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War in, on and over Iraq


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Here then let me rephrase that,

Originally posted by Dude
Another thing Vietnam did for the world: introduce Guerilla Warfare.


please stop trying to give history lessons.

Guerilla warfare was around long, long before the Vietnam war.

BTW, It has been reported that Ba'ath party loyalists are paying $100 per bomb planted on Iraq's roads. With the massive unemployment caused by this war, there is no shortage of would-be Guerillas.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money


Shrub gets elected President and is spending his first night in the White
House. The ghost of George Washington appears, and George Bush asks, "How can I
best serve my country?"
Washington says, "Never tell a lie."
"Ouch!" Says Shrub, "I don't know about that."
The next night, the ghost of Thomas Jefferson appears... George Bush asks, "
How can I best serve my country?"
Jefferson says, "Listen to the people."
"Ohhh! I really don't want to do that."
On the third night, the ghost of Abe Lincoln appears... George Bush asks,
"How can I best serve my country?"
Lincoln says: "Go to the theater."

I don't get it;)



New Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
So the US aren't so tough!!!

Had this article e-maild to me today...goes to show the Yanks inability to resolve the situation in Iraq reflects their history in war.


PUSSY AMERI****S! (Score:-1, Offtopic)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 03, @08:53AM (#7617675)
1775-1783: The British crown presents a bill to American settlers who must now pay for their protection. Ungrateful settlers who are already allergic to taxes go on a rampage and attack tea boxes on a ship; several Americans are wounded in explosions. Americans win their sole victory in Saratoga when general Burgoyne realizes that Canadian merchants sold him ragweed instead of tea before his departure. Facing a mutiny he decides to surrender. In the following years Americans will lose most of their battles due to their lack of discipline and massive desertions. In 1781, 30,000 French soldiers & sailors accept to integrate 11,000 American mascots who will play music from afar while the French win the Battle of Yorktown.
1812: The American army is crushed trying to invade Canada and abandons annexation plans.
During the 19 the century, several raids are led against Indian women and babies with the US troops achieving some victories, but fail in their effort to ethnically cleanse the Indians. Nevertheless, some sucessful slaughters will lead them to believe that they are mighty and couragous warriors.
1861-1865: Americans win an impressive victory against themselves but it took a while. The Civil War as it comes to be called, will turn out to be the only war Americans ever win. Mind you they beat themselves, but why digress.
1898: The Spanish succeed a master coup and get rid of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines at the expense of the Americans, leaving them the impression that they won the war. Soon the US discovers that there is no oil there, and that their new possessions are a wastebasket, more than anything else.
1900-1950: A series of military interventions against banana republics in South America and the Caribbean against people armed with slingshots and spears has a beneficial effect on the American ego.
1918: The Americans arrive just on time to see the victory of the French and the British against the Germans. They then turn around, and try to claim the high ground by sabotaging the peace treaty and stabbing France in the back when it tries to enforce reparations and prevent Germany from rearming, thus setting the stage for WWII.
1941-1945: While as many as 20 million Russians die bleeding the Wermacht to death, the US wait until the Germans are left with the Hitler Youth, a childrens' force comprised of 14 year old soldiers to launch their assault. They are still saying today that they suffered heavy loses at their hands. In the whole Normandy Campaign they suffer less casualties than the French did in the first six months of 1940, and inflict less damage on the Germans, yet this is enough for them to claim they liberated Europe. That claim alone is the biggest piece of historical myth in history.
1950-1953: The US fails to beat North Korea, in 1953 the borders are still roughly what they were three years earlier.
1963-1973: Americans suffer cruelly from the lack of AC and marijuana of a poor quality in Vietnam. When they realize that their soldiers can be killed in a war they retreat.
1983: The combined aviation, navy and ground troops apply an audacious plan and succeed to beat a bunch of cuban workers armed with shovels in Granada. The celebrations go on for weeks with parades and chants of USA, USA.
1991: Americans align more soldiers than the French or the British combined and succeed in crushing an army of barefoot shiite drafted against their will who are armed with empty rifles and have barely had a thing to eat in months. But even this so-called victory is hollow as it is actually led by the Daguet division from France which leads the charge while American soldiers console themselves by rounding up prisoners that TV crews did not want.

