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Premier SFC Gate


New Member
Oct 21, 2002
Dirty Money

I nor any other Langley boys were offended by your post. I was just stating the fact that I had not heard anything in regards to us playing geu. We had a fundraiser last night that I was unable to attend. Dude,lfc,and sub were all there and probably had a chance to talk. Maybe they could shed some more light on the subject. Make no mistake I think peg should continue, but if the league disagrees I would like to take another go at geu. Another weekend of football.


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money

Wow..... My opinion. I have had conversations with Roy Mitchell recently, before this weeks developments. He told me of his intentions to move his team to the VMSL div 1. One of the reasons given, was his disapointment with his relationship with the league executive. I hope this issue isn't a way to jump to the VMSL and blame the league. As a coach, if I have any questions involving players and transfers, I speak directly with Neil Fuge, he is the secretary, ie.. does all the paper work, administative duties, and knows the constitution letter for letter.
I believe SFC should move on in the cup, its a minor issue that Langley didn't protest.
As for the comments about this being a bush league, I disagree.
As far as SFC going to the VMSL, I hope it doesn't happen.
In rebutle to Next to Gods piss take about Surrey United being PAUs farm team... we have five local Peace arch lads on the team including myself. I was at Peace arch in the premier team well before going to Surrey. We have loads of Langley lads aswell so give it a rest;)
SFC can buy VMSL Pegusus, and buy VMSL Firefighters, and live off the reputation and success of the self run Rangers, but the fact remains they have never developed a VMSL team of their own. With the huge Youth numbers, and dedicated coaches, and programs, in place, capped off by the finest facility around I believe this should be your goal, instead of whoreing yourselves to teams that are just using you. You guys are kidding yourselfs, if you think anyone who knows anything about local football hears the name of Pegasus, or Firefighters and associates them with SFC, no chance. SFC are exactly what they are a second from bottom Valley premier team. Full stop. This has got to be seen as a huge disapointment considering they have the best Youth club to draw from.
I do have to comend the eleven guys who stuck it out this year it wasn't your fault you team didn't have the depth to compete each and every week. Your club should not have been in the position to rent those Langley Flakes in the first place. I bet you would have died to have a keener like Dude in the end, but you forced his hand, (poor forsight), and he moved on. Next season when the Rangers move to over thirties they will have a fair few who won't be able to go due to age, so grab them plus what you have now, including Bollocks who was suspended for the last five games ( huge Blow) pick up a few youth guys and your fine.
The unsilent majority strikes again

next to god

Not Bright
Aug 18, 2002
Dirty Money
Cainy, Cainy, Cainy...


For those that comment about the late signings Mike Mahovalich was signed in September not after the deadline, Garrett played a league game before the Cup hence his elibility. Both wanted to play for Peg in the VMSL but stuck in out of Club loyalty to the Chair.

The Firemen and Pegasus asked me to supply them players this year, Greener, Adam, Jordan Pires, Stedman, Brandon McL, Perry, Roberts all
are on Peg because of the Club. That is 7 players that could play on any Valley team with another 5 on our valley team who would have went if neccesary. Last year the death of Sean Murphy delayed everything for a year. This is a Pegasus (VMSL) team that will be playing out of that great facility next year and for many years to come. Look at the Youth Program, the elite teams are called Pegasus not SFC. Bollocks, House etc will be wearing the Horse next year along with the Rangers that stay but definitely not in the FVSL.

Niall Thompson and Jeff Clarke both came to me before signing with the Firemen out of loyalty to me and the Club. In fact the Firemen themselves approached me to join SFC not me asking them.

Both teams have qualified for the Provincials already. How many Clubs can say that and with the Rangers we could have three.

As to Dude last season he embarrassed Coach and myself with a protest in a Cup game, yep a protest in a Cup game. No one forced his hand, he made his own decision. This year we have his transfer
form as he submitted a faxed signature which is not acceptable. This he has admitted on TTP.

You know my policy, Win on the field not in a protest.

This is not an excuse only the final nail in a decision made last October. The decision to leave the FVSL was made and has been worked on very hard since then.

