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Premier SFC Gate

whistle blower

Active Member
Mar 10, 2003
Dirty Money
i have been in the valley for a couple of years now and all i hear is metro soccer is better without a doubt it is, but is running away from the valley going to fix your problems next to god. I am told that the valley exec's are elected positions so at next elections why not vote them out.
Its time to stand up and be counted not run out and hope all will be fine in metro .
The metro teams all wish they have youth clubs to develop players like the surrey set-ups so why not help this league get better . i hope i have made some good points lets make this a better and more competitive league.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
It wouldn't take much...SFC has a lot of votes (7 teams). All they need to do is scheme with another club that also has a bunch of votes (PAU???), and vote a new guy in. You could start this year with a VP, and take over the top spots next year.

Personally, I don't know if getting rid of Rob Brown is the answer, though...but you do need some young, aggressive blood in the mix.


New Member
Jan 19, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Catch up reading

Originally posted by knvb

I played no more than 2-4 games in your "program" and was treated like absolute shite.

What about the good old times with the Rowdies? Beer, Paddy arrested. Babes and Paddy arrested, Pak Cup and Paddy arrested :bronco:


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
To answer.

The Rowdies were hardly in the mix of the SFC program.

Great times those, Beer, Paddy arrested, you kicked out of the Roxy before 8:00...Paddy arrested. :D


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money

The Rowdies were hardly in the mix of the SFC program
I must have been drunk and witnessed too many arrestes to remember if the Rowdies were a part of SFC!!!:rolleyes: I guess only the Club guys stuck around mid-week tossing loonies around and on weekends for the Premier matches... Then again what do I know??? I'm just a stupid SYSA product of 8 years!!!:eek: Growing up, sticking around the old boys (now mostly the Rangers) must have really loosened my screws!!!

Wishing I were next to god:rolleyes:


Active Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Let's air the FVSL dirty laundry

Originally posted by Aves
what are the "long line of reasons" you speak of?
If there are issues in the fvsl that deserve some attention and scrutiny, fair enough, but this sounds like a big time excuse for a club that wants to bail and blame the league.

Now that the FVSL has "decided" on our Pak Cup case, it's time to really take the piss and post that long line of reasons. Seriously, how can it NOT be considered a personal vendetta?

Here is why SFC is "blaming" the league:
  • 1) NF failing to respond to emails in the 2002 summer
    Basically, he didn't recognize NTG as being able to represent our club. The FVSL chair instructed NF to "cc" emails to NTG, but NF didn't for a long time. This lack of correspondence leads into #2. WTF?

    2) SFC Storm moving to Whalley
    Here is a post from September explaining how lack of league correspondence eventually contributed to SFC losing one of our most promising teams. WTF?

    3) NF attempting to cancel a VMSL Pegasus game
    He called the Surrey Parks board to attempt to get our Friday night field permit revoked. Why? Because VMSL Pegasus was playing on our club's permit and not a "Surrey" team. What jurisdiction does he have? It's a club-city relationship. The league has no bearing! That is obviously "out of jurisdiction" and "personal" IMHO. WTF?

    4) SFC Peg player's 10 game suspension for GEU incident
    This was the third red card for the same player in less than a year. Our understanding: 3 red cards in one year = one year suspension (and no fine). NF says that it was only the player's second red card, hence 10 game suspension and big fine. He was wrong - but I guess this decision ensures more money comes in .... WTF?

    5) Another SFC Peg player's 5 game suspension w/ no hearing
    This was against BCSA's "must have hearing" policy. The player went through the normal procedure: sit one game and attend the next hearing. When arriving at that "next" hearing, the fvsl board refused entry to the player saying they had already decided on the issue and it was closed. The player asked to speak to the board for 2 minutes (nobody else was there for discipline at this point) ... NOPE ... instead, the new discipline head stood outside for 30 minutes explaining why the player couldn't come in for 2 minutes. WTF?

    6) The Pakenham Cup disqualification
    This thread's Pak Cup eligibility issue is shocking and already explained in this thread. Yet again - WTF?

    7) Honarariums
    How much, to who, and who sets rates? The VMSL votes on these. Where does discipline money go? Are they being declared to the government? Let's be "accountable" boys ... WTF?

    8) The Referee's raise
    At the AGM there was a vote - to increase the referees' wages or not. The vote ended up with a no decision, ie: keep them the same this year. Well, arbitrarily the raise went through. This means the vote didn't even matter! So, all teams ended up giving the referees a 20-25% raise even though the clubs voted NO at the AGM. Also, should they be T4'd?

Honestly, I don't hate the league and I have enjoyed playing here. However, when added up, the sum of these incidents is just too much. Keep in mind this is just one year and I'm sure other clubs have more beef ... feel free to pipe in.

I welcome a response from those questioned. FVSL, NF etc - anything to say?



New Member
Apr 30, 2002
Dirty Money


Your right the FVSL is out to get SFC. They want them to remove their Premier team and play out of the VMSL. Its in their best interests to only have 7 Premier teams next year.

I have had no problems with respect to getting or receiving information from Neil Fuge. The Storm leaving was the FVSL's fault....right.

If SFC took part in the vote last year to keep both Rob Brown and Neil Fuge on for another 2yr term then to bad.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!:rolleyes: :eek:


New Member
Mar 16, 2002
Dirty Money

Bollocks if you are so against the executives why don't you put up or shut up. Go and volenteer your time and get on the exec list and try to make some changes. You seem to have a lot to say about all of them. I am sure they would welcome a new face and idea's.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
case closed

We also took part in the vote on the referee raises. :rolleyes:
Another case of too bad ....

