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Scottish Premier League News 2010/11

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Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

Graham Spiers Commentary
Last updated March 22 2011 12:01AM

Another week, another excruciating example of the problem Rangers have with a large section of their support. Walter Smith’s team, going into Sunday’s Co-operative Insurance Cup final as underdogs, won quite a few admirers for their gritty 2-1 win over Celtic.
Alas, no one who was at Hampden Park as a neutral, and who had any understanding of the type of songs that were being sung, could have found anything remotely appealing in the antics of the Rangers support.
For fully 120 minutes the Ibrox legions belted out stuff about the Pope, Fenians, and some of their other favoured subjects.
Quite a few of us have become used to “the Rangers problem” over the years but Sunday at Hampden was still quite an eye-opener. It was the consistent, incessant nature of the bigoted chanting that was truly shocking.
One of the problems we have in tackling bigotry in Scottish football is the sheer ignorance of the subject that we have to put up with. For instance, Kenny MacAskill, the Scottish Justice Secretary, clearly didn’t have a clue what he was talking about, to judge from the fatuous statement he released after attending the match at Hampden.
After the prejudiced chants had boomed out, the following was MacAskill’s take on the whole spectacle. “This was the showpiece everyone wanted to see — it was a great advert for Scottish football,” he said. “The players, management and fans contributed to a memorable occasion, and I urge that their positive example inside the ground is replicated outside it over the course of the evening and beyond. Football is a force for good in society.”
Given the nature of what was chanted inside Hampden, this was an utterly ludicrous statement. MacAskill, clearly, is totally unfamiliar with the sort of problems given an airing at Hampden if he thinks that the sort of chanting which the Rangers fans kept up apace represented “fans contributing to a memorable occasion.” This is risible.
I didn’t expect a Rangers statement yesterday on the shocking tone of their supporters’ singing, and nor was one forthcoming. Rangers’ preferred position on their problem is this: let’s just have a general media silence on the subject, and let’s keep any fuss to a minimum. From Rangers’ point of view, the fewer headlines there are about their problem, the less need there is of any requirement to act.
But that is a tough scenario to hope for. The Ibrox club have already been censured by Uefa over bigotry, and more than that, a number of Rangers supporters’ songs have specifically been banned by European football’s governing body. So it is asking a lot for every newspaper to turn a blind eye (or deaf ear) towards songs which have repeatedly been outlawed.
What is more galling for those who want to be rid of this poison is the seeming ignorance — such as was revealed by MacAskill — or inability in government or police circles to be able to fix it.
Hampden on Sunday rang out to bigoted chanting from the Rangers end, yet the police statistics for “sectarian-related crimes” were paltry, never mind MacAskill’s absurd words about how wonderful it all was.
This isn’t government action. On the contrary, this is inaction, and even incompetence. The truth is, we are getting nowhere today with the problem of sectarianism in football. In fact, we are regressing, Edinburgh summits or not, at an alarming rate.
Rangers, in trying to fight their own specific problem, have lost ground. Indeed, if you were at Hampden on Sunday, with bigoted chant after chant ringing out, you would think that the club had gone back ten years in their quest to solve the problem. And for many others, meanwhile, it actually means very little.
OK, so there is sectarian chanting, they say. So what? What does it matter? Just let it go, let’s just concentrate on the football.
Rangers lack the guts to truly take on their own support on the issue, and the same applies for the Scottish FA.
The docking of points really would force the bigots to stop their chanting, and the SFA has the power to do this, but it is too scared to.
Meanwhile, too many other people won’t touch this problem with a bargepole, claiming the accompanying aggro that comes with such debate simply isn’t worth it.
So Scotland just goes on living with its embarrassing bigotry problem. Ignorance, incompetence and cowardice ensure it.

Spiers is the only one honest enough to write this and he even 'supports' Rangers.

Yes, I noticed the football discussion absentia.

GIRUY, keyboard tough guy.


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
Dirty Money
Yes, I noticed the football discussion absentia.

GIRUY, keyboard tough guy.

Captain Shamrock, have you noticed that buKKKy ignores any questions that may not be positive about him or Rangers ? Rangerforever, Johnnybluenose and ourselves will take the heat when it's due and face the music. buKKKy usually resorts to grammar mistakes (which is ironic because he's no Rhodes scholar) In his mind he finally met decent Celtic supporters and he thinks they were all in one pub. He hasn't realized that we get invited back everywhere we go.(and not for court dates) It amazes me that he's got the cheek to call you a keyboard tough guy when he knows that if he spouted off in the real world with his biggoted shite, he's be done in quite quickly no matter how tough he is.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
He's not a fcuktard...far from it I have to say bhoys.

