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2004 AMSL Crap and Gossip...


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money

It's possible that people don't care for your team because of things in the past, such as having shirts made up for the championship before the game was played. Or just having made the t-shirts at all. That was beer money not well spent.

Dial 9-1-1 said:
At one time, no one liked to play Buddha. I'm not sure what they are doing differently now other than losing, and I guess that to save face they (and others) argue that they're not trying...they're just having fun.
Actually no, we are trying to win games we just suck, ubt we are having fun still. It would be nice to win a couple of games to avoid relegation. Saving it for the playoffs i guess.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Dial 911,

I have made you sad, and for that I apologize. This is supposed to be a fun league and I've gone and upset you. Same with you Conductor. I apologize. But seeing as how we're talking about anonymous PM's. Here is one I recieved today. Not anonymous mind you, but whatever:
I actually saw one of the YG girls two handed push a BDGC girl in Monday nights game.

That is why some people have a problem playing you guys. Get rid of that shite and the egos, and the skinnig girls and cheering and all the crap, and it might be fun again. Buddha got it. That is pretty impressive considering they have a few of the dumbest people in the valley on that team. If they can get it, so can you. I have faith.

Once again though, I am truly sorry. I really am.

On that note, I will be the Dragons resident tryhard from now on. When I'm there anyway.

This post was boring, uncreative, not a "pisstake" and somewhat gay. While I'm apologizing for everything, I may as well apologize for that too. I apologize.


Why is this blue?


New Member
Oct 10, 2001
Dirty Money

You bored at work or something? Cause that last post sucked ass! :eek:
(but I do agree about the YG's....)

There's at least 1 "Tryhard" on every team, it's unavoidable.

people need to get back to understanding that we are in the "competitive" side of co-ed.
True true.... that's why the Beernuts requested to go to rec... little more fun, lot less tryhards..... MUCH more beer!

I just try hard to do my share of the beer drinking! ;)


Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
knvb said:
The rest of these sheep just don't understand people like us. Safety in numbers my arse. Who wants a piece of Dial and I? Bring it bitches. Go play on the beach with your kids if you want to fcuk around in the summer

I'll let you be my partner in crime, on the condition that I get to be labeled as the "CNUT" and you get the label as the "Misunderstood twat."

As for the league MVP, I've already used our team's three votes on you. I'll see if maybe Cheatside will give me their votes.

Even our once great allies the Beernuts are dissing me now. Spazz, how's your day going? I miss Striker 14. Bring her back, please. Or at least post and tell us how her day is going.

Yoda...as for the shirts, I wore mine to a wedding on the weekend. People thought it looked great. That reminds me: I need to pick it up from the dry cleaners. But seriously...in hindsight, those shirts make a great story, but they weren't great for PR.

Robbie. I apologize that you felt it necessary to apologize. Apologies.
As for the PM you quoted, I already agreed not to talk about that crap anymore. The smart sheep, however, always know that there are two sides to every story.

Your Pal,



Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
that last post sucked ass!
I know. That's why I apologized.

Dial 911,

I don't usually let people call me Robbie, but seeing as how from this point on Coe-ed is all about love and fun, I'll make this one exception.

You are not a cnut though. Only knvb is.

I love you man.


New Member
Oct 10, 2001
Dirty Money
Crap Thread is right...

Beernuts love any team/person that's willing to sit, hang out and drink beer with us.... :D and I can't really say it was only the YG's that drove us shamefully to the lower level of play :( as it was the competitive league as a whole.

Rec has served it's pupose as "fun"

.... and my day is fcuking marvelous now that I've have the joy of listening to your verbal bullshite off & on today, thanks for asking :rolleyes:

Will pass on your message to Striker14 that you miss her ever-so-much....




May 4, 2004
Dirty Money
my opinion...

Zeus u got such BIG mouth !!! Why is it u don t enjoy playing the young guns? You don t like losing.. your always getting your ass kicked... the girls are better looking or is it because u have never been invited to a young guns party ??? As far as i am concerned young guns are alittle to classy for someone like you... When u open your mouth, u should not make a bias opinion but base it from a neutral point of view.. u see two woman cat fighting and right away u blame the young guns girl... If there is action there is gonna be a reaction... So take your head out your butt and be fair !!! If you don t like the competition or the fun in the competitive side than head to the rec league... If there is any reason on why there is term oil in the cheatside club its probabley because you had one to many beers... Jealousy will get u know where Zeus... until than break a leg... Secondly... mr.roberto... i have watched you play and you are definately a tryhard with the woman and on the pitch... Both have gotten u nowhere... You claim that when young guns play there is egos and all of shite going on... I don t know what you are watching but you should sometimes take a step back and have a look at what your doing !!! You come across to be a funny guy around the woman and when your playing , your a total tryhard jackass around the guyz.. Your just a loser .. Put away the boots and put on your clown outfit !!! I don t know why people should have any bitterness towards young guns... Young guns have been in this league for a longtime and pretty much respect everyone. They go out there and play good ball, and at the same time have fun.. Afterwards they sit around and enjoy sausages and beers .. I mean everyone on every team knows someone on the young guns and know there are a pretty cool set of people... I think as a whole they might not like them... But i guess thats the competitveness everyone has... And when your winning people are not gonna like the favorite... No one likes the favorite but everyone likes the underdogs.. Anyways enough said.. I have been in this league for many years and must say i have never had a problem with tooo many people... But I must say Zeus and Theroberto are two people i would not like to have a beer with.. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion and this is mine... Like me or hate me but thats my point of view !!!

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Fantabulous. Fantabulous. Fantabulous. For Fukcs sake Fantabulous...we finally get some peace around here and then...and then... and then... THIS!!!

