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Potential Whitecaps Players in BC

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Boba will not give Canadian kids a chance,why would he give Miller a chance. Local guys have to go to Europe to prove them selfs first. By that time Bob will colect old mans cheques. In five six years we will see few Canadians in charge. Do you think TFC is going to be better with Winters? In my opinion worse. They keap on trading all the players for un provenm kids. Unless winters goes to Dutch Land and gets a player or two there is no hope in TFC camp. That place is todam humid and hot for a player to play in. Guys hate the place. On the other side Caps have many kids with old man Sabvage and the Dutchman from US they might get few points. I just do not understand why they never took a keeper from Kutacy University. 6'4" good keeper. One wonders why one does not want the best. I know dam sure that Nolley will not sit on the bench for tolong. He is togood of a player to do that. He can go to Europe and make big big coin.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I know dam sure that Nolley will not sit on the bench for tolong. He is togood of a player to do that. He can go to Europe and make big big coin.

If he could have he would have.

Likely he's looking for the opportunity to showcase himself to othe MLS squads.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Stop calling them managers ...... This ain't a european league.. They are head coaches and they follow a different structure then the europeans..

Technically Lenerduzzi is the manager is he not?

Tater does not have the same pull as a Tradition manager does...


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Soehn is more of the GM than Bobbaduzzi is.

Teitur is the Head Coach (manager in Footy terms) and Collin and Mike Salmon are his technical coaches.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Here is few more kids for you Mr Dalrymple to look at. Christopher Pereira Wesburn, Gino Croaker Wesburn yout 14. Grandview Legion lad by the name Max also a U14 player.These kids have been over looked yet you will see them as top players in a two year period. Live soccer all day. All we need is to look around. They are here.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
You guys are right Teitur is just a coach. He stays away from all that other dong. He is got hard enough job as it is. Youg team with few experianced players it's going to be tough. He likes pace and they did get few guys in the middle that can do that.The only problem lies up front. No punch power. Young guys will last three four games. Then wounds will hold them back. Some how they have to get a guy like DeRozerio to help up front. I am not sue why they are not giving a chance to few guys fronm Enlish second div or third diov.


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
Dirty Money
Atiba Harris isn't bad up front. The caps are up around 20 players now right? Gives them 10 spots to bring in experience (such as Robbie Savage - not a bad decision to train-up guys like Gage). But yes, they need another forward.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
I have wached Gage on internet playing for our U20 side. He is good young player. I do not think he is a starter for two more years.Tenty thirty minutes he will give you all. Good for closing games. We need some one with guts and bit on the dirty side up front. Seattle and Portland stand big and strong in the back line. Each side has four big guys taking care of last third. We do have one or two guys on Island that could do good job. Patrick from Victoria would make us proud. Agin not prowen I just do not think they will give a guy chance. Collin does know the guy. He can score in tight games Quick pit bull type of a player. Shoots very quick and well.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
With HPL around the corner I am sure many young guys are gettig ready for that. Every one is talking about the HPL now. Few more young guys will be comming out of the weeds. It is good to see. Point Grey U14 also has a very talented youngster, some how coaches hide these kids in lower levels yet the kids are way higher level. Squamish U14 also has two very talanted lads both pwerfull players. I will try to find out the names.


