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CAT [FVSL CAT] Results and Banter - November '04

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New Member
Oct 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Is that a miss print on the F.V.S.L web score from the Langley G.N game, jesus you didnt put your frontline on D and visa versa to make it close !!


New Member
Dec 6, 2002
Dirty Money
Woweeee! I still can't believe we beat Chilliwack! Does anybody know just how good they are? ............................ :rolleyes:
We do.


New Member
Oct 3, 2002
Dirty Money
unofficial standings from F.V.S.L

Lions 10.....21
P.A.U 9......21
LUFC 9.......17
Whalley 10..16
G.E.U 9......15
Chilli 8........14
Poco 9........12
DMU 9.........11
GN 10 .........3
Sikh 9..........1

I just added the Games played row for the benefit of Chilli as they have those as points in the bag so they still have hope in winning this thing !


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Dirty Money
Belfast said:
Is that a miss print on the F.V.S.L web score from the Langley G.N game, jesus you didnt put your frontline on D and visa versa to make it close !!

We did. Did not help.
GN had 7 at kickoff, 20 minutes late. Ended up with 9. They obviously, as a club, did not give a shite about giving us a game or showing respectfully. Why should we worry about the result in this situation. Same crew who no showed our game the first weekend. Different story if 11 show up and struggle, we would have a bit more compassion. So we made the best of a wasted morning.
Good on the 9 guys who showed and kept decent spirits.

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Poco 4 - SUFC 0

Not much to say they beat us handily....we had a chance to get back in it when it 2-0 but we can Beckham PKs like no other team. :(


New Member
Nov 14, 2004
Dirty Money
ArroyoBunk said:
the wack side got out hustled today.
pau is rather unspectacular, deserving of the win this afternoon but in my opinion not of second in the division.

You're right, the win was rather unspectacular - we didn't finish off any of the scrambles in front of the chili net until the 90th minute to pull out the victory - good saves by the goalie or it could have been over much earlier. Leaving the wack with a tie would have been a big disappointment.

Good call: we're not deserving of second in the division. That's why we're in first :)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I wasn't going to post about this one- what's there to tell about an 11-0 score- but I feel a bit compelled to ask a few questions and point out the obvious...

What in the hell is going on at GN Sport? It is plainly obvious that the club doesn't give a rat's ass about this Cat team. That's twice now we've essentially been stiffed by them. The first time we took the points in a forfeit and show of mercy. This time, on a rainy, cold morning when we all could have been home watching football, we decided to at least get a good run out of it. And, yes, we did do the old forward / fullback switch-up.

Here is a club that routinely stiffs it's opposition on the first game of the year by sending all of it's players down to an indoor tourney in Seattle. They know they go every year, so why not make plans in advance? Yesterday, five guys were there before 11, and we gave them an extra 20 to come up with 4 more guys. Dare I say, I bet four or 5 guys were unregistered.

I guess I don't see the point. They do have a youth system, so logic dictates you'd call up your better youth players to get experience at a higher and more difficult caliber. Given recent and past history, I question how proud a club this really is, and if the FVSL is perhaps better off without them.


New Member
Oct 3, 2002
Dirty Money
I know I have not always agreed with Dude in the past but for this he is dead on. They deserved to be pomelled 11 nothing maybe that will get the guys who showed up pissed off enough to rally their troops. The showing up before the kick off is the worst thing that shows they have no respect for the team they are up against. Get rid of them all together and take there Prem team with them.


New Member
Oct 5, 2004
Dirty Money
Belfast said:
I just added the Games played row for the benefit of Chilli as they have those as points in the bag so they still have hope in winning this thing !

Congratulations... with luck like johnny fluke had on his first goal, can't really argue with the would be champions here :rolleyes: granted it was certainly an impressive thing to see Wayne Rooney wire one... honestly I can't remember firstly; seeing anyone that heavy jump like that, second; strike the ball so clean first time off the cross. write that one down boys... maybe have a portrait drawn up if you didn't get it on film. shite... what else can I say? Buddy might as well retire though cause the odds are stacked against him doing THAT again.
From my point of view the chances were fairly even. Our keeper certainly had a hand in this match. credit to him for keeping the game close and giving us a chance.
And of course credit where it's due... to the blasted PAU guys for sticking it out 'til the bitter end and netting one in the games dying breathes.

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money

I am bit suprised at what GN did, they had 19 guys show up on tuesday night when we played them. They have the players, i have no clue as to why they didn't show.....and they only do it to Langley.....sometimes it is best to forfeit if you know beforehand that you can't get the numbers.


