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Div 1 Div 1 CAT results

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Hands of Stone

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Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
I am Just a Coach for God's Sake, Not God Himself

Originally posted by knvb
His words to me were "Come on KNVB we need to get you in shape"....

I think it is a little late for that, unless knvb wants to show up to some Khalsa 96er training:eek:



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
The facts KNVB, the facts

You may be right about the weight but the guy is at least 5' 8". Not bad for 16 and he can play. The 5'6" guy was the wide left guy who knocked you down when he won the ball cleanly just in front of WAB and I. You got the foul call cuz the Foden Fix was in. :)

All kidding aside, I am getting concerned that Guinness is missing. It is tough going this long without the wisdom of Guinness and the brilliance of his intellect and wit. Maybe our grade 11 guy met him in the parking lot after the game because he sure didn't stick around for a beer or a coke in his case. Our guy left early as he had a book report due today. That's about one book more than Guinness consumed in his life time if you don't count looking at the pics in Playgirl.

I don't believe what Guinness says about his high school days being so happily filled with the illicit lerb. I believe what KNVB told me that Guinness once told his Surrey team mates in a lerb induced drunken stupor what his motto was at his high school in the country - "Does it get any better than this. So many sheep, all in place."

:wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa:


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Not really on topic, but perhaps Reccos will stop talking to himself if I post this. Guinness amazingly, has a new "grown up" job. I believe he even gets to wear a tie that doesn't clip on. He said something about sharing Buckfasts tailor over at the short and stumpy store. :D


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money

I'm back!!! (Fcuk, I loved that clip on)
The 16 year old did leave early, but he came to my aid... He swaggered out to the parking lot only to witness his mummy and little sister beating me with their hand bags!!!:eek: Those Ghetto girls sure are tough!!!
To set the record straight:
Guinness: What's with threatening the 16 year old with a broken leg if he takes another guy on? Something about 'your 12 and shouldn't be here'. None too classy.
I don't really want to get into any detail, but I have a feeling you will mumble in another 10 witty :rolleyes: posts until I reply back...

After the foul on Beeker (in which you all had a moan about) #6 made a remark about how "he should be stronger on his feet"... I told him that getting pushed from behind was a foul... Done... Joe McIntyre told us to shut it and we did... until mighty mouth started piping off about how many goals have I scored... I told Joe to get the 12 year old to shut it and then he went off again... "A 12 year old that is a better player than you"!!!
Actually that part was kind of funny, never the less I told him to try and beat me with the ball next time if he is soo talented... 10 minutes later he got the ball at the top of his own 18 yard box and it was bouncing all over the shop... I came through and kicked at the ball... fair enough I was late, but I didn't try to hurt anybody... never have never will... I just gave him a wee wack to let him know I was there... nothing wrong with a little physical play (Sapperton should know all about that)...
The day before in the Premier match you had a few guys threatening, taunting and even elbowing our 16 year old... I was on the park in the middle of it and could name them all, but that would accomplish nothing... Was that classy or do you not paint your own club with the same brush as everyone else???

Til next time, Guinness;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money

We were about to send out an all points bulletin on you, we were so worried. I almost began to feel bad about all those cracks about sheep shagging and all that. Now that you have moved on from the clip on tie, what are you doing???

Your 16 old guy, as I recall from watching your game, even managed to piss off Paul Favaro, and it takes a lot to get him disturbed. So I am not sure there is a fair comparison between a guy just playing the game and someone trying to do players like your guy was.

Anyway, the CAT game was an exciting end to end game with lots of attack and goals for both teams. You and KNVB playing added a lot to the interest and excitement of the game, even if KNVB was a little fragile on the day.

How come you NEVER speak to me like KNVB?

:knvb: :knvb: :knvb: :wa: :wa: :bronco: :bronco: :bronco:


Active Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
RUFC 4 - 1 Indo

We took an early 3 - 0 lead against an un-organized Indo side going into the second half. When we made it 4 - 0, 10 minutes into the second, the game was pretty much sorted. Indo came on in the second with a few chances of their own and scored a consolation goal.

