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FIFA 2018 Group Stage Banter

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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
Regarding the Cristiano foul incident...earlier in the game the same player took out Cristiano. It was a meaty challenge that floored Cristiano. It looked like the player clipped him first and then the ball. Cristiano just remembered his number and retaliated later in the game. We've all done it. Probably red cardable by the laws of the game. (although I think that would have been weak)


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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Ok, I don’t even like Ronaldo but that’s not a retaliation or a yellow, the Iran player was clearly cutting him off, twice, and Ronaldo was trying to get past him, full embellishment. There’s way worse that happens in a game that gets no call. If someone in the booth is gonna call down to the ref everytime they think they see something, games are gonna drag on. The idea should be to review something that the ref has seen, and wants to look at again, not stop a game and listen to your ear piece for 5 minutes, THEN, go review it for yourself. Ridiculous.
The hand ball was atrocious.

This is where, supposed, World Class Soccer, loses me. VAR opens a path of match fixing quite easily.

Zero honestly and sportsmanship these days.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Just like most all refereeing decisions, there is always room for debate. With the Ronoldo one today: Is he frustrated? Likely. Does he know what he's doing trying to leave a bit of a mark on the guy? Probably. Is the Iran player trying to sucker him in and then sell it? Almost certainly. By the letter of the law would this technically be violent conduct? I think so. Do we want players being sent off and then further suspended for this sort of nit-picky gamesmanship BS, especially when it is one of the best players in the world? No. Roles reversed, does Ronoldo go down clutching his face trying to get the Iranian sent off? I'd be willing to bet on it. Roles reversed, does the Iranian get sent off? Now we're at the crux of things... Is a yellow card ultimately the just punishment in this case? Again, probably.

As for VAR, there's going to be growing pains, but I think it's got more decisions right than wrong at this World Cup. Certainly they have already vastly improved it from its use last year at the Confederations Cup when goals were being ruled out for microscopic offside decisions rendered by computers. I can still remember the looks on the Chileans faces when they had a goal chalked up for an absurd offside call that was no where near a "clear and obvious" mistake. As for its implementation, as mentioned earlier FIFA wants the referees making the decisions as normal and then VAR acting as a second set of eyes so to speak for anything "clear and obvious" that gets missed. To be clear referees are absolutely NOT allowed to simply not make a decision and decide that they want to talk about it or review it for another look. They must make a decision as normal and then, if the VAR believe that they have clearly and obviously missed something, it is brought to their attention. The reason for the monitor is because, once again, it is still the referee who must make the ultimate decision so if he does not want to simply trust the word of the VAR team he can have a look at the monitor and overrule them if necessary.

This happened today and brings us back to the Ronoldo incident. In the opinion of the VAR, Ronoldo should have been sent off, so he has alerted the referee. This is the same way that a linesman would put up his flag if there was an incident that happened behind the play, out of site of the referee. However, because it is video review, the referee has the option to have another look himself, which he did in the Ronoldo case, and, on this occasion, he has overruled the VAR and decided that only a yellow card was warrented. He could have also decided that no action was warranted.

Is this the best way to use video review? Well, like I said, there is going to be growing pains. Hopefully by the next World Cup this will all be totally routine and smooth sailing, just like goal line technology is now. Player behaviour will change as well as they adapt to the new standard. Ultimately, I really do think that we want this in the game because we want to get the big decisions right. It seems unfathomable that we could have another situation where Ireland misses the World Cup because of a handball and even though the replays are there for all the world to see, we are powerless to correct the mistake. Again I'll point to Spain's equalizer today, if it had been ruled out incorrectly as was the original call, it would have had huge ramifications for the group. Another one I can't help but consider is France and Australia where if it weren't for VAR and goal line technology Australia likely would have won the game 1-0 instead of losing 2-1 and again that result would have massive implications.


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
For the CR7 yellow, certainly debatable whether a foul or not, but once you determine it was a foul, how can it possibly warrant a yellow?

It's either no foul or a straight red, no? I mean, if we are going to talk about letter of the law and all that...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Just like most all refereeing decisions, there is always room for debate. With the Ronoldo one today: Is he frustrated? Likely. Does he know what he's doing trying to leave a bit of a mark on the guy? Probably. Is the Iran player trying to sucker him in and then sell it? Almost certainly. By the letter of the law would this technically be violent conduct? I think so. Do we want players being sent off and then further suspended for this sort of nit-picky gamesmanship BS, especially when it is one of the best players in the world? No. Roles reversed, does Ronoldo go down clutching his face trying to get the Iranian sent off? I'd be willing to bet on it. Roles reversed, does the Iranian get sent off? Now we're at the crux of things... Is a yellow card ultimately the just punishment in this case? Again, probably.

As for VAR, there's going to be growing pains, but I think it's got more decisions right than wrong at this World Cup. Certainly they have already vastly improved it from its use last year at the Confederations Cup when goals were being ruled out for microscopic offside decisions rendered by computers. I can still remember the looks on the Chileans faces when they had a goal chalked up for an absurd offside call that was no where near a "clear and obvious" mistake. As for its implementation, as mentioned earlier FIFA wants the referees making the decisions as normal and then VAR acting as a second set of eyes so to speak for anything "clear and obvious" that gets missed. To be clear referees are absolutely NOT allowed to simply not make a decision and decide that they want to talk about it or review it for another look. They must make a decision as normal and then, if the VAR believe that they have clearly and obviously missed something, it is brought to their attention. The reason for the monitor is because, once again, it is still the referee who must make the ultimate decision so if he does not want to simply trust the word of the VAR team he can have a look at the monitor and overrule them if necessary.