New Member
Oct 3, 2002
Dirty Money
To correct you it was your defender who was heavy and couldnt jump, nice judge of the ball floating over his head. The shot was quite easy actually placed perfectly on the side of my foot all I had to do was redirect it there was no jumping involved on my part. When comments are made about being heavy do they ever look at there own players fcuk me your back line had more chins than the Chinese phonebook. Chilliwack should put mirrors in there change rooms and take a good look people in glass houses....
Cryuff what number where you ?
What position do you play ?
How long have you played soccer ?
Do you like Chilliwack ?

Oh yea I dont give a fcuk.......


New Member
Oct 5, 2004
Dirty Money
Hey Hey i said "heavy" buddy take it easy. I didn't say fat. lol... and i should know you ran me over a couple times in our first game this year. relax... If i thought you were fat i woulda said it went off your man breasts and in. I also complimented you on how sweetly you struck the ball... just cause i think it was a total once in a lifer doesn't mean i don't appreciate how fukin nice it was man. this IS take-the-piss after all... read between the lines. but now that you cleared that up it does make more sense that you didn't have to jump... from where i was i thought you got a lil hop in or something. maybe a skip. but jump was going a bit far. and mass x velocity = force which CERTAINLY explains how you cranked that sucker;) if you still need some calming down i heard Dr. Phil is talking about these issues later today... 4 o'clock is it?
rooney! rooney! rooney!
it SOUNDS Like you give a fuk... sounds like you might have typed that out while you were crying...
Cryuff what number where you ?
What position do you play ?
How long have you played soccer ?
Do you like Chilliwack ?

Oh yea I dont give a fcuk.......

Who are you? The Rock? if ya SMELLLLLLLL ....

who am i kidding?! Obviously YOU smelt what was cooking, and you ate it all too.

Shut up.


New Member
Oct 14, 2004
Dirty Money
Pinturicchio said:
Woweeee! I still can't believe we beat Chilliwack! Does anybody know just how good they are? ............................ :rolleyes:
We do.
Belfast, take a look at the quote above. Nuff said about that issue.

From where I sat, it looked like the game was pretty even. There were times when PAU was attacking, and other times when the Rapids were attacking. I wasn't counting, but I would argue that the ball was about 50-50 in either side's end. What it came down to was one, albeit magnificent-but-still-flukey goal (unless you really ARE Rooney...or Thierry Henry), and a mad scramble in the closing seconds of the game.

Your guys won, so all Props to you, but stated another way, Chilli hasn't practiced in the past 2 weeks due to field closures, and a lack of indoor practice facilities in the city, so they were a bit cold out of the gate. Basically, the Rapids struggled because of a lack of practice, which resulted in a scramble goal, during the dying minutes, made by a guy who should have been better marked, and a richochet off of a defenders (and/or any one of the about 10 other individual's) legs, and into the net. In short, the Rapids gave the game away.

However you look at it though, the Rapids lost and PAU won. Lucky PAU.

As for "taking the initiative to practice by yourself": okay, point made, but you're well aware that this is much easier said, than done, particularly if you are a young lad who thinks he's indestructible and doesn't need to practice as much. In that regard, I'm sure the individual lads on the Chilli squad have learned their lessons about that issue, and will be better prepared next time, against their remaining challengers.

And in closing, at least have the decency to not claim a flukey goal as "I-meant-to-do-it". Everyone knows you didn't. It was at best, an errant pass that went into the net. Still, it looked outstanding. Good on ya!


Sep 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Dude said:
I wasn't going to post about this one- what's there to tell about an 11-0 score- but I feel a bit compelled to ask a few questions and point out the obvious...

What in the hell is going on at GN Sport? It is plainly obvious that the club doesn't give a rat's ass about this Cat team. That's twice now we've essentially been stiffed by them. The first time we took the points in a forfeit and show of mercy. This time, on a rainy, cold morning when we all could have been home watching football, we decided to at least get a good run out of it. And, yes, we did do the old forward / fullback switch-up.

Here is a club that routinely stiffs it's opposition on the first game of the year by sending all of it's players down to an indoor tourney in Seattle. They know they go every year, so why not make plans in advance? Yesterday, five guys were there before 11, and we gave them an extra 20 to come up with 4 more guys. Dare I say, I bet four or 5 guys were unregistered.

I guess I don't see the point. They do have a youth system, so logic dictates you'd call up your better youth players to get experience at a higher and more difficult caliber. Given recent and past history, I question how proud a club this really is, and if the FVSL is perhaps better off without them.

