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PCSL - News, results and a wee bit of banter 04'


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Season starts Sunday with the PCSL newest team Richmond Clan vs. Penticton. Not sure, but I think Richmond is a mixture of Clan prospects and hope-fulls. I'll have to get the scoop from coach Matt Cooper later. The Americans and interior sides (ie Skagit, Seattle, Penticton, Kelowna and Kamloops) always start well ahead of lower mainland teams (Island included) due to the fact we, if we're lucky that is, are still finishing off our seasons where as they are just starting theirs. As you may know Clan was done at Christmas thus the first game. ;)

No idea what's in store for Slurrey U this season. I do know the try-outs start Tuesday. Anyone else with a anything else?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Surrey United kicked off it's 2004 campaign with a convincing 5-1 win over a tired looking Penticton. They had just played Victoria to a 2-2 draw on Saturday and with some of the most ridicules planning ever, decided to stay in Victoria and catch the first boat out of town at 7:00am instead of staying here, sleeping in and then heading to the not so friendly confines of Cloverdale athletic to get hum-ped by the good guys. Either way I suppose, but the result never really seemed in doubt especially when I can bag 3 goals and one meg in the first half (should have been 5 and 2 but we won't talk about that)

My campaign to make the PCSL all-star team is now in full swing.

Surrey U looks good with a tremendous mix of youth and older talent. Our youth is a combination of our U-18 team and U-21's. They seem to have endless fitness and most of all, skill. One kid in particular. CJ Jhooty is a fcuking incredible player and will definitely be looking for a spot on our premier side this season. More players are still arriving (from the sinking Khalsa ship) and things look good this year. I'll be sure to keep all you advised of the exciting :rolleyes: action.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
knvb said:
One kid in particular, CJ is a fcuking incredible player... More players are still arriving (from the sinking Khalsa ship)

I have not yet decided where I will play next year, but I am taking offers from many a team, thanks for recognizing my true abilities knvb.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I suppose I did leave that wide open for you to jump in on. Well played HOS. :D

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
knvb said:
Well played HOS. :D

Best play I have had all year, I will take it. On a side note, I don't think the 3 goals vs. Pentiction will get you in the mix, not after they see that you scored 4 goals in the VMSL, all in one game vs. Columbus. Hey, who are the Khalsa players playing for Slurrey this summer, just stirring the pot on this one, but we need some excitment in at least one thread right now.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
The VMSL has nothing to do with it HOS, nor does that fact the 92.9346% of my goals came in one game last year. (or against Zenga.) It's a brand new season and a brand new league. It's kind of like being a virgin all over again, but still knowing what do do when her pants are down. As for the Khalsa player(s) coming over that will remain a secret until they play. (Possible Saturday in Victoria.) I'll bet they'll be well pleased to be playing with some talented players again... and me.

I have to tell you though HOS, I knew you had just moved out this way and was pushing for an extra player of your stature to join us, but seems the damn Surrey Parks board had already sprang for new garbage cans this year at Cloverdale. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
My quest for a spot as a PCSL all-star continued this Saturday in Victoria after getting on the pitch right at kick off. Coming directly from my coaching duties 20 minutes away I took the field with no stretching or warm up and my boots were still untied. I've never heard a quad snap in two before... it was very cereal sounding. That bit of rubbish aside the Surrey boys were, understandabley under early pressure from the defending league champs with 3 players rolling up to the doors at kick off. Solid defensive performances from our superlative young sweeper (actually I'll just tell you now the whole fcuking team is 17-18 year olds and spare you from reading and me from typing out superlative young veteran 200 times so I'll be using SYV from here on out.) kept us level until the 20th minute when their keeper handled a back pass giving us an in-direct kick right on the penalty spot in which SYV and Fastshows best mate, Vinny Stewart calmly side footed it into the top corner. 1-0 good guys. Victoria still with most of the possession (Hi TheRob!!) leveled on a bit of a scramble in from of our net. We went up 2-1 in the 43rd minute when our USofA import flicked a ball thru to me which I jumped on and bent into the side net from about 16 out. Cracker of a poke if I do say so myself and the goal wasn't bad either.

Half Time

Second half went a little better for us as we started to have some more of the possession, but it was Victoria who struck first on some poor marking allowing Victoria to have not 1 but 3 shots at Keeper, Geoff Ayi-Bonte who
did extremely well to keep the first two out, but wasn't as lucky on the 3rd. 2-2. We thought we sealed the deal on my second when I slotted a left footer in from 18 under considerable pressure. ( of course it started off as a sitter but I bobbled the cnuting ball around in my legs for 5 minutes and 50 touches, almost getting my legs snapped twice before I got the damn thing down and hit it) Victoria stole the points on (still with us girth? almost done) a PK with 8 left as we sat back a tried to defend the game out. Legitimate PK, but we should have had the ball out earlier with one of our not so SYV decided not hitting it first time and got the ball blocked.

It was nice we did receive the usual "homer" refereeing we usually get over there. He was equally shite for both sides.

3 hours in the Waddling Dog Pub, 7 $2.50 pints and 30 hot wings later we got on the 9:00 boat out of dodge. Annother 6 MGD's on the upper deck then off to the Landing pub for a few more. When pissed in Tswassen why not go to Ladner for pints I always say It'd be silly not to really.

