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2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Results and Banter


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

KNVB, well seeing as you guy's are heading to the island you might as well make a weekend get away out of it and spend saturday night over there enjoying hopefully your victory, and then go into Nanaimo on sunday and cheer your Surrey girls on as they will need the support! Early sports action odds has the Gorge favoured over both Surrey teams here's hoping to both teams proving the odds maker's wrong!;)


New Member
May 9, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

This is the Gorge Pres.....Is it difficult to find a park that has showers and a bathroom??? the last couple of years we have had to come home without a shower??


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Toilets and showers

The lack of facilities is an absolute mockery of the sport, but the organizers couldn't give a shite.


New Member
Mar 6, 2006
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

no worries Van boyz....... luv taking a shower in the sink at the ferry terminal... my ballz still smell funny... unlucky gf......takes one for the team. Congrats to all the teams... AFC is a very skilled and fast team that deserved better...very classy too...hats off to them. Hated the turf at that place due to ball popping up all the time...bouncy bounce!!!
Enjoy the trip to the island next week Surrey.....we love playing you boys. Always a class act and a "hard act" to follow.
Onto the quarters.........


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

Considering the Provincial Cup started this weekend, it is very quiet in here.

Two explanations:
1) The people that usually post were eliminated
2) It was a really uneventful weekend.

I see more posts from Islanders than the Good Guys ;)

Not even a "Peace What" can be heard from Guinness....


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

Thinking the same thing Z... some recaps from players involved would work wonders!


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

Ball Breaker is busy booking tee times for his club and Ivan is on the phone with the manager at Safeway to return 2 bags of ketchup chips, 5 bags of sour cream and onion, 6 bags of Spitz and a 10 - 12 packs of soda.

Looks like Ginger will be busy this weekend.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

You have to feel for Inter (well, you don't ,but you could) they are the best team over the last 5 years that just can't get over the hump. Yeah they have a couple of league titles in the last 4 years, but I bet they would turn them both in for another shot at the BC final. Or Imperial.

Croatia vs Langley –

I thought Croatia was literally going through the motions. It was like it was 6 or 7 nil when it was only 1-0. I thought Langley could have scored at any time, but they just didn't ever get that final pass off or get the shot through. LFC2 stood at center looking like someone had shoved a lemon up his arse, sideways, probably thinking why in the fcuk are we not winning this game? My thought was when it was 2- buzz they may have missed the opportunity to throw a couple of their whippets up front against the 3 lads at the back that weighed in at a combined seven bills and started dumping balls in behind them…

Ah well, the Valleys hope rests on PAU beating Croatia now. To be honest, it could happen, but I don't think Croatia will be THAT disinterested again.

Surrey vs Gordon Head

Much like Megs said, we threw away 4 or 5 really good opportunities to have it won early and let a pretty decent GH side stick around. They had a couple of good players up front and I don’t know if we let them or they did it themselves, but they broke out on us really well in the second half which caused us a bunch of problems and left us scrambling at times. The ginger lad up front was a pit-bull and was defiantly a hand full and their best player. They also had a young kid (#17) who I couldn’t figure out if he was complete crap or deceptively good. Every once and a while he would do some head turning runs and other times he ran into the fence. Seriously.

The old ticker almost jammed up when they ripped a free kick that bounced three times and deflect twice before it went past Sheppy to make it 2-1 with about 7 left. Thank God, Jordan Roselund banged in a cross their Keeper made a meal of to send it to OT about 3 minutes later. I think that goal killed them though. We came out and scored literally 30 seconds in and really dominated the entire extra 30. They did manage a couple opportunities, but Sheppy bailed us out on one with a really nice save, but it would have only been 4-3 had it gone in.

I think we’ll head over to the island a day early and do some sight seeing… You know, have tea downtown, over to city hall, visit the Log etc… The usual hot spots.


New Member
Jul 18, 2005
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

Firemen vs Inter.....

Was waiting to see an Oranje or Ankle Breaker post first. I start with what will undoubtedly be the response or post to anything about this game....the reffing was the worst I have ever seen, even when FF up 2-0, was still shocking, but both ways. From a keeper being last man and bringing down a striker for only a yellow, to Inter not getting corners when FF punted the ball off the park, it was just awful, more whistles than anything....

