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2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Results and Banter


Nov 12, 2006
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

Firemen vs Inter.....

Was waiting to see an Oranje or Ankle Breaker post first. I start with what will undoubtedly be the response or post to anything about this game....the reffing was the worst I have ever seen, even when FF up 2-0, was still shocking, but both ways. From a keeper being last man and bringing down a striker for only a yellow, to Inter not getting corners when FF punted the ball off the park, it was just awful, more whistles than anything....

As for the game - FF with a ten second opener from Jarvie top shelf- sickening really, and then a PK midway through the half. SHould have been 3-0 when Kindel came off his line, but Jarvie lobbed it for a throw in i think.....

As they always do, Inter was on fire to start the second, lots of pressure, got a peno quickly and converted the rebound - Marco Durante for comeback player of the year maybe......okay maybe a stretch, but played well.

For all the shite that people talk about Inter, they were actually a classy bunch yesterday, post game, and parking lot pints....and on the two best days of the year I was glad they moved us off grass to turf and at 5pm, made complete sense......so all 7 people watching the two games got a late sun tan??

PS - As a side Ankle Breaker played much better this week...as I saw him take a lot of stick last week......

I did make it out this week. She-who-must-be-obeyed was with me. Sorry it took me awhile to post. After last-night's fixture I had to do the walk of shame to Coquitlam's finest new eatery, Taco Bell. Just recovering now...

Firefighters are classy bunch, from Joe Bell on down. No complaints.

Refereeing was not the best, but certainly not the worst this year. Let's be honest, Inter gave up a goal in the first minute and did not recover.

I have seen Inter a few times this year, a good bunch of lads, no matter what the shite that's posted about them. Glad to see Left Only agree.

I think Inter was a spent force after four tough games to end the season. In quick order they had a real test from Metro Ford followed 36 hours later by the local derby with Columbus. The voetball gods started to frown on them at that point with Van Schagen getting a dubious red 2 minutes in.

The following week was a marathon with Sporting. Good team, hard fought, crappy reffing. Another player sent off for Inter.

The Imperial Cup Final was a disgrace. The refereeing was substandard for beer league, let alone a league that calls itself elite. Out of that debacle Inter was short 2 more starters and two more not fit to play in the Provincial Cup game (how D'Onofrio did not get a card on the foul on Tempesta is a mystery to me--Tempesta could not walk all week, I am told). A third played through an injury he when he should not have. No complaints, just facts.

So, for those of you scoring at home, Inter was down four starters for the match yesterday. To Firefighters' credit they won without Niall Thompson and others. Once again, no complaints from Inter. Inter had good players on the field who played a lot this year. As a team they just could not get it done yesterday. They did not lose because of refereeing, they were beaten by a better team on the day.

The question I have is what is the VMSL doing to support its teams? They set up a situation where teams that fight all year to win are seriously depleted by the time provincial cup comes around. They should be screaming into the BCSA's ear about the stupid rule carrying red cards from the season into cup play. Also, why aren't the top teams seeded for the provincial cup draw? Why did Inter get a tough match against a very good team while Columbus sleptwalked through a game with a much weaker (but nice guys I'm sure) Aldergrove team. Columbus cannot feel confident after that performance.

Anyway, I am looking forward to this weekend at Adanac. Go Firefighters! Go Peace Arch! (Another fine group of lads--especially Lion, Guinness is okay too :) )

Any thoughts KNVB, Sir M, Regs? I know Zaurrini will have something bright to say.:rolleyes:

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

Oranje, my thoughts for what they are worth:

hear! hear!


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

For a guy not making excuses you sure listed a lot of them. :D
The question I have is what is the VMSL doing to support its teams? They set up a situation where teams that fight all year to win are seriously depleted by the time provincial cup comes around. They should be screaming into the BCSA's ear about the stupid rule carrying red cards from the season into cup play. Also, why aren't the top teams seeded for the provincial cup draw? Why did Inter get a tough match against a very good team while Columbus sleptwalked through a game with a much weaker (but nice guys I'm sure) Aldergrove team. Columbus cannot feel confident after that performance.

Anyway, I am looking forward to this weekend at Adanac. Go Firefighters! Go Peace Arch! (Another fine group of lads--especially Lion, Guinness is okay too )

Any thoughts KNVB, Sir M, Regs? I know Zaurrini will have something bright to say.

Zaurrini is about as bright as 3am…

Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, like my wife does, hourly, but yellow cards alone are, for a lack of proper vocabulary, or a better way to put it even, are under league jurisdiction, where as red cards, I believe (I’m spitballing here) are reported to BC soccer. I think. There is nothing the VMSL, FVSL or VISL can do about those. One could argue, not me though I fear confrontation, that the leagues should have a better discipline system or at the very least not try and ram 3 bloody cup games in under a 4 week span at the end of a season no less, where injuries and suspensions, for those playing in them aren’t as substantial. (ie) more “less important” games late to serve suspensions and rest the injured.

