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Fcuk the NDP


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Trece: Teachers should make what the market will bear.

That's the rub.

An Association went Union, and kids and teachers who've no choice but to join the Union get caught in the crossfire.... becuase teachers think they can manage our tax money better than those tasked with such things, like Principals, School Boards, Trustees and Administrators.

Somehow Massages, Maternity leaves and raises are to be considered "Per Classroom and Per Student Funding" even though none of that hits kids in the Pens, Paper, Science Project, Projectors and Special needs teachers Departments.

Teachers go to school like other Professionals, 5 years is the average time for a teaching degree no? I know plenty of Accountants, Lawyers, Nurses, Engineers, etc that "Take their work home with them" "Work Long Hours" but they don't get July and August off every year and gold plated pensions... and they're in a performance and merit based reward environment, not seniority and protected by an union.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Trece.....I know we deserve more than the $263.09 cheque I received for being forced to 'strike'. I'm very satisfied with my regular salary and I've always done the best with how many kids have been put in my class or with many different learning and behavior challenges. I know other teachers who feel the same way but unfortunately the 'militant' teachers are the ones who have the say.....and ironically many of them are the ones who want to do less and get paid more. The first ones who want to strike are the ones who normally do the least....or are in the union, and they don't lose a single penny during our time we have been forced to 'strike'. I know the bargaining would change immensely if every member in the BCTF was losing money the same way we are. You wouldn't have 71 items on the negotiations table......or many of the massage requests, TOC prep time, pet bereavement days or $5000 signing bonuses mentioned. Finally, what gets me more than anything is the class size and composition.....there is a ruling on this in October 14th/15th.....why would you even consider striking until this ruling is done? Why would even consider rotation strikes until the labour relations board decided that we would get 10% taken from us every day...which set up the 'lockout'. The timing and decisions of the BCTF have been diabolical hence my $263.09 pay cheque and even more importantly the disruptions that have been caused to the students and parents...the same parents who essentially pay our salaries. My wife has made a very bold move and got all the paperwork done to move to the Catholic School system.....I'm possibly looking that way too.

However, I'm waiting for Uniballer to employ me before I make that decision. :D Hi Uniballer.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
And the teacher's supposed low national pay is skewed by what other current have-not provinces gave their teachers years ago... no wonder Ontario Teachers came to the rescue a week or so ago :rolleyes:

Any hard numbers on where the BCTF benefits package ranks nationally?

And better yet.....show the millions of dollars that have been spent sending BCTF members to different parts of Europe to see what's going on in their education system.....Rome, Paris, Madrid to name a few......60 million dollars a year we pay in dues....and no strike pay for the people who have stood in the picket line....something doesn't add up...much like the 86-14 didn't add up. But there are may people in the world worse off so really we need to put things in perspective. Look at the new about big Gino Odjick. :(


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
The timing and decisions of the BCTF have been diabolical hence my $263.09 pay cheque
Come'on Burnsie, don't blame the BCTF for you not pulling the trigger on laying down that paycheque on Suarez biting someone during the World Cup :)

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Just found this out too.....which makes things that much better...Someone is getting a raise the next couple of years. Well in. They truly deserve it.

This is public knowledge I think.......If not, it is now.

BCTF Administrator's Salaries September 1, 2013
Year 1: $92,696Year 2: $98,308

Year 3: $104,200

Year 4: $110,583

Director: $118,323 (Director earns Year 4 Salary plus 7%)

BCTF Administrator's Salaries January 1, 2014
Year 1: $93,855 1.25% Raise

Year 2: $100,013 1.73% Raise

Year 3: $106,171 1.89% Raise

Year 4: $111,965 1.25% Raise

Director: $119,802 1.25% Raise (Director earns Year 4 Salary plus 7%)

BCTF Administrator's Salaries January 1, 2015
Year 1: $95,028 1.25% Raise

Year 2: $101,263 1.25% Raise

Year 3: $107,498 1.25% Raise

Year 4: $113,365 1.25% Raise

Director: $121,300 1.25% Raise (Director earns Year 4 Salary plus 7%)


