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Div 2 2002-3 Division 2 Banter

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the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
lonely thread

It seems that this banter thread has turned into a ghost town with nothing but tumbleweed rolling through and the watcher chasing behind with zig-zag's and lighter in hand. Are we all out of words to say? Is there nothing creative left within?

Yomama was brave enough to break the ice and the manager is hoping that the watcher, chasing with lighter in hand, would be motivated to spark this thread back up with a reply from his sardonic repertoire of wisdom.

Who would have thought that dapotayto, the obvious progenitor of this thread, would choose to remain silent for such a long period.

lets get this party started once again


Aug 15, 2001
Dirty Money
Trash Talk

Manager, Yomama, et al....it is a bit of a surprise that Dapotayto has been quiet as he is never at a loss for words. It is however dull to take the piss out on someone when they aren't even on here to piss take back. Its too bad NK and JB's aren't in the same group again this year as then the thread might be a bit busier. We definitely need more quality (so I guess that leaves Watcher out) div 2 piss takers. Things seem to heat up for the odd match but thats about it. Maybe we'll meet you guys in the cup if we don't get that exhibition game set up. Looking forward to stealing some points from Luch and the "old" boys this weekend. And as always some cold "pops" after the game!!

JB's go on an undefeated run in the second half.....yes, you heard it here first!!

Big Headed Beamer!!:wa:


New Member
Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money
JB's go on an undefeated run in the second half.....yes, you heard it here first!!


You really should not mix the Beam with tumbleweed:D
You are getting dilutional!!!
Good luck on the weekend.

As for CH, we are playing the Primos.
If we can stay focussed, we might be able to steal some points.
But, then again the game is at Ceveland and the rain has started....what are the chances that the game will be played?


New Member
Sep 28, 2002
Dirty Money
JB's go on an undefeated run in the second half.....yes, you heard it here first!!


You probably could have waited a week to make this prediction, but I like your gamesmanship. I really expected your team to be in the top three but it will be tough to finish that high now. Hopefully we don't get rained out.
Are there any changerooms at Loutet? I can't remember if 've played there lately but I understand it by Boulevard.


Dec 2, 2001
Dirty Money

North Van are usually Nazis when it comes to rain. A couple of drops and they shut down every single park in the District.


Aug 15, 2001
Dirty Money
Biteme, as this is the first game in the rain the parks will probably be open but after this weekend, don't look to be playing any more games on the North Shore if the rains continue. Hopefully I'll get a chance to come out and watch the game, weather dependent of course!!

Cliffhanger, yes there are changerooms at Loutet and we can ever drink beer there too, so feel free to buy me one!! The park is just a few blocks east of Boulevard between 15th and 17th streets. And do you really think my statement is too optimisitc.....maybe, looking forward to the weekend. See you there,



New Member
Sep 28, 2002
Dirty Money
If you take a point of us, I'll personally deliver a cold beer or two to you in your changeroom. I hope that didn't sound ****y, I didn't mean for it to.
We've got a double header this weekend, we play our second game on Monday vs. Pt. Grey. I'm looking forward to seeing what Pt. grey has on their sideline that everyone keeps talking about.
See you on the weekend Beamers.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm still around, Manager. I've just been devoting the majority of my time to sports research so that I can become quicker and more effective at losing in Soccer and Hockey pools. It's working too. Micksters' favorite group of eleven poofters (aka Arsenal) hadn't lost a game in seven months up until a couple of weeks ago. Thus I picked them in the survivor pool and, of course, they subsequently lost, tossing me out. But I digress. Where is your game report from last week, manager? You have an obligation to post the information so that I have something to analyse you lazy bastard:D Ah, perhaps this is why there is nothing:

Tough loss last week has kept the manager sidelinded and discouraged with the game of soccer

Well, well, well. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the team Manager responsible for certain things such as keeping team morale up, inspiring the players with fiery pre-game and halftime speeches, and putting on a brave face after a tough loss so that the team doesn't become crestfallen and lose confidence (as well as making sure the beer cooler is full, of course). C'mon man, suck it up! Get those doggies rolling. Get a win 'cause I heard today that 'winning breeds confidence'. shite, I always thought it was 'whineing breeds confidence'. Go figure. After all these years it turns out all that pouting and sulking was wasted.

It is too bad you're not in our group 'cause there would be more stuff to banter about. Also, I need to score a few more goals to bolster my lead ahead of Mickster and Therapist in the reverse goal scoring race. Playing you guys would have been the perfect answer. It looks though as if I will be back playing defence this weekend. Hmmmm. Sounds fishy. A slim one goal lead over those two and all of a sudden I'm on D and Mickster's up in midfield. I smell a rat.

Which is the toughest group? The top teams in our group are all pretty solid. Group A looks fairly strong. Group B looks a little weaker overall. I'll go with our group 'cause I'm self-centred.


If you take a point of us, I'll personally deliver a cold beer or two to you in your changeroom

Mickster will be waiting. In the shower. With candles.;)

the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
re: well, well, well

Ah my spudonian friend...I feel charged and refreshed after your little pep talk...we're ready to take on anyone...I'm inspired. Bring on the Beam (man, we need to play a friendly...this thread would load up with posts about the manager megging spud, mickster and the like), bring on the Cliff's...man I'm charged...bring on the whitecaps...we can do it!!!:wa:

mellowing out a little...

well, for you information, as I'm sure you already know...I've posted results.

As for the firey speaches you spoke of....if this pattern of mediocraty consists, I will personally begin to post my fiery speached to the team on TTP, slaggin us all.