Another win for the good guys to extend our streak to 2 and keep us alone in second place of our side as MF won their match.

Next up is Sapperton which should prove to be a very good game.

Cheers, Mackers.


Jul 14, 2002
Dirty Money
RUFC vs. Sapp

Final result RUFC 1 Sap 0

Overall RUFC had the better chances in the game hitting the bar twice and have a clear cut breakaway stopped by the SAP keeper.

After about 25 mins, RUFC scored on a beauty crack in the top corner from about 20 yards from one of the young guys.

Second half, Sapp controlled the play for the most part but only managed 1 shot on goal in the half.

Interested to hear WAB's view from the SAP sideline????


Active Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Wally's bang on with his synopsis of our game yeserday but I just wanted to add, on a personal note, I am glad to be rid of the "Ass Hat." I could have kept it although, as I handed one of their forwards a clear-cut shot on net which he manged to bottle-up and not thank me for incidentally :rolleyes:

Anyways, another good result for us but unfortunately we got no help from Deep Cove, not that I expected it, as they lost to MF and allow them to keep their slim 2 point lead on us. We have although, opened up a 5 point lead on third place BBY after they tied Khalsa.

Onto next week then against Sporting !!

Cheers, Mackers.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Sap vs RUFC

We are not very good right now with the players not playing as a team. We haven't scored a goal in 180 minutes of soccer and without some better team attitudes with a few key guys, it may be another 180 minutes or so without a goal. We have to develop some team chemistry and we have to get everyone understanding what it takes to consistently win games. We have had some very good individual performances but that doesn't win games.

Yesterday, Sap started out very strong and when Rob Cook, central defender - who was having a great game - left the game injured- we crashed. RUFC scored immediately as we were all of a sudden disorganized and that ended all scoring for the game. With so many new guys, we are no longer simply interchanging the parts like in the past where even our less skilled players knew what to do. Win the ball and make a short, simple pass - nothing brilliant unless you are one of a couple of top guys.

When we did have a wide open chance yesterday early in the second half to even the match, the striker put it very, very high over the bar. In any practice this season, this guy has not missed by that much, but to miss the way he did simply deflated a team which has yet to develop the character and chemistry needed to win. We have not had a season like this when something like that would change how we'd play or where we'd pack it in if the other team scored and simply play to keep the loss at 1 to 0.

We played the entire second half with three at the back and the extra guy behind the striker. It looked like the right comeback strategy as the guy we moved up got a great header early right on the net. Then the brutally taken shot over the bar and it was game over from that point on with us not proving capable of creating a goal.

Oh yeah we did have one attack in the second half that the ref stopped as our third striker, Brian Johns, was charging toward the 18 yard line with no one seeming in position to stop him. One of our guys who had the ball before was still tangled up with an RUFC guy when Brian took off with the ball. Because the players were tangled up, he gave us the FK and stopped the run! I can't really fault the ref for that as my player was clearly getting pissed at his leg being held. I would have preferred my guy to simply watch the play end with a goal! To me, that is team thinking. Let the last laugh be you scoring while some guy is holding your leg 25 yards out! Oh well, we will improve very shortly.


Jul 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Sap / RUFC


I thought Sap was pretty solid on the weekend- you guys moved the ball around with patience early and looked like everyone was on the same page.

As far as your 180 minutes of missing the onion bag - I doubt that will last too long - your two front runners, and your two outside halfs all looked pretty dangerous. Your centre midfielder (Chad? Chatty?) really tried to work the ball well through the middle of the park - nice touch on the ball. I'm sure you'll be back on the scoring track soon enough - you had 6 after 2 games so it shouldn't be too much of a problem!

Didn't see the incident on the line but after the whistle blew it still took the ref about 5 minutes to book two guys and then decide which way the free kick was going.

Good luck vs. Burnaby


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Thanks Wally

I will post your comments in the dressing room tonight. Maybe they will listen to you. You are referring to Chad August #20 who by the way set up the winning goal Sunday for the Premier team with a nice cross for Brian Gibson to knock in.