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money

With respect to your benefits question, I'm led to believe that their Pension is by far the best in the country.
Something that somehow always fails to be mentioned and is a massive cost.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I've heard anecdotally and have been told by teachers husbands I work with in other provinces that our wages are lower, however I've been told ALL benefits, not just pensions are MASSIVE compared.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
So if we take JBN's answer of "whatever the market will bear" can we apply that to a union administrator position as well? :D Seriously just a devil's advocate question as I have no presumption to know what the administrator's job entails.

Saying that, though, what should a B.Ed be worth? Obviously, in an ideal world, where we're dealing solely on merit and experience "wtmwb" would have validity, but that's not happening any time soon. In that ideal world, Regs wouldn't have to work either and he'd be paid just to run this site because we all place a value on it too. In the meantime, though, things aren't that ideal, and everyone does have to work except JBN and Mr. Base. With that in mind, should the person who teaches your kids be worth $50K? $60K? $75K? If we feel that a 6 figure administrator salary is too expensive, then what should it be?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
I'm not a teacher, and I have no idea how they do it.

Last Thursday, about 50 16-18 year olds arrive at our training pitch and set up ultimate on it. We go down to ask them to move over to the other field, or at least to one end so we can both play. They put up a stink, claiming they were here first (we have been playing here on Thursdays for 25 years). So, we did back down.

So, yesterday, I got the field at 3:00 to set up before them. Then after putting up the nets and cones, I went over to where 4 of the girls were. I asked, "are you the Ultimate crew?". They said yes. I then suggested they go to the adjacent field and set up there as we had this field. The snarky 16 year old says, "you don't have a permit for this field". To which I said, "nether do you, but I am here first, and I have the field". She then informed me they would only be playing here until 6:00. I begged to differ and said that our guys show up at 5:00 and I sincerely doubted they would be on our field at that time. She then gives me the stink eye. The girls lace up their shoes and start warming up on our field.

I swear, if it was legal to bite someone on the shoulder . . .

Point is, teachers should be making at least $200k and also be allowed to hit kids who are disrespectful. And, trust me, they must need those massages. I hope they come with a tug at the end. They will need it.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2005
Dirty Money
And my final comment here to ponder - I've read numerous times about how funding for BC students is the lowest in Canada, but I've also read BC students rank first in Canada for standardized tests. Sounds like the government has it right in getting maximum performance for our money and with results like that, the government are the ones that are in it for the kids - why throw more money at a system that is already at the top? :)

Well, if you ask a teacher standardized testing is worthless and should be thrown out. Only a teachers opinion is the true measure of a students learning and ability... go figure.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

With respect to your benefits question, I'm led to believe that their Pension is by far the best in the country.
Something that somehow always fails to be mentioned and is a massive cost.

We pay into our pension a lot every month......A LOT. Which is also subsidizing administrators pensions........


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Some people put a LOT of their own money into RRSPs for their future too.
But most don't get the benefit of their employer matching their contributions, and then some, which disappears from the radar screen on this debate.

Same as the cops and firefighters.
I'd die to have their pensions too. ;)

I can't comment on the administrators pensions only that they're fcuking huge as well I'd imagine.



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Something else I learned today...

Special Needs is not what I pictured in my head for the issue of composition and size... apparently special needs is a category that includes kids who are diabetic as well as kids who are gifted, i.e., smarter than their teacher :)

Suddenly, I have even less sympathy for teachers than I did before.


Active Member
Feb 18, 2008
Dirty Money
Since when is a kid with diabetis considered special needs. hey kid, hos your sugar, good, okay carry on. bad, take this shot and eat some peanut butter. moving forward. And having smart kids in class and calling it work is bullshit. those kids will teach them selves. when i was in high school, many moons ago, the smarter kids helped the dumb ones so the teacher could help the others. also, it was the only way to get the smart, insanely hot redhead to talk to me.

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