As for the game - FF with a ten second opener from Jarvie top shelf- sickening really, and then a PK midway through the half. SHould have been 3-0 when Kindel came off his line, but Jarvie lobbed it for a throw in i think.....

As they always do, Inter was on fire to start the second, lots of pressure, got a peno quickly and converted the rebound - Marco Durante for comeback player of the year maybe......okay maybe a stretch, but played well.

For all the shite that people talk about Inter, they were actually a classy bunch yesterday, post game, and parking lot pints....and on the two best days of the year I was glad they moved us off grass to turf and at 5pm, made complete sense......so all 7 people watching the two games got a late sun tan??

Next round predictions....

FF vs Sporting - FF
Surrey vs Gorge - Millar to KNVB, and then Millar with a give away - GORGE in PK's
Croatia vs Peace Arch - Love the Peace Arch crew, but it would be near impossible for this upset to happen.....then again Golden State is up 3-1 on the Mavs....
Columbus vs Cowichan - Richards takes crew to Roxy, half the team misses the ferry, Cowichan in an upset....

PS - As a side Ankle Breaker played much better this week...as I saw him take a lot of stick last week......


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

Croatia scored on an own goal fairly early, 15 or so. They had most of the possession in the first half as we sat to try and absorb. As usual, but I also think a necessity, we gave them too much respect. If we don't I think it is over very early. Just the reality of maybe getting 1 or 2 games at that level this year where a team has the ability to put the ball in the back of the net given half a sniff. Huge difference is what they were able to do when we gave up the ball. Two or three quick touches and we were on our heels. Nobody moves the ball nor needs to in the Valley like that.
I think we carried the play in the 2nd until the 2-0 goal. Too bad, as it was with Surrey last year, one bloody mistake and it's over. We are close, have been for a few years but onto another day.

I know some Valley guys will take offense to this, but let's be honest, we do not have enough good teams that will play a good style like I am guessing 75-80% of the VMSL teams do. Peace Arch probably the only one. No disrespect intended, but I have been a part of this for 5-6 years now with the same results every Spring. I do not think that the level of play in the Valley will ever give one of our teams a fair shot come April, at least as to how it stands presently.

Herb Jr.

Jun 11, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

Alright....it's been a long time since I've posted but since no one wants to give a recap on the Fireman vs Inter game, I will.

I'd like to start by writing that the refing in this game was absolutley diabolical. I think both team can agree that the officiating was embarrassing. There were times in the game when both teams looked at each other in utter amazement with the calls that were made. The only equaling factor was, the calls, and cards were shite for both teams. Ankle breaker may have a couple additional comments to add, but I'm sure you'll agree.

On to the game....Fireman came out flying and scored about 2 minutes into the game where Jarvie volleyed a shot top corner of an AK flick...that's right...AK won a head ball. We were as amazed watching it as you are reading it:eek: :eek: Fireman continued to press and at about the 35th min Jarvie was hauled down by Kindel in the box on a breakaway resulting in a Skinner PK goal. Kindel, arguably deserved a red, but walked away with a yellow. Fireman went into half up 2-0.

Second half Inter came out with some fire after being ripped a new asshole at half and pressured for the first 20 minutes. There pressure resulted in a questionable PK when the ball was rifled off Skinners hand in the box. The ball seemd to have played Skinner, but he was in the box and the PK was awarded nevertheless. Marco made a great save off the original shot but Corratza(sp) followed up his own strike and finished it. The remainder of the game was played with most of the possession in Fireman's favour, leading to a couple of solid chances to increase the lead, but lacking the final finish. Inter had a free kick chance near the end of the game 20 yards out, and made a complete mess of it, allowing the Fireman wall to close down the indirect shot resulting in a strike off the wall and down Inters throat for a counter attack. Final score 2-1 Fireman

All in all, a good game played with Fireman deserving of the result. Inter did not look sharp on the day, and really missed the likes of Crouch and Kuca(sp).
Solid backline for Fireman led by Skinner, and great play by the Man of the Match, young Jeff Buchanan, who dominated the match from start to finish. Unlucky to the Inter boys who had a great season, but were not the better team on the day.On to Sporting for another difficult match.

