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TTP Golf Classic 2004 Post-Tourney Banter

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Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Well another year is in the books and I would classify it as the best so far... I think :D

Many thanks to everyone who was there, to Kelly O'Bryans for the great dinner and pints ( though selling out of Prime Rib right before my order was outta order :D ), and to Therob for all his work in setting this up and running the whole event!

Many thanks also to my teammates on Team Sweatsalot (Ralph Wiggum, Kurgan, & Hammerhead) for the free golf lessons... much more enjoyable than the wanks I had has teammates in previous years :D

I believe the prize breakdown was as follows:

Best Dressed: Team Sexy
Lowest Score: Team DCS
Longest Drive: J_B (by inches... I think KNVB has a great photo of it)
KP: Hammerhead

Were there any others?

Highlite of the night? Probably Captain Shamrock and the electric moves in the parking lot :D

Now to start getting the pictures & videos going...



Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Yes, thanks to everyone who helped put the event together. TheRob was lucky we didn't actually get to the 'worm off'.......I was spent after the parking lot episode. My golf was fcuking awful surprisingly. :rolleyes: Our Team fought through adversity(a bogey on the first fcuking hole) and claimed the honours with some clutch putting and a few bombs from Fuzzy. The long drive was won by J_B as mentioned and he seriously won it by a pube.

The pina coladas went down well at KOB's and there certainly was at least ONE cracking waitress. Until next year, ladies and gentlemen......



Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
A round of "thank yous"

Thank you Regsi and Throbby for your hard work in getting this troop together. :)

Thank you to Captain Pink's drinks provided pre-tourney.

Thank you Canadian Tire for letting Captain Pink roam around with fag juice in hand. Thanks also for the used set of golf balls :) .

Thank you HOS for the CD player and speaker set up in the cart. Thank you for the Safeway bag of treats. :cool:

Thank you Blaze for the wonderful Knvb sticker that I can't peel off my shorts. :rolleyes:

Thank you Pina Coladas. :rolleyes:

Thank you Kelly O's for providing, chicken penne alfredo, the parking lot dance floor, and providing space to those TTPers who showed us their dance moves. Thank you also for letting us kick a football around. :D

Thank you to the 'worm' crew, and sorry to hear about the bumps and scratches from the cement. :(

Thank you Team Sexy for giving us a sneak peek ;) .

Thank you Fun Bobbi for giggling the sh*t out of us :D .

Thank you Hairy Blue Dragons for providing us with the Colts :wa: .

Thank you Dude, for being civil on the course :) .

Thank you GG for the press up against the cart windshield. :eek:

Thank you Krista for picking up 4 other sorry asses and getting us home safely! :wa:

Great time as always boys/gals, it'll take another year to recover from all the crazy antics. :D

+theFunSexualChocolate :wa:

How the heck did I end up with the Green TTP Helmet?

glasgow ghirl

New Member
Oct 14, 2003
Dirty Money
TEAM TIMMY AND THE HUNS ... What a great group to golf with...thanks for the lube up every fourth whole Ranger!!! Saved my peely wally skin from getting even more freckles, if thats even possible! Thanks for coaching me through the course ... golf is in the blood apparently!!!!
My old school putter was made for birdies!!!

Dirk & Dude ... great driving, you should have helped the other group who dented their cart. Did we ever get that tree back in place?

SC, HOS, THE ROBB, and Giggles .... I think I swallowed a gold ball, know anything about it?

Thanks for a great day, sorry we had to miss the all the Tom Foolery at Kelly O's.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Thanks to:

TheRob & Regs for organizing another stellar, classic golf outing.

Rangerforever, Steve, and the excellent staff at KOB's: for the tre-men-dous dinner after.

Rangerforever: for the Red Bulls out on the course. I should know to never, ever, try to keep up bevy-for-bevy with a 250 lb Scot.

Dick Dangler: for fixing the dent. The golf cart- I think- was no worse for wear after we turned it in. I think. It looked good, didn't it??? I know the dent was fixed as if it had never been there, and the steering radius was actually quite good.

