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BCPL- BC Premier League: Proposal


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
Dirty Money
Robj, Look at Outkast's post again, and remember what the site is called. If you were a man, I'd punch you right in the mouth. Your kids don't like when I do that in front of them. As far as this league will go on? Are you sure about that?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
How has this thread gone 34 pages!?!?! My eyes are BLEEDING.

random VMSL'er: ZOMG Azzi is a tit and this BC premier league idea is for suck!
ghouse: You don't see it man, future, easy budget, blah blah blah
The Big Dip(Can't fcuking stand him BTW): You Valley guys smell like Manure and could be racist
Ghouse: I signed africans
random VMSL'er: It'll never go ahead
ghouse: IT WAS PASSED!!! I feel a third heart attack coming on...
and so on...

Seriously, I know this is a hot topic, but it's not a debate any longer. You ALL Look like arseholes whether you are right or wrong.

~Peanut Gallery.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Nov 10, 2003
Dirty Money
Robj, Look at Outkast's post again, and remember what the site is called. If you were a man, I'd punch you right in the face. Your kids don't like when I do that in front of them. As far as this league will go on? Are you sure about that?

Shouldn't you be rescuing a cat or cooking. Of course it's take the piss re-read my post or I'll punch you in the vagina.

The league will go on Wvan is in as Outkast has said. oh I guess I have to put :) and ;) so you know i'm kidding.

fukcing rookie. ................see you at practice on second thought i may call in sick coach!


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
Dirty Money
That a boy Robj, stick to that story. As far as you being at practice, ..... nah I won't bother. It wouldn't even be fair.


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
Dirty Money
Outkast it's not up to the players. What I will say is like it or not (and you do have a choice to turn it down if your team qualifies) this league will go on. If that means a div 3 team represent the VMSL in this league which I think would still be better then any Fraser Valley team, then so be it.

The fact of the matter it was rammed through at the AGM which means that unless an emergency meeting is called by the VMSL the minutes reflect it was passed. I haven't seen the minutes to reflect the question but it seems as though it was passed. Now unless guys have flip flopped I am under the impression that the premier teams have said no. As a manger I have not been approached nor has our President on anything after the said meeting took place. So as far as I'm concerned unless I get a call our coach told us the results of the meeting.

Rob, being a MANGER, what does that entail? Or did you mean Minger as in what you've had lately as our Manager?:D:bronco:

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Helluva lot of vitriol disguised as pisstaking here.

A few things:

  • ghouse does need some time away from TTP. He's not lying about the heart condition. That's why I didn't sign him when he first came back to soccer - I didn't have anybody on the team at the time with a current CPR ticket...:eek:
  • No Reedie, you can't play for Germany. The only thing ghouse paid for previously was the socks, and besides, we already have enough imports, what with the deranged Scots/Brazilian coach, the Italian centre mid, and Heinz 57 forwards...;)
  • Regs, for the great unwashed (and those from the mouth-breathing section of the FVSL's div 2), can you please re-iterate the original concept of the TTP Champions' League? Can't let the Taterheed try to claim all the credit for this when it was your idea in the first place....
  • the BCPL is a good idea, but it's being implemented the wrong way. There is no way it will work the way people want it to unless the VMSL teams buy in whole-heartedly. I really don't understand who's got compromising pictures of WA in such a bad position that he's let it unfold the way it has, but this isn't doing anyone any favours, least of all those who want the idea to be taken seriously.
  • actually, if WA is threatening to quit again, is this such a bad thing? Maybe it could be combined again with the requests for unlimited subs, making the league bylaws and constitution publicly available, and upgrading The Most Excellent Site so it looks like a website instead of the 2nd morning of a 3 day tournament...:D (naw, who am I kidding?)


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
Dirty Money
Trece, I was wondering as well why the by-laws and constitution isn't available as well. It used to be. Or is it that there are a whole bunch of mis-dealings going on, that the constitution would expose


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
10 premier teams are better then 30. PERIOD.

I really like the idea of regional leagues that funnel in to a top league that someone posted a while back.

I follow both local leagues. VMSL is much better then the valley. No doubt.

I think the BCPL is a great idea. I would support it if it was to move to summer.
I don't think the BCPL would take off if it was to stay in winter. I don't see many more fans coming out on a Oct/Nov/Dec/Jan/Feb freezing rainy night.
If the main reason for this league is to bring the province together and raise the profile of the game etc.. it will HAVE to be summer.
Games are much funner to watch when you can feel your toes/ ice cold beers are quenching your thirst and not numbing your hand.

