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2005 Greek Summer Soccer League

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Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
MegaPrime said:
I don't mind your stupid biased lies about other stuff but don't start making shite up or implying that I did that.


Not those exact words, but I'm implying that the guy who got carded did so for saying more than that the ref/linesperson sucked crap. But why so defensive all of a sudden? I thought it wasn't you. ;)

Anyhow, it's bed time. As they say in G-land,



Zaurrini said:
....but we dont get paid to do it. You guys do.
All I ask is that the refs become accountable for their errors, as we are on the field

Is it a rule (maybe just in the Greek League, I dont know) that if a foul occurs at the 30 yard line, it CAN be called a penalty shot?

Or that when the rule says a player CANNOT, under any circumstances slide...that maybe there are exceptions to the rule?


EXACTLY, we don't get paid or go to reffing school, and reffing is easier than playing.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Is it a rule (maybe just in the Greek League, I dont know) that if a foul occurs at the 30 yard line, it CAN be called a penalty shot?

Never heard of that rule. I haven't seen it happen in any games I've been a part of, in the middle or on the line so I have no comment.

As for the sliding, I was told to call EVERY slide a couple of weeks ago, which I have. So I'm not sure where you're going with this. Yes, we get paid but how many of you are willing to take the verbal abuse and more often than not listen to guys bitch who DON'T EVEN KNOW THE RULES????????

What does it matter anyway, Zaurrini? Every official in the league is in it to help Olympiakos win. Remember your buddy, Megaputz? He said so. It must be true. Because after all, I have such a HUGE affiliation with Olympiakos as I started a supporters club in Belfast two summers ago. I am going back again this summer just to visit it.

Now, I think I might who Megaprime is........It might be fellow who was losing his head when the gentleman drove by after the game, playing the Olympiakos song. It is kind of a catchy tune, as I heard it played at least on 3 occasions that day, after all 3 goals. :D ;)


I hope some of you realize that this is all in fun, or at least supposed to be, so don't make this out to be more than it really is............ :mad:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm going to offer my opinion and it will probably offend some but it is meant respectfully and hopefully we can be realistic. As much as some of us want to think we are playing in the Cup of all Cups, the Greek League is very recreational. It is meant to bring us all together for some competitive spirit and then some social enjoyment afterwards. To state that the refereeing is brutal is futile, as the level of play is far, far worse. Do you understand? Some of these referees have their work cut out for them. The play is so unorthodox at times, it is impossible for them to read or stay intense for the entire game.

I see players like Paul Valitis or George Beris who are amazing players, played professionally, playing in a league with guys who just learned how to play. I think that is great. I don't see them complaining about the refereeing or crying over a loss, or about a teammate who miscontrolled a ball. Why? Because they are able to put things in perspective. They can adjust their intensity level to meet everyone's needs.

What I find amusing is that some of us out there have failed to realize that there is certainly another level out there that players like George and Paul can take it to. So post away. Brag away. It's great banter but if you start to challenge someone personally, play fair. Mega Prime, you come on here and call me a geriatric and my teammates hypocrites and such. Fine, but realize what they might be thinking of you but refrain from stating so because they do not wish to insult you because that is not their style.


Ballbaby said:
I don't see them complaining about the refereeing or crying over a loss, or about a teammate who miscontrolled a ball. Why? Because they are able to put things in perspective. They can adjust their intensity level to meet everyone's needs.

Mega Prime, you come on here and call me a geriatric and my teammates hypocrites and such. Fine, but realize what they might be thinking of you but refrain from stating so because they do not wish to insult you because that is not their style.

Are you talking about the same people here, cause if so you have judge them wrong.

The captain of your team was rude 5 years ago and is rude today as he was in the game against ouzo. Hey man he started it.


New Member
May 17, 2005
Dirty Money

If i had known better.......I would of hired a bartender!!!!!

Anyone for Ouzo??????

On the rocks..........Or just straight up?????

Vaselos.......Get your ribs and marinate them......Make your choice........
Propane or Charcoal???
Dont sit predicting the future....Just the weather........stick to the plan.....Stan!!!!

Captain.......Any news on what game your manning this week.........Cause i will have the cold ones ready............And i promise that i wont one hop it this time..... :)

Inspector ....billboy...dial a claim......devilisios...Larry jerry harry etc....etc......Dont know you guys.......No beefs or argues.....

Your opinion on Ouzo is just that........Your Opinion.........and that is just fine!!!

But for your info..........
The party will be at the South East.....Endzone.....with a heavy Emphasis on the East!!!! :wa: :wa:

The Geegers will be cooking.........Maybe will put megaprime as head chef........To cook up a storm!!!! :p :wa:

The beer will be flowing............and all r welcome...........