This happened today and brings us back to the Ronoldo incident. In the opinion of the VAR, Ronoldo should have been sent off, so he has alerted the referee. This is the same way that a linesman would put up his flag if there was an incident that happened behind the play, out of site of the referee. However, because it is video review, the referee has the option to have another look himself, which he did in the Ronoldo case, and, on this occasion, he has overruled the VAR and decided that only a yellow card was warrented. He could have also decided that no action was warranted.

Is this the best way to use video review? Well, like I said, there is going to be growing pains. Hopefully by the next World Cup this will all be totally routine and smooth sailing, just like goal line technology is now. Player behaviour will change as well as they adapt to the new standard. Ultimately, I really do think that we want this in the game because we want to get the big decisions right. It seems unfathomable that we could have another situation where Ireland misses the World Cup because of a handball and even though the replays are there for all the world to see, we are powerless to correct the mistake. Again I'll point to Spain's equalizer today, if it had been ruled out incorrectly as was the original call, it would have had huge ramifications for the group. Another one I can't help but consider is France and Australia where if it weren't for VAR and goal line technology Australia likely would have won the game 1-0 instead of losing 2-1 and again that result would have massive implications.

Not a lot I can disagree with here. In fact, I agree with all of it.

I'm just disappointed that playacting isn't punished. They need to start punishing it on a far more frequent basis. again, @Walks, please chime in. Can VAR be used to help officials in this regard? Clearly the Iranian player was trying to Zidane CR into an undisputable red. As it was, it came off like jostling to me, hardly intent to injure, but by the word of the law, sure...and as CF implied, I think the ref got the yellow correct. It's just that, you now have the opportunity to award the Iranian for poor sportsmanship, no? And if so, why not?

VAR should be able to help derail rampant playacting. That little flick-back from CR didn't hit the player in the face, at least not with his fist. If he hit him at all, it was a brush past that most of us would hardly budge for. Maybe we are too Canadian, and take too much pride in toughness to truly contend on the world level, at least when it comes to selling the act to officials (never mind our long list of other shortcomings), I dunno.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Ok, I don’t even like Ronaldo but that’s not a retaliation or a yellow, the Iran player was clearly cutting him off, twice, and Ronaldo was trying to get past him, full embellishment. There’s way worse that happens in a game that gets no call. If someone in the booth is gonna call down to the ref everytime they think they see something, games are gonna drag on. The idea should be to review something that the ref has seen, and wants to look at again, not stop a game and listen to your ear piece for 5 minutes, THEN, go review it for yourself. Ridiculous.
The hand ball was atrocious.

This is where, supposed, World Class Soccer, loses me. VAR opens a path of match fixing quite easily.

Zero honestly and sportsmanship these days.

I take back all those nasty things I have ever written about you. You are so bang on, especially about lack of honesty in the players. It does lead to possible fixing, anytime you add more officials that can influence a match, certainly that exists.

Still, I like most of what VAR offers, if implemented for the overall improvement of the game. Too bad too many poor refs make a meal of it all.


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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
i Think it should be a one way review though.
If the ref wants to review something that he’s unsure of then he calls up. Yesterday’s ref, sat and listened to his headpiece for 2-3 minutes after the play, then went and reviewed it himself for another 2-3 minutes.
If that’s how it’s gonna be then just put a 5th official in the booth and he can spew the calls into the on field refs ear. Basically making the calls for him anyways it appears.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

The eye in the sky is supposed to oversee any out-of-sight shenanigans. There is a usefulness to it, but for sure a flow killer. No reason the ref can't maybe multitask, listen, and call back to them to leave it alone.

Actually, I have no idea.


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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Ok, that game made me a fan again.....maybe.
How many scenarios can you get out of those two games. And I was only listening on the radio!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
I want to feel bad for Nigeria, but just can't. Argentina have been woeful at the back but instead of try and get at them, Nigeria were playing for a draw literally from the start.

Really looking forward to France v Argentina. France are definitely the better team and heavy favourites, but have looked uninspiring. I watched them draw the USA in their last warm up and they did not boss any of their group stage matches. The best news for them is likely the fact that there is no way that Argentina will defend as well as a team like Denmark because France looked like they could have played another three hours without breaking down the Danes today. For all their short comings as a team, you certainly cannot argue about Argentina's passion as a group, even if the players and coaches are rumoured to not be getting along. Plus there's Messi, so it sets up as a stormer.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Tough to say, there have been a few. The Croatian goal on the bobbled keeper handling was unreal. The CR free kick vs. Spain was a thing of beauty. Mexico's goal vs. The Germans for the build-up, and because it was vs. the Germans. :D. Messi's was nice because it was in open play, long ball, great skill, and better finish. One where you could truly say Messi made some magic happen.


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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
How does the handball in Argentina’s game get reviewed and not called after he heads it into his own hand, but the one in Portugal game he never even sees and it gets called? Obviously refs are not all on the same page here.

Argentina and France will be a cracker for sure.

One of the best was has to be Quaresmas yesterday as well


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Dude I find it funny that it’s being to Canadian or taking to much pride in toughness by not play acting and flopping around. I’m hearing that a lot from the pro divers and play actor proponents. The funny thing is the moment a bad call is against their team that’s all out the window. They go nuts about the referee and the bad call etc. How do you call that, the ref ruined the game.

It’s nonsense, get that shite it of the game the best you can. Looking for a foul and going down with contact is different then diving or getting pushed in the chest and grabbing your face. Those things have no place in the game.
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