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2005 Greek Summer Soccer League

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Are you mistaking Yia Yia for your wife's name or for what the she says after you beg for sex, again?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
knvb said:
Are you mistaking Yia Yia for your wife's name or for what the she says after you beg for sex, again?

Yia Yia is my mother.

Beg fo sex? Me? Even you can't resist me. Admit it. You want it. You've always wanted it. It's just that you're too feminine for me. :eek: :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dirty Money
Vaselos said:
Div 2 cat team that's a little too high a level more like Burnaby league div 3. OUZO'S OVER RATED OUZO'S OVER RATED.....Oh wait Ouzo's the only ones that think they're so good.

And the so called Premier league you play in (Richmond) is equivalent to VMSL and FVSL div.2. Does that make you over rated? I think so but have fun thinking you are better then you really are.


New Member
Apr 19, 2005
Dirty Money
termatofylakas I don't see you playing in the Richmond Premier?? Anyone looking for you to play anywhere??? Did you know that your team SOA asked me to play???Also did u know the Richmond All Blacks a Richmond Premier squad won the BC's this year? Now as far as my play goes it's average I have know illusions of how I play but I know I can compete because I have, even my "over rated play" (I never knew I was being rated so intensly) was able to pot a few goals this year in the Richmond Premier even though I happen to play on the back line. You want to take any more piss out of me??? I actually hope we get the opportunity to play your sad sacked team once again and why don't you play net since you are so solid...funny how some ppl are so verbally tough on this site but when you're out in public you are a bunch of ostriches burying your heads in the sand; you know who you are.

Wow that thread went on for ever last night that's some crrrrrrazy talk.

Ouzo I'm bringing some ribs I'll email you later this week, have fun a the Firemans Club....let's beat those Ukrainians....HELLAS OLE!!!!

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
MegaPrime said:
You get paid 50 bucks a game, thats for 1.5 hours of work, divide 50 by 1.5 and that's $33.3 and you get every 45 min. So as arnold says "stop wining" there are far worse jobs that pay far less out there.

I'm glad you admitted that, takes courage. Laddy you haven't been here in years past to know what goes on cause if you were you'd understand.

You forgot to add the hour of travel to the park and having to be at the game 15 minutes before and after. For the record, it is not my 'job'. If it was, I'm sure I would be a lot better. :rolleyes:

BTW, you're not a math major are you?


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Captain Shamrock said:
You forgot to add the hour of travel to the park and having to be at the game 15 minutes before and after.

Do you get paid to travel to your school?

Didnt think so.

And are you expected to be in your classroom before the start of class?

Thought so.

Getting back to the reffing.
I am not saying they cant be out of position to make a call.......or whatever.
But, some simple things are being missed, and that is what is getting my feathers ruffled.
I really thought you reffed our game well.....except for not giving me the time to set up the wall, right OUZO. ;) ....but other refs are just missing the boat.

I really wish they would just say "I didnt see the foul. i was obstructed."
Not much I could say then.
But when they try and justify their non-calls, such as the slide rule, it gets rather frustrating.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
All this, actually begs the question....why are you reffing in the Greek League?
Is it for the Holy Water? or the Saganaki (as I do)? or for the $50?

Is this a training ground for the move to the bigs in the winter?

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Zaurrini said:
Do you get paid to travel to your school?

Didnt think so.

And are you expected to be in your classroom before the start of class?

Thought so.

Getting back to the reffing.
I am not saying they cant be out of position to make a call.......or whatever.
But, some simple things are being missed, and that is what is getting my feathers ruffled.
I really thought you reffed our game well.....except for not giving me the time to set up the wall, right OUZO. ;) ....but other refs are just missing the boat.

I really wish they would just say "I didnt see the foul. i was obstructed."
Not much I could say then.
But when they try and justify their non-calls, such as the slide rule, it gets rather frustrating.


