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Vijay Singh:"I hope she doesn't make the cut."


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Singh: 'I hope (Sorenstam) misses cut'

Associated Press


- Vijay Singh believes Annika Sorenstam has no business playing in the Colonial next week, and he would withdraw if he gets paired with her.

``I hope she misses the cut,'' Singh said after his runner-up finish in the Wachovia Championship. ``Why? Because she doesn't belong out here.''

Singh acknowledged he won't play in the same group as Sorenstam when she becomes the first woman in 58 years to compete on the PGA Tour. His name will be drawn from a pool of PGA Tour winners when the pairings are made.

Still, his comments were the strongest yet about Sorenstam's decision to accept a sponsor's exemption to play in the Colonial. The last woman to play on the PGA Tour was Babe Zaharias, who qualified for the 1945 Los Angeles Open.

Nick Price, the defending champion at Colonial, has said Sorenstam's presence ``reeks of publicity.'' He thinks she ought to qualify if she wants to prove herself at the highest level.

Scott Hoch, who once played with Sorenstam in a mixed-team tournament, said he wants to see her play well so people will realize ``how much separation there is between us and the ladies' tour.''

Still, most players have been cautious with their comments, not willing to predict a score and hopeful she plays well so it doesn't reflect poorly on the LPGA Tour.

Singh held nothing back in an interview with The Associated Press as he left the locker-room at Quail Hollow late Sunday afternoon, saying the 32-year-old Swede should stick to her own tour.

``What is she going to prove by playing? It's ridiculous,'' said Singh, a two-time major champion who is No. 7 in the world ranking. ``She's the best woman golfer in the world, and I want to emphasize `woman.' We have our tour for men, and they have their tour. She's taking a spot from someone in the field.''

The Colonial is an invitational with a limited field. Sorenstam received one of eight sponsor's exemptions.

Singh speaks from experience.

In 1998, he played in an unofficial event called the Super Tour that matched the scorecards of nine professionals after playing 18 holes a day in four Asian cities. Laura Davies was invited to play, and finished 39 strokes behind Singh.

``Laura Davies is a long-ball hitter, but she still had to hit good irons,'' Singh said. ``It's just different for ladies to play on the men's tour. It's like getting the Williams sister to play against a man, and they're far better athletes than she (Sorenstam) is.''

Sorenstam has become significantly stronger in the last two years as she has taken over women's golf. She won 13 times around the world last year, the most by a woman in nearly 40 years, and two years ago became the first woman to shoot 59.

Sorenstam was returning from Japan on Monday, where she won the Nichirei Cup by nine shots, and was not available for comment.

Sorenstam has been playing from the back tees to gear up for the Colonial, including a round with Tiger Woods in which she is said to have finished 10 strokes behind.

``Some people don't believe she should be out here - golfers and men in general,'' Hoch said. ``Most guys hope she plays well, and what comes out of this is that she realizes she can't compete against the men.''
This is a little disturbing. Yeah so what if it is for publicity? So what? What's the difference between him saying this, and some guy saying they won't play a certain event if there are Fijians there? If he's really "worried" about how the guys will slaughter her, then he should wait until it happens, then slag her.

I hope she doesn't withdraw because of this. How funny would it be if she beat him?:D

Just lost a ton of respect for Vijay Singh.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
The Rob,

You are easily disturbed.........if that's all it takes:rolleyes: Geez

Kudos to Vijay for speaking his mind. He is simply sticking up for the PGA........Anika is taking a spot away from another pro. Have an opinion either way..........But, I can't believe you would actually bring the race card into play. I would hope you'd be able to come up with a better argument. I didn't see the Race Card brought up by you during the "Hootie not allowing women into Augusta" debate.

Well done TR:( Stick to chairing the Alex Auld Fan Club



Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Could hurt

Annika playing with the boys could do some damage to the LPGA tour.

If she flops and she's the best ladies tour player then it will be a long time before they ever let a woman play the PGA tour again.

She's basically representing the whole tour not just herself.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Hooter's Open. Maybe?

She is taking away a potential pay cheque. You can end the argument right there.

I'm surprised this is all we have heard from the Tour. You won't see Craig Stadler dropping by a LPGA tourney because he wants to super size his winnings. Same dif.

Now if she was reasonably decent looking and playing topless, well that's whole different angle.



Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money

If it's OK for a women to play on the PGA tour then maybe a guy should go play on the LPGA tour, "Just to see if he can compete"


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Reverse Discrimination

If it's OK for a women to play on the PGA tour then maybe a guy should go play on the LPGA tour, "Just to see if he can compete"
This is just like the time Bucky got kicked out of the Just for Ladies fitness center.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money

Yah, we did actually. And it still took the me an additional 18 minutes to come up with that

Have I heard that somewhere before?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I liked Phil Mickleson's comment: "I don't care if she competes and places 20th...as long as I place 19th or better!"

