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BCSPL - Metro League for U-13 player?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 8708
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Deleted member 8708

Q. from a soccer dad: My 12-year-old has a chance to play on a BCSPL team at defence, although he is also wanted by an MLS coach for midfield. My son is naturally much better at mid field and enjoys it a lot more. For his development, which option is better? BCSPL is supposed to be "THE path" to higher level opportunities at college, etc. , but I think he may see more play time with the MLS team, as the coach really wants him, whereas on the Premiere League team he is sort of a last pick. However, I am also concerned that it he turns down the Premiere League offer in the entry year, it may be much more difficult for him to be picked up later on. This stuff is keeping me up at night! Any incite or recommendations much appreciated!


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Q. from a soccer dad: My 12-year-old has a chance to play on a BCSPL team at defence, although he is also wanted by an MLS coach for midfield. My son is naturally much better at mid field and enjoys it a lot more. For his development, which option is better? BCSPL is supposed to be "THE path" to higher level opportunities at college, etc. , but I think he may see more play time with the MLS team, as the coach really wants him, whereas on the Premiere League team he is sort of a last pick. However, I am also concerned that it he turns down the Premiere League offer in the entry year, it may be much more difficult for him to be picked up later on. This stuff is keeping me up at night! Any incite or recommendations much appreciated!

Perhaps ask your kid what he wants to do?

Deleted member 8708

I have asked him but it is tough for a kid so young to really know what is best. He is excited at being considered for Premier League but realizes he will probably have more play time at his preferred positions (midfield) on MSL, as we know the players on the Premier league team who are marked for midfield and they are all very good at these positions. On the other hand, he doesn't want to "miss the boat" and jeopardize his chances of making Premier at some point in the future. He understands that if he does join PRemier team and puts in a lot of effort, he may see more play time eventually and be put in his preferred positions if his performs.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
too young to be pigeon-holing any kid in a particular positio, so take that factor completely out of the equation...

generally speaking even if his game time isnt what it would be at metro, he's going to be training three times a week instead of two, playing against better competition, and in theory at least getting better coaching... granted
I'm biased being involved in a BCSPL club, but if development and advancement is the goal I'd go the BCSPL route.

Now, if he wants to be a midfield star bending it like Beckham and being his team's go to guy, there's nothing at all wrong with that, and he should stay MSL... but understand that he's focussing on soccer in a recreational sense rather than a truly competitive / advancement sense...

my two cents...

Deleted member 8708

Thanks for the comments, very valuable. The only thing I might add is that he is enrolling in a good weekend academy and will probably get a third regular team session as well at MLS, making a total of 4 training sessions per week.

Yes, I think overall he would enjoy MLS more, as you say, by being one of the go-to guys, but I know the BCSPL coach well enough to think he does not pigeon hole the players too much. I suppose if I expressed to him our desire that he consider my son for mid field positions at least some of the time, that he would be willing to give him a shot now and then. It's not like he shines at defence.
Will have to give everything a little more though (although time is running out)! Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
generally speaking even if his game time isnt what it would be at metro, he's going to be training three times a week instead of two, playing against better competition, and in theory at least getting better coaching... granted
I'm biased being involved in a BCSPL club, but if development and advancement is the goal I'd go the BCSPL route.

Agreed MTKB.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
If you're willing to fork out $2500 for BCPSL go for it. Otherwise, I hear there are lots of academies around that could supplement any level your son chooses to play. Also, when he gets a chance to play high school soccer, don't deny him that opportunity. Playing games is the best way to develop AND getting to play different positions and having different roles throughout a season can only be beneficial to a player's development.

I know what route I WOULDN'T be going as a parent but that's mainly because I have a pretty good idea of what is going on at most of these 'levels'...........


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
not the time or place, but there are also competing views about what goes on with high school soccer... if I had a kid, I'd hate to be paying 2k for him to watch BCSPL practices because some bronze level grade 12 decided to take a run at him...

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Good point, mtkb. I would also hate for that same kid to twist his knee in training during an activity or a scrimmage. It would be even worse if the kid injured himself walking to school and twisting an ankle on a hole in the road.

Deleted member 8708

Thanks everyone for your comments. Re: high school soccer, I agree with mtkb that I wouldn't necessarily want a son of mine who plays at Metro or Premier level having to fend off the rough and tumble hazardous play of a bronze level player.

Do you think ...
1)on the topic of academies, that by playing for a good Metro team AND augmenting this with an academy on the weekend (there's a good one in a bubble!) that a Metro player can rise to the level of Premier?
2) it is difficult to get onto a premier league team if you don't make it first time around in the entry year?


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
My kid wants me to coach his HS team next year as they don't have a program.
He's more than willing to play with and against 'Bronze' level players.

Both he and I think its great to have all kinds of vareity and training to aid in a kid's development.

And, I continue to see many top players still 'take a run' at players out on there on the pitch in elite competitions.
Like Arnie Meers for example.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
My knee still hurts from that........bastard. Though I would hardly call the OVER 38s elite competition. :)

What school is your son at, RF? That would be great if you helped out the kids.

As for the other question, BCPSL doesn't mean you're the best players all the time. I think everyone knows several players on most teams who aren't even close to be good enough but fortunately for those kids $$$$$ is not an object at home. I saw two players this year in high school soccer who were in grade 11 who were better than most I've seen around here. Problem is they don't have the money to play so they play in a 'lower' league. It doesn't make them any worse. A good player is a good player. Just like deep pockets are deep pockets..........

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
BTW, I don't even think bronze exists anymore. I agree though we don't want any of our kids playing with those 'bad' players. That would sound very pompous and arrogant to say such a thing because our own kids are SO much better because they are registered to a team that happens to be in a higher division. Awesome.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
BTW, I don't even think bronze exists anymore. I agree though we don't want any of our kids playing with those 'bad' players. That would sound very pompous and arrogant to say such a thing because our own kids are SO much better because they are registered to a team that happens to be in a higher division. Awesome.

Coming from the guy who regularly calls the FVSL shite...words hurt.


Active Member
Nov 14, 2011
Dirty Money
It's an interesting debate. Playing time vs. positioning vs. level of play.

Here is your #1 concern:

WHICH COACH IS BETTER? The MSL or the BCSPL coach? That's it right there. At age 12 that's all that matters. Playing with an against better BCSPL teams will help, but as you said your son is a last pick. So how much will he play in league games (more than the required 30%?).

Your #2 concern:

Enjoyment - having a good coach makes the enjoyment factor so much easier to attain.

Your #3 concern: Does your son have friends on one team or the other, if not does your son make friends easily?

Good coach = development regardless of level of play. Don't be too concerned with BCSPL or not this spring or even next fall. Your son has another 6 seasons to move up when anything can happen. Whitecaps scout all levels, the college showcase isn't until u15-u18. Your son has time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
At that age it's about touches on the ball and developing individual skills to a high level.

And of course enjoyment.....


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Walnut Grove Captain.

He wants to approach a 'Mr. Favero' about doing the job and I informed him that man is certainly more qualified than me.

Just had this chat with a good friend last night on what to do and where to go for his kid.
I told him the same 'Go where he'll get the best coaching', not necessarily the best team.

I think mtkb's point was the 'odds' are you'll get what you need more out of the BCSPL.

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