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Scottish Premier League News 2010/11

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Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Here are some photos of Bougherra manhandling the referee after his red card. It's laughable that's he even arguing his second yellow card.......especially since the first yellow should have been a straight red.......ANYWAY, Walks/Bronco/WhistleBlower.....how you appreciated this sort of treatment from a player. Granted this guy is the scumiest player to ever play at Rangers(and that is saying a lot) but Diouf is football's version of Mike Tyson. He's not all there and this video shows it.........the photos are of Bougherra grabbing for the refs arm to remove the yellow card. Funny though how NOTHING has been even mentioned in the press about it but Lennon is getting 8 games in suspension due to his confrontation with Moisty at the end of the game....


YouTube - the last five minutes of mayhem celtic vs rangers.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't think Neil Lennon gives two fcuks about the games at this point thanks to the media and ****ing animals/bastards who are trying everything they can to get him out of his position. It is good to see sectarianism alive and well in today and the hatred of Irish Catholics THAT strong that man has to be moved at night several times for safety reasons. Meanwhile there is LITTLE to NOTHING done in the media to try and stop this? Unfcukingbelievable what Lennon is going through. NO ONE deserves that even that ****, The Sewer Rat aka Football's Mike Tyson aka El Haj Diouf.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
The whole thing is diabolical... and there is more than enough blood on everyone's hands.

I like the latest sanctions, the three blokes arrested have, as a condition of their bail, to check in to their local polis detachment to check in during the first half of the game their team is playing in... and they aren't allowed into the stadiums until they are proven guilty or innocent.

They should just have public floggings/hangings in front of the courthouse.

Lock the rats up (all of them) and throw away the key.

The players need to stop winding each other up, Diouf, Brown, etc... it just winds the drolling invalids in the stands up also to commit senseless violence upon each other....


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
Dirty Money
why have Lennon and McCoist been suspended already and Bougy and Diouf haven't even had their hearing, you'd think it would be at the same meeting

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Congratulations to Rangers for winning the first piece of hardware this year. Both teams with the shot at the 'double' now. On the day, Rangers were the better team and deserved to win. The pitch at Hampden was embarrassing for a final at any level never mind a professional game but both teams played on it and Rangers definitely appeared to want it more. I still haven't seen what the call was right before Rangers second goal as it was behind the play but the Celtic backline fell asleep once the ball was put down and Weiss played a smart ball through for Jelavic and Mulgrew missed the tackle, it was slotted off the post and in. Disappointing based on the last few Rangers/Celtic games BUT they had to win one sooner or later. Well done to Rangers. They deserved it on the day.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Rangers deserved the result, imo. The backspin on Jela's goal was worthy of a Mickelson approach on Augusta's 12th. However, it was hard on the eyes after going to the Madrid derby last night. Hell, it would have been hard on the eyes after going to the Whitecaps' game.

Watched the game in an Irish pub with mixed company. A guy decked out in full Celtic gear asked if he could sit at my table. Told him he's welcome but it will be awkward when Rangers score. He laughed saying it was his stag do and the Celtic gear was his punishment. With that said, the pub was mixed company and no one was called a KKK member. Nice to be with decent Celtic supporters.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