The FVSL calibre is poor with the exception of the Redhead's Crew of SU, Langley and Peace Arch (Keegan Munn is a great find), same teams, same players every year. The teams are the same as the ones I faced with Team Honduras two years ago. The VMSL allows for player growth, Club stability and most of all respected leadership with set guidelines. When was the last time you saw a FVSL Meeting minutes, I get the VMSL minutes monthly within a week of the meeting. None of the BS the FVSL with changing rules, Referees that are
Brownie's Boys, and Board memebers making a fortune off the players and Clubs.

I do not need to find an excuse, I was man enough to honor my committents to the League even after the Board allowed Foden to ram it deeply up their ass. He made the same committments and bailed the next year. At least we stuck it out this far but I cannot see wasting time and energy on the FVSL Premier when the benefits of the VMSL are heads and shoulders above the FVSL. The FVSL is fine for Div 1-4 teams but even then the FVSL plays games.

Yes, SYSA/Pegasus FC has one of the finest Youth Programs, male and female in BC but how can I expect these players to play in a Bush League run not to develop soccer but to feather the pockets of the league Executives. Where does the money go, Honorariums to them that's where.

Lets see 80-100 teams, $1000.00 per team, BCSA fees of less than $50,000.00 ... where does the rest go, read your FVSL Constitution, Section 11 to see who you are paying tax free dollars to..

Not to mention the Fines for Discipline...

Make them accountable or change them!!

star #1

Active Member
Aug 8, 2002
Dirty Money
what is going to happen now with this whole SFC-Langley thing?....will GEU get a bye straight though to the semis without playing a single cup game:confused: , when will the final decision be made??

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
This could be Part of a FVSL Conspiracy Theory Thread

Originally posted by Next to God
The VMSL allows for player growth, Club stability and most of all respected leadership with set guidelines. When was the last time you saw a FVSL Meeting minutes, I get the VMSL minutes monthly within a week of the meeting.

Lets see 80-100 teams, $1000.00 per team, BCSA fees of less than $50,000.00 ... where does the rest go, read your FVSL Constitution, Section 11 to see who you are paying tax free dollars to..

Comments like this are going to get you Free Pizza and Manager of the Week Awards.

As for Surrey F.C. and their affiliation with VMSL Clubs, it is the only way to go. The FVSL could not even get a 10 team Premier League together this year, what is going to happen next year.

Moving to the VMSL is the only way to go, look at the success that Slurrey U. has had.
I can see Surrey F.C. moving to the VMSL as a Div. 1 CAT team for Peg, but I can't see how Fireman can work into this equation, as they are working towards moving back to Premier and they also need a CAT team and Youth affiliation.
But two Premier teams can not draw out of the same Youth Program, there is not enough talent to Support both teams.

I think it is a Great Move Next to God, expecially looking at all the young Surrey F.C. kids that have made an impact on the Peg team this year.
But do the Old North Shore Boys want to go to Surrey full-time, that has allways been the question, who to get these boys away from Kinsmen and Mahon.

HOS likes it, it is going to make the VMSL Stronger!

next to god

Not Bright
Aug 18, 2002
Dirty Money


You have to remember that Khalsa has some players that came from the SYSA/SFC youth program as does Indo, and SU. There are at least another 15 in University and College that will be available in the next three years. SU plays kids who we developed, not them.

KNVB- Luke, Ivan and Vince were SYSA players in the youth Program.

To have places on just one Senior Program to place the kids coming up would not work. How can 15 kids a year develop for one team.

That is why we have set up a U21 last year for the Firemen, this year we will have U21 for Pegasus and the Firemen. As well the Peg Cat and more than likely a Firemen Cat along with Div 2 if Azzi will agree.

As to the "Old Peg Boys" they enjoy the way they are treated by the Club and as the Surrey kids develop the team becomes more and more from Surrey. The Club respects them and will not will not force a move on anyone but the move is going to happen as the players retire to greener pastures (maybe Peg O'35's someday with HOS in the pipes)

The "Old Peg Boys" played 5 games this year in Surrey at Bear Creek and now with the Turf we are going to push for "Friday Night Soccer" ask the Rangers this was a great atomosphere last week. 200 or more there to watch, enjoy a beverage and cheer/boo Rangerforever!!

The FVSL has done all it can to destry this development and I repeat is a F****** BUSH LEAGUE.


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
How does it work, A Draft System

Originally posted by Next to God
That is why we have set up a U21 last year for the Firemen, this year we will have U21 for Pegasus and the Firemen. As well the Peg Cat and more than likely a Firemen Cat along with Div 2 if Azzi will agree.