Any guy who's going to bitch over losing a sponsor's exemption to a, erm, bitch:rolleyes: should probably worry about his own game anyhow.

I'd be too embarrassed to object to this. Let the dykes in spikes play, for all I care...and hang your head in shame if you lose to any of them!

the power

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Vijay has always and will continue to be a moron. (and a cheat).

It would be interesting to hear what he thinks about the woman who qualified for a tournament next month. Possibly the Greater Hartford, but it slips my mind right now. This is a woman who went out and beat male professionals to earn a spot.

I'm not denying that this is a massive publicity stunt, which is exactly what it is, but Vijay and everyone else can't go and yell about poverty. This is a tournament with a $5 million purse. That, and they play golf for a living.

She's not going to win so they've got nothing to worry about. I hope she does makes the cut and kicks Vijay's ass.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Laura Davies was invited to play, and finished 39 strokes behind Singh.


I totally agree with Buckfast on this one. The pie-licker should stick to her own tour. She has no place playing in the PGA tour. If some faggy guy wants to play in the LPGA tour, would he be allowed? Sorenstam's ass is way too fcuking big. BTW, will she be allowed to wear shorts? Let's hope not so we can sleep at night. I'm glad Vijay spoke out and I'm sure he is representing the VAST majority of the men on tour. The only thing I disagree with Buckfast on is his comment about playing topless. She has awful tits and I wouldn't want to be traumatized(sp?) for life. I hope she shits the bed and doesn't make the cut. BTW, has she won EVERY event this year on the LPGA tour? If not, then all the other women who have won events should be allowed to play, right? Fcuk this. It is setting a shoc-king precedent.

I'm sure she is a nice person but the PGA tour has no place for carpet munchers. If she happens to like gobbling knobs instead, it doesn't chance my stance on the issue. It just makes me wonder about the lads who would be in such a position.

Go Vijay!

Off to sleep for another couple of hours..........


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Captain Shamrock
The pie-licker should stick to her own tour. She has no place playing in the PGA tour. If some faggy guy wants to play in the LPGA tour, would he be allowed? Sorenstam's ass is way too fcuking big.
I'm sure she is a nice person but the PGA tour has no place for carpet munchers.

It's funny cause it's true!!:D


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money

Perhaps you guys should focus on your own game and not worry about hers... Maybe ("mabey") the cnut can fill in for me at the TTP Annual...:D

I agree, Macs should stay with Macs, and Muffs should stay with Muffs:cool:

Yogi, are you paranoid that she may squash you while going up for a header:confused:



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm sure she is a nice person but the PGA tour has no place for carpet munchers. If she happens to like gobbling knobs instead, it doesn't chance my stance on the issue. It just makes me wonder about the lads who would be in such a position.

I call bullshit. If that was Jennifer Love Hewitt out there, swinging and sucking, you'd completely change your stance on the issue! As long as she showed her tits, that is.

Which, co-incidentally, gives me a new business venture idea...;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Dude-where'smycar?
If that was Jennifer Love Hewitt out there, swinging and sucking, you'd completely change your stance on the issue!

Well of course Captain would change his stance, as would we all. You see when it comes right down to it, we don't give a shite about the Swedish carpet muncher and her attempt at playing with the boys. We care that she's (to quote the Captain) shoc-king!! You could have a field of playboy bunnies out there shooting a round of 250, and you wouldn't hear a peep out of Vijay or anyone else.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I just wanted to clear that up. I personally don't give two shits if a Cinderfella wants to play on the men's tour- sponsor's exemption or otherwise. I highly endorse Jennifer Love Hewitt playing, especially if she's topless, and giving out hummers.

Of course, there are some men (TheRob), whom shall remain nameless (TheRob), that may not share my chauvinistic views (TheRob TheRob TheRob).


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
I think

As much as I hate that idiot Vijay, I think what he was complaining about was that she was going to take the spot of someone who might get in with a qualifying round. I highly doubt that she will beat any of the top 30 on the tour but what about the amateur that's been sleeping in his car for the last 3 months driving from tournament to tournament trying to get in and that slut steps in and takes a spot away from him.

Believe it or not as arrogant as Vijay is I think he's "Singh"ing for the little guys.

SC, I'm just scared they'll out jump me.
Probably 50% of the women on the LPGA tour could kick my ass in a round, I'm not pissed because they're better than me, that I admit. But if they want to be like the men then scrap the whole LPGA tour and see how many can earn a living or could even qualify for the PGA tour.

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