Graham Spiers Commentary
Last updated March 22 2011 12:01AM

Another week, another excruciating example of the problem Rangers have with a large section of their support. Walter Smith’s team, going into Sunday’s Co-operative Insurance Cup final as underdogs, won quite a few admirers for their gritty 2-1 win over Celtic.
Alas, no one who was at Hampden Park as a neutral, and who had any understanding of the type of songs that were being sung, could have found anything remotely appealing in the antics of the Rangers support.
For fully 120 minutes the Ibrox legions belted out stuff about the Pope, Fenians, and some of their other favoured subjects.
Quite a few of us have become used to “the Rangers problem” over the years but Sunday at Hampden was still quite an eye-opener. It was the consistent, incessant nature of the bigoted chanting that was truly shocking.
One of the problems we have in tackling bigotry in Scottish football is the sheer ignorance of the subject that we have to put up with. For instance, Kenny MacAskill, the Scottish Justice Secretary, clearly didn’t have a clue what he was talking about, to judge from the fatuous statement he released after attending the match at Hampden.
After the prejudiced chants had boomed out, the following was MacAskill’s take on the whole spectacle. “This was the showpiece everyone wanted to see — it was a great advert for Scottish football,” he said. “The players, management and fans contributed to a memorable occasion, and I urge that their positive example inside the ground is replicated outside it over the course of the evening and beyond. Football is a force for good in society.”
Given the nature of what was chanted inside Hampden, this was an utterly ludicrous statement. MacAskill, clearly, is totally unfamiliar with the sort of problems given an airing at Hampden if he thinks that the sort of chanting which the Rangers fans kept up apace represented “fans contributing to a memorable occasion.” This is risible.
I didn’t expect a Rangers statement yesterday on the shocking tone of their supporters’ singing, and nor was one forthcoming. Rangers’ preferred position on their problem is this: let’s just have a general media silence on the subject, and let’s keep any fuss to a minimum. From Rangers’ point of view, the fewer headlines there are about their problem, the less need there is of any requirement to act.
But that is a tough scenario to hope for. The Ibrox club have already been censured by Uefa over bigotry, and more than that, a number of Rangers supporters’ songs have specifically been banned by European football’s governing body. So it is asking a lot for every newspaper to turn a blind eye (or deaf ear) towards songs which have repeatedly been outlawed.
What is more galling for those who want to be rid of this poison is the seeming ignorance — such as was revealed by MacAskill — or inability in government or police circles to be able to fix it.
Hampden on Sunday rang out to bigoted chanting from the Rangers end, yet the police statistics for “sectarian-related crimes” were paltry, never mind MacAskill’s absurd words about how wonderful it all was.
This isn’t government action. On the contrary, this is inaction, and even incompetence. The truth is, we are getting nowhere today with the problem of sectarianism in football. In fact, we are regressing, Edinburgh summits or not, at an alarming rate.
Rangers, in trying to fight their own specific problem, have lost ground. Indeed, if you were at Hampden on Sunday, with bigoted chant after chant ringing out, you would think that the club had gone back ten years in their quest to solve the problem. And for many others, meanwhile, it actually means very little.
OK, so there is sectarian chanting, they say. So what? What does it matter? Just let it go, let’s just concentrate on the football.
Rangers lack the guts to truly take on their own support on the issue, and the same applies for the Scottish FA.
The docking of points really would force the bigots to stop their chanting, and the SFA has the power to do this, but it is too scared to.
Meanwhile, too many other people won’t touch this problem with a bargepole, claiming the accompanying aggro that comes with such debate simply isn’t worth it.
So Scotland just goes on living with its embarrassing bigotry problem. Ignorance, incompetence and cowardice ensure it.

Spiers is the only one honest enough to write this and he even 'supports' Rangers.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Thought I'd post this CS as a wee reminder of the shite back home that sadly will always exist.......on both sides of the fence. I have to say though that this commentary was hilarious.....sadly;):D

YouTube - Best Commentary Ever Celtic V Rangers

I remember that one, Dancing Bear. That is classic stuff......despite being offside. That guy used to be the guy on JustinTV all the time and was often the only feed you could get.

DB, I just posted the latest from Spiers because it was interesting that the person who was supposed to be in charge of such didn't notice anything. It's amazing what people hear mind you when they want to hear certain things.

Watching the game, I didn't hear anything.......except JCGE after Celtic scored their goal.


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
Dirty Money
Rangers deserved the result, imo. The backspin on Jela's goal was worthy of a Mickelson approach on Augusta's 12th. However, it was hard on the eyes after going to the Madrid derby last night. Hell, it would have been hard on the eyes after going to the Whitecaps' game.

Watched the game in an Irish pub with mixed company. A guy decked out in full Celtic gear asked if he could sit at my table. Told him he's welcome but it will be awkward when Rangers score. He laughed saying it was his stag do and the Celtic gear was his punishment. With that said, the pub was mixed company and no one was called a KKK member. Nice to be with decent Celtic supporters.


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
Dirty Money

Yes Rangers deserved the win. Could it be that you met "decent Celtic supporters" because you didn't start off with " I despise anyting to do with Celtic". People all over the world have been meeting "decent Celtic supporters " for years, it's not a new thing buKKKy. the Celtic supporters haven't changed, hopefully you have. The other factor might be that Rangers won, sometimes that has an influence as well.
It's been nice bantering on this site with decent Rangers supporters about football (not sectarian garbage) while you've been away.
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