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BCPL- BC Premier League: Proposal


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
Dirty Money

Didn't your Mrs, tell you I was already by to pump her tires. And don't worry I covered her with an extraordinary coat of wax.

By her, I mean the car of course.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2004
Dirty Money
I would like to see a Provincial League because it would bring soccer up to the level as all the other sports.

I think that is the point you're missing that everyone is asking....so dont ramble on...answer in a few sentences, why the BCPL will be a stronger league than what the VMSL is now?


Mar 3, 2003
Dirty Money
A lot of interesting points being made. By being a VMSL'er, I have to support the premier teams-this year is pretty balanced and I do understand their point of not going into the dark because the VMSL (at least for this yr) has the most to lose. What if the BCPL sucks balls and it folds or teams have to drop out because of a loss of players, money, sponsors, etc. Imagine Inter for example dropping out after 1 or 2 years. Does the VMSL say to them, "welcome back, go start off in Div.3, or do they go back into premier and relegate an extra team?"
I understand ghouse and the vision that he sees. I do want to see something like the English style where they have many divisions and regional divisions, starting from the Pemiership-right down to the amateurs. Thats what makes the FA so special.
One thing though, as it looks like this BCPL won't happen (from reading on here), unless clubs flip-flop their decisions, is that the VMSL (especially premiership) will be weak/watered down next winter. Going back to 14 teams is going back a few years and a couple of steps.
I suggest there be a definite timeline and IF the BCPL is not happening in 2010-2011, the VMSL have an emergency mtg and try and save their league because IMO, 14 teams up there is 2-4 too many. Its harsh, but have the 2 Div.1 teams go up or they play a aggregate to see only 1 team go up.
Anyways, back to reading


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Correct they are Jr leagues. Because thats how the sports of football and hockey are run.
Soccer isnt run like that. We have promotion and religation.
Actually our Amature Sr Mens soccer is soccers version of Jr hockey and football.
We dont have an age limmit and thats because soccer all over the world Except the MLS has no draft. It doesnt matter how old you are if your good enough. A soccer players playing career is longer than a hockey and football players career too.
That with way way way more professional teams through out the world they dont use a draft. Players and teams move up and down depending on talent and success.
So they are different but they are still at the same level and can be compaired.
Compaired as Provincial leagues with very similar budgets.


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
When Jimmy Page sat down with his good pal and wrote this song, I can't help but wonder if they were thinking of you ghouse:

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New Member
Mar 16, 2009
Dirty Money
You know after looking at the VMSL standings, and seeing how tight the race is from 1st to 6th or 7th. Also seems like many people, mostly VMSL, really disargee with the BCPL spots givin to each league or the distribution.

An idea that may help at the meetings proposed by whoever, which may help with determining spots. Is have a summer league playoff for 2-3 spots.

Give 3/4 automatic spots to VMSL, 2 spots to FVSL, and 2 to VISL that are given at the end of this season. Besides both Gorges and ACBC ran away with the titles in their respective leagues this year anyway. So not many would not argue their presence in the BCPL. In total that's 7-8 automatic spots that are given out at the end of this season.

That will leave 2-3 spots left to play for. To determine those spots, have a 9 team Summer league 4 VMSL teams, 3 FVSL, and 2 VISL team. Whoever finishes top 2-3 gets promoted to the BCPL. This should effectly end all talk that the 8th place team in VMSL can beat the 2nd or 3rd place in FVSL or VISL. Cause they will actually have the chance to do it in the summer and visa versa.

It will allow teams and clubs in the summer league to start really turning up the quality of their squads, and utilizing their club system. At the least it will be a gauge of where they stand.

People can come and watch. Call it a run up to the BCPL. Get some enthusiasm and excitement for it built up for the league as well. It will allow potential sponsors also to come out and see soccer in the summer as well. The Leagues can use it to experiment and see many things that could better the game. I.e. Longer schedules, Summer leagues, whatever. Call it a dry run to get all the kinks out.

Besides all the teams playing will be looking for competition and leagues to play in this summer anyways, so why not make a Qualification league.

It also seems like most people like the idea but the spots or distribution system maybe the problem.

Anyways, just an idea.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
I like the Idea. 4-2-2 and the final 2/4 spots played off for.
Im not sure if the amount of teams from the VMSL is the real issue anymore .
I think most of the problem stems from the fact the VMSL Premier teams were forced into something they new little about. AND includeing some issues like the amount of teams.
If everything was discussed more/better, then we would be at a place and time where we could be discussing the correct amount of VMSL teams.
I know plans are in the works to move forward..in some form or another..It just wont be the same without some of the VMSL Premier teams.
Oh well as long as we move forward and have fun along the way, Maybe things will Include the misinformed VMSL Premier teams at a later date.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Dirty Money
You know after looking at the VMSL standings, and seeing how tight the race is from 1st to 6th or 7th. Also seems like many people, mostly VMSL, really disargee with the BCPL spots givin to each league or the distribution.

