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D.C.S Dart night

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Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I'll comment for now......

Tilly was in form tonight. He dismantled Sidewinder immediately after the crafty English man figured he would get me fresh from my last bit of painting. The result was a 266 point lashing. This was followed by a 310 point lumping of Bravedart. Things were setting up nicely for a Double In/Tilly showdown. The result was a resounding come from behind win by Tilly. A 183 point finish in FIVE darts. I thought I was done when I had 216 points left and DI was trying to finish.......Then the Power stepped to Ochre and played a good match. I was lucky enough to finish on a double 18 before he had his chance to finish. Finally, Whirlwind had a go but I built a 150 point lead and finished it pretty quickly......Overall, it was a decent night and there were a few birds in there tonight.....

Bravedart's bird looks like a keeper. Well done, Bravedart, but you might want to look at your wins and losses tonight before inviting her out next time.....:rolleyes: What happened to her skinny mate BTW? I will leave the doubles cricket fiasco to the two cheaters who run that circuit, DI/OD. We would have walloped them the first game if it wasn't for their silly rule. As for the second game, Sidewinder went a little 'dry' for awhile. ;)

Until next time.......

Tilly The Terminator/Tornado

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Well, well, well, Tilly whining about something, that almost never happens. We beat you at cricket the proper way, or at least the only way I have ever seen it played, and then we beat you your way. Sorry, we stuffed you your way. And then after that we came from behind to defeat w2 and The Power. It feels good to be number 1. I think that my new goal will to be the first dual number one player in the DCS. If that means beating my new teamate and former nemesis DI then so be it. Our chemistry in doubles will be too much for any of you clowns to overcome. Pure magic.

As for last night, my late arrival prevented me from playing as many matches as I would have liked although a 3-1 record is acceptable. I guess one could say that I am in Tilly's head because he didn't even offer a match last night, afraid of blemishing his undefeated record. Hey Tilly, anyone can beat up on The Power's and Sidewinders of the world.

On that note maybe there should be a "A" DCS and "B" DCS each week. The top four play each other and the loser is demoted to playing the rest next week while the person with the best record out of the rest is promoted. Kind of like the World Hockey Championships. That way my time wouldn't be wasted stuffing Bravedart, Scud and Sidewinder.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Feel the Sting Tilly.

Tilly's finishing last night was second to none, but his scoring was the shits. Full credit for the win vs. myself though. You threw a huge 140 to save your sorry ass and prevent me from getting a second chance at finishing. #1 status is safe for now.....

Other than my close loss to Tilly I thumped every and all in attendance. It could have been a clean sweep, had Scud not ducked out. He was in so much of hurry to leave he didn't even pay his bill. Dodgy bugger.

As for our Cricket matches, how's your back Tilly? Sidewinder is no small man and to carry him like that for two games must have done some serious spinal damage. Oh, well another surgery to add to your impressive list. :rolleyes: As above you were stuffed with your ridicules "bar" rules and the proper rules. It's all about the score. All about the score.

The D/I - OD show continues on. 7-1 life time and looking unbeatable. We also thumped TP and WW as well. How do I explain it? Easy. They say that you should keep your friends close, but your enemy's even closer. OD get off my toes. ;)

I had a small novel thought up for our good friend Bravedart and him bringing his missus to dart night, but Captain summed it up nicely.
Bravedart, but you might want to look at your wins and losses tonight before inviting her out next time

p.s. Whirlwind you where the shits.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I guess one could say that I am in Tilly's head because he didn't even offer a match last night, afraid of blemishing his undefeated record. Hey Tilly, anyone can beat up on The Power's and Sidewinders of the world.

Hey putz, when you're number one , people ask you to play. I don't need to ask any player for a match because you are all below me in the rankings. Did you even make eye contact with me looking for a match? NO fcuking way because you had just been stuffed by Double In, who I handily defeated earlier in the evening. So, if you ever get the 'cahunas' to challenge me upon arrival, please do it. Until then, or until you're number one, you should really keep your trap shut. Better yet, why don't you change your 3 hour practice sessions at the Landing to 5 hours because the 3 hours are not enough to even vault you into the top two. Putz.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Our chemistry in doubles will be too much for any of you clowns to overcome. Pure magic.

Why don't you just give him a fcuking gobble and get it over with? That would be a neat bit of chemistry.

Tilly's finishing last night was second to none, but his scoring was the shits. Full credit for the win vs. myself though. You threw a huge 140 to save your sorry ass and prevent me from getting a second chance at finishing. #1 status is safe for now.....

I would hardly say my scoring was the shits when I stuffed 3 of my opponents by 266, 310, and 159. As for your match, I did score the shits to give you a false sense of security before sticking a fcuking dagger in the heart with my 5 dart finish. Unlucky. :)

Until next time......


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Pulling daggers.

Originally posted by Captain Shamrock
I would hardly say my scoring was the shits when I stuffed 3 of my opponents by 266, 310, and 159.
Let just remember who you were playing shall we. Those three didn't scrape together 3 wins between them, so don't hurt your wobbley knees on the way down. Pony Boy....
Better yet, why don't you change your 3 hour practice sessions at the Landing to 5 hours because the 3 hours are not enough to even vault you into the top two. Putz.
Hilarious. :D

Stay golden pony boy. Stay golden.