What happened yesterday and the first game of the season was pathetic, and on behalf of GN we are sorry. However, before you make claims that you "question how proud a club this really is, and if the FVSL is perhaps better off without them." Like I stated before the league said to myself that we did not have to have a cat team this year and they would work with us. We however chose to put a cat team in to help the league because all the other teams wanted us to. We told the league before, it wouldnt be a great cat team, but we will try. Other than the two games with you guys, we have done fairly well for a team that has players playing soccer on a team for the first time in thier lives. :(
The first game of the season, we contacted all our cat players, but for some reason or another that I dont agree with, just simply did not show. The tourny that we go to, did not have an impact on the cat, although, we did ask the league last year and with plenty of time this year to schedule our teams around that. This may not be much of an excuse, but im being honest of what occured.
This weekend was actually very difficult, because a player had some family troubles. That was a premier player and his brother plays for our u21, their two cousins play cat, therefore all four players did not make any games this weekend, although they are at all cat games. Also this week, our u21 and cat had conflicting game times, which didnt allow us to pick up any younger players. As you also saw on the weekend, we were hurting for players in our premier game. A few guys had bumps and bruises including myself, therefore we just simply didn;t have the bodies. Another thing is, the few players that were physically capable of playing, just had other priorities, such as school/studying, which i think is the best excuse to miss a game. (I know sounds stupid, school on sunday, but alot of guys are in profesional programs, and its just hard to play two games in one week)
Again, I am sorry for what occured, and we surely owe you guys pints. If i didn't get injured on sat night, I would have been at the game, with a flat in hand for you guys. I still have the flat sitting in my truck because the bc liquor stores close on sunday therefore I bought it on sat, so I will do a lone ranger on that one, and I will bring a fresh one next time we meet. ;)

ps. I dont want to proof my essay, so deal with it people.

Knight Rhider

New Member
Jul 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Rivermouth said:
Your guys won, so all Props to you, but stated another way, Chilli hasn't practiced in the past 2 weeks due to field closures, and a lack of indoor practice facilities in the city, so they were a bit cold out of the gate. Basically, the Rapids struggled because of a lack of practice, which resulted in a scramble goal, during the dying minutes, made by a guy who should have been better marked, and a richochet off of a defenders (and/or any one of the about 10 other individual's) legs, and into the net. In short, the Rapids gave the game away.

However you look at it though, the Rapids lost and PAU won. Lucky PAU.

Cry me a rivermouth, so you didnt play in a while big deal, be ready. Fact is PAU was obviously ready for you guys. Chilli i hope lesson learned.
You guys should really look to revamp that kick and run style, i didnt see the game but, whenever you face a good defence it wont work. You guys have skilled midfielders use them. --KR's tip of the week.

I'd would also like to make a toast to the fall of PAU, boys getem...

BTW Based upon news i just recieved i will like to say Cryuff is not the cnut i thought he was, although he was still lucky to tie us ;)


New Member
Oct 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Rivermouth, this is the last I will comment on the game on Sunday," I did not say I meant to do it" I gave props to a perfectly placed ball by one of our midfielders All I did was redirect it. Just because you kick the ball into our end does not mean you had control any team can do that, every kick and run team that is. I stated that you guys did not string three passes together in a row to each other, thats what posession means not "hoof Yea we are out of our end now go get it". Again good luck with that hope your mids like that style. I bet next week you will also state that you where in there end 50% of the time, good stat !!


New Member
Oct 14, 2004
Dirty Money
Belfast said:
Rivermouth, this is the last I will comment on the game on Sunday," I did not say I meant to do it" I gave props to a perfectly placed ball by one of our midfielders All I did was redirect it. Just because you kick the ball into our end does not mean you had control any team can do that, every kick and run team that is. I stated that you guys did not string three passes together in a row to each other, thats what posession means not "hoof Yea we are out of our end now go get it". Again good luck with that hope your mids like that style. I bet next week you will also state that you where in there end 50% of the time, good stat !!
Fellas, since Belfast's statement that the Rapids played a "kick and run style", and "did not string 3 passes together", is a deliberate and complete skewering of the facts. The fact is that the Rapids adapted to PAU's attack by, at times, kicking the ball out of their end, and at other times, by PASSING the ball out of their end. Since Belfast does not want to talk about Sunday's game, let me just let all of you fellas who are reading this know, that the "style" that Belfast is attempting to take the piss out of the Rapids about is called SOCCER, or for our European friends, FOOTBALL, or for our South American friends, FUTBOL. The great thing about the game is that it is about ADAPTING to the other team in order to beat them. Unfortunately for the Rapids lads, this weekend, they were on the losing end. No argument. No excuse. Just an explanation.

The reality was that, using ALL the techniques available to them, the Rapids managed to take it to the PAU boys, as much as they got from them. But surely, though the goal counts, scoring a goal in an exhausted "hail mary-esq" scramble in the goal mouth, reminiscent of a U-10 game, is not something to brag about as a symbol of your teams prowess on the soccer pitch, or is it? Since I am aware that the PAU lads have tremendous class (as evidenced by their participation in the most excellent piss up after the Premier game on Friday night), and would never claim superiority over another team, by winning a game based on a flukey goal and a U-10-esq scramble goal, I can only assume that Belfast is new to their club.

Anyway, all of the props to the PAU Cat gents, since a win, is a win...even if it was ugly.
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