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TTP Holiday Dinner 2003

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Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Missus Dud

Again, Fan-tas-tic!!!:eek: ;)

OK I'm over it... I just don't understand Dude's infatuation with KNVB and they even had to even sit "across" from each other last night... (don't think I didn't notice the little ruffling under the table):rolleyes:

Gaylords (one with glued on hair and another with a bad goat):knvb: :wa:


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money
GG, . You did say something about the stick and can, I guess to clear all of this up you should describe the conversation b/t those statements.:D


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money

Downtown just phoned...
Apparently good style travels fast???:rolleyes:
He's looking for his smart looking multicoloured mock neck jumper that was spotted last night...:eek: I'm not sure how he found out Seabiscuit knicked it???
Has Regs downloaded those photos yet??? He's probably still counting sheep... ;) (fcuking lush had almost as much vino as Dude)


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Probably not as well written as you like, but here is the run down...

We sat at a long rectangular table put together by a strand of smaller tables. Down at the head of the table our host Lion, or known as Joey for those who have decided to drink an entire bottle of wine before the salad was even served. (Dude) Flanking him were RF, Coach, Yoda, Yoda's missus on one side and the other was Mike Favaro, Notty, Regs, Regs' bird... over at the kids and late comers table was Spazz, GG, Stepchild, another Club I girl, myself, Dude, Dude's missus, TheRob and his missus. I'm not entirely sure what was going on down at the grown up side of of the table, but I do know Coach was telling a very animated story at one point. There was lots of choking actions and finger pointing, I can only assume it was a story about the SYFC general meeting, either that or RF had just nicked is chicken.

Down at my end I had to listen to GG explain why she's not ordering the Italian sausage (sore spot :eek: ) and various other private jokes, most of which have been re-posted here for everyone to enjoy and as you can see it was a side splitting conversation. I'm still waiting for one of them to come up with a punch line to any one of them too.

Dude, and I were actually having a normal conversation until Lion popped the cork on the second bottle of wine in front of us when he did it then seemed to turn to a series of slurs threats and c-bombs. His missus was not impressed, but looked use to it and was getting along well with Mrs. TheRob... who doesn't though . Yum. The Rob and I talked soccer, kids and some how were wagering on who was the faster runner over 100 yards you know the usual dinner stuff. We almost had to close down Commercial to solve it though.

Dinner was then served and was very good. Choice of Italian Sausage or lemon chicken with Penne and tomato sauce or Fettuccini as a side.

After dinner RF came over to our end interrupting Dude, thank Christ, presumably he was looking for more food, when he found none, we talked Soccer... Div 1, Pak cup, VMSL, last weeks game etc.. Notty soon waded in. Stepchild and group were still telling private jokes, but it kept them from talking to me so who am I to complain.

After Dude tried to put in his two bits about soccer I knew it was time for me to move. I wondered down and talked to Regs and his bird, I signed Azzi's thesaurus and had a beer. From there I started to TTP out of Dude, again. He was making all sorts of dumb bets like I was too chicken to "huck" off a two foot piece of dirt. I said I wasn't and he bet me a case of beer I wouldn't do it. It does mean I have to see him again off line, but I'll do allot of things for free beer. It escalated into me saying I could do a drop off the table on a skate board. Another case of beer in the bank if you ask me. I use to skate you know. :rolleyes:

Guinness arrived at about the same time most were leaving. Some of the guys were trying to get a group to head over to the Roxy, but for those who had to drive bailed. Coach said he was going to the pisser and never returned. I don't know if he paid his bill or not.

That's about it. It's was no Milk Bar, but a decent night non the less.

glasgow ghirl

New Member
Oct 14, 2003
Dirty Money
It will never come across how I originally meant it ... and no need to make those "less fortunate" people know it. I brought my perishable food items for that exact reason!!!

I enjoyed watching Dude and KNVB but the ruffling was me...KNVB thought it was dude and seemed to enjoy it more that way, he did order the Italian Sausage afterall!!!



Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Originally posted by knvb
but I do know Coach was telling a very animated story at one point. There was lots of choking actions and finger pointing, I can only assume it was a story about the SYFC general meeting, either that or RF had just nicked his chicken.

That, is absolutely brilliant. :D

Originally posted by knvb
After dinner RF came over to our end interrupting Dude, thank Christ, presumably he was looking for more food,

Someone had to shut him up for a moment.
As well, the Fettucinni Alfredo was at a premium for fcuk's sakes. :mad:

Originally posted by knvb
when he found none,

Then I started in with the finger pointing and choking actions...

Originally posted by knvb
Coach said he was going to the pisser and never returned. I don't know if he paid his bill or not.

Harry Houdini strikes again.
I think he realized he had the last of the Fettucinni and bolted in a hurry knowing my mood at that point.
Either that or he did his best impersonation of 'Dasher'.
And I don't mean of the reindeer variety.

I'm glad I made amends and came clean with Glasgow Ghirl.
When she realized that I have both sides in me of fine Govan society, and saw the myriad of orange, blue and green colours everywhere, all was not that bad and angry anymore. ;)

In fact, my invite to come over for tea or an Irn Bru to my Uncle's hoose at 44 Ibrox Terrace still stands.
You'll love the view. :D


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Absolutely fabulous

Many thanks to Regs for putting it all together and Lion and LaRocca for hosting it. Good times, good times.
Worst part of the night was that 10 people bailed on the event. Weak, very weak.

Food was spectacular, wished we could have stayed longer but babysitters (my parents) needed to get home and i had an early appointment in Richmond. Will definately be back again to LaRocca to check out the rest of the menu.

Knight Rider, hope you liked the tip we left ya.

Has anyone checked to see if Coach is OK in the washroom? He's been in there a while. Must have spilled wine on his suit.
Coach, I still want my calendar.

Can't wait to see the pictures. Oh wait, KNVB had the camera so they're probably all of Mrs. TheRob.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Dirty Money
CDK In Love???

Hey GlasgowGhirl,

i was spekaing with CDK at the Croatia Christmas Party and he said that he has the hots for you.
why did u call him a ugly head for?
u 2 should hook up one of these days.

CDK show her your charm man...

glasgow ghirl

New Member
Oct 14, 2003
Dirty Money


Um, I think maybe CDK was drunk at your x-mas party?;)? In his eyes I'm a "horny Lesbian" ..... :wa: I may be one of the two in that quote but certainly not the latter!!!!!

We do use Petrol Bombs, but I think RF is a good "multi colored" guy so I thought a flame thrower was a good substitute, PLUS i believe it's his mums house in Ibrox and shes as green as the rolling hills are !!!!

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