(maybe Peg O'35's someday with HOS in the pipes)

Having CAT and U-21 teams for both Peg and Fireman is fine, but how do you determine what players play where.
Both teams are going to want the best youth players in thier system, so would the kids be put in a draft for teams to pick or do the kids pick which program they want ot play under, Peg or Fireman.
Plus, I still think that SFC does not have enough young talen to support both Top VMSL teams and thier CAT and U-21 Programs.
But good luck to ya.

As for O-35's for HOS, I am still a few years from that, and people keep telling me that keepers are late bloomers. When am I going to bloom?



New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money
Next to God

Fair enuff.. Being a Valley player now, and for the duration of my playing days, my intention was to keep SFC in the Valley. SFC has always been a competitive team, and add legitimacy to the FVSL, perhaps selfish reasons, but hey.....I do realize young players like Adam Costley, Jordan, Roberts ect.. are playing at higher levels like the VMSL or universities in the States, and that is a credit to the SFC club. If SFC Pegasus played out of Newton, wich would legitimize their commitment to SFC, then young players wouldn't choose Surrey United, and it wouldn't be such a hard pill to swallow watching good young Valley kids developed here play elsewhere, and the constant "Valley is shyte" jabs coming from VMSL supporters wouldn't sting so much.After all they seem to be reeping the benifits of your hard work, without giving back much in return.
If you reread my post I said, you guys do have the best youth facilities, programs,coaches and numbers. It just seems to loose a clear direction after that.
I see now that your decision to leave the Valley next year is well thought out, and respect it, however I still hope you guys will enter a Valley premier team next fall, perhaps wishful thinking.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money

Fcuk'em!!! Rangerforever, Coach, Next to God and Bullocks are all a bunch of wankers!!!;)

As for the much needed rest... RF, very insightful... Who do you think an extra week of rest and preparation is going to be more benificial to??? Rangers or PAU???:eek:

"Stir it up, oh baybay, stir it up"!!!:wa: :knvb:


New Member
Sep 11, 2002
Dirty Money
I will throw my two cents in re the lang/sfc situation. The week of the game I e-mailed Fuge and asked him about the eligibility of one of our cat guys who had been injured and not played a presidents cup game. I got a very clear no back with the explanation that you play where you are signed come the deadline. So we didn't use him. However if I had asked PT it seems I would have got a different answer and we likely would have used him because honestly nobody on our squad knew the ins and outs of the constitution.
So I am assuming I have the facts straight. PT or another exec member told SFC that their player was eligible. If so the exec should stand up, admit fault, make the necessary changes and let SFC continue.
We knew collectively as a team after the game that they may have used an ineligible player. We as a team decided we did not want to protest because we got beat on the field. Issue dead.
So the dilemma (sp?). Do we support SFC and not play on the hope that the leaugue cleans up these problems? Hoping that common sense wins out in the end? Trusting that the membership, meaning the hundreds of players participating in this league, will support us down the road in a similar spot?
I will be the first to admit I do not know nor have ever had the pleasure of having a read of this constitution. I am not one to accept the advancement on a tecnicality. On the bright side,
we finally got our first clean sheet!
Thoughts from the membership encouraged. Hubs, Dude, Newc's


New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
serious accusations...

Originally posted by Next to God

The FVSL calibre is poor ...The VMSL allows for player growth, Club stability and most of all respected leadership with set guidelines. When was the last time you saw a FVSL Meeting minutes, I get the VMSL minutes monthly within a week of the meeting. None of the BS the FVSL with changing rules, Referees that are
Brownie's Boys, and Board memebers making a fortune off the players and Clubs.

... The FVSL is fine for Div 1-4 teams but even then the FVSL plays games.

Yes, SYSA/Pegasus FC has one of the finest Youth Programs, male and female in BC but how can I expect these players to play in a Bush League run not to develop soccer but to feather the pockets of the league Executives. Where does the money go, Honorariums to them that's where.

Lets see 80-100 teams, $1000.00 per team, BCSA fees of less than $50,000.00 ... where does the rest go, read your FVSL Constitution, Section 11 to see who you are paying tax free dollars to..

Not to mention the Fines for Discipline...