Home Brew

New Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money

Surely one of you wankers with time on your hands can find the international rules of darts cricket somewhere on the net and post them on our site.

sorry about the 200 pound back weight last night Tilly.

Agree with Tilly re BRAVEDARTS BIRD BEING A KEEPER,BUT PLEASE KEEP YOUR GROPING AWAY FROM THE OCHRE. That and that fcuking calculator spoil ones rythm.

Maybe next week the old man can get back above 500. Sidewinder.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Double In,

FYI, I threw at least two one hundreds in those matches. I just saved my 140 for you, followed by the lethal single 11, double 16. Against Light Breeze, I started with 4 60s before being distracted by that thing in the red who was making your stomach turn. After the 26, I followed with a ton and rest was history as they say. Remember, you play the board my good friend, not your opponent. That is why I lumped you all last night. Putzes.

On a side note, I will try to get the Total Package out next week in order for the Sidewinder, Bravedart, and Light Breeze to up their chances of winning more than 1 match.......


One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
That's great

I think when you have beaten someone two times consecutively like Bravedart had done to me, you would be looking to stuff them. Unlike Tilly, who cowered in the corner basking in the glow of his LUCKY finish against DI, I was ready to face all challengers. Tilly, you mght as well quit wasting your time with the DCS and return to Port Alberni where the Captain was handed his ass on a platter because obviously we are not good enough competition.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Tilly, you mght as well quit wasting your time with the DCS and return to Port Alberni where the Captain was handed his ass on a platter because obviously we are not good enough competition

I think it's official. I'm in your head too, One Dart. I have never played in the circuit in Port Alberni. It was Campbell River for the record. As for the competition, I have to bring my 'A' game every week in order to have success. No, I don't practice like yourself but I still have to be mentally prepared for all challengers. (See loss to Bravedart 2 weeks ago). So, stop getting in a huff because your practice routine was found out and get out to the nearest ochre and work on your cricket game. That appears to be the only number one ranking you have a shot at......:eek:

BTW, do you want to meet us for drinks tomorrow at Sunshine Woods?

the power

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
:wa: :wa: :wa:

The Power will be in attendance for the last time before his year long contract with the Korean Darts Syndicate takes effect. Should be around 8:16:25.

:wa: :wa: :wa:

Long Live the Banana!


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
The only dance I want to see in the darts thread from this point on is an ass dance. All over Banana users will be edited.

I'm in. Whirlwind is out. See you at 8:24 sharp.

Home Brew

New Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money
one last stuffing

Sidewinder has to attend a fcuking youth select meeting in Burnaby but will be at the Landing at approx. 10.00
to stuff The Power. From next week on One Dart should be easy pickings_ a recently seperated siamese twin wont know his arse from a hole in the ground. Sidewinder.

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Is this Bizarro TTP?

Are we offending the TTP Banana Nazi? I could have sworn that I was on TTP and not Uglyfootballers. I didn't think that you would stoop down to the level of the British cnuts. On another note, OD will be in attendance at roughly 8:06. You see, I have to practice because apparently my practice habits are the stuff of legends. Thankfully, I didn't pitch this weekend so my elbow should be in top form and fresh. I look forward to keeping Tilly in my back pocket.:bronco: :knvb: :wa:


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Difference is, I'm not near as polite about it cnut!

I said Over use not use. You're going to be first on my stuff parade. I'll spare all beatings of The Power and take them out on you.

Ban the Banana

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
One Dart,

I will be by Sportchek around 3:30 to look for some runners. Then, I will put a hex on you in order for you to let me out of your back pocket. :rolleyes: I am not going to practice because I was a perfect 5 - 0 last week. I already have one or two wins for tomorrow, knowing I am playing the Sidewinder. The rest should be easy too......


the power

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
WTF Sidewinder and Bravedart? :wa: ? Sidewinder is generally the most paranoid member when it comes to selecting times and locations. :wa: . I know you were asking about me the other day, Scud's bird told me before the drug test you made Scud and her take? Worried about the crank eh? Possibly popping the pills? Maybe if your concerns were more focused on the dart board your record would climb about .500. As for Bravedart, if you're not going to bring enough to share, don't bring anything at all. I have beckoned Michaela over every time she's been there, thong and all. Putting on a show while we discuss the finer points of my "darting" ability. Your record proved that you were obviously feeling inadequate in the face of your true unrequited love. Now suck it up and both of you tell the members what time you'll be arriving.:bronco:


One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Fukc you Banana Nazi. I'm going to focus all my energies on putting you in my back pocket tonight with Tilly.:wa:


New Member
Aug 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Greedy Buggers!

As for Bravedart, if you're not going to bring enough to share, don't bring anything at all.

Settle down now TP, I never said that I wasn't going to share, all you had to do was ask. :D But if that's not your bag baby, I have some more pickings for you tonight, say at about 9:01:97. They should be walking through the door as I arrive! :wa:


Home Brew

New Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money
late arrival

Hopefully there will still be something to look at when I make my late entrance. If not I might just stuff the Power and go home. Sidewinder.
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