Your points about being on time etc are moot. What does my teaching have to do with a hobby? A job and a hobby. That was the point I was making to Primeshitehead. Reffing is not done to make a living out of it. The time you leave your house until the time you leave the field is believe or not.......TIME. Making up numbers like Pythagoras was attempting yesterday was futile. In order to do a decent job, you need to get there on time and finish with the appropriate follow up.

To answer your question about getting paid to travel to school...we do get mileage for certain things. I hope that answers your quandary. Being on the same team as Primeplunker is certainly turning you into one, Zaurrini. Well done. :D

Fcuk, Zaurrini, with you being RIGHT on every call while you're playing, the world of football would be a better place with a whistle in your hand every week. You wouldn't even need assistants apparently, much like Primedonkey. Only if......... :wa:

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Zaurrini said:
All this, actually begs the question....why are you reffing in the Greek League?
Is it for the Holy Water? or the Saganaki (as I do)? or for the $50?

Is this a training ground for the move to the bigs in the winter?

Simple. So I can see world all-stars like yourself on a weekly basis. Otherwise, I would be stuck reffing guys like Bulljive or other Fraser Valley div. 2 players. Surely you can comprehend that, Z.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Captain Shamrock said:
Fcuk, Zaurrini, with you being RIGHT on every call while you're playing, the world of football would be a better place with a whistle in your hand every week. You wouldn't even need assistants apparently, much like Primedonkey. Only if......... :wa:

It is not about ME being right on every call....just the simple ones.
It is not like he has a split second decision to make on 'who did the ball last touch before going out'...I am talking about, a guy sliding on the grass. Blow your whistle. Period. There is no discussion. No room for opinion. He slid.

Or what about the foul 10 yards outside the box....did he justify it by saying the foul occured in the box??

I was thinking of picking up the whistle to....but nobody likes refs.

So I can see world all-stars like yourself on a weekly basis.

Finally, somoene recognizes me.
You know I won the I-Tie cup Twice dont you....sheesh.

A job and a hobby.

Fair enough. But it wasnt that clear to me earlier.....obviosuly reffing in the greek league is nobody's only job....except for maybe the two twelve year olds running the lines from time to time.....but, it is still a hobby/job with responsibilities. Kinda like a paper route. If they ask you to be there 15 minutes before hand, and 15 minutes after all for the grand prize of $50 and watching the likes of myself and megaprime on the field.....


Vaselos said:
termatofylakas I don't see you playing in the Richmond Premier??

What's there to brag about, it's div3 caliber. You just complimented him.

Vaselos said:
Did you know that your team SOA asked me to play???

I know for a fact that is a lie and I know SOA would never take you because you don't qualify to play for them. Don't even argue this point.

Vaselos said:
Now as far as my play goes it's average

No, it's below average.

Vaselos said:
I actually hope we get the opportunity to play your sad sacked team once again and why don't you play net since you are so solid...

Why so you can lose to SOA? The last game between your teams ended in a draw. Oh my mistake, you got your fixed win when the ref awarded PAOK a PK 30 yards from the net for your team to take the lead. So in reality your game was a draw.

Vaselos said:
funny how some ppl are so verbally tough on this site but when you're out in public you are a bunch of ostriches burying your heads in the sand; you know who you are.

Look who's talking.

You make me laugh Vaselos your a classic.


Captain Shamrock said:
You forgot to add the hour of travel to the park and having to be at the game 15 minutes before and after. For the record, it is not my 'job'. If it was, I'm sure I would be a lot better. :rolleyes:

BIG DEAL, YOUR LIFE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD. I never said it was a main job for a person, but on one day you get to make a lot of money compared to others.

Did you ever think that there are people who travel alot further and get paid far less in day while doing actual work and more of it in the day????

Didn't think so.

Zuarrin and myself have schooled you in every post, aren't you tired of being wrong everytime???

So in arnolds words, Stop whining.


On to more important things. Unfortunately Greece lost today but, there is still hope.

