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D.C.S Dart night

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Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Sidewinder has made a dramatic change to his equipment for tonights matches

I assume you're not talking about your darts, when you refer to your equipment. I heard extensions don't work.

Anyway, a strange night for Tilly. I started off by stuffing Total Package and beating the Power, who had just stuffed the Sidewinder twice in a row. Then Bravedart showed up and I built up a 257 point lead, only to watch it fizzle, and have him beat me with a double ten. It only took him 64 fcuking darts to beat me. You can imagine how bad my finishing was. I was stuck at double 2 FOREVER. I was half asleep watching his 17s followed by 19s and so on.

After this, I had to pick on my favorite target, Sidewinder. He felt the opportunity to strike because of my shoc-king finish against Bravedart. Unfortunately for Sidewinder, I was in his head already. I beat him by 261 . Then I had to have a rematch against Bravedart and beat him by 254. Revenge was sweet.

Then One Dart showed up, as I was fatiguing, and beat me. Actually, it was probably one of the best matches I have played in since the inception (sp?)of the DCS. We went toe to toe matching each other's 60s or 80s. I had one chance to finish at double 8 and just missed. One Dart had two chances to finish and he finished on the second chance with a solid double 6. The Executioner always taught me to accept things when you have been beaten by a better player on the day. I was beaten by a better player on the day(not Bravedart). So I was 4 - 2 and I can only assume that One Dart was going to mop the floor with the other putzes. He is a deserving number one for next week and all those hours and hours of practice are finally paying off....


the power

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
August 8, 2002

First off:

The Power: 4-4 (maybe 5)
Sidewinder: 4-5
Tilly: 4-2
Total Package: 1-5
Bravedart: 5-4
One Dart: 3-2

Alright, there is either a missing win or a missing loss. I'm pretty sure I was only 4-4, but I may have lost to Sidewinder twice, any help?

I was beaten by a better player on the day(not Bravedart).

Not so fast there Tilly, Bravedart had the top players numbers tonight (with the notable exception of The Power). After your early departure, Bravedart summarily dismissed One Dart in consecutive matches. That means he was a respectable 3-1 against the two top players in competition on the evening, not bad for a guy who only shows up when the ball and chain lets him out.

The obvious highlight of the night came in the first match of the evening, with The Power recording the first ever Double Bull finish in DCS history. Quoted after the match, Power said, "Sidewinder didn't really know what was coming. He was looking ahead to the thrashing by Tilly and I showed him what was what. The old guy will be having nightmares about that for weeks". Not much else to note other than the excellent service provided by Kristy. Oh ya, WTF was with Tilly's hat? I know you're a little eccentric Tilly, but try and look respectable.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Well, well, well.....I am still the number one player. After all was said and done, I still had the BEST win % . One Dart, I will play you when you have had a couple of matches, as you seem to fatigue more quickly than I do. Bravedart was lumped by 254 points. Enough said. If anybody gets beat by that many points, he doesn't deserve any sort of accelades(sp? too lazy to look the word up).

Congrats on your double bull finish. I'm sure it will go right beside the low score trophy at home. :)

As for the hat, it was my tribute to Payne Stewart and the only fcuking thing I could find to cover my shoc-king hair.

Tilly feels good at number one again. I take back everything I said, One Dart, because you obviously fell apart after our good match. Maybe I took all the 'life' out of your game. I can see how much energy you need to use up, just to stay close to the number one player. I was a pube away from being undefeated again. Next time, my friends, next time.....

Tilly the number one player

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
As for the talent......

There was more fat on the birds at the Landing than there was on the wings/ribs combo, as well as the Nachos. That is not a good thing. Especially the waitress, who look like she had 4 asses moonlighting as one.......:confused:

It was marginally better than my previous two visits though.....

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money

What started as a good night of darts took a drastic left turn when Bravedart beat me in consecutive matches (I believe that was the first time he has beaten me period). This has led OD to turn a new page in his DCS book. You see, for the past month and a half or so, OD has walked in, stuffed all who attempted to beat him and ran his record to 3,4 or even 5-0. What happens after that is this: OD drinks faster than the rest of the DCS members and it is at this point in the night that it catches up to him. This results in 2 or 3 consecutive losses before he regains his equilibrium and once again stuffs all who think they can beat him. This was the case last night as I beat Tilly and stuffed both Sidewinder and The Power, both of whom had already defeated Bravedart. As a result OD will not start drinking until he has played everyone at least once, this will enable him to run his record up at the beginning of the night while stilll being able to play average darts at the end. I guarantee that the DCS won't know what hit them.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
To prove your theory wrong.....

I will come to darts next week, slightly intoxicated. I will prove that alcohol has NOTHING to do with one's success. :rolleyes:

As a result, I am not playing One Dart until the end of the evening next time. :)

Tilly who is already fcuking sick of all the people in Steveston coming to see the Tall Ships.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
tell me about it...

Originally posted by Captain Shamrock

Tilly who is already fcuking sick of all the people in Steveston coming to see the Tall Ships.