The two forwards are good players, however, Chris Todd killed the side with his toe punt over the bar - a feat not equalled even in training this season. It was one of those days.

Now on to Burnaby Canadians. Good luck to you guys.

The guys were saying the next day at the Premier game they were hurting from the hardness of the field (King George #2). I hear fewer comments about that when we play on the turf. I guess guys don't mind the hardness of a turf field as there are no ruts and holes to fall into.


Jul 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Sporting 1 RUFC 2

Decent game marked by dodgy officiating - from both teams perspectives I believe.

Sporting went up in the first half on a break down that right that was about a yard or two offside. I'm sure Sporting will say it was onside .
RUFC seemed to get in the bad books of the ref early with three cards in the first fifteen minutes - only one was warranted and it was an identical play to one Sporting got away with about a minute earlier (difference being our guy managed to get a piece of the ball). Yellow for us - no call on them.

RUFC created several good shooting opportunities and Sporting's keeper made two nice saves to keep them ahead. Sporting also had a long throw flicked on that bounced through the RUFC six with four players missing it with a gaping net.

Second half - RUFC was awarded a dodgy PK for a leg grabbing incident in a goal mouth scramble that the ref saw (and very few others) 1-1. RUFC scored their second goal on a deflected shot from about 20 yards which barely beat the Sporting keeper into the top corner. 2-1.

One other odd call didn't go in Sporting's favour when what appeared to be a pass back off an RUFC boot was straight to a Sporting forward wide open about 12 yards out and the ref called it offside. The keeper saved it anyway and it would have been a corner. Ref did state it was an earlier offside but it was way late on the call if that was the case!

Reccos, I see you beat Burnaby - we have them next week - anything to watch out for??


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Sapperton 1 - Burn. Canadians 0

Wally: They are not a bad side with the exception of a lot of whining and at least one semi-nut case who is a bit over aggressive at times.

They played a decent game and with a lot of calls going there way in the second half, they played in our end a lot late in the game.

One of their loons towards the end of the game punched the ball in the back of our net rather than simply make an easier play such as heading it in.

This is the best Burn B team I have seen in recent years. You guys will match up pretty well with them if they play as well as they against us. They move the ball around well and have both pretty good fitness and pace. They counteract pretty decently as they make some pretty good decisions moving the ball up.

I thought we dominated the first 45 and then as we made changes some of the steam went out of our attack and they came on stronger as we emptied the bench. Daniel McLuckie was great today (on the flank and up front). He played last week in center mid with Chad August against you guys where we generated nothing. Chad was telling us after the game that McLuckie would beat three guys on a run on their side and their coach was just crapping himself! We still have to learn though to get the ball down the flanks and go right to the flag more. But it will come.

Good luck. We have Metro Ford B next week. Always a good tough match when we have played them in the past.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Metro Ford 'B' / Toons 'B'

Expected a 'top of the table' clash with both teams going into the game undefeated. From about the 20th minute on, this thought was thrown out the window.

Sportstown pressed early and had two balls cleared off the line but that's the only chances they got throughout the game. Metro Ford really took it to the Toons and went at them hard for the next 70 minute. They even yanked their best player (in my opinion) at the half and their backline was excellent. Their captain (Cliff) was outstanding as well and won everything in the air and played a lot of decent balls to the midfielders. Sportstown backline was in a bit of a shambles and was punished often. 3-0 at half and finished up 5-0.

Metro Ford are a very good side and would do well in the open 1st Division in my opinion. They have quality movement from all their players and work hard to get the ball when they lose it. Some quality finishing as well against a fairly decent Toon keeper.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Metro Ford 0 - Sapperton B 0

A well played hard fought game by both teams. Sapperton missed a PK as the GK either knew the shooter (Trevor Todd) or he made a great guess and dive to the corner. The MF GK made a similar great save off a direct kick from just outside the 18. MF missed a sitter also. This GK is pretty solid. Sapperton's GK had a solid performance today also. Both teams had chances and both teams moved the ball around effectively. An exciting end to end game that was a fair result for both teams as the game could have gone either way.