My folks jump on a bus in Vegas and the Tic have their convention or something like that going on.
They see a bunch of green and white and they find two seats right in the middle and my dad asks:
'Is there any room for two clean loving Huns to sit down?'
Two guys look up at them and calmly say right away:
'There's nae such thing' - At the same time.


My Mum's a Celtic supporter actually and they ended up having a drink with a few of them in a casino but I always get a laugh out of that story.


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
Dirty Money
He's not a fcuktard...far from it I have to say bhoys.

RF, I don't the definition of a"fcuktard" but he does have issues, some of the things he posts on here are from the gutter.

My folks jump on a bus in Vegas and the Tic have their convention or something like that going on.
They see a bunch of green and white and they find two seats right in the middle and my dad asks:
'Is there any room for two clean loving Huns to sit down?'
Two guys look up at them and calmly say right away:
'There's nae such thing' - At the same time.


My Mum's a Celtic supporter actually and they ended up having a drink with a few of them in a casino but I always get a laugh out of that story.

The majority on both sides want their team to win but can also laugh about it. There are a few that take it beyond football and buKKKy is or tries to portray himself as one of those. That's why I thought it was ironic of him calling CS a keyboard toughguy. You obviously know him and if he is a decent guy then I don't know why he'd want to present himself as a bigot. The posts about hating and despising people are a bit over the top.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Give it a rest, Finbar O'Ffended. You're boring the tits off me.

And for the record, the "keyboard tough" wasnt intended for Captain Glamrock and his amazing mullet. As a card carrying Mensa member, it was probably above/below you. When do you want to get together to compare CVs? By the way, is the term "Hun" racist? Or is it the craic?




New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
since you're clearly distracted from football chat, let me help you beat the writer's block and get on track:

El Hadji - 1 trophy

Lennon - Sweet fcuk all

BTW - Thoughts on your hero's recent dismissal, in a "friendly' nonetheless. Must have the been the Basque referee. They're masons dont you know?


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
Dirty Money
Give it a rest, Finbar O'Ffended. You're boring the tits off me.

And for the record, the "keyboard tough" wasnt intended for Captain Glamrock and his amazing mullet. As a card carrying Mensa member, it was probably above/below you. When do you want to get together to compare CVs? By the way, is the term "Hun" racist? Or is it the craic?



buKKy comparing cv's wouldn't be a problem. If you do have an impressive cv it's even sadder that an educated person would come out with the bile that you spew. I don't know if the term "Hun" is racist or the craic, I don't use the word. You're the racist I thought you'd be up on that especially with your impressive cv.


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
Dirty Money
since you're clearly distracted from football chat, let me help you beat the writer's block and get on track:

El Hadji - 1 trophy

Lennon - Sweet fcuk all

BTW - Thoughts on your hero's recent dismissal, in a "friendly' nonetheless. Must have the been the Basque referee. They're masons dont you know?

buKKKY, I know Rangers won a trophy, and if for some reason I didn't know, it would become evident when you came out of hiding. When did my hero get sent off ? I don't know what you're talking about. I don't care who is or who isn't a mason buKKKy, I have a good life and like to watch football. I don't need sectarian garbage and hatred to fulfill my life unlike you. Hadji is a great example of someone you'd look up to, he spits on kids among other things. So he's got a trophy, if that makes all the other things he's done, acceptable to you, it speaks volumes about you. You're a sad excuse for a human.


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm a bit lost here as I don't see where Buckfast is racist in any of his posts?

What am I missing?


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
buKKKY, I know Rangers won a trophy, and if for some reason I didn't know, it would become evident when you came out of hiding. When did my hero get sent off ? I don't know what you're talking about. I don't care who is or who isn't a mason buKKKy, I have a good life and like to watch football. I don't need sectarian garbage and hatred to fulfill my life unlike you. Hadji is a great example of someone you'd look up to, he spits on kids among other things. So he's got a trophy, if that makes all the other things he's done, acceptable to you, it speaks volumes about you. You're a sad excuse for a human.

Holy fcuk! Get a grip.


