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Premier [VMSL Premier] Predictions, Results & Banter 2013/2014

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Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
CMF is younger and much better this year. They play with five guys in the back. Nice passing, Chile guys opend up by moving up way too far and got kicked in the ars by it. CMF old school coaching paid off. I was told long time ago if you chase the ball in their third your third is a big hole. I gues Chile coach did not have a hot rum before the game. Good pace and movment of the ball by both clubs. Old timer in the midle of the pitch for CMF can still pass the ball. Simple and smart will always out smart the chase game.
Sep 29, 2013
Dirty Money
Not sure what it was like in the "glory days" when all you golden agers were playing but if the skill level is "bad" because anyone can beat anyone on any given day I'll take it. It makes things interesting. Theirs no argument that it's the best the VMSL has to offer. None of Mr. Base's div 1/2/3 "more fun" teams would stand a chance in prem (excepting of course Ajyal, Richmond and Olympics, 2 of whom will get a chance to make their case next .

In glory days u di not have masters players called up to play premiere.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
CMF is younger and much better this year. They play with five guys in the back. Nice passing, Chile guys opend up by moving up way too far and got kicked in the ars by it. CMF old school coaching paid off. I was told long time ago if you chase the ball in their third your third is a big hole. I gues Chile coach did not have a hot rum before the game. Good pace and movment of the ball by both clubs. Old timer in the midle of the pitch for CMF can still pass the ball. Simple and smart will always out smart the chase game.

Interesting theory but the top teams in the world high press. Watch Bayern, Dortmund, Barcelona, if the other team gets out of it they still have 70 yards to go but if you turn it over its an instant opportunity, its a risk worth taking. Top players in the world give up the ball under pressure and everyone is a bit nervy in their own third, I know VMSL is essentially the top players in the world but everyone struggles under pressure. The problem is Chile doesn't have a proper tactical game or shape just a lot of really high end players. To high press effectively you have to be extremely organized and tenacious. Other wise you're just a bunch of chickens running around with your heads cut off and as you say doing it wrong leaves big gaps.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Watching W Van vs N Shore it was hard to watch borring soccer. Both teams were spending way too much time in their own half. N Shore has speed but the way they play it does not show. Two forwards vs four in the back for W Van just does not cut it. North Shore needs to send three guys toghether to make the clubs backup.
It will be a long season for N Shore again unless they add two kids fro Univesety to move them up the chart. CMF and Columbus both play good soccer.
Chile is slowley falling in the level of play. Game canstraction and shape will coast them games.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Utah your botch is far east size stop talking like Jamaca man with IQ 17. That's why you guys can't win.Injoy your life have fun and play good ball.
CMF is very much improved side even vith Freddy in the midle of the Park. Croatia is improved also. Inter is much improved. Olympics are trying to get back to premier league again. Rino Westside will give them run for the money.
West Van steals your best players. More puf and boys will stay around. North shore has tons of kids, you should be the bast in the league. Chris is not doing enough to give you guys a chance to stay in the premier league.He has far tomany kids in Silver soccer. Winning in youth at all coast destroys the upper programs. Kids are not willing to work hard enough. It's not your coach. Blame falls on players.

VMSL Lurker

New Member
Sep 30, 2013
Dirty Money
SU 4-0 CCB

Prime example of blue collar players working together compared to handful of talented INDIVIDUALS out at CAP today. SU 1-0 early in first half, then scored 2 & 3 just after half, game was dead and buried. Nice finish by wide right player top right corner after beating two guys for SU 4th. Wheels fell off CCB and instead of rolling their selves up they just argued with each other. IF SU could play like thy every week, could be a real top 3 contender.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Just like a game between Croatia A and West Van. West Van used to kick the dickenss out of Croatia SC before but every since Milad went to greener pastures West Van plays hard but can not finish the same. Good win for Croatia against a serious oponent. Did not see big Croation Cop siting in the car watching the game. Must have gone for few donats.


Active Member
May 31, 2010
Dirty Money
I think everyone predicted Chile going on a downslide as the weather gets colder. The same thing happened last year.

I am not sure the weather is the main reason. They are just very predictable. I watched recently one game where Chile stubbornly tried with the long balls to do something although two central defencemen from the opposing team were winning every single battle in the air. But Chile continued sending long balls in front of the penalty area for all 90 minutes although it just could/did not work. Very, very strange.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Crno Gora Did you see today a true Croatia is off to World Cup. I am sure local lads here will pick the game up. Next year a very good player from St Lois is coming here. Nine out of ten he will play for them. A guy that can easaly score two goals a game.
It will be interasting if Croats get to play Bosnians in the World Cup. Reunion all over again. There is talk that Crnagora will join Croatia in 2021.
All about Euro Union.
All five x Provinces play good soccer. It would have been nice to see Motenegrians in the World cup. Boys play nice soccer. In my opinion Serbs will do it next time. They have been building a team for twenty years. And for some unknown reason can not getr to the top.
If Chile does not change the style of play this year they will endup in Div one. Looks like Dino and his Greeks are again looking to moveup to premier next year.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Crno Gora Did you see today a true Croatia is off to World Cup. I am sure local lads here will pick the game up. Next year a very good player from St Lois is coming here. Nine out of ten he will play for them. A guy that can easaly score two goals a game.
It will be interasting if Croats get to play Bosnians in the World Cup. Reunion all over again. There is talk that Crnagora will join Croatia in 2021.
All about Euro Union.
All five x Provinces play good soccer. It would have been nice to see Motenegrians in the World cup. Boys play nice soccer. In my opinion Serbs will do it next time. They have been building a team for twenty years. And for some unknown reason can not getr to the top.
If Chile does not change the style of play this year they will endup in Div one. Looks like Dino and his Greeks are again looking to moveup to premier next year.

I know only one player on his team that has Greek origins on Dino's team

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
All joking a side premier soccer in VMSL is slowley getting better. We don't see forty year olds still playing. Onley my frind from Langley if he is still playing. I was told onec by a east side Calabrian. There is nothing better than a free parka. It is still bafaling how dumb the north Burnaby man is. His own banding him to a brake point. Must be bad glue. Dumb guy will learn the hard way. I guess it is better than sitting in a rocking chair socking on a carit. It is coming his way soon. Basment must be overflowing. Again my friend Calabrian sas please he is Columbus supporter. Once man is dumb no one can help him. I wonder if the dumbo will come to watch the game. Corrado have a talk with him final friendy.
Looking forward to next game that Columus plays. They will need Miso there.
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