It was a good game marred by the completely classless Gary Corr getting into it in the parking lot with a 17 year old Sap player who he apparently made a racial slur to). The racial stuff is pretty sad.

Oh yeah, Corr also locked us in the dressing room after the game and he was yelling sexual references out as we left the park. It seems he doesn't like the fact that one of my players is also a guy I work with and a friend. By the way, this guys cousin is on the Wolves and our summer team. Use your head next time.

Willi Azzi can sure talk the big talk but when will he and MF shut this classless jerk up. During the game, Corr repeatedly told his players to chop 17 as he was 'our only good player'. He was constantly threatening a couple of our guys who used to be with Alouette.

What happened in the 6 to 3 whipping of RUFC B by Burnaby Canadians on the turf last night? I guess the boys from Richmond are going to be joining Jack the Lad and the I hate turf fields gang. From what I heard from someone who saw the match, RUFC simply didn't match the speed of the Burn. side.

Wally, my scouting report was if you played em on grass, not turf.


Jul 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Burn 6 RUFC 3

Down to earth with a bang for our boys!:mad:

It would be easy to blame it on the field turf but we also had a day when every player was shite (Me, in particular)! Mistakes killed us and Burnaby's finishing was near perfect.

My opinion, we struggled a lot to adjust to the pace of the turf, constantly losing control of the ball, missing simple passes left or right of the target and then watching them sail 20 yards past anyone in a red shirt. Burnaby just sat back and waited for us to pass the ball because it went to them 9 times out of 10. Experience on field turf certainly makes a difference - particularly early in the game. I know several of my team mates felt that the field turf just pointed out our weaknesses (not playing to feet and lack of control of the ball when receiving it). Obviously those are weaknesses, but IMO when you pass a ball on grass, it could be in to feet or it's into space for a guy to run onto, or turn onto etc., you guide him where to go with the weighted passes you give. When you play 1 in 50 odd games on a field turf, adjusting your game takes time. Unfortunately, for us, by the time we had figured it out, we were down 4-0.

5 mins. in we should have scored - our player missed a sitter from about 5 yards out when he miskicked the ball and ended up rolling it to the keeper who was lying on the ground.

Goal 1 - I coughed up the ball in their end, quick break the other way, speedy forward got around a player trying to settle the ball and he was off to the races.
Goal 2 - Same speedy forward, gets a break on the outside, our keeper stubs his toe on the way out-near faceplant, forward tucks in an easy finish.
Goals 3 and 4 - poor marking on two corners - two goals.

We pulled back two in the second half while constantly trying to push players all over the park - it left us vulnerable at the back and Burnaby just kept looking for quick breaks. They potted a fifth and we bagged a third before one of the white booted stars "knuckle-balled" a free kick into far bottom corner from about 20 yards out. Our keeper got caught cheating on that one!

Burnaby were a quick team and looked pretty organized but there would be no way we would have that same result on a grass field! On chances, they finished 6 of about 10 quality chances, we were three for about 7.

Sounds like there was a bit of an edge in the MF - Sapp game, both teams finish with 11 players or did your #17 steer clear of the "chop".



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Good Report on RUFC v Burn Cdns

Wally's write up on the game matches what I heard from a reliable source at the game. RUFC simply didn't adjust to the speed of the turf along with a few errors.

In the Sap B - MF game both teams finished with 11. We (Sap) only had 11 today with work, sickness, injury, family illness, the death of a grandfather and another guy up all night at the hospital with a very ill grandfather.

Other than a couple of our guys getting banged up and their guys taking a few yellows, there were no ejections. An MF guy head butted one of our guys and no call with the ref right there! A couple of bloody noses and fat lips for two of our guys. The game was in extra time when a bit of problem broke out as one of their guys kicked Chad August back of the play. I guess the ref didn't see it but he knew it had best end at that point. Even one of their guys said after that Chad should have kicked the prick back.