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
Dirty Money
Base - could it not be a case of this kid from Point Grey wasn't selected or didn't tryout for a metro team!? Just because a kid is at gold doesn't mean it wasn't their choice. I know 5 kids that would have walked into the first team in a nearby metro team. They tried-out. Were selected. Chose to play gold for one more year with their friends before moving up to a higher level. They are 13 years old and spending all that time in the car when they have a new school, friends, and family to deal with. At 14 they know it's time to get a bit more serious and won't hesitate to tryout for the metro team again and hope they make it. I know the coach/club they tried-out for, and they were top 13 players, if not certain starters then first off the bench.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Bettermirror a agree with you on all the pints you make. Many times you get very talanted kids sent down. Just by bringing the names out it will get coaches from upper level to check thes kids out. As you know lots of politics go on in soccer. AS a high level player and also a high level coach. I would be wrong if I did not point out talented kids.
Guy from Caps like Dalrympel is watching. He does not care where they play. From silver two up. He is looking for four elements. Size speed game smarts and foot skill. And most of all do they hve soccer guts.
We over look way tomany kids here. They cry Canadiand kids can not play in MLS. Bull Sh-t to that. We are as good onley lack is a coach from U15 to U18. Some guys are not at the level kids need.
We all from our MLS to our Silver soccer must get together and push for more NASL sides for our kids to have a place to play for a pay.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
I have asked his dad. He told me the boy was not informed. Onley kids in Gold level got a letter. Some how the boy was over looked. Very very good soccer player. He has British back ground. As you can see Whitecaps took 8 players in the draft. Only one is Canadian. That should bring it clear to all of us. We need to be better. Betwen Burnaby and North Shore teams should be equal or better than rest of the groups. Between Vancouver and Richmond it also will be very strong sides. Jordan in his element. Wao it will be fun to watch. I am sure CMF also is dreaming big. Surrey United just can not wate. And Caps home games tickets are under thirty dollars per game. That alone will be un enough.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Bettemirror Nathan Burns is the Lads name in U14.Tall very smart player. Good short game and also good long rage game. And David Draghici. Strong strong sweeper. Can also play good in goal.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
Bettemirror Nathan Burns is the Lads name in U14.Tall very smart player. Good short game and also good long rage game. And David Draghici. Strong strong sweeper. Can also play good in goal.

All these players you keep listing are all silver players... If theyre u14 and still not taking soccer serious enough to push themselves to play at the top level then there not gonna ever make it. Jesus christ man smarten up. You talk like you have this amazing understanding of the game. In fact I read one topic where you posted about being a "great coach" yet you coached a fvsl div 3 team last year? If you're so great why are you not coaching the Whitecaps? Honesty man does it not alarm you that the better half of the points you make on here get disagreed with? Now don't get me wrong not everything you say is wrong just about 90% of things.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Mission I like the way you get worked up. If I was a White Cap coach all Canaian side would be there. We woul do just as good as they. No worse. Since I am not a coach I wish them well. Due to very few select sides and five player out of district rule tonns of kids play in silver levels. These kids also play football for their schools. They are athletic tough and have all around good skill. Write names down in one of your books and wate three years. You will see the names in upper soccer. Coaches who have played in Europe and down south do know talent when they see it. Some guys might not like it but that is what I see. There few select kids in our are that would have no chance against these kids. All they have to do is call the kids out play against the select sides or top gold sides and you will see what I am talking about.
Mission all I do is point out good talent. And no more. A six foot and 140lbs at U14 and a shot aof a grown up has to be pointed to people. Not one under 5' 9" in this group. All dam fast and strong. And on top of it they play ball, no booting. Do.t get mad help kids out. Just one good deed a day will keap you going for a long time.
Why would anybody waste his time in FVL. Soccer is OK but men in the midle control the out come. League is a good idea with a rotten core.


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
Dirty Money
Base, honestly. These kids would have tried-out the same date, time, and location as the kids selected to GOLD at their clubs. Yet they didn't make those teams.


Active Member
Mar 6, 2007
Dirty Money
Exactly what I was thinking, thank you, mirror, for pointing that out.
Most (not to say all) clubs do tryouts first for Gold and players not picked will spill down to Silver. I doubt that many coaches out there would leave out of his team a good player (especially if they are as you said, Base, of Select/HPL caliber). And since there's not really any difference in time commitment, cost, travel distance from playing Silver and Gold (as opposed to Selects/HPL), it's not likely that their parents decided to pull these kids from playing in Gold due to those reasons.

So it boils (again) down to should coaches take hulking clumsy-feet Ivanovic over little undersized and frail Johnny who has been kicking a soccer ball since he was 2 and who ran circles around Ivanovic at the tryouts.