2003: Iraq. Need I go on? I think not.

The origional article is HERE


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
You get this on email yet you only see fit to forward me the 400 pound women on top of some guy who's so small RF could eat in one sitting?

Bag of flower, KNVB


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
He sent you that?

All I got from him was the same retarded Burger King worker he sends every Christmas.

ps when I saw the word retard and the letters BK come from a Bby player I immediately thought,........Brian Kerr?:eek:


New Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Only the best for you KNVB....besides, fatness is only in the eye of the beholder. RIGHT JINKY????;)



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
From Reuters...

Saddam Hussein Arrested - Kurdish Official
Sun December 14, 2003 05:33 AM ET

TEHRAN - Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has been arrested, an Iraqi Kurdish representative in Iran said on Sunday, but the Defense Department said it could not confirm the report.

"I confirm that Saddam has been arrested," Nazem Dabag, representative in Iran of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), told Reuters.

The official Iranian news agency IRNA quoted PUK leader Jalal Talabani as saying that Saddam had been captured in his home town of Tikrit.

"The American forces in Tikrit announced that Saddam was arrested on Sunday. The Americans said that they will announce the news officially in the next few hours," IRNA quoted Talabani as saying.

The news agency report was from Qasr-e Shirin in Iran across the border from Iraq. A Talabani aide said the Kurdish leader was in Tehran on his way to France.

The Defense Department said it could not confirm the report. Washington has made Saddam number one on its list of 55 most-wanted Iraqis, and placed a $25 million reward on his head.

U.S. officials had said Saddam, 66, had eluded American troops by moving every few hours, probably in disguise and aided by members of his clan.

The capture of Saddam would be a major morale boost for U.S. troops in Iraq, who have been under daily attack from shadowy guerrillas, some of whom they believe may have been directed by the former president from hiding.

Given immediate American media proclamations that they've finally got their man, the Yanks better hope this isn't a massive misidentification on their part. Coz this would be a brilliant time for Bush to deliver a special Christmas gift to the American Public, heading into an election year and all.

Oh, the scoops you're privy to while surfing the net at 0331hours.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Well I've just got in from fight night at the Club Ireland dance ( I blame the DJ ;) ) and it's Santa Hussein all right.

There's alot of break dancing going on in Bagdhad right now.

Or body poppin' whatever you want to call it. It's all good.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
poppin', lockin' and shananagans!

I was going to post last night when I was watching the BBC news, but I couldn't move myself away from the beach front bar, or my Mi Thai. Interesting development, what do you think is next for this dude?

Jinks, watch out man, if you don't shave for awhile, look what can/may happen.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Election comming up...Bush's numbers not looking so good...Christmas time in Western society...Muslim Ramzan having just ended, and most of Islam still celebrating Eid...

I wonder if they've had him for 8 months, and have chosen today to "release" the news?:D

the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
it's interesting, this political stuff and all...as some suggested, this seems to be the best possible time for the arrest to happen. it's difficult not to read into things especially after watching that deniero/hoffman movie Wag the Dog....or, conspiracy theory for that matter:eek:



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money

The election is a year away and Bush needed Saddam caught a lot earlier than this! This was hardly a time to stash the guy away.

Check out this site at http://cost of war.com. This is a clock showing the cost of the Iraq war and it is interactive so you can click on what this amount of money would have got if spent on kids healthcare, education, etc for the entire US or the city of your choice.


It is $90 billion and counting.

The site has links to a site tracking civilian deaths based on news accounts and shows a minumum and a max count which is 7935 to 9766 as of today.