16 Points for Turkey 15 Points for Greece 12 Points for Denmark

I know there are many scenarios but the most realistic is this. Greece has to win all 3/3 games that would leave Denmark with 1/4 loss at least. Turkey must also lose at least 1/3 game. Therefore the standings would finish like this...

Greece 23 Points
Turkey 22 Points
Denmark 21 Points


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
MegaPrime said:
On to more important things. Unfortunately Greece lost today but, there is still hope.

16 Points for Turkey 15 Points for Greece 12 Points for Denmark

I know there are many scenarios but the most realistic is this. Greece has to win all 3/3 games that would leave Denmark with 1/4 loss at least. Turkey must also lose at least 1/3 game. Therefore the standings would finish like this...

Greece 23 Points
Turkey 22 Points
Denmark 21 Points

Wrong thread.

Teammate or not.....

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
MegaPrime said:
BIG DEAL, YOUR LIFE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD. I never said it was a main job for a person, but on one day you get to make a lot of money compared to others.

Did you ever think that there are people who travel alot further and get paid far less in day while doing actual work and more of it in the day????

Didn't think so.

Zuarrin and myself have schooled you in every post, aren't you tired of being wrong everytime???

So in arnolds words, Stop whining.

Yes, I'm being schooled by Dumb and Dumber. Carry on.


New Member
May 17, 2005
Dirty Money
This weeks up coming games......

10.a.m............Evia vs Soa........Both teams are fighting to avoid the extra p-off.....game.....between 8 and 9...........
Personally i like Soa to come out of this one......in a chippy affair........
Take Soa

12.pm...........panionios vs F.C Salon........
Salon is to strong for Panionios.........Panionios does not have enough man power...........F,C Salon to win........They are getting hot at the right time .....before the cup round..........Dangerous!!!!

2.pm..............Paok vs Ouzo...........
Well now it becomes interesting.........This i believe will be a very tight game........Both teams going after a win to have any shot at the Title......
Hate to be bias.....But i see Ouzo.....After last weeks downer....The phantom call.......Squatters coming over and invading our Holly water......... :D .............Ouzo will be fired up........Especillay after the Caps Pre-game speech!!!!!! :D :wa:

4.p.m...............Panathinaikos vs Olympiakos
Well....This is a classic rivalry for this league...........
Oly just needs a point and they are crowned champions of the coupe de grec.......However, if pao has a full line up........with subs.........Things become interesting......

Take Pao to spoil Oly's undefeated season........But if they r short players........

Oly wins....No line.......Pickem...............

Couple of notes.......C.S.....What game r you manning the middle????
Would not want to be tossing holly water at you to early..... :D

Hopefully the weather is good this weekend.......I expect the ouzo bench to be rockin.............. ;) ;)


New Member
Apr 19, 2005
Dirty Money
MegaWhinner I don't even know why I bother or anyone else does with you....you obviously have some deeper issues that go beyond playing soccer, I've seen you play and the way you shut everyone down on here you'd think you were starting for Real Madrid or something, ease up life's to short to have this much rage.


New Member
Apr 19, 2005
Dirty Money
10.a.m............Evia vs Soa........I agree with you SOA here just don't underestimate Evia especially on corners

12.pm...........panionios vs F.C Salon........
Agree Salon to win....happy to see that Panionios still comes out we should all congratulate them other teams would have collapsed after little success.

2.pm..............Paok vs Ouzo...........
here we'll just agree to disagree...cheers

4.p.m...............Panathinaikos vs Olympiakos

I agree completely with you on this game, as I mentioned earlier hopefully even if PAO is short we can heckle Oly into a loss. PAO PAO PAO se AGAPO!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dirty Money
10 a.m. We have to win in order to pass both Evia and Sparta and I'm confident we will win.

12 p.m. FC Solon to win as I'm surprised Panionios got a point against Sparta last week.

2 p.m. Ouzo to win as I stated earlier 3-2.

4 p.m. If Pao has a full team I'm going with them to win.
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