Thanks for reminding me about the doggies....we'll be running them tomorrow night:D

mickster in the midfield....maybe less penalty shots if this is the case. Maybe less goals for as well. Maybe less wins...etc

i agree that group C is the strongest...you have a hard task at hand (don't read anything sexual into it...I'm talking about soccer)

i'm going home,



New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
Hey all right! I'm diggin' the series of post on here even if they have nothing to do with Yomama (you see, I'm a little self-centered as well..aren't we all).

A good point was made about our Manager....I don't know if anybody told Manager but his cup has to be always half full (unless Watcher is around..that fatso cheesy drinks and eats everything). But the aforementioned loss was disheartening. It went like this:

Point Grey A has seven players and no nets set up at 2:10. We decide to play the game anyways. We are overconfident and uninspired with a three man advantage. Within 5 minutes another PG A shows up, and then another, and very quickly they have a full team. From the start, they are running on all cylinders to compensate for their shortage of men. When it was even, they continued to run at a high tempo while NK wasn't able to get their heads or legs into the game. It was a psychological defeat. Plus, Yomama had a clear goal disallowed which would have tied it up. All in all, we were not mentally prepared to play that day.

Last weekend sucked too. We gave up a lead by letting some wanker blast a shot from thirty yards out that went top corner....and I mean top corner.....the ball practically kissed both post and crossbar on the way in...no chance for the goalie.....although Yomama feels someone was not doing their job in the midfield to allow the shot....unacceptable.

The NK train has another hill to climb (Bosna this weekend) before it gathers speed again.


New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
We may suck, figuratively speaking...

But you literally suck.

Terse comments like yours, deserve terse retorts.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
My dad can beat up your dad!

Manager, you want some banter? Here it is. It seems we (NSU) are in a state of transition and have started to train our replacements. Seventeen year-old go-getters who haven't desecrated their bodies with cigarettes, booze, drugs and cheap whores. Good kids with morals and standards. We'll take care of that. This is football after all (Disclaimer to parents/goodie two-shoes/pooftas: That was a joke).

Yomama, the secret to scoring goals is this: When the cross comes in and you're going for the header/volley/spaz kick, put your arms in the air like you just don't care and yell "Here we go, it's SHOWTIME", then thump it! Being cokcy and brash ALWAYS pays (Also, I heard that if you breathe, relax and hit the ball through the center it helps). Do this and you'll get all the bitches, just like me, Tom Vu, I mean Dapotayto. Oops, almost gave away my secret identity.

Bandcamp, it seems things have settled down in 2B and you guys are about to assume control of the group. Bastard. You guys add anyone new this year or just go with the same guys as last season? It's good to see you guys back near the top as it was quite galling seeing the Nomads et al up there while we're in freaking tenth or whatever it is.

Good luck this weekend to all you beeeaaaatchs. Except anyone behind me in the scoring race.

the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money

red alert.....

Manager will shortly, on his own time not company time, resume to taking the piss out of everyone and anyone in this div 2 thread. I've been silent as of late as I have been compiling photos from div 2. I got some good ones. Yes girls, even of yomama and watcher in a little communiation session.

Had some trouble posting yesterday...tech difficulties, but I'm ironong out the wrinkles and look out all you wannabe soccer playing girls cause it's SHOWTIME.....

stay tuned....


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

you're right, we have definitely settled down and are now in a pretty good position. after playing everybody once i haven't noticed any one team that really stands out as a threat.

as for new players, the most important thing we did was pick up a good keeper. we had been without a strong keeper for 3 seasons. if we had him last year we would have stayed up in div 1. we did pick up 3 new guys to replace some guys who moved away - 3 to england for some reason maxblink ;)

either way, not sure if we'll be playing this weekend.

the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
watcher and yomama

Here's a great shot of yomama tackling the watcher and pleading with him to come back and mark his man...with a desperate plea in his voice, yomama cries....

"watcher....you have to come back man...you have to take your man. They're walking right in on us"

Watcher, completely out of breath huffs...

"I'm sorry momma, I can't, I cant, I'm pooped...(huf,huf)..I can only play offence...I'm only good for one run"



Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Very nice, Manager. Well done indeed. What I thought Yomama was saying though was something like this:

Yomama: "Oh Watcher, when I was on that breakaway I could only think one person. Of looking into that person's eyes again. Of seeing his face. His smile. That person was you, Watcher. Not Spiderman. Not Iron Mike. You. I think I love you, Watcher."

Watcher: "Aaaalllrrriiigghhttty then"

Hey, by the way, aren't you supposed to trash talk players on opposing teams and not just your own?

the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
mickster on the grab

Here's a shot I took when I sneaked by the JB's game...the one where the mickster caused a penalty shot.

Here sre his comments...

"don't woory spud....I've got him, I'm marking him good....he won't get a shot. Trust me...the mickster always gets his man."


is this what you think good defence is....come on....get a grip. Oh...look, you already have one."

more to come.


Aug 15, 2001
Dirty Money
Fistful of ......

Classic stuff Manager....now I know why you guys want an exhibition game so badly.....you're hoping I use my "patented" move on you guys. Unfortunately Watcher isn't my type...but as you see I am a big fan of the Arsenal boys. I'll have to be more careful during future games in case there are anymore candid camera episodes. And don't worry Spud, I only play this way in games so you'll be safe during practices!!!

ps Manager, you can expect some sort of payback but I'm sure you're expecting it......

Mickster....aka "the Groper"

isn't that also a handle that Therapist uses???
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