"WORD" :mad:

Home Brew

New Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money
Dufferin Sports

Sidewinder drove past the above mentioned D.C.S. funded store this morning and noticed they were advertising jig-saw puzzles. After last nights shocking performance Sidewinder is thinking of quitting the d.c.s. and starting up a rival wednesday night jig-saw league.
See you in 2 weeks.

cheers, Sidewinder.

the power

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Power signs with Korean Darts Syndicate

Suwon, South Korea

In dart news today, it was announced that The Power has signed with a Korean darts syndicate for an undisclosed sum. The one year contract will have The Power moving to Suwon, South Korea, located about 25 minutes south of the Capitol of Seoul, on Aug. 29th. A day job of teaching English to Korean youth has been found, but The Power assures this news agency that the move is strictly about the arrows. "The DCS was a good jumping off point for me", says The Power. "There was some strong competition there for a while, but once the Executioner left and that joke of a hat masquerading as a darts player Tilly showed up, the circuit went downhill. I'm looking forward to teaching the Koreans what darts is all about: angles". The Power went on to say that he is relieved he no longer has to deal with Sidewinder's hypnotic throwing technique or Double In's hour and a half practise sessions before matches.

Screw You Captain

New Member
Nov 1, 2001
Dirty Money
the things that happen when I'm away...

Tilly, can I park at your house for the tall ships?

Power, alas, the Executioner beat me on double bull one dreary night at the home-of-the-$7-pint-and-$14-nachos, aka the Buc. Granted it was in the good ole days with Janina. There was also the unsanctioned whooping of OD by Scud's Bird...

Good luck on the Hyundai circuit. Enjoy your Kimchi!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
WAB lives right there

You should park in WAB's driveway over on Trite! I am sure all TTPers will be welcome with the exception of RealJackassPlayer.:)

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Yes, you can park here......


Thanks for refreshing my memory on the FIRST double bull finish. It was witnessed by El Nino too. Anyway, nice try, Power. You should stick to records like scoring ZERO with three darts. :)

Because you reminded me of the double bull finish, you can park here for $9 instead of $10. ;)



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
D.C.S. Sicamous

I came, I saw, I wiped the floor with country hicks. A great week for D.C.S. PR department. I spread the word of our dysfunctional league and it's members all through-out Sicamous and went 5-0 vs. a rowdy bunch of yokals in the process. I tried to tell them about TTP as well, but most have yet to hear of this internet thing. Perhaps OD could teach an English course out there where he is most needed?

I see not much has changed around here since I've been gone.Captain still claims he's the best, OD's still a putz, Sidewinder is still Captains bitch and The Power will claim just about anything to be recognized by the leagues elite. Sad really.

ThePower "ooooo looook at me,look, look over here at me" "grade meeeee" "Give me attention" " I threw a double bull damn it...." " look, look, look" :rolleyes:

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
So how come you can beat the yokals from sicamous but not the old man? Sad really. Unfortunately for them I will not be teaching an english course there. Look forward to your return next wednesday so I can stuff you as well as Tilly.

Screw You Captain

New Member
Nov 1, 2001
Dirty Money
the grammar police are watching

So how come you can beat the yokals from sicamous but not the old man? Sad really. Unfortunately for them I will not be teaching an english course there. Look forward to your return next wednesday so I can stuff you as well as Tilly.

Yokels. English. Sicamous. Wednesday.

And Tilly wrote you a recommendation? He put his reputation on the line to support you to teach english (sic)?

Thanks for the parking break, Tilly. We'll drop by if we go to see the fcuking boats.

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Perhaps we should move the DCS Darts Night to Sunday's at the Landing, that way we could have the waitress with the Playboy Bunny tattoo between her Bristols. Yes, that's right, she had a fukcing tattoo between her breasts. I felt like asking her how drunk she was when she got that. Apart from that, OD posted a 5-3 record against The Power. This was accomplished with two losers playing pool with two drunk Japanese girls who spoke no English. I felt like asking them if they're names were Fook Mi and Fook Yu. It was pretty funny though, they literally spoke about four words of English, blue, hello, green and hee hee. Shoc-king. I still can't get over that fukcing tattoo.

the power

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Okay, perhaps I haven't made myself clear enough.

The one year contract will have The Power moving to Suwon, South Korea, located about 25 minutes south of the Capitol of Seoul, on Aug. 29th

This was serious.

A day job of teaching English to Korean youth has been found

As was this. I realize that perhaps Double In might have missed that, but Captain, I have to say I'm disappointed. I even told you I had news to post.:mad:


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I told you he will do anything to get our attention... I caught it the first time putz, but this is a thread about darts and not you and your so called "life".

Myself and Whirlwind and are confirmed a go for Wednesday. I assume since Shamrock is charging $9.00 a pop to park at his place we will be back at the landing? It's all the same to me.

The Power be sure to show up around eight so I can give you your 5 going away stuffing's early. I know everyone will want a easy cheesy win before you leave.

I just hate waiting to stuff... um, I mean say good-bye.

p.s. Whirlwinds Dad has picked him up a swank new set of arrows and a set of Union Jack flights straight from the Jolly old and is looking forward to stuffing Sidewinder with them. It's all he ever talks about. "I can't believe I lost to that old bugger." I don't have the heart to tell him he won't be there this week. :D

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

but Captain, I have to say I'm disappointed. I even told you I had news to post

You'll have to forgive me, as I have been painting the last few days. The fumes are obviously getting to me almost as much as the actual work. Either, Congrats Power! I guess you'll do anything to run away from Tilly. They all do eventually. Look at Hurricane.....
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