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BCSPL - Metro League for U-13 player?

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Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
Well said Burnsy, I could not agree with more in regards to high school soccer. The threats and scare tactics in regards to playing time and starting with their club teams make me sick. The high school leagues are short and the kids want to play no matter what the level. Club coaches should be supporting this not belittling it.

What about Highschool PE teachers who encourage/pressure their PE students to play HS soccer?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
I am a BCSPL coach. I don't discourage my players from playing high school soccer. I don't encourage them to play. It's up to them. All I ask is that they prioritize everything in their life correctly. That means school, family, and soccer. My daughter plays high school soccer. It was her choice. Personally, it was a very enjoyable experience for me, and I wouldn't want to take that away from her or any of my players, BCSPL or not.

I use it as a development tool. I challenge them. If they are truly elite players, then help your HS team accordingly, display good habits, make your teammates better, and use the experience to be creative, away from me. If you happen to have a high school coach who is good, then even better. Learn from him/her.

There are some negatives from time to time, but I expect my players to speak up and raise concerns if they recognize something that may jeopardize them as individuals or our team. It's part of the expectation about being elite and looking after their health and welfare. One scenario was when a high school coach used fitness testing as part of his "tryouts" or "evaluations" for his first session. My players had training that evening and the coach ran them for the entire session. Not good. That doesn't make sense at the high school level.(or any level at amateur ranks really) One of my players showed up lame and I stated that a conversation should have ensued with the coach stating that, not only did they have training that evening, but that they are fitness tested regularly, and not to be cocky, if they are known to be BCSPL (which they were) that the coach needs to take that into consideration and treat accordingly.

If the high school coaches don't respect that, well then they should expect some issues. My experiences with the local high school coaches my players play for have been excellent, and they are great coaches on their own accord anyway.

A happy player is a good player. Those who know me as a coach understand how demanding I am, and if anyone tries to tell me that by playing high school soccer, that it isn't elite minded, I won't accept that. Maximizing your players is understanding their environment and how to work within it.

I have some players who don't play high school soccer. That is their decision and it is very much respected as well.

They give me everything they have at training and games. All good.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
I suppose the issue really is more the cooperation from high-school coaches... in our neck of the woods the understanding that club soccer must be the priority isnt always there... coming to a 90 minute training session after having just played a full high-school game is a legitimate problem in a number of different ways....

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Mtkb, that's exactly it.......it's a two-way street and I know for a fact I've been VERY flexible with the players and the requests of their coaches, particularly at tournaments.

PV, I'm not sure how a PE teacher could be pressuring kids to play school soccer....especially if they don't coach the team. Personally, I'll NEVER pressure any kid to play school soccer because the team is always bigger than one player who thinks they are too good to try and make players around them better. It's a simple philosophy I've followed for 16 years.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Rangerforever BCSPl coachs are fothers for most. NO better than MSL coaches. It coasts three times as much.
Favros kid needs to go to Europe or he will stop developing.
They all practice on a third of a field how the hell can you develop. It will only turn out passive kids.
Just look at Caps how many kids are there from Residancy. It is not heppenning. His lad is good has what it takes. But for god sake to be cached by one of the fothetres forget it. Spain Prtugal Swis club or Datch club is where he would develop in to a top players. Rest is just spinning wheels with coast.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Base, the comments about HPL coaches are inaccurate. Once you find something you know something about, stick to it, because this ain't it...

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
MTKB last time I looked. Four out of five are parents. Most played div one soccer in VMSL. Two three guys in Premier Div, one or two slow guys in NASL.
You can say what you want but that's the way it's going. On top of it they get between 8 and 10 grand to coach youth soccer.
The money should be spent on free centere development, not on paying coaches. That way you would get athletic kids to come out. It's no use to spend all that money on kids that do not have pace to play the game at higher level.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
No blurring here MTKB that's the dam truth. You have $3500.00 and you are in if not sorry we got no spot for you.
Now you tell me if that's not the truth.
As far as coaches I do know very well who they are and where they have played. It's a cleek and nothing more.
Take the U18 HPL boys and play div two men score will be most likely two to one for men.
There is better kids in Silver 1 but their parents can not pay due to having two three kids playing soccer.
In my opinion BC Soccer has too take over and setup development centres for kids to have equal chance.
If you think that's your best player no wander we can not do anything at National levels.
My man you got Bronze kids playing rep soccer due to dads as a coach. We need tons of changes to go to next step.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
It REALLY is laughable when the BC Soccer model is now ELITE and Grassroots. The BCPSL is ELITE right alongside the BC Soccer, the Whitecaps, and the CSA. Now I have one question for this approach. For the many players who choose to play Metro for financial reasons and are OBVIOUSLY better than the players who paying/playing for the BCPSL, why should these kids NEVER get a look? Better yet, it is interesting BC Soccer wants NOTHING to do with Metro teams or other teams challenging the HPL teams when it comes to cup competition at the end of the year. Can someone remind me who played in the League Cup final in England this year? Can you imagine how bad it would look if a Metro team won the Provincial Cup? Can't let that happen......can't even give it chance. That would be a massive kick in the stones to the development of our players and having the best coaches coach in the BCSPL. We know that anything below is just........grassroots rubbish.