GG: for the 7th hole inspiration, and for carrying us hacks. Honestly, the girl saved us from being at least 4 or 5 shots higher. Clutch baby.

Mel the Marshal: for letting me play on after the tree incident.

What's this about another group turning in a dented cart?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
My thanks as well to TheRoberto and Regs for, as Dude said another classic and for helping me discover that I am in fact to fcuking old to be drinking for 12 hours in the sun anymore. My goodness the hangover gods where angry yesterday. Thank you to the staff at Kelly'o's for another stellar job. I swear every time I go in there the waitress’s just get better and better. At their jobs too.

Well done to Team DCS for the overall win. I never doubted us for a second even after our nightmare on 1. It was all about Fuzzy finding his groove on the 9th hole, exactly where I told him he left it too, but do you think he would listen? Too many laughers to get out in one post or for my shattered brain to organize. They're all blended together at the moment. Where we not suppose to get a gift certificate for winning TheRob? You said so, but none of us got one. RF, look for TheRob and family to be in there soon spending like it wasn't their money, because it's not.

I was last to drop off the golf carts and the last word from Mr. Miyagi was and I quote (I think) "Maybe ahh, you guy should wok next year...." I said that'd be a fantastic idea! I love stir fry. I may have sealed (along with Blaze and Dude) the deal as far a drive carts go at Newlands. No carts for TTP. One Year!

Looking at the photographic evidence (all 100+ pictures) late last night and I've come to the startling revelation that I look more like Snow than I do Henrick (leaky boom boom down...) in my Payne Stewart hat and wearing someone’s sunglasses. God's got a great sense of humor don't he? Cnut. He must have been on the piss the night before that c0ck up. Remind me not to leave my camera on the table at a TTP function again too. That and to hang around Dude more … (scary I know) You were killing me and you didn’t even know it. To bad too that;s the funniest you've ever been. I loved the bit when you where as seriously as errr…. something serious, comparing my soccer "style" to Dick Danglers for a good 15 minutes.. Didn’t have the heart to tell him he’s never seen me play before, or that, I in fact don't have a "style".

My head hurts.... More later, maybe.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't need to see anyone play to know what a couple of spastic Ridalin children look like playing.

I know...pot, kettle, blah blah blah...


Jul 22, 2001
Dirty Money
Thanks to all who put together this great event. This being my first TTP golf tourney,I think I shall return not just to defend it but to golf as well. Looking forward to all the pictures.

It was good to put faces to some of the names on TTP.



Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money

The gift certificates for your 'win' are being withheld as your performance is under review. Not to make any accusations but is has come to light that you are a bunch of cheating cnuts. Btw, nice crouches you homos. Twenty crouches on sixteen, eh? Sure that's enough crouching for you all to miss the putt?

Thanks for everyone who had a part in organizing the tourney, putting on the dinner etc etc. It was magic!


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Thanks to evryone who organized the events of Saturday. Well done. Nice to put some names and faces together, for the most part anyway. Well done by the KOB's crew.

The cart wasn't my fault. they shouldn't have parked in front of me i needed to get to our ball.

knvb, when does the next album come out as my little cousin is a huge fan and i sent her a picture with me and Snow. she could n't believe i had met someone that famous. Mind you i don't think he is that famous but that's a story for me to go off topic on in the DCS thread.

Sunday was a great day for myself as all i had to do was sit by the pool and watch golf. quite enjoyable seeing that my brain was left somewhere in surrey for most of the day and my stomach was somewhere south of the equator. Felt awful, but good all at the same time. A Caesar when you wake u p with massive hangover help, a bit. 2 caesar's started to feel human again and by the time i attempted to eat a smokie of the Que all was well again.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Dapotayto said:

The gift certificates for your 'win' are being withheld as your performance is under review. Not to make any accusations but is has come to light that you are a bunch of cheating cnuts. Btw, nice crouches you homos. Twenty crouches on sixteen, eh? Sure that's enough crouching for you all to miss the putt?