An idea that may help at the meetings proposed by whoever, which may help with determining spots. Is have a summer league playoff for 2-3 spots.

Give 3/4 automatic spots to VMSL, 2 spots to FVSL, and 2 to VISL that are given at the end of this season. Besides both Gorges and ACBC ran away with the titles in their respective leagues this year anyway. So not many would not argue their presence in the BCPL. In total that's 7-8 automatic spots that are given out at the end of this season.

That will leave 2-3 spots left to play for. To determine those spots, have a 9 team Summer league 4 VMSL teams, 3 FVSL, and 2 VISL team. Whoever finishes top 2-3 gets promoted to the BCPL. This should effectly end all talk that the 8th place team in VMSL can beat the 2nd or 3rd place in FVSL or VISL. Cause they will actually have the chance to do it in the summer and visa versa.

It will allow teams and clubs in the summer league to start really turning up the quality of their squads, and utilizing their club system. At the least it will be a gauge of where they stand.

People can come and watch. Call it a run up to the BCPL. Get some enthusiasm and excitement for it built up for the league as well. It will allow potential sponsors also to come out and see soccer in the summer as well. The Leagues can use it to experiment and see many things that could better the game. I.e. Longer schedules, Summer leagues, whatever. Call it a dry run to get all the kinks out.

Besides all the teams playing will be looking for competition and leagues to play in this summer anyways, so why not make a Qualification league.

It also seems like most people like the idea but the spots or distribution system maybe the problem.

Anyways, just an idea.

So after witnessing the disaster of trying to start up one league, the BCPL, you are propsing to start ANOTHER league??? :eek:


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
There was a meeting today between the 3 leagues reguarding the BCPL. I am not sure what was on the agenda or the ideas put forth. But a meeting is being organized for all the Premier teams in all the leagues to discuss what the leagues have desided on.
I really dont know whats up this time as I was told "to just be at the meeting". and "you will be notified of the meeting,where and when".
I suggest you all show up to your meeting this time so you know whats going on and so you are informed.
Because of (side deals)(backdoor deals) and the fact that a few VMSL members felt/feel
on the fence,changed thier minds? Pressured either and both ways.Misinformed.Want some more info.Have questions ,or just want to tell some one to stick it.
Make sure you show up, cause its important.
Dont quote me on this but I do believe all 3 league members will be at each of the meetings, answering all questions in detail too.
Business Plan ?

Something to keep in mind. The new BCPL was voted on and passed at all 3 AGMs or meetings held for this vote. The leagues with the majority vote can move forward with or without teams.
The BCPL may be just that, a BCPL, NOT a Super league or the BCSPL.
Just a new inter provincial division. Still a good Idea for those who want to play premier teams from other areas. For what ever reason...like fun.

Again dont quote me cause i dont know whats happening..But another rumour i heard was a champions league thing.....
and another rumour was to allow more VMSL Premier teams into the BCPL , so 6-2-2 or 6-3-3 0r ?
Not sure whats going on right now, so make sure you attend your meeting so you dont feel pressured into anything, and so you know all that there is to know, in detail on everything, so what ever decision you make, will be the right decision for your club .
Without pressure from anyone....


Nov 12, 2006
Dirty Money
The VMSL premier clubs already voted. NO BCPL.

GHOUSE please do not talk nonsense about majority votes at AGMs. The VMSL membership was not adequately advised about any of the ideas for the BCPL. To suggest that this is some kind of mandate is ludicrous.

As for showing up at meetings, I have been to three now where the BCPL was discussed and I am no further ahead. How many must we attend? Will we have straight answers at a fourth meeting? Somehow I doubt it.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Oranji it was voted on and passed ..fact. Its not a Premier vote . Its a league vote.
Why...Because every team is affected. Because of Religation and Promotion...Any team could one day qualify.
If you choose not to show up thats your prerogative.
But dont say you didnt know. You may have voted not to join...But dont you want to be informed on whats happening now..Isnt that part of the problem you had already. To many didnt know. Maybe they will be telling you they are postponing things for a year and want your imput on the idea to see what would be good for you for the future??? Who knows whats going to be talked about. Could be many different things that would effect your team. Maybe its something totally different. Maybe everyone loves it and votes it in and you are not there...Its a fricken meeting.

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