Also, there is no way you could ever rank a 3 league tourney like the Provincial cup because, well, there are 3 leagues that don’t ever play involved in it. Although, the VMSL seems to do it for the Imperial cup based on points where teams may have more or less games played against completely different teams, but I digress. Where was I going with all this? Damn. I'll be back later when I can remember the point I was going to make.

I'm sure there was a slag about you caring that Leftonly thinks you're nice guys or not.


Nov 12, 2006
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

For a guy not making excuses you sure listed a lot of them.

Yes, except I offered explanations, not excuses. :p

Zaurrini is about as bright as 3am…

Classic line. Brilliant!

Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, like my wife does, hourly, but yellow cards alone are, for a lack of proper vocabulary, or a better way to put it even, are under league jurisdiction, where as red cards, I believe (I’m spitballing here) are reported to BC soccer. I think. There is nothing the VMSL, FVSL or VISL can do about those. One could argue, not me though I fear confrontation, that the leagues should have a better discipline system or at the very least not try and ram 3 bloody cup games in under a 4 week span at the end of a season no less, where injuries and suspensions, for those playing in them aren’t as substantial. (ie) more “less important” games late to serve suspensions and rest the injured.

My point is that BCSA compels the leagues to report in this manner and then enforces discipline in their tournament. League play has nothing to do with cup play in any respectable soccer jurisdiction around the world.

I am sure we will hear from the leagues that it was all the fault of the weather...

Also, there is no way you could ever rank a 3 league tourney like the Provincial cup because, well, there are 3 leagues that don’t ever play involved in it. Although, the VMSL seems to do it for the Imperial cup based on points where teams may have more or less games played against completely different teams, but I digress. Where was I going with all this? Damn. I'll be back later when I can remember the point I was going to make.

I am sure we can come up with some form of ranking system and seeding. After all, we can come up with votes in BCSA based on numbers of players on A forms. If we can live with that fiction it can't be too difficult to figure out a ranking methodology.


Active Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

Where is Ankle Breaker?

As an observer, interesting first round...full of typical moans at this time of year. Despite experiencing tragic refereeing on many occasions myself, one should never point to the officials as an excuse or "explanation" of not moving on. Injuries and suspensions don't hold water either. It's all part of the game and the the bottom line is a team that wins a match deserves their result, based purely on the fact the opposition could not overcome the events of the day. You must do whatever it is you need to do in order to win the game.

For what it is worth (about as much as a 3 dollar bill), Inter will go down as the most talented team never to win a Provincial Cup. There is just something missing with this team, as they have not learned how to win when it counts and I don't see this changing any time soon...what's that old adage about playing for the crest on the front instead of the number on the back? Great in theory but difficult to execute.

Columbus still the odds on favorite to win the provincials, although anyone from the top half will make the final interesting, especially Gorge at "home" in Nanaimo.

my 2 cents.


Ankle Breaker

Sep 15, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

Firemen 2 - Inter 1

Sorry it took me some time to post.

Granted the ref was awful but it was bad for both teams. Not sure where they found these guys but it did not affect the outcome of the match.

Simply put we came out flat in the first half. They scored 1 minute into the game and we could not get into our groove. Firemen went up 2-0 at half on a PK. In the second half we got a PK call for us and Corazza was able to score. I thought after we scored we might be able to tie it up but it was not to be.

Missing 4 of our players did not help either but on the day Firemen got the job done. We had another great season in the league but continuing to play week in and week out and playing big matches for the last month finally caught up to us.

Good luck to the remaining teams



New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

Zaurrini is about as bright as 3am…

Typical Knut...but thanks~

See attached photo of 3am in some parts of Canada.

Any thoughts KNVB, Sir M, Regs? I know Zaurrini will have something bright to say.

No comments. I was one of the guys waiting at adanac for the game to start...
Card trouble obviously cost Inter any chance of succeeding in cup play.


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Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Gorge's annual ferry bath

posted by:knvb
"the leagues should have a better discipline system or at the very least not try and ram 3 bloody cup games in under a 4 week span at the end of a season"
VMSL should have a better field system... The bottom line, most teams in the league share 3 fields, 2 of which are minse by November!!! If they grandfather in a rule where teams need to supply their own facility (pitch/changeroom) you'd see more teams amalgamate with youth clubs rather than aging premier teams joining forces with like teams or a Div.1 team that just couldn't get promoted... (ie) Fire-town, Columbus-Clan, West Van Peg? Metro Ford and Surrey United have the best structure in place and must be the envy of the league... This kind of affiliation would take a few years, but it would definately cure the disease of Adnac and South Memorial...

posted by: Oranje
I am sure we will hear from the leagues that it was all the fault of the weather...
The FVSL and VISL were prepared to play in the BC's on time, it was the VMSL that wasn't ready with all of the make up games still to be completed and the reason for the BC's to start soo late this year... The WMSL managed to start their provincials on time also!!!
Yes the weather was exceptionally bad this year, but scrambling to make last minute changes and put league/cup games on turf at Charles Best, Mercer or Point Grey is BUSH...
Maybe VMSL should look at resolving some of its own issues (lack of quality facilities) before some of its membership realises the grass is actually green on the other side of the fence!!!