Besides that,
I also see a hate on for GHouse from many old school guys on here. I don't get why.
He might be loud and blunt in the local soccer scene, who cares,
He has done more for local soccer in the last few years then any other guy i can think of.
He is pushing the envelope, making you guys even discuss new ideas and leagues.
The reason you guys had an emergency meeting and over ruled your own president of the VMSL.

He has made shite happen. Sent Columbus to the eastcoast to play against the top teams out there with his own money. put on local tourneys, bailed out pro teams from Brasil that our top local players got to play against.

I don't get the hate on. Maybe if he had an english accent and came from ireland he would be cooler to some?
or played on Surrey United and won a provincial cup or two?

I'd like to see change for the better in local soccer. I know there is so much we could do for our game. I am not proud of Canada when I see us so bad at the sport i love.
There is obviously room to grow.

Why don't we hear some positive Ideas about the local game from Regs, Reedie, Millar, Captain Shamrock, etc?
What could/would make the game better?
What could bring money to the top teams/soccer players in the province?
How could you make the league stronger/more competitive?
How could soccer raise its profile?
What would draw fans out to games?
What would make some kids choose soccer over hockey if there studs at both?

I am reading lots of negative answers to the above questions....
Any positive feedback? any better ideas? Anyone with balls big enough to voice their thoughts and put their own money/business in to something they love?

**** me.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't get the hate on. Maybe if he had an english accent and came from ireland he would be cooler to some?

WTF? Ghouse isn't from Ireland? :mad:

Lion, how many ideas do you want to hear? You're asking for ideas. Tell me what is wrong with the current set-up of 3 leagues and the best playing off against each other?

As for putting money/business into something I love????? FFS, you don't have to measure everything in money, do you? I'm not going to get on this site and say I've done this and I've done that. It isn't necessary. I think the VMSL needs some changes. I know where the changes should be made but I'm not in a position to say right now. The BCPL is NOT the answer at this time. End of story.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Croatia should do up there grounds in Richmond and join the PCSL. (BCPL summer)
Charge $10 addmission to enter the grounds at the gate.
Run the bar.
guarantee 300 plus fans every Saturday/Sunday home game there.
Making over 5k a home game.
times that by 8 home games.
No joke. This could happen. Its been brought up and perhaps could be done.
now we are talking about raising the profile. A 12 year old would watch that game and strive to be in that game 10 years later.
the club would have funds to put back in to its system and keep growing.
Do it Croatia.

Hey,... Imagine if Croatia can do that.. I'm sure an Italian club could be put together with home games at beaconsfield or Adanac, in summer.

If there were the top 10 teams in the province, and Gorge came over to play Vancouver Italia, your telling me 200 people wouldn't show up to a Sunday game...
Sponsors etc...
Hell, If this team would be put together... count me in as a sponsor. Fcuking quote me on this.

I can see Surrey united and all the large, properly set up clubs all having nice home field facilities and promoting the big games through out the whole club... So the under 12 S.United/Metro Ford/WestVan/Delta/ team comes out and watches the big summer games with dad and strives to be there 10 years later etc...

Tell me why the above can't happen?
Lets hear all the negative and crushing of dreams....

no fields, (the top clubs would be able to allocate a home park, for 10 home games a year) if they can't, they don't belong in this league)
summers off, (if drinking on a boat is more important to you, you shouldn't be playing in this league) (all long weekend can be bye weeks)

what else you fcuking haters... what else...
I like to vacation in summer, last thing i want to do is play soccer in 30 degree weather.
All i hear that from is the 30 plus year olds who are past their prime. This league wouldn't be for you. My answer...
then don't play, come and watch some good footie, have a bevvie and support the local game you say you love.

hmmmm what else....
Too expensive.. ..
well, with fans actually able to come out of there house with out there mud boots on.. you'll see how many wives,girlfriends, buddies, fathers, mothers, cousins come out and get some sun on their face. You can create a scene, a following, a culture.
I would bring my future family out... and I know many many others who think the same.

$10 to watch local amateur footy... these guys couldn't even lace my boots (for you captain) Then sit at home, and talk about how it used to be.
$10 is 2.5 hours of parking downtown now. Or a zit faced kid working the fries for 1.25 hours. PLEASE.

If anyone is serious about making a difference and seeing a positive change to the local game. It has to start with summer=$,
$ will bring players,
$ will get the best refs,
$ will allow teams to travel,
$ will allow the league to advertise,
$ will make $.

If I were king, this is what I would do.
Anyone need help with it, I am in.

I truly believe a 10 team Premier league that is properly set up would work and grow our game.
That one 12 year old who watches the big local derby could be our next National captain. Right now.. nobody is watching.. i don't see kids lined up on the side of the field dreaming. (and if they do dream, haters give them a beer and say "your Canadian, no point in dreamin kid, we suck at soccer".