We all know where Base stands in this one... ;-)


Active Member
Mar 6, 2007
Dirty Money
Base, you sound like a well-intentioned and passionate soccer guy but sometimes I can only shake my head and wonder how much of what you post is there just to stir up the pot. I don't know you, so, although I disagree with 90% of what you write, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that the most outrageous things you say are there just to TTP out of everyone else.

Now, your obsession with size for soccer players seems real enough and, knowing that others in these parts seem to share that belief, I want to ask you how, in this day and age of instantaneous communication and easy access to information, you can defend that position. Have you looked at the most successful and coveted players in international soccer (in any league)? How many of those are towering giants? Not many, you have to agree. In fact, the average height for professional (adult) soccer players is around 5'11" or so, only slightly higher than that of the general population.

If height were the main determinant of success in high-level adult soccer, wouldn't you expect that most of the players would be way taller? And don't tell me that certain places just don't have tall guys because the same countries that field 5'5" players in their MNTs (e.g. Spain, Brazil, Argentina) do have successful basketball programs with players way above 6'5". Since it's a given that these high level athletes would earn a lot more playing soccer, why didn't they make it through the ranks in soccer? Isn't it obvious that, differently from basketball or volleyball where height alone gives the player a big advantage, that's just not true in soccer?

BTW, I'm not saying that taking short players is a recipe for success, just because a lot of the more high-profile players right now are very short. If that was the case, using a similar argument as before, short slavic or scandinavian kids would never choose gimnastics and would flock toward soccer to make the big bucks. The truth of the matter is that good soccer players will get ahead no matter their height. Soccer as a sport is the great equalizer, for outlandish physical traits don't give adult players much of an advantage.

Now, there is one large group of soccer players where height, size and overall physical development makes a BIG difference, and that's where the danger of your views lies: young kids. Once kids are in their late teens any advantage the big guy had is all but gone but, by then, beliefs like yours may have pushed the short but better player out of the sport.

Sorry guys for the novel, but I'm sick and tired of hearing and seeing the old: "-Let's take Big John out there. Sure, he's not much of a player, but you cannot teach tall!".

It sickens me to my stomach.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
Base, you sound like a well-intentioned and passionate soccer guy but sometimes I can only shake my head and wonder how much of what you post is there just to stir up the pot. I don't know you, so, although I disagree with 90% of what you write, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that the most outrageous things you say are there just to TTP out of everyone else.

Now, your obsession with size for soccer players seems real enough and, knowing that others in these parts seem to share that belief, I want to ask you how, in this day and age of instantaneous communication and easy access to information, you can defend that position. Have you looked at the most successful and coveted players in international soccer (in any league)? How many of those are towering giants? Not many, you have to agree. In fact, the average height for professional (adult) soccer players is around 5'11" or so, only slightly higher than that of the general population.

If height were the main determinant of success in high-level adult soccer, wouldn't you expect that most of the players would be way taller? And don't tell me that certain places just don't have tall guys because the same countries that field 5'5" players in their MNTs (e.g. Spain, Brazil, Argentina) do have successful basketball programs with players way above 6'5". Since it's a given that these high level athletes would earn a lot more playing soccer, why didn't they make it through the ranks in soccer? Isn't it obvious that, differently from basketball or volleyball where height alone gives the player a big advantage, that's just not true in soccer?

BTW, I'm not saying that taking short players is a recipe for success, just because a lot of the more high-profile players right now are very short. If that was the case, using a similar argument as before, short slavic or scandinavian kids would never choose gimnastics and would flock toward soccer to make the big bucks. The truth of the matter is that good soccer players will get ahead no matter their height. Soccer as a sport is the great equalizer, for outlandish physical traits don't give adult players much of an advantage.

Now, there is one large group of soccer players where height, size and overall physical development makes a BIG difference, and that's where the danger of your views lies: young kids. Once kids are in their late teens any advantage the big guy had is all but gone but, by then, beliefs like yours may have pushed the short but better player out of the sport.

Sorry guys for the novel, but I'm sick and tired of hearing and seeing the old: "-Let's take Big John out there. Sure, he's not much of a player, but you cannot teach tall!".

It sickens me to my stomach.

Exactly! Well said.

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