Chalk me up for another 2 goals and 1 more meg, though not a particularly a clean one. The tape has been sent to smallsy for review.

In other news Victoria got humped by Skagit the following day 5-1.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: nice one...

knvb said:
Rice Krispies of course. Snap, crackle & Pop

Yeah. Of course.

Everybody knows Captain Crouche is the official cereal sound of ripping the shite out of the roof of one's mouth.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: nice one...

sensei_hanson said:
Captain Crouche is the official cereal sound of ripping the shite out of the roof of one's mouth.
I guess that will be off the menu for this Sunday...

Knvb, you ever think of taking a break? :confused: I think co-ed is too fast paced for your liking... :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Latest results

June 9
Penticton Pinnacles - 1 Kamloops City - 1
June 10
Skagit Rapids- 2 Seattle Hibernian - 2
Fraser Valley - 0 Richmond Clan - 0
June 12Skagit Rapids - 2 Fraser Valley Action - 2
Seattle Hibernian - 2 Richmond Clan - 0
Okanagan Challenge - 0 Victoria United - 1
June 13
Penticton Pinnacles - 1 Victoria United - 4
Kamloops City - 2 Okanagan Challenge - 0


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Standings as of June 14 2004

Team GP- PTS

Victoria United 8 -17
Skagit Rapids 8 -12
Okanagan Challenge 7- 10
Seattle Hibernian 6 - 9
Richmond Clan 5 - 8
Fraser Valley Action 5 -5
Kamloops City 7 - 5
Surrey United 2- 4
Penticton Pinnacles 8-4

Top Goalscorers - Men

Player -Club -Goals

Ryan Hopp-Skagit Rapids-5
Dave Hluecka-Surrey United-5
Dana Garner-Seattle Hibernian-5
Luc Martin-Penticton Pinnacles-4
Kevin Gilbert-Victoria Unted-3
Patrick Gawrys-Victoria United-3
Greg Fiddick-Victoria United-3
Drago Berto Sajardo-Skagit Rapids-3
Kyle Bilinski-Okanagan Challenge-3
Jim Kruegel-Okanagan Challenge-3

Next up for Surrey United is the Fraser Valley Action Wednesday, 7:00 Cloverdale Ath.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Brilliant post. I especially like how you incorporated so many numbers and letters and then ran them all together.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Piss off wanker I was editing it. Thanks for giving me a bloody minute before you opened your pie hole. You can cut and paste on this site anymore. I've lodged a formal complaint already.


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Dirty Money
Any comments re last evening's affair at Cloverdale Athletic?
I was a little surprised to the number of your older vets playing, we thought we were going to see a much younger side. Anyways, my read, you guys dominated the first 30 and then died a slow death. Well done to our boys for not sitting back and defending like we did Saturday which eventually cost us two points. It could very easily have been a couple more, can't imagine you will dispute that even if you look at the overall chances each side had throughout.
This is my first go round in the PCSL, was it stronger in the past, not to say it is not right now, but I guess I expected more. We are not lighting it up, but in our defence, I have never been around such a banged up crew.
A spirited affair nonetheless, with the young legs winning out in the end.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
No he wasn't.

My mother always said if you have nothing nice to say go on TTP and say it… so yeah, I guess I have a few comments, now that you’ve ask. We, to put it bluntly fcuking stunk the entire 90 last night. Not very characteristic of our, albeit short, PCSL season thus far. I think part of the problem was that we scored that first goal quickly and with little or no effort what-so-ever. I’m only guessing now, but I guess we got the mind-set it was going to be a walk in the old preverbal, park. Guess not eh? ;)

I’ve seen AIA or Trinity or Fraser Valley Action (whatever you’re called) have a much stronger sides in the past to be honest. I hardly reconized half those guys. That said you did have a few quality players. #21 comes (arrogant twat though) to mind as does that big bugger Jeff Shea is it? He played up front and the scruffy, skinny little bastard you had out wide left did pretty well as did Matt Armarad(sp), though he was playing against a 16 year old.

You guys certainly out worked us and weren’t afraid to push the ball forward on those, seemingly endless, counter attacks you had. Your first goal was a classic …two passes and one great pillar to post run by your wide guy who’s finish was shaky at best, but any goal is certainly good goal as I know all to well. (Right Walks?) Your second, was our keepers fault. He called it then decided half way he wasn’t going to get it and called for it to go away, WAY too late. Your #14 claimed it as his goal, but I swear he didn’t have a touch. A goal very similar to Germany’s vs. Holland the other day. The third was a classic whipped in ball to the near post for a header. Nothing the keeps could do, I thought, but by then I was knee deep in the wobbly pops, as you do, or as I do anyway and it’s all about me remember. Really though I was lucky to even play as much as I did. I had to spend 20 minutes in Step Childs office(Thanks for bendy pen btw) having him crack my neck 6 ways to Sunday then back again just to get my old(ish) crippled arse onto the park in the first place just case you’re wondering why it looked like I was running/walking around with a 2x4 up my arse. I usually have the much larger, 2x6. Thinking back I really, really wish I stayed out.

The league has been much strong in the past, but when you lose a team like Khalsa it takes a bit away from the over all quality. Not to mention, Kelowna & Penticton don’t fork out the dosh like they use to attract some “bigger name players” they use to. Have you played Seattle yet? They’re usually pretty strong as is Skagit.

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