Ankle Breaker....your view on the game?

Dancin Bear

Active Member
Oct 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

Sporting 2 Westside 0

Decent enough game with Sporting running out well deserved winners. Some good possession and football by both teams I thought but Sporting definitely looking the more dangerous.
First goal came on a bit of a mixup trying to play offside and the lad finished low near post on a breakaway.
We had a chance to tie it up when Smalley, after megging the left back at the top of their box had a chance to even it up but Sporting closed him down well and the chance went begging. To be fair, a meg for Smallstuff is as good as a goal:D .
Second half was more of the same with Sporting finishing us off with a peno that no-one could argue.....although we did try.

Congrats to Sporting and their club. Good bunch of lads who deserved the win and good luck the rest of the way.
Congrats to Westside for a magic season and looking forward to Premier fitba' next season.......I think:D

Walks, good game mate. Try and not let the wee yins get under your skin ;)



Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

Just wondering why KNVB never saw the park. As odd as it sounds I think surrey could have used him at points to win some 50/50 balls and really have someone getting stuck in. Surrey has loads of young talent but between angus, rizal, and the other wee man upfront they are all the exact same player. the big guy in the back was eating up rizal for the first 70 minutes or so but after that rizal and angus were the best players on the pitch. I'm surprised Surrey didn't stick a big body up there to hold up the ball and create some space for the little men. Either way surrey had a boat load of chances so I'm really just talking out of my ass.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

Thanks for noticing... ;)

I sustained an "upper body" injury on Tuesday night in a friendly vs Langley and was unfortunately unable to play. I'm listed as day to day. The good news is though one more visit to Stepchild’s office and I get a free bendy pen and matching pocket protector. So I have that going for me.


New Member
Mar 6, 2006
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

Just wondering who the ref was for the AFC/Gorge game on Sunday? He was top-notch...let hard tackles go...talked to the players...not talked down to the players... cards were all warranted... not much complaining at all. Sign him up for more games during BCs.... sounds like there are some shockers out there.
As for the Island games coming up..... just hope you don't have an older guy that looks like "greatest american hero"..... shocker as well. Actually, to be honest... most of the refs over here are shocking... we deal with them all year...you Van guys only have to see them once or so.... they suck both ways.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

I got my first bendy after my first trip, so there.

That said, Stepchild did have to take a 20 yard dash and leap into my lower back knee first, in order to get the crack he was looking for. Fcuking violent, is all I can say about that.

Steppy, five words: peanut butter and jelly sandwich(s).


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

The Regsy recap:

PAU 3 Chilliwack 1
We jumped to a quick 1-0 lead off a deep corner that was headed back across goal and the FVSL Allstar keeper (Jason Bekar) managed to let is loop over him into the yawning cage... Chilliwack battled back and were rewarded with a typical goal mouth scramble... They continued to make it difficult to play and battled all over the park... A fairly even 1st half...
2nd half we came at them hard again and went up 2-1 off a deflected free kick that fell nicely to Saunders and he finished well... Then our lovely ref stepped in and handled Chilliwack for us the rest of the way... Eddie tried to decapitate Cooper and was red carded for his head hunting... PAU took it to Chilli and finally finished them off from another Bekar blunder, which Billy Jackson (yes he's 43) slotted home for the 3-1 final...
Hats off to Chilliwack for battling all over the park as usual, a banged up team to say the least... We are missing a couple, but signed 22 for that very reason... Hopefully Croatia doesn't show up next week...

AFC / Gorge was refed by Gary Docherty. :cool:
PAU / Chilliwack was refed by Wonder woman herself! :eek:

Vancouver Firefighters vs Sporting Club, at Adanac Park West, Saturday at 2:00 pm

Croatia SC vs Peace Arch, at Adanac Park West, Sunday at 2:30 pm


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2007 BC Mens Open Provincial Cup, Early Discussion and Banter

No one is to answer Guinness' question until he posts a recap of their game.


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