The Phantom

Oct 15, 2008
Dirty Money
It REALLY is laughable when the BC Soccer model is now ELITE and Grassroots. The BCPSL is ELITE right alongside the BC Soccer, the Whitecaps, and the CSA. Now I have one question for this approach. For the many players who choose to play Metro for financial reasons and are OBVIOUSLY better than the players who paying/playing for the BCPSL, why should these kids NEVER get a look? Better yet, it is interesting BC Soccer wants NOTHING to do with Metro teams or other teams challenging the HPL teams when it comes to cup competition at the end of the year. Can someone remind me who played in the League Cup final in England this year? Can you imagine how bad it would look if a Metro team won the Provincial Cup? Can't let that happen......can't even give it chance. That would be a massive kick in the stones to the development of our players and having the best coaches coach in the BCSPL. We know that anything below is just........grassroots rubbish.


Metro teams will have the opportunity to challenge for the Provincial Cup this year along with the HPL teams.
When the HPL was formed there was a 2 year moratorium for only allowing HPL Francises playing for the Premier Provincial Cup.
Last week at the AGM it was voted that the Premier Provincial Cup is now open to Metro teams along with HPL, so the kids that cannot afford to pay to play at a higher level and are better players that ARE being overlooked because of finances, will finally get a look.

In my opinion HPL is just a money grab

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Thanks Captain. Well pointed out. They never even look. They are told who to take. Say nothing or you will be gone.
System is one big mess and it will take a man that knows soccer to fix it.
The way it is now only kids from one program are taken. Yet they will not play any cup games against any club side. Residency kids played in PCSL and won three games all year.That alone tells you that they stand to loose to better kids.
There is many good kids over looked it makes your head spin. But that's progress in their eyes.


Active Member
Nov 14, 2011
Dirty Money
It's always going to be impossible to get each and every top kid into BCSPL. Money is a big issue, but so is travel time. 8 BCSPL teams means many talented kids will have a metro or even a good div 1/gold team within a 20-30 minute drive. I am not advocating for a larger BCSPL. In fact, I see merit in just 6 teams but that would restrict getting the top players in even more. I think 8 is the max until our developmental model is producing so many players we have the critical mass to fill 8 teams with rosters full of players competing for spots on the highest levels.

It's not as simple as BCSPL coaches failing to identify players or picking players with money only (keep in mind BCSA is trying to collect Whitecaps 50/50 for BCSPL "hardship" cases - which is rubbish in my opinion). Many kids will simply say "not interested. I like my soccer, I am a good player, I might play university one day" but otherwise have no aspirations for playing whitecaps or committing all that time/$$ when they can save the $$ and use it in more realistic ways (university, cars, whatever). There are many many good coaches in Metro, Div 1 etc. I know a TD coaching a Div 2 team next year because that team has some excellent prospects and they can contribute at senior men's top level with the right guidance. But also, just to make sure they are enjoying themselves and continue to play and become life-long-participants in the sport.

So should a player go BCSPL or Metro @ u13? Very tough call! I saw a bunch of kids wanting to play BCSPL in year 1, didn't make the team. Played metro. And a good number of them moved up to BCSPL the following season after a strong showing and a good year of development with a good/positive coach.

Each family has to make a decision for themselves. What are their short and long-term goals.

Additionally, for me, BCSPL is not just about THE BEST players. It's about the players who are determined/driven to do whatever it takes to get to Whitecaps/Pro, National Team, or full university scholarships. If that is not the ultimate goal you should not put your kid in the league. Save your money and time, and play a lower level even if you are an amazing player.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Thiku, some good points.....but of the current HPL players how many are going to be playing professionally? I do know it is VERY possible to play at the college/university level even if you're not playing at the 'highest' level. The Whitecaps Elite girls for example......are all pretty well guaranteed to get something good in University. As for the rest a lot depends on how they 'market' themselves. The BCPSL will NOT guarantee them post-secondary playing....that is a MASSIVE flaw throughout the system saying that is the only way to get to the University/College level. Just be honest about things. Don't try to brainwash kids/parents into believing that. There will be a lot of disappointed parents this way......just a thought.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

Metro teams will have the opportunity to challenge for the Provincial Cup this year along with the HPL teams.
When the HPL was formed there was a 2 year moratorium for only allowing HPL Francises playing for the Premier Provincial Cup.
Last week at the AGM it was voted that the Premier Provincial Cup is now open to Metro teams along with HPL, so the kids that cannot afford to pay to play at a higher level and are better players that ARE being overlooked because of finances, will finally get a look.

In my opinion HPL is just a money grab

Thanks, Phantom. I've glad the vote went that way. That makes sense and is fair to everyone. Cheers.


Active Member
Sep 12, 2001
Dirty Money

Metro teams will have the opportunity to challenge for the Provincial Cup this year along with the HPL teams.
When the HPL was formed there was a 2 year moratorium for only allowing HPL Francises playing for the Premier Provincial Cup.
Last week at the AGM it was voted that the Premier Provincial Cup is now open to Metro teams along with HPL, so the kids that cannot afford to pay to play at a higher level and are better players that ARE being overlooked because of finances, will finally get a look.

In my opinion HPL is just a money grab

Does this mean that those good players currently playing at Metro or lower levels will be invited to tryout for the Provincial team? The current system only chooses potential Provincial Team players from those playing in the HPL.

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