It also shows a graph of the rising death toll on US troops which is now 456.

How many here who thought the war was justified would have thought that way if they knew:
1. the cost in lives (especially soldiers, UN personnel, civilians
2. the monetary cost
3. there were NO weapons of mass destruction going to be found.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."

This quote is from this site. It is from then President Eisenhower in 1953 who also happened to be a Republican like George Bush.
As a former general in the army he understood how stupid war can be at times.


New Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
some help

Reccos ,

Your facts are a bit off;

Bush approval rating above 60% (HIS NUMBERS LOOK GREAT)

When is the last time you saw an army take over a country and lose less than a thousand guys?

We will get the money back through oil.

Most Americans could give a shite about WMD. Already found many weapons and long range missiles Iraq was not suppose to have. Found Missiles also with chemical weapon attachments. WMD will still be found. Maybe moved to neighboring countries.

Sadam Killed over 300,000 of his own people

Most of the world is celebrating this latest victory most of all the Iraqi people.



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Here we go again........

Most of the world is celebrating this latest victory

What was the previous victory? World War II? Go on, say it..........

When is the last time you saw an army take over a country and lose less than a thousand guys?

How many were killed by their own highly-skilled and impeccably-trained troops? I wasn't aware it was up to the angelic septics to actually 'take over' Iraq. I thought the mandate of allies ( you know, the group of countries other than your beloved USofA that were involved in this....... though I doubt very much you hear anything of them on your propagandised spinning media machine) was to dispose of the oppressive despot (Saddam to you) and his entourage. Revealing statement, mate.

This 'war' won't hold any creedence until Hollywood re-invent it starring Mel fcuking Gibson and Omar Sharif though quite how they'll make Saddam a Frenchman will prove difficult for even yank fantasists.........

Will we have Bin Liner by New Year's Eve? The bets are on.......

Try reading Notty's post, apparently you missed it the first time.....

PUSSY AMERI****S! (Score:-1, Offtopic)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 03, @08:53AM (#7617675)
1775-1783: The British crown presents a bill to American settlers who must now pay for their protection. Ungrateful settlers who are already allergic to taxes go on a rampage and attack tea boxes on a ship; several Americans are wounded in explosions. Americans win their sole victory in Saratoga when general Burgoyne realizes that Canadian merchants sold him ragweed instead of tea before his departure. Facing a mutiny he decides to surrender. In the following years Americans will lose most of their battles due to their lack of discipline and massive desertions. In 1781, 30,000 French soldiers & sailors accept to integrate 11,000 American mascots who will play music from afar while the French win the Battle of Yorktown.
1812: The American army is crushed trying to invade Canada and abandons annexation plans.
During the 19 the century, several raids are led against Indian women and babies with the US troops achieving some victories, but fail in their effort to ethnically cleanse the Indians. Nevertheless, some sucessful slaughters will lead them to believe that they are mighty and couragous warriors.
1861-1865: Americans win an impressive victory against themselves but it took a while. The Civil War as it comes to be called, will turn out to be the only war Americans ever win. Mind you they beat themselves, but why digress.
1898: The Spanish succeed a master coup and get rid of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines at the expense of the Americans, leaving them the impression that they won the war. Soon the US discovers that there is no oil there, and that their new possessions are a wastebasket, more than anything else.
1900-1950: A series of military interventions against banana republics in South America and the Caribbean against people armed with slingshots and spears has a beneficial effect on the American ego.
1918: The Americans arrive just on time to see the victory of the French and the British against the Germans. They then turn around, and try to claim the high ground by sabotaging the peace treaty and stabbing France in the back when it tries to enforce reparations and prevent Germany from rearming, thus setting the stage for WWII.
1941-1945: While as many as 20 million Russians die bleeding the Wermacht to death, the US wait until the Germans are left with the Hitler Youth, a childrens' force comprised of 14 year old soldiers to launch their assault. They are still saying today that they suffered heavy loses at their hands. In the whole Normandy Campaign they suffer less casualties than the French did in the first six months of 1940, and inflict less damage on the Germans, yet this is enough for them to claim they liberated Europe. That claim alone is the biggest piece of historical myth in history.
1950-1953: The US fails to beat North Korea, in 1953 the borders are still roughly what they were three years earlier.
1963-1973: Americans suffer cruelly from the lack of AC and marijuana of a poor quality in Vietnam. When they realize that their soldiers can be killed in a war they retreat.
1983: The combined aviation, navy and ground troops apply an audacious plan and succeed to beat a bunch of cuban workers armed with shovels in Granada. The celebrations go on for weeks with parades and chants of USA, USA.
1991: Americans align more soldiers than the French or the British combined and succeed in crushing an army of barefoot shiite drafted against their will who are armed with empty rifles and have barely had a thing to eat in months. But even this so-called victory is hollow as it is actually led by the Daguet division from France which leads the charge while American soldiers console themselves by rounding up prisoners that TV crews did not want.