Final week of the league so its time i think we all got togethered and shared r stories together.........

On that note stop the trash.......and let the league get decided on the pitch and not the forum!!!!!

War Geegers!!!!

War Holly water!!!!




Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
ouzo said:

If i had known better.......I would of hired a bartender!!!!!

Anyone for Ouzo??????

On the rocks..........Or just straight up?????

Vaselos.......Get your ribs and marinate them......Make your choice........
Propane or Charcoal???
Dont sit predicting the future....Just the weather........stick to the plan.....Stan!!!!

Captain.......Any news on what game your manning this week.........Cause i will have the cold ones ready............And i promise that i wont one hop it this time..... :)

Inspector ....billboy...dial a claim......devilisios...Larry jerry harry etc....etc......Dont know you guys.......No beefs or argues.....

Your opinion on Ouzo is just that........Your Opinion.........and that is just fine!!!

But for your info..........
The party will be at the South East.....Endzone.....with a heavy Emphasis on the East!!!! :wa: :wa:

The Geegers will be cooking.........Maybe will put megaprime as head chef........To cook up a storm!!!! :p :wa:

The beer will be flowing............and all r welcome...........

Final week of the league so its time i think we all got togethered and shared r stories together.........

On that note stop the trash.......and let the league get decided on the pitch and not the forum!!!!!

War Geegers!!!!

War Holly water!!!!



Buddy, I'm getting myself an ouzo right now. Gonna eat some cold chicken souvlaki with it.

Be right back. :)


Captain Shamrock said:
As for the sliding, I was told to call EVERY slide a couple of weeks ago, which I have. So I'm not sure where you're going with this. Yes, we get paid but how many of you are willing to take the verbal abuse and more often than not listen to guys bitch who DON'T EVEN KNOW THE RULES????????

What does it matter anyway, Zaurrini? Every official in the league is in it to help Olympiakos win. :

You get paid 50 bucks a game, thats for 1.5 hours of work, divide 50 by 1.5 and that's $33.3 and you get every 45 min. So as arnold says "stop wining" there are far worse jobs that pay far less out there.

I'm glad you admitted that, takes courage. Laddy you haven't been here in years past to know what goes on cause if you were you'd understand.


New Member
May 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Ballbaby said:
Off topic for a bit. Greece versus Ukraine tomorrow: Is anyone taking it in and where?

I will be at the firefighters club up behind metrotown....saw the Greece vs Turkey game...

Great big screen to watch it on!!!!!



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
ouzo said:
I will be at the firefighters club up behind metrotown....saw the Greece vs Turkey game...

Great big screen to watch it on!!!!!


Seriously, is it on there? I knew those bastards loved the Greeks. :cool:


New Member
May 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Captain Shamrock said:
Never heard of that rule. I haven't seen it happen in any games I've been a part of, in the middle or on the line so I have no comment.

As for the sliding, I was told to call EVERY slide a couple of weeks ago, which I have. So I'm not sure where you're going with this. Yes, we get paid but how many of you are willing to take the verbal abuse and more often than not listen to guys bitch who DON'T EVEN KNOW THE RULES????????

What does it matter anyway, Zaurrini? Every official in the league is in it to help Olympiakos win. Remember your buddy, Megaputz? He said so. It must be true. Because after all, I have such a HUGE affiliation with Olympiakos as I started a supporters club in Belfast two summers ago. I am going back again this summer just to visit it.

Now, I think I might who Megaprime is........It might be fellow who was losing his head when the gentleman drove by after the game, playing the Olympiakos song. It is kind of a catchy tune, as I heard it played at least on 3 occasions that day, after all 3 goals. :D ;)


I hope some of you realize that this is all in fun, or at least supposed to be, so don't make this out to be more than it really is............ :mad:

Rack Em!!!!

Hahahaahaha..........Your own Fan club.......that was funny.........

Can You start one for Ouzo!!!!! :wa:

As for the guy who was angered by the music he was just frustrated with that song......as most of us were.... being non olympiakos supporters.......

As for officiating.....If you guys could please everyone....then you would be added to the 12 Gods of Mount Olympus...........

You got a tough job ,......trust me..I know it first hand.......you guys do take your fair share of abuse!!!!
But when the 90 minutes r up.........
My answer to that is.....Holly water.......Billions served...... :D


New Member
May 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Ballbaby said:
Seriously, is it on there? I knew those bastards loved the Greeks. :cool:

Indeed it is......

I will bring the ouzo..you get the coffee.......Preferably Metreo!!!!!

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