Zeus u got such BIG mouth !!! Why is it u don t enjoy playing the young guns? You don t like losing.. your always getting your ass kicked... the girls are better looking or is it because u have never been invited to a young guns party ??? As far as i am concerned young guns are alittle to classy for someone like you... When u open your mouth, u should not make a bias opinion but base it from a neutral point of view.. u see two woman cat fighting and right away u blame the young guns girl... If there is action there is gonna be a reaction... So take your head out your butt and be fair !!! If you don t like the competition or the fun in the competitive side than head to the rec league... If there is any reason on why there is term oil in the cheatside club its probabley because you had one to many beers... Jealousy will get u know where Zeus... until than break a leg... Secondly... mr.roberto... i have watched you play and you are definately a tryhard with the woman and on the pitch... Both have gotten u nowhere... You claim that when young guns play there is egos and all of shite going on... I don t know what you are watching but you should sometimes take a step back and have a look at what your doing !!! You come across to be a funny guy around the woman and when your playing , your a total tryhard jackass around the guyz.. Your just a loser .. Put away the boots and put on your clown outfit !!! I don t know why people should have any bitterness towards young guns... Young guns have been in this league for a longtime and pretty much respect everyone. They go out there and play good ball, and at the same time have fun.. Afterwards they sit around and enjoy sausages and beers .. I mean everyone on every team knows someone on the young guns and know there are a pretty cool set of people... I think as a whole they might not like them... But i guess thats the competitveness everyone has... And when your winning people are not gonna like the favorite... No one likes the favorite but everyone likes the underdogs.. Anyways enough said.. I have been in this league for many years and must say i have never had a problem with tooo many people... But I must say Zeus and Theroberto are two people i would not like to have a beer with.. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion and this is mine... Like me or hate me but thats my point of view !!!

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
why there is term oil in the cheatside club its probabley because you had one to many beers... Jealousy will get u know where Zeus

Surely, a piss take? Term oil? Great stuff. Those fcuking term mights are eating at my fcuking deck again.

Regs, where is the butchering of the English language thread again? Perhaps I should go look in the dick shin arie. That should work.

I'm looking forward to reffing the Young Guns one day because I heard they're a cool group who like taking things seriously, AND still manage to have a hot dog and beer after. Sounds like my type of team.

Guatemala forever


New Member
Dec 10, 2002
Dirty Money
Wow this topic has gotten way out of control. This discussion which I had no part in starting, (it was definitly zeus :p) has some reasons behind. Yes the coed teams like to take the piss out of young guns. Exactly what this website is for. Is it to start fights and get coed teams mad at eachother, god no! It's a simple whine and bitch to see if maybe things might change a little. Or to just whine and bitch, as a female that is definitly my job.
Simple fact: some teams don't have as much fun playing the young guns. Fun is the foundation of coed soccer. So let's make some changes.
First step is to accept that you have a problem,
If we're some dirty team that crunches people every tackle, then I'd say you have a point. But we don't.
I actually saw one of the YG girls two handed push a BDGC girl in Monday nights game
Excellent point. A girl fight in coed, are you kidding me. This has never been even an issue with any other team. Surprise, Surprise it's young guns. Sorry I don't have any quote's to back up that guys tackle a little to hard. Except the rumors going around the league that young gun guys tackle girls and then yell at them to get up. (personal experience of this last season) (other teams this season)
It can't just be that every team is making up these stories to bash you guys. This is a fun league and we all just want to get along. Let's go back to step 1, accept the fact that their is a problem as the proof states above and the many other posts.
So a few suggestions I have from a personal level, is have a laugh and smile. When someone gets tackled, stick your hand out and help them up. Make a joke. You know you guys have some awesome players, but if they screw up, friggen lay it into them. (that's just something I like to do to the guys on my team, it's funny) If the other team who is losing 3 nothing has an awesome run at you guys, let them know. Tell the guy/girl, "man you just schooled me, that was sweet". (just like that :D )
Ok well I guess I've probably already lost the young guns who are supposed to be reading this because they are already too pissed off at me. Seriously this note is in good fun, with some sarcasm and some serious suggestions that you could just tell me to stick. But hopefully we can go back to the reason this topic keeps coming up in coed. It's about having fun, that's it! :D


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
A girl fight in coed, are you kidding me.
It's why I play... cat fights are every guys dream, especially if it leads to some hot make-up girl-kissing-girl action.

Or something like that.



PS. Rumour has it theroberto (1) megged a bird tonight (2) shoved a guy away (3)!!! Sent a girl flying on her ass! Boo, therob, boooooo!



New Member
Sep 16, 2002
Dirty Money
I heard the Young Guns wear brass-knuckles when they play. They also go around stealing candy from children and kick puppies. I swear, it's all true.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
k-vale7 said:
I heard the Young Guns wear brass-knuckles when they play. They also go around stealing candy from children and kick puppies. I swear, it's all true.

I didn't believe it myself but I just finished uploading a video of Dial 9-1-1 practising such appalling deeds!


Poor puppies...



New Member
Aug 16, 2001
Dirty Money

That was hilarious!


If you think everyone is entitled to their opinion so why did you write a short story about mine?

It's debate's like this that make me want to read TTP again!

Stir, stir, stir! :D


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Some of you need to clear out your PM boxes... I have Co-ed Fundraiser tickets available and I am looking to dump them off tomorrow/Friday in Vancouver...Any takers? I'll be checking TTP after 6pm...PM me if you want them.

Carry on, back to the bullsh*t :rolleyes:

+SChasroominherbox :eek:

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