I've seen/heard many many times the older boys having a laugh at the young kid on the team who denies the beer and talks of a summer try out over seas.
where are we going with this attitude?
Same guys all go to the pub and watch the Canucks.....


Mar 3, 2003
Dirty Money
Wow, I get into town and just checking up on some things and I read 3-4 pages of W-O-W. All I can say is that this is about the proposal, end of story. While I personally have disagreed with it since day 1, I am still not sure what is happening as there may be some teams that actually enter, but the majority do not (I may have to read the actual posts and useless rants still). The VMSL has way too much to lose, as they have reduced the teams in premier. 2-3 years ago, this BCPL would have happened, but not now, the league has taken major steps forward. The re-structuring will benefit the league but......
My only concern is that if the VMSL does not participate in the BCPL, does that mean there will be 14 teams in premier again? If that happens, the VMSL will crash and burn. 14 teams means it would take at least 2 years to get it back to 10 as I'm guessing they would reduce it by 2 for two years.
BCPL is a no go, but how will that impact the whole VMSL, especially the Premier when the other lower divs are reducing for parity, but the Premier is promoting 3 Div.1 teams.
Just my 3 cents- I guess everybody thinks they know everythng


Mar 3, 2003
Dirty Money
Croatia should do up there grounds in Richmond and join the PCSL. (BCPL summer)
Charge $10 addmission to enter the grounds at the gate.
Run the bar.
guarantee 300 plus fans every Saturday/Sunday home game there.
Making over 5k a home game.
times that by 8 home games.
No joke. This could happen. Its been brought up and perhaps could be done.
now we are talking about raising the profile. A 12 year old would watch that game and strive to be in that game 10 years later.
the club would have funds to put back in to its system and keep growing.
Do it Croatia.

Hey,... Imagine if Croatia can do that.. I'm sure an Italian club could be put together with home games at beaconsfield or Adanac, in summer.

If there were the top 10 teams in the province, and Gorge came over to play Vancouver Italia, your telling me 200 people wouldn't show up to a Sunday game...
Sponsors etc...
Hell, If this team would be put together... count me in as a sponsor. Fcuking quote me on this.

I can see Surrey united and all the large, properly set up clubs all having nice home field facilities and promoting the big games through out the whole club... So the under 12 S.United/Metro Ford/WestVan/Delta/ team comes out and watches the big summer games with dad and strives to be there 10 years later etc...

Tell me why the above can't happen?
Lets hear all the negative and crushing of dreams....

no fields, (the top clubs would be able to allocate a home park, for 10 home games a year) if they can't, they don't belong in this league)
summers off, (if drinking on a boat is more important to you, you shouldn't be playing in this league) (all long weekend can be bye weeks)

what else you fcuking haters... what else...
I like to vacation in summer, last thing i want to do is play soccer in 30 degree weather.
All i hear that from is the 30 plus year olds who are past their prime. This league wouldn't be for you. My answer...
then don't play, come and watch some good footie, have a bevvie and support the local game you say you love.

hmmmm what else....
Too expensive.. ..
well, with fans actually able to come out of there house with out there mud boots on.. you'll see how many wives,girlfriends, buddies, fathers, mothers, cousins come out and get some sun on their face. You can create a scene, a following, a culture.
I would bring my future family out... and I know many many others who think the same.

$10 to watch local amateur footy... these guys couldn't even lace my boots (for you captain) Then sit at home, and talk about how it used to be.
$10 is 2.5 hours of parking downtown now. Or a zit faced kid working the fries for 1.25 hours. PLEASE.

If anyone is serious about making a difference and seeing a positive change to the local game. It has to start with summer=$,
$ will bring players,
$ will get the best refs,
$ will allow teams to travel,
$ will allow the league to advertise,
$ will make $.

If I were king, this is what I would do.
Anyone need help with it, I am in.

I truly believe a 10 team Premier league that is properly set up would work and grow our game.
That one 12 year old who watches the big local derby could be our next National captain. Right now.. nobody is watching.. i don't see kids lined up on the side of the field dreaming. (and if they do dream, haters give them a beer and say "your Canadian, no point in dreamin kid, we suck at soccer".

I've seen/heard many many times the older boys having a laugh at the young kid on the team who denies the beer and talks of a summer try out over seas.
where are we going with this attitude?
Same guys all go to the pub and watch the Canucks.....

Regs, can you monitor this user member? I think ghouse may have hacked into this account and stolen Lion's password.

