest...
They beat us

Next...no really they came out flying we didnt. Me and Reyn kept looking at eachother shaking our heads. Not much we could do especially when we went down a man. It actually was a good game for us in some aspects as we got two new CAT guys who played the whole game rather well. I loved the extra playing time. 60 on friday and 90 on sunday, beautiful.

Poco sunday
You cnuts are so lucky we didnt finish that comeback. Another 2 minute liuon lapse cost us two goals and if i could convince myself to release a damn shot that game ends in a tie. I'll take the one goal. W next week against PAU though third time is the charm FO SHO> Not sure if i'll get in that game though as the premier game is right before and i would love to play 150 minutes in one weekend but probably not in one day.

PAU we are coming for your babies, ok maybe not your babies but we're coming...



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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Regs: am I out of line with that? The word "WOP" seems to be used with regular abandon in both the VMSL and Italian league threads, by both I-Tals and non Italians alike...
Nope, you're not outta line. Is Italian even a 'race'? Let's ask the Krauts on the site - TR? Keeper?


As for the CAT system, the only way it will truly ever work is if Senior clubs are affiliated with youth clubs AND every senior club buys into the CAT system. You need a system that slowly introduces youth players into the senior game (through U21 and even CAT callups). Furthermore, it is imparative that Senior 'A' teams train at the same location/time as the CAT team AND management/coaches are on the same page. I would even go so far to say that CAT games should always be played immediately before "A" games at the same field.

This will never really happen though under the current implementation.

Here's a thought though: Why don't the VMSL and FVSL get together and make the CAT leagues interlocking? There's something to play for...




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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Dude said:
especially Mrs. Yoda, who I'll be taking home from the TTP X-Mass dinner.

Hey, she's my designated driver, i mean wife, not yours!

Besides, she'd be way too sober to look at you and still want to take you home.
I've already told her, "Stay away from the loud guy".



New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Dirty Money
Regs said:
As for the CAT system, the only way it will truly ever work is if Senior clubs are affiliated with youth clubs AND every senior club buys into the CAT system. You need a system that slowly introduces youth players into the senior game (through U21 and even CAT callups). Furthermore, it is imparative that Senior 'A' teams train at the same location/time as the CAT team AND management/coaches are on the same page. I would even go so far to say that CAT games should always be played immediately before "A" games at the same field.

Bang on. The fact that only a couple of teams are using it in this manner makes the whole division counter productive. Until all ten teams start to use it as it should be in theory, it's useless as a development system. It has proved useful in the sense that it has gotten premier guys minutes which would not have otherwise been possible without setting up friendlies. As far as replicating premier game conditions, not so much in regards to calibre, but intensity and quality of touches etc, has generally not been very good. Played more than a couple games in CAT this year that would not have added anything to anybody's development. Also, agree, management team has to be on the same page. Harder than it sounds.
Teams like PAU and the Wack put strong teams out not because of a great club system per se, but because they do not have a Division 1 squad, which must be earned and not awarded. Only show in town, without starting over in Div 3, which can then be argued it does serve a purpose as Division 3 soccer will not do a ton in developing players either.
Issue and arguments that seem to be going nowhere fast.


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Nov 14, 2004
Dirty Money
LFC2 said:
As far as replicating premier game conditions, not so much in regards to calibre, but intensity and quality of touches etc, has generally not been very good. Played more than a couple games in CAT this year that would not have added anything to anybody's development.

Couldn't have said it better. I'd rather play better teams each week so we can improve. Playing Langley CAT-like teams is always great (this time was a little clogged up and slow though...). Playing the Langley premier team in the PAK cup last year was even better. We got run over at the start of the game but by the end of the game found out how to compete. If we played those types of teams week in and out we'd improve a lot quicker.

Hope ND puts up their best line up against us this week so we can find out where we're at. Might be tough given they play our premier team right before us?

And yeah, Knight Rider, thanks for posting late. Because of the fraservalley website and reported game not played I owe Belfast a few pints on the weekend now. :confused:

Knight Rhider

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Jul 31, 2003
Dirty Money
FTM said:
And yeah, Knight Rider, thanks for posting late. Because of the fraservalley website and reported game not played I owe Belfast a few pints on the weekend now. :confused:

What did you guys bet on? I'm sorry man it was beyond me exam time, report time. Get Fuked up at school time. Priorities man... now stop bothering me i'm busy you know ;)



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Regs said:
Nope, you're not outta line. Is Italian even a 'race'? Let's ask the Krauts on the site - TR? Keeper?