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
Dirty Money
I'm a bit lost here as I don't see where Buckfast is racist in any of his posts?

What am I missing?

Regs, bigot would describe buKKKy better and is probably the word I should have used, not racist. I don't have the time to go through all of his posts but if you are aware of the religious/political dialogue and history in Scotland and Ireland his bigotry arises quite often. One example that I remember is him posting his 3 favorite teams- Rangers, Chelsea and Linfield. For a guy that apparently grew up in Canada to support Linfield would be unheard of unless his relatives lived in the area or he's supporting them for their religious bigotry and hatred towards catholics. I'm sure they've got decent supporters for the right reasons but a lot of bigots jump on the bandwagon of hatred. I'd like to hear an honest reason from him why a scottish/croatian supports Linfield and that might answer your question about my posts. That's just one example, if you knew the history/dialogue and read his posts, you wouldn't be asking. He's probably going to be too embarrassed to tell the truth but it'll be interesting to hear the story.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
He supports Rangers, and there is a loose tie to those clubs in Norn Ireland and Engerland with Rangers, and if he's not too bothered one way or another he'll support them also...

or it could just be racism/bigotry... :confused:



New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Regs, bigot would describe buKKKy better and is probably the word I should have used, not racist. I don't have the time to go through all of his posts but if you are aware of the religious/political dialogue and history in Scotland and Ireland his bigotry arises quite often. One example that I remember is him posting his 3 favorite teams- Rangers, Chelsea and Linfield. For a guy that apparently grew up in Canada to support Linfield would be unheard of unless his relatives lived in the area or he's supporting them for their religious bigotry and hatred towards catholics. I'm sure they've got decent supporters for the right reasons but a lot of bigots jump on the bandwagon of hatred. I'd like to hear an honest reason from him why a scottish/croatian supports Linfield and that might answer your question about my posts. That's just one example, if you knew the history/dialogue and read his posts, you wouldn't be asking. He's probably going to be too embarrassed to tell the truth but it'll be interesting to hear the story.

your methods of deduction are Matlock-esque. What a drip.

Onto football, looks like Whyte will finally close on the Rangers' takeover. Fantastic news, assuming he lives up to his promises. It will be tough enough with Swally at the helm, disaster if he's penniless.

Furthermore, Whyte has agreed to build a virtual fence for RF to sit on.


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Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
posted by conspiracy theorist
One example that I remember is him posting his 3 favorite teams- Rangers, Chelsea and Linfield.
Your great example of why someone is a bigot is hilarious! This is called TTP, bucky has wond you up soo tight you are reading into the Linfield angle?
Seriously, here's a suggestion...after reading a 'bigot' post take 10 deep breaths, go into a corner and fcuk yourself! :rolleyes:

I support Rangers, Man Utd and LINFIELD and don't hate anyone. Although, if I supported Celtic I must also support Liverpool which is the reason I have no creativity.



Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
I don't follow this as closely as you guys so I would probably make a terrible bigot but wasn't Manchester United traditionally the catholic club and Manchester City the prodestant club.
Carry on hating.


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
Dirty Money
Your great example of why someone is a bigot is hilarious! This is called TTP, bucky has wond you up soo tight you are reading into the Linfield angle?
Seriously, here's a suggestion...after reading a 'bigot' post take 10 deep breaths, go into a corner and fcuk yourself! :rolleyes:

I support Rangers, Man Utd and LINFIELD and don't hate anyone. Although, if I supported Celtic I must also support Liverpool which is the reason I have no creativity.


Guiness, that was just an example , there are many others. He has stated previously that he despises anything to do with Celtic, is that normal from anyone, nevermind a scottish/croatian born in Canada ? I can't remember your situation exactly but if I'm correct, either you or your parents are from N. Ireland, I can understand the connection to Linfield. He's born and bred here. You can say what you want , I think it's pretty obvious by a lot of his posts that he's a bigot. My point with him being a Linfield supporter is he has no background to the team other than the religious angle . He doesn't have me wound up, I just believe he should be called out for what he is. There's too much bigotry where we came from and there's no need to bring it here, especially from a canadian who hasn't a clue how serious and sad it really is. Celtic and Rangers should be about football.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Wind Up Artist doesn't always = Bigot.

Perhaps you need to take certain things on a site called take the piss with a grain of salt or two.

Just sayin.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
I recall you getting wound a little tight mostly about your little mob of wanna be English hooligans.
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