2003: Iraq. Need I go on? I think not.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Bin Laden will die (unless he already has died) well before the USA will ever capture him. Lawless Afghani mountain regions are no place for a US Soldier, and my guess is that Bin Laden wouldn't go meekly into the night with a starter's pistol wedged between he and his dirt coffin, and a wad of negotiation loot stuffed in his drawers.

This will probably end up being the high-point of the entire "war", so enjoy it while it lasts. Trying Sadaam will never be as pleasurable as rat-trapping him was, due to the fact any sort of court-proceedings will have decades worth of shoddy US foreign policy under as much scrutiny as Hussien's reign of terror.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Problem is that Saddam was despised in Iraq up to and when he was finally captured, whereas Bin Liner (nice one) is referred throughout Afghanistan and much of Pakistan as a man who is not afraid to take it to the "American Infidels".

They are entirely different types of men, and the situations are so different. It was only a matter of time before they got Saddam. OBL is a guy seen as a leader, as a guy who provides young men with a purpose, notoriety, and a sense of belonging. Basically, as ludicrous as it sounds, he gives many- who have little else to live for- hope. He has them all sold.

Because of this, he is potentially far more dangerous, as well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
US & Iraq


Re: George Bush's approval rating of 60%

That is not surprising at all. I make it a personal policy never to underestimate the stupidity of the American people when it comes to a moral crusader type like this guy.

Smiles, I am very surprised that you discount the tragedy of the deaths of US troops that were senseless and needless in a war that they cannot win decisively as the enemy is mostly faceless and won't surrender. The very reason for not getting into this unilaterally in the first place.

Smiles some facts about the war that you seem to be oblivious to while you are all wrapped up in your cozy Republican flag thousands of miles from the battle where troops are being killed and wounded:

On May 1 when Bush declared "Mission accomplished" there were 139 troops dead.

Since that date and until Dec. 15 there have been 458 dead in total. That is 319 dead since "Mission accomplished!"

Your government is spending $300 million a day on this war. Why not spend that same amount on healthcare, homelessness, education?

Re: Iraq oil

Yes, you could pillage the oil to pay the bills but the terrorists keep bombing and attacking the oil movements making this a bad strategy. They are having huge problems getting out the oil.
And I thought it was never about Iraq's oil. Didn't Donald Rumsfeld say last February that it was "Utter nonsense" to suggest that the US was interested in their oil?

The good news. The US can't start a war with North Korea as they don't have the resources and now know they are not quite as good at this as they think they are. North Korea by the way, has weapons - lots of them. These morons can't feed their people or their huge army but they are good at making weapons.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Key to the City

Here is an interesting one for all on TTP.

Which American City does Saddam have the City Key?
Heard this fact this morning, very interesting.

Second, have you noticed that our new Prime Minister has his nose way up Bush's Asss, trying to suck up for the stand that our former leader took.

Answer to City Key question to follow.


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