I have never seen Trevor Todd get involved in anything but earlier in the second half he threw one of their guys down as the guy was apparently kept grabbing him back of the play - no call on that either. Nick the ref was a bit intimidated as most are at Mundy, the home of Willi Nazzi. Corr is so fcuking classless that he didn't have the gates to the field opened (they had the key) until 20 minutes to the game. We had to climb over the fcuking fence or not have a warm up.

No doubt some of the rough stuff was influenced by Gary Corr who was constantly calling for our guys to get chopped or threatening guys. I have never seen so much yapping from a guy who didn't suit up for the frigging game, than I did today from that yo yo. As Bertrum once said on TTP, that guy (Corr) has some very serious issues. An embarrassment to that once great organization.

My bitching about their coach shouldn't be taken as complaining about the game or their team. It was a great game played hard by the players on both sides (some crap needn't have happened) and the tie was fair for both teams. There are some real decent guys on that team who play hard and skillfully and obviously bring the best out of our guys. That is what the game should have been about. Not some fcuking ignoramus yelling at our guys after the game (even an hour later Corr was still being the asshole).

Joch Robo

New Member
Nov 1, 2001
Dirty Money
Reccos......whoever you are.

I have followed the lads in Black and blue for a number of years.
In the old days friends of mine played with the lads.
As it happened, an old friend , Ben Dover and I walked into the park today at about 20 past 1 and we didn't run into any locked gates. Perhaps you were at the wrong park.
You go on and on about some guy named Corr not being suited up. I have it on good authority that he is the coach. Why would he suit up? Was the coach of the Sapperton squad suited up?
I have been looking at some of your other posts and I really wonder when your head is. You will make a reasonable statement and then go off on a rant.......there are people around who may be able to help you.
We were sitting behind the Sapperton bench in the grandstand and didn't hear any comments about players being instructed to...
how did you put it "CHOP THEM"
I have been a spectator at 100s of matches , and all I saw today was a tough match between 2 sides , each looking for a result.
I will say however that the white sides game plan appeared to be .......get in the other teams face and dive at every opportunity.
They are very good at that.
At the risk of bringing politics into this who is the Nazzi you refer to. It also appears to me that you (whoever you are) have issues with individuals and or people who frequent this site.
Why don't you relax and let the lads play the game they love and
get on with it. LIFE IS TOO SHORT.



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Thanks for the info

Joch Robo or whoever you are:

Thanks for pointing out our diving strategy. Yeah we work on that every practice. We certainly didn't come to do anything else but fall down all day. What kind of a moronic comment is that? If you watched the game as you say, you certainly weren't an independent spectator as you suggest. Just a very dumb one.

If you were sitting in the stands behind the Sapperton bench, then how would expect to be hearing Corr, the MF coach who was on the other side? If you have it on such good authority that he is the MF coach, you could have seen where the MF bench was. I stand by my remarks.

As for the gate being open at 1:20, you are dead wrong. They were locked until 1:40. They must have been unlocked earlier as they did have the nets up when we got there. Maybe you'd best learn to read time, you clown.

Oh, and as for issues. Yes, when the coach of an opposition team continually threatens players and makes racial slurs in the parking lot after the game- over an hour later he is still at it when we were leaving the changing room - yes I take issue with that. Racism has no place in the game or after. It is about time people stood up to that crap. Taking the piss is one thing, that is simply classless. But if that is the team you're on, so be it.

If you want to check people's posts, check Sid. Now there is where you will find issues. You obviously are very unaware of who the people are or you wouldn't be so dumb.

Some how I see the hand of Sid in this guy's first post. I can hear the sounds of banjos playing in the background. The tune, "Deliverance".

:wa: :wa: :wa: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


New Member
Jul 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Croatia B :5 - Indo B :5

Croatia B humiliated Indo B yesterday. They let Indo have a 4 goal lead with 15 minutes to go. Croatia scored 4 to tie the game in the last 15 minutes.
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