Make them accountable or change them!!

To want to focus on the vmsl is a commendable goal..good luck to sfc in establishing the peg premier as a surrey based team.

But these parting shots are quite serious. It's one thing to want to move to a better premier men's league, etc...but you are forgetting that there are still many sfc teams left inthe fvsl ( aren't there?)...how do you think these allegations will affect their position?
But aside from that, if there are some financial questions worth asking, is this the appropriate forum? It sounds like sour grapes from someone who doesn't get his way. Hey , I'm not privvy to all the misgivings about how the league is run...things like no minutes, blahblahblah...I guess they matter to some degree but you have made some serious allegations about the integrity and honesty of the league exec. It is an appropriate question to ask about how much the honorariums are but it is not unusual to have an honorarium for serving in such capacities ( within reason.)

There must be a proper accounting of the funds on paper that would provide more info into these allegations. As a player in the league, I appreciate the work of the board and the refs to run a league for the hundreds of amateur players that live in the fraser valley.
You may have legitimate complaints and criticisms but your rants come across as bush league to me...and for someone who refers to sfc as "me" and "mine", you might consider that your comments are representing a lot of people other than yourself.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Cainy’s comments make another good argument for merging the leagues. I think it would serve everyone best to have all the FVSL & VMSL players playing under one umbrella, and one divisional format. There is some good discussion started here .

Check it out, and add to the discussion.


New Member
Oct 21, 2002
Dirty Money

I'm in agreement. It's simple peg was misinformed by someone who should have known and is on the exec. The league needs to admit they made a mistake and play on. Lost in all this is geu's predicament. They haven't played in three weeks, will this hurt them in the end. Due to the weather the league has an extra few days to sort it out and get on with it. I don't think the fvsl is as bad as some think it is, but not dealing with situations such as this one in a swift appropriate manner will hurt everyone's effort to make as it was years ago. The farce has gone on long enough and if the league approached myself as a Langley PLAYER I would decline the opportunity to advance. As far as I'm concerned it's pegs spot. If we are awarded the win, I concur with lfc, Congrats to Timmy a well deserved shut out.(finally)


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Catch up reading

KNVB- Luke, Ivan and Vince were SYSA players in the youth Program.
Next to God, please don't include me in you little list of Valley youth. I played no more than 2-4 games in your "program" and was treated like absolute shite. It was the worst year of my soccer life. Thank God Slovan rescued me and of course Surrey U for rescuing me from Slovan. :D.

Ivan and Luke, I believe, should also be removed from your list, a few 15mins stints here and there is hardly being "developed".

To be on topic. PAU will will the cup.

next to god

Not Bright
Aug 18, 2002
Dirty Money

SFC would never take credit for your development as I did not think you were treatred well either and that you became the player you are under Goady.

Ivan - 8 years in SYSA

Luke 5 years in SYSA 1 in SU 3 in Langley in Youth

That's more than a minute or two.

Vince still plays in our Pegasus Metro Youth program.

Rangers by 2

Turf is booked for another game Friday.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Are those the stats? I didn't realize they were there that long, it's amazing they've gotten this good then. A true testament to their strength.

Good idea to move leagues though, now you're only 5 years behind Surrey U.

crafty cokcney

New Member
Nov 25, 2002
Dirty Money
In or Out

Please clarify what you know to date re Quarter Final. Are you guys in or out. On the FVSL website that particular game has disappeared completely. The PAU v. RANGERS game is shown as re-scheduled but the GEU v. PEG / LANGLEY is not.


Craftynotsureifthisisintherightthreadornot...... :confused:


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money

Originally posted by Crafty Cokcney
This speech impedement is something you picked up when you were abused at SYA................

The red headed stepchild always gets it in the end doesn't he?
Pardon the pun on the end bit.

We at Stutter Youth Soccer Association are proud of KNVBs accomplishments and wish him well in his future endeavors.
That, and along with the Catholic Church, wish to apoloze for these prior sins committed against him.

crafty cokcney

New Member
Nov 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Crafty

Originally posted by Rangerforever
We at Stutter Youth Soccer Association are proud of KNVBs accomplishments and wish him well in his future endeavors.
That, and along with the Catholic Church, wish to apoloze for these prior sins committed against him.

Fukcing Magic!!!!!!!!!!:D

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