I would even go so far to say that CAT games should always be played immediately before "A" games at the same field.


Some good points, I would prefer to see the Cat games after the "A / Premier" games. It gives the premier team a full roster available (IE: Callups from Cat) and if the callups don't get to play, then along with some premier folk that got little playing time they get to play the cat game. I used to dislike resting players at half time because they "might" play in the Premier game.


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Oct 5, 2004
Dirty Money
How has AHP Mathew's been this rainy season? Is it likely that it will hold up to the rain we'll be getting in the next couple of days?


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Cryuff said:
How has AHP Mathew's been this rainy season? Is it likely that it will hold up to the rain we'll be getting in the next couple of days?

It was good last weekend, the South Side was frozen and frosty but the field appears to have held up really nicely.
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Knight Rhider said:
What the hell is going on? I turn my back for a week and a half and you guys let the thread go to shite?

Farmers takin hand outs, racial slurs? HOW ABOUT SOCCER. You know good old futbal, lets talk about that...

1st GN game I know its late gotta get it off my chest...
They beat us

Next...no really they came out flying we didnt. Me and Reyn kept looking at eachother shaking our heads. Not much we could do especially when we went down a man. It actually was a good game for us in some aspects as we got two new CAT guys who played the whole game rather well. I loved the extra playing time. 60 on friday and 90 on sunday, beautiful.

Poco sunday
You cnuts are so lucky we didnt finish that comeback. Another 2 minute liuon lapse cost us two goals and if i could convince myself to release a damn shot that game ends in a tie. I'll take the one goal. W next week against PAU though third time is the charm FO SHO> Not sure if i'll get in that game though as the premier game is right before and i would love to play 150 minutes in one weekend but probably not in one day.

PAU we are coming for your babies, ok maybe not your babies but we're coming...


KR forgot to mention that jtg got his first goal in 8 years


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Unfortunately Poco vs. GEU was on today.
Poco 2 - GEU 0
Guess we'll start our new undefeated streak next week.

They finished their chances and we didn't. Played well just didn't get many shots and the ones we did get we didn't finish.

Oh well.


New Member
Oct 3, 2002
Dirty Money
P.A.U 3 Lions 1
Lions scored in the first 2 min horrible marking on a set play, pretty much all P.A.U after that. I do not think our keeper touched the ball in the second half could of been alot worse for the Lions if not for there goalie. Good thing they called up u-21's for this game as there players where going down like flies after back to back games. All credit to the Lions as they are in a tough situation having to give it all in the prem game in order for them to stay up. I said depth was going to be the problem especially playing back to backs, cards injuries etc. They definately where not the same team as we played the first time around. Cheers, all the best for the rest of the season.
On to the humbled G.E.U camp next week, just in time for them to start there new undefeated streak, its funny how things bite you in the arse !


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money
I would have to disagree with some of the comments about the cat league not being very valuable. Our premier team has three starters, who came directly from our cat team, who oringinaly came from our Peace Arch youth club. A center mid, center back, and our Keeper. They are the spine of my team, and core players. We wouldn't be half the team we are without them.I would say of our current crop of cat players, there is one who is ready now to play premier.( Dustan Blackley) he however has commitment issues, and after asking him at least a half dozen times,I just haven't asked in a while. The ball is definately in his court. I don't understand that about todays younger players. Most guys i play with, would die to play premier. We have roughly three maybe four more players who are able to give us some positive minutes, but aren't consistent enuff or physical enuff yet. I think they will be one day in the near future. ( Ben, Conner, Alexis, Hitjeet)
There are also a fair few older players who can play, however i don't see the point in trading old for old, it has to be about the young guys.
I would say if you can transition one a year from cat to premier thats pretty good, more would be great. Ultimately it's a coaches decision, I consider myself an extreamly competitive player/coach and want to be considered the best club in the valley, that being said if a player in the cat team is good enuff I want him in my side. Our club is currently enjoying good form from both teams wich is a testiment to our program, but like Regs said everyone has to be on the same page, and that isn't always easy. We aren't perfect but we try to work together. I'm proud of our cat team and what they are doing, They have a better team spirit than we do at the moment, and a better record as well :( I wish I could play more of them in our games, but a coaches job isn't easy.
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