But seriously, I want to see the above mention things happen, but it won't happen-at least not this year-its too late. Next yr may be. It takes a years worth of planning at the minimum. We just arent't ready for it IMO, not yet. Wouldn't it be better to launch that when everyone is on the same page? If it crashed and burned, we would fall back a further 10 years. With proper info being given and dialogue-it may happen.
Out of curiosity- is there another province that has a "super league?" If so, it would be good to know the planning process, finances, constraints etc


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Captain.. the 3 leagues = 30 teams = 600 players.
1 league = 10 teams = 200 players.
Simple math. Not as watered down as the current set up.
next question?

If we were actually looking to make a stronger league. Then the above makes sense.

Captain, I agree the BCPL is NOT the answer right NOW. but it is a step going forward, especially if future plans were to switch to summer.

Actually, move the VMSL to summer, minus the bottom three...
add GORGE, ACBC and Whitecaps reserves... And I'm happy.
call the league whatever the frick you want.
Thats a better league, with the possibility of support/fans/$.
End of Story.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money

I think if the MLS is promoted and run properly, you will see kids lined up in the stands dreaming of playing their. Nobody ****ing dreams of playing mens amateur premier for fukc sakes, by definition it is a group of people who didn't reach their dream. I get some players will make the next step from here, as they currently do but the point is getting 200-300 fans out to local games every week is a pipe dream.

What does this league going to summer really change? Isn't that what the PCSL league is? I watched Surrey united play ACBC last year in front of 10 fans. Yes if they made it a Italian team, Croatian team, Irish team, Indian team, Then a couple Island teams(Rivalry local vs.island, they can be dutch islanders if they want) people would come out. Like it or not people like to stick and support their "people" I wouldn't ever feel Passion towards a local surrey team because I live their. That wouldn't bring me out to Vancouver for away games. It's why East Indians flood to Surrey, Asians to Richmond,Shamrock to tsawassen humans beings like to surround themselves with people that are similar to them..fact. If it's fans you want there needs to be passion but making culturally based teams would never advance the game.

Moving it to summer means all these players would just play winter, on their regular team. You can't move the entire sport of soccer to summer, it will never happen, don't have access to the fields. How does that change the current set up. I just really couldn't see any local team like surrey, richmond ,delta getting 200-300 fans to home games. Croatia could but that will be 80% Croat.

My two sense..


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money

Not the entire sport of soccer.. just this league.
That PCSL game you watched with 10 other fans is not the top soccer around.
That wasn't the "Real" Surrey United vs ACBC. its looked at as a summer league.
Hell, I played in the PCSL, I would be no where close to the top 10 teams in BC.

Your right, perhaps the MLS will fill that void. But thats a drive aways for some folks, and maybe too expensive.

I remember watching some family playing , Carlo Marini, when I was a kid, and looked up to him huge. Saw all his medals/trophys on his wall etc.. and wanted to be there.....
I didn't strive to play mens premier, but I strived to play.

I know its "mens Amateur premier"... call it whatever you want to call it.
Its the best players in the province or west coast of Canada!
Same thing we are talking about no?

Lots of Countries that have success have a following for there local team.
Italy is the size of B.C. The top players from the cities in Italy play and are called pros there. We don't have money nor a following, so we call it amateur soccer.

If we DID have a following/$ and fan support, these local mens amateur premier players would then be called pros... no?

You can call it whatever you want... but its the best around.

I've had buddies who went and played 3rd div in Poland, got paid and were treated like a pro in the local town. came back here and they were "amateur Canadian premier players".

I believe there could be a league in between the likes of the MLS and our local scene as we have it now. Just one tier above it. A little more serious, properly run, with facilities and money.

Also.. the MLS team is half Americans... how is that helping our local Canadian game out? and giving a place to play for our top provincial players?
They just gave the boot to the three local guys who helped them win 2 titles in three years.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Regs, can you monitor this user member? I think ghouse may have hacked into this account and stolen Lion's password.

But seriously, I want to see the above mention things happen, but it won't happen-at least not this year-its too late. Next yr may be. It takes a years worth of planning at the minimum. We just arent't ready for it IMO, not yet. Wouldn't it be better to launch that when everyone is on the same page? If it crashed and burned, we would fall back a further 10 years. With proper info being given and dialogue-it may happen.
Out of curiosity- is there another province that has a "super league?" If so, it would be good to know the planning process, finances, constraints etc

My god they can build a 36 story highrise in a year ,planning for the new league is done. It took a month or so. And its wasnt hard as really again all that was needed was to consider the ferrys. Thats the only new thing to factor into the league that is different than what is happening now.
If it crashed and burned we would fall back to where we are now...and thats way more than ten years behind all the other sports...try a hundred years...thats when the PCSL started..around a hundred years ago...they got it...Alberta has a Provincial Premier League and ask larson how it works he will be happy to tell you that we stupid to not be doing it already.

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