I'm not sure that 16 was the right hole but the crouch total was 20. I'm hoping they were just lining up the putt and not checking each other out. that was a shoc-king performance considering they were up and down like Jenna Jameson on the job. .


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
seeing that my brain was left somewhere in surrey for most of the day and my stomach was somewhere south of the equator.
Blaze, your stomach is south of the equator. Did you ever get that red ink off your belly those glob people drew on you?

Dap, there was no cheating, OD wouldn't have any of it being the honorable man that he is. 20 crouches on 16? Explains why my legs are so sore, but don't pin that on the whole team I know for a fact that Captain's knees are so shot he could possibly have done more than one.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
knvb said:
Blaze, your stomach is south of the equator. Did you ever get that red ink off your belly those glob people drew on you?

Dap, there was no cheating, OD wouldn't have any of it being the honorable man that he is. 20 crouches on 16? Explains why my legs are so sore, but don't pin that on the whole team I know for a fact that Captain's knees are so shot he could possibly have done more than one.
Captain's official crouch total was 2. However, one of those 2 crouches may have been a stumble with a nice recovery.

Also please note my new name. I would like to no longer be known as Blaze but as KNVB = Cnut.:D ;)



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money

I will call you anything, but that on the grounds you may think it was actually funny to switch your name to the oldest joke in the book. Although never reading that book it's what Captain tells me anyway. When I get enough tokens my new name will be... KN-A horse walks into a bar and the bartender asks... Why the long face?- VB. Fcuking fantastically funny stuff, Blaze. Hope the few smirks where worth it. Only 400 more completely unfunny posts from you until you can change you name to KN-A horse walks into a bar and the bartender asks... Why the long face?- VB = CNUT.

Good luck with that.

If you'll excuse me I have a two day hangover to attend to.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Fantastic Day on Saturday, I love 6 Hour Rounds of Drinking, err, I mean Golf, some great looking FourSums on the Coarse, but come on the Kilts with Ranger Golf Shirts, nice touch Coach. The golf was terrible, I could only carry SC, TR, and FunBobbi for so long, and then the FunBobbi joints kicked in. I did try to finish strong with some RedBull from RangerForever, but SC drank it all. Some good laughs and shocking kit (Capt.) made for a great day. There was even an apperance by Diego (Capt.) in the parking lot, "Life Is Life, na na na na na". Thanks to all at KOB's, even the fat chicks at the round table that joined our group later on. The food was great and the pints went down nice. Thanks also to SC, FB, Capt., and especially Krista for getting me home safe. Regs and TheRob, average job at best on the tourney, but I will be back next year, if I am invited.



Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
I must admit the golf game has improved with the new 'Me'.
Feels good to be fit. :D

Many thanks to Regs and TR.
And, to my foursome: GG, Dude, and Dick.
Also, my parents and the Academy.

Sorry Dap, I wanted to sing some Rangers fitba songs and shove it doon the Captain's throat, but he was on fire in the parking lot and I didn't want to bust his bubble.
That, and I just can't find it in me to tear up people dressed in pink.

I must admit the whole night was a bit of a blur, and dare I say, you may have seen me in bit of an anti-social light.
My apologies in that regard, but having to spend 18 holes with Dude and watching every painstaking stroke will drive any man to drink. ;)

Cheers everyone, a good laugh,



New Member
Aug 15, 2002
Dirty Money
Great Day :wa:

Cheers to everybody who organized the tourney it was a great day.

I must thank my team for carrying me the whole bloody 18 holes.

Ten yard shot of the first tee was fcuckin rubbish :rolleyes:

In my deffence i think the fit Birds at the reception put me off :D

Gotta love those Asian on fire birds at tee off.Lovely Jubblee

But i know the Captain had a good Larf :wa: :wa:

You can tell the Scotts invented the game as the Silver Fox was on Fire.

All apologies i am pissed out of my tree after that ENGLAND FCUCKIN THRASHING OF THOSE DIRTY CROATS.

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