Seriously, that is a good suggestion. :)
However, instead of volunteering in the fvsl I will most likely be taking a bit more of an active role at the club level. Hopefully no team in the future will have to endure the crap we did this year.

Originally posted by Next to God
On SFC Gate or whatever it is called Peter C, Coach and myself are NOT going to appeal to BCSA although there are several points that would make the appeal very successful. We will move on to the VMSL Cat Program for Pegasus and leave the FVSL Premier behind with a very sour taste.
Well, it looks as though our brass has decided not to appeal. They probably decided that out of consideration for the other teams (GEU) in the cup. Not appealing sucks IMHO b/c we really wanted to play on.

As far as leaving the FVSL, I'll speculate that the div1-4 clubs will most likely stay. BUT, only Coach/NTG can speak for the whole club - I just know what the Premier team's sentiments are. Anyways, case closed ...




New Member
Mar 16, 2002
Dirty Money

Shouldn't you two be playing golf or something?

Ranger I thought about that but it's do damn wet. So instead we are going to try our luck at some Hockey. :)

Now that should be a laugh.

Even though you just slagged my ass....I still am cheering for the BIG win on the weekend. Are you televising the game as I may be layed up from the big hockey game? :)

One last comment for Bollocks. I see you liked the idea but nobody will step up. Instead you say your Club is just going to leave. That would be even worse for he Valley than what has just happened.

I hope things get fixed but oh well. The Valley League will go on with or without SFC. Preferably with.


New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: case closed

Originally posted by Bollocks

As far as leaving the FVSL, I'll speculate that the div1-4 clubs will most likely stay. BUT, only Coach/NTG can speak for the whole club - I just know what the Premier team's sentiments are. Anyways, case closed ...



So when you say premier, do you mean the majority of the guys that won't be playing premier next year anywhere?:rolleyes:

...will they be playing for the firemen (wonder how many)...or for peg?? ...Players that battled hard, but finished at the bottom of the table in the fvsl?
Methinks many of those guys will be looking for a new team in the valley..or carrying on in div 1 like RF ;) for sfc - which is fine -but they won't be moving up with the ship will they?
Why not offer the spot to a young or old sfc team if they want it and they could draw from some of the current premier guys who need / want a place to play but aren't in the mix for the vmsl...at least not yet?

I'm just asking questions because I hear you ttp out of the valley, and yet your club is perfectly willing to use the league to develop its div 1-4 players...so why not an entry into the premier too? ...assuming there might be some interest by some group.

SU had this going( fv premier team) as a bit of a depth / training team albeit most guys were older . The team ended up running its course but SU had a metro team and a valley team for a while.
This would seem a possible transition situation until sfc takes over more control of peg in the future as the old boys die off
;) ...if that's the ultimate grand design.


New Member
Jan 19, 2002
Dirty Money
Goodbye SFC

Listen Bollocks,
I think you are a hell of a guy, but you are mixed up in this shite since your old man shat the bed. Explain to me why the last four years has seen SFC decline to the status of being a joke. SFC was not only a great team in the valley, but was a great team in the Province. When Keith, Marshall, Steve, Steve Mac and co.. were there, the club was on fire. Ever since NexttoGod pissed all over David Woodward, and pulled the rug under his feet and took control the club, the club has fallen. You have handed out money and quality players to Peg, and have gooten shite in return (well, I guess using the Peg name after Surrey FC is onething?). So, fellas stop slagging the league for shite that you guys screwed up on. The past year on this site we have seen info about the probs (unpaid bills, racial slags etc..), this has nothing to do with the valley.

Rangerforever is fat.

next to god

Not Bright
Aug 18, 2002
Dirty Money


I agree with you about the past FVSL was a good League. Marshall and the boys were a great bunch to watch especilly when Shuttleworth scored on the PA farm team, Surrey U. But get your facts right, Woodward handpicked his successor four years later he chose to leave in a hissy fit. The Rangers were given the opportunity to go with him and they voted 22-0 to stay with the Club, Chaired by David's choice of Chair. No one pulled the rug out at all. Funny how the Rangers, McCann etc all stayed with the bed shatter!!!

As to Peg has any FVSL team gone to the quarters, Semis, Finals, won two League titles in the last four years. Excluding the Rangers of course, which reminds me is there another Club out there that has qualified two teams in the Final 16 of the Provincials for three years in a row? Possibly three teams this year when the Rangers win tomorrow (by 2). Peg has cost a hell of lot less than Foden has spent for half the results, the return to the Club is immense at twice the price.

The present FVSL is shite compared to the early 90's when Knight ruled the League but then the Baker cabin mortgage was paid and he left, now Fudgicle and Brownie are working hard on their honorariums.

As to unpaid bills why is Surrey Parks owed money from the FVSL from September? I certainly signed the $10,000.00 cheque to them last year. Where does all that $$ go?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
You keep slagging SU and Foden, but by your clubs actions you seem so desperate to copy them. Except of course the part where they already had a team and you went out and bought one. What gives? Sounds like club envy to me...

Is the Rangers PAU game still a go? If so where again? PAU by 1.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Off Topic

(for that mucker KNVB):rolleyes:

PAU vs Rangers, South Surrey Athletic Park
(across from Softball City) @ 2:15 pm...


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Fenian...

Originally posted by Next to God
Possibly three teams this year when the Rangers win tomorrow (by 2).

Quite prophetic NTG I must say. ;)

Oh, and KNVB: Thanks for your continued support.

That's OK I cheered for PAU last year as well.

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