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RIP Kobe Bryant


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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
A neat idea but that's gotta be MJ imo.

Arguably the GOAT but he’s still alive, and I was only joking, I’d be highly surprised if they put Kobe an “alleged” rapist on the logo forever.

I do think hat maybe this has all gone too far with tributes, number retiring at places he’s never played, etc etc. Mourn if you want to mourn but do we retire the numbers 8 and 24 for all the teams now?

I will say it does appear that most people have forgiven and/or forgotten his past, maybe because he put out the public apology? Who knows but people in all walks of life, men, women, young and old, seem to have let it go. Not saying it’s right, just saying. Remembering him for his most recent years.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
I will say it does appear that most people have forgiven and/or forgotten his past, maybe because he put out the public apology? Who knows but people in all walks of life, men, women, young and old, seem to have let it go. Not saying it’s right, just saying. Remembering him for his most recent years.

I guess it all depends on the perspective and what your priorities in life are currently. Maybe labeling a him a rapist is to strong a word. I dont know. His actions as described from all accounts are at minimal predatorial. With 3 daughters myself that's something I cannot get past. Sure he may have changed his ways as he got older and became a father himself. Sometimes that's what it takes. The selfishness ends atvghat point. Regardless I have a responsibility to protect my girls from people like that. With a 19 year old who's life Is really just starting , a man with red flags in his past would not be allowed near her on my watch.

But like I said it's all about perspective.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Again, to each there own. The public apology, according to several articles, was a stipulation of the victim and I would assume a negotiated script.

I decided back then I wouldn’t be a fan. Am I happy he’s dead? No. But I’m also not going to fawn all over him and mourn his passing. It’s unbelievable how many organizations that I’ve nothing to do with basketball have jumped on that bandwagon. One of them the POTUS. It’s amazing how many people choose to forgive and forget when it’s a jock, vs. Any other member of society. Guys spend their lives around here with a sexual offender tag for doing less.

Anyways, that’s society. If you have enough cash you can usually buy your way out of a problem.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Jokes aside, it’s horrible news for all of these family’s. I like to think true or false one incident doesn’t define a man/women. People can have their own views on that. The news hit me less in terms of sadness(as I have no personal relationship) and more in terms of trying to remember a long life and future isn’t a guarantee. Worry a little less and enjoy a little more. Something I often forget to do.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Jokes aside, it’s horrible news for all of these family’s. I like to think true or false one incident doesn’t define a man/women. People can have their own views on that. The news hit me less in terms of sadness(as I have no personal relationship) and more in terms of trying to remember a long life and future isn’t a guarantee. Worry a little less and enjoy a little more. Something I often forget to do.
This whole thng has been bugging me since it happened. I suppose the outpouring is warranted but you CANNOT overlook what happened.

If I do a lawn burner in my Mustang on KNVB's front yard and get caught, maybe that won't define me. Being accused of rape and quite obviously buying silence? That certainly would.

"Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter. "

At the end of the day it is quite sad. 9 people are dead. Kids are dead. Kids are left without parents. That is sad whether its Kobe and his past or not.

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