Just a thought.


New Member
Apr 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

I was under the misunderstanding that Greater Vancouver had the best soccer facilities. I hate to go on about lack of showers but Christ its annoying....who decides what Park


New Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

Inter really will feel hard done by to have come up short yet again, but in all fairness injuries and suspensions aside we were the better team. Inter were not even ten minutes in and were changing their system to try and keep up with us. For all their piss and vinegar in the second half their only shot all game was the aforementioned dodgey pk. The refereeing was shite for both teams but Inter should have had two red cards while we were still up 2 - nil. Love the Inter lads so heads up because you are still one of the younger teams in the league.

as far as the pitch debate goes I will throw my two cents in. The problem is that all the new turf fields that are being built are partnerships between school boards and municipalities. All the high schools get the use of the fields on Monday to Friday until like 6pm. All the schools have their own changing rooms so they dont need to build new ones. The fields are not being made with adult soccer in mind. You get situations like Charles Best, Bryne Creek, Hugh Boyd, and Point Grey where there are all the best new turf fields that have no facilities. I would love to see a new facility like Burnaby Lake with better turf where there are two or three fields that all the premier teams play back to back on a saturday or sunday. It would get rid of home pitch advantage but who cares open a beer garden and the masses would love it.

We could all move to the valley and play with great facilities but shite futbol??? No thanks I will take the night on the piss with schweaty sack syndrome and play at a better level.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Just read on the VISL site that the Cowichan/Sooke game is under protest.

Something about too many signed players for Cowichan?

The Log lives another day :D

The Vike

New Member
Nov 24, 2004
Dirty Money
Not too sure what the result of the protest is yet. Apparently Cowichan had 19 guys on the forms that they handed in and you were only allowed 18. Game is under review. All I know is Columbus get your studs out because there might be a chance you guys are playing Sunday at the LOG. Is Joe Papa still involved with Columbus? If so Joe Paps I will see you at the LOG on Sunday!

Gorge Vs Surrey will be on Saturday at 12:00 at Hampton. It is a turf pitch and there are changerooms. The game had to be scheduled around a PCSL game that was scheduled there already.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Noon? Are you taking the piss? There is no way in hell my Sunny Start breakfast will be digested by then. This one is under protest already!


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Noon? Are you taking the piss? There is no way in hell my Sunny Start breakfast will be digested by then. This one is under protest already!

No worries, your sunny start will be digested before you enter the game....

The Vike

New Member
Nov 24, 2004
Dirty Money
Thats the info I got given to me. Our meal was digested by noon on Sunday. We were there two hours early as well. If you take the 9 ferry you will have plenty of time to get ready and digested.

By the way the proces of ferry food has gone up. Its like 8 bucks for a sunshine breakfast. WTF.........

See you Saturday........

No news on the protest yet!!!!!!!!

The Spy

New Member
Aug 26, 2002
Dirty Money
Vancouver Firefighters vs Sporting Club, in PK's
Gorge FC vs Surrey United in Pk's
Croatia SC vs Peace Arch No contest here just like the exhibition game
Cowichan vs Columbus-Clan FC No matter if it's Sooke or Cowichan Columbus to win by at least 4 or 5

The Vike

New Member
Nov 24, 2004
Dirty Money
Hey boys,

I gave you some wrong info. Sorry. If you take the 9 that will get you to the park at 1130. Double check the ferry schedules as there may be an 800 sailing. Again, Sorry.



New Member
Apr 20, 2005
Dirty Money
The results of the protest are in. Cow is in Sooke is out. Cow did sign up too many players for the game but BC Soccer Dunderheads :eek: :eek: :eek: decided that Sooke should have protested that fact right then and there or before the game started????.....Someone please find that ruling??? Either Cow signed up too many or they didnt......Cow players are saying they did........amazing ruling........!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
What I don't understand is why the officials didn't see this? Isn't that one of their 'jobs'? If not, why isn't it?


Sep 10, 2003
Dirty Money
Great precedent.

Teams are now allowed to bend the rules and if they are not caught at the start of the game it is no longer a violation.

Inter should have dressed their red carded starters and hoped no one notcied.:rolleyes:

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