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Pakenham Cup PAK CUP - Predictions Rd. 2


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Guinness said:
I have never tried piss before, but I wouldn't think it would taste as good as a cold can of kokanee after a hard training session... Then again if you could get cold cans of piss which got you drunk that bottling company would surely generate more income than coca cola... :rolleyes:

Although, I'm sure an Italian has probably tried it before!!! ;)

We have...and we bottle it under the brand Guinness.

Beer sucks. Wine Good.

Staying on topic....

Rangers win in another close one... 2-0
Langley P 3-0
ND Lions 5 - 0
PAU P 4-2
Chilli P 2-0
DMU 2-1
PM P 2-0
PM Div 1 in pk's


New Member
Nov 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Port Moody Fury over Abby Mariners 2-1

We got one mid way thru the first, then 15 into the 2nd they tied it up and 5 minutes later we got the lead back and held on from there.

My first time seeing the club, very quick passing team, looking forward to more matches in the future. We kept them marked close and that helped. Wind was very strong as well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Zaurrini said:
DMU 2-1
PM P 2-0

You got the scoreline correct but choose the wrong side of the coin.

LUFC Dynamo 2 DMU 1.

We played a good game, inspired, and won enough tackles to come out on top.

Our Keeper made a big save late on a breakaway to keep the lead and the rest was done by our lone man up front.

DMU keeper made some great saves to keep them in the game.

Good clean team...love to play them again in the regular season shortly.


New Member
Oct 11, 2003
Dirty Money
chilli p 2 - 1 geu p
geu scores with 10min left in the game, a cross that ends up in the back of the net. chilli ties 5min later, tapped in off a rebound.
chilli's keeper saves two in the shootout, 3-1 in pks.

frozen turf plays way too fast for the first game back after a lengthy break.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
suburbanator said:
You got the scoreline correct but choose the wrong side of the coin.

LUFC Dynamo 2 DMU 1.

We played a good game, inspired, and won enough tackles to come out on top.

Our Keeper made a big save late on a breakaway to keep the lead and the rest was done by our lone man up front.

DMU keeper made some great saves to keep them in the game.

Good clean team...love to play them again in the regular season shortly.

Congrats Sub, great result!

2 Langley teams going on to round three.

Tim Berners-Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
Dirty Money
geu really handed it to chilli....chilli got lucky no doubt about it....

anyways out of the pack cup.

geu found a stronger formation that will surely exaust any thought of relegation

Big Ern

New Member
Sep 27, 2003
Dirty Money
Tim Berners-Lee said:
geu really handed it to chilli....chilli got lucky no doubt about it....

anyways out of the pack cup.

geu found a stronger formation that will surely exaust any thought of relegation

Apparently the frozen weather got to more than just the field!

It was a close, hard fought game but there is no way "geu really handed it to chilli" ...maybe you should stick your head outside to let the sunlight thaw it out a little!
GEU definately looked much different than the one that was "handed" a 6-0 drubbing earlier in the season by the Wack.
They had their opportunities and the game could have been a little different if either team had a little more polish around the net. They worked hard and probably deserved a better fate than a shootout loss...but not the win last night...Chilliwack did not get lucky!
Kudos to GEU for coming out strong...it will be good for the league if their younger core can continue to grow!

As for the Wack...happy to finally beat a Premier team in a Pak game!!



Active Member
Oct 15, 2003
Dirty Money
The GEU-Chilli game was a very good game that could have gone either way. Both teams missed open headers from close range. Chilli came out wanting to shoot but they were from far range and seldom on target. Our keeper was strong coming off the line and was unlucky that we didn't get him the win. It was a good building game and we should bring it out for the regular season games. With the league so tight at the middle/bottom it should be an interesting second half of the season.


Sep 4, 2001
Dirty Money
langley P - 3 over Langley Athletics - 3 in PK's.

Went to watch this game and all can say is the Div. 1 team was absolutely robbed of this game. Why a ref like JB was in the middle of the park for a game like this I have no idea. He was absolutely horrible and seemed to want to put his stamp on this game.

Div. 1's were up 2-1 at half. Premier team ges red card and a few minutes later Div. 1's give up a Pk. 2-2. Few minutes later Div' 1's are up 3-2 (keeper really should have had that shot though). Game was back and forth for a bit with the Div.1 tgettin the better chances and then Jb makes some phantom PK call for the Premiers??? Well it was a nice gift 3-3. Langley div.1 actually scored one after a corn, but it was called back?? Why?? Good question, was standing rite there and didn't see any fouls but then again it was JB reffing (he was absolutely horrible tonight). Premiers keeper made two huge stops in the last ten to keep them in it and take the game to PK's

Unlucky to the Div. 1 boys

Looks like it will be up to us Rangers to knock off Langley again. We'll supply the game ball:D :eek:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't know where to start.

Maybe with my teammates...absolutely proud as hell of every guy that set foot on the pitch tonight. We wanted this more, and we showed it. The better team won tonight, but the better team didn't play better.

My opinion of this team is that you had a group- collectively- that was playing for fitness. Let's stay in shape boys, get some good competition. Yeah, we won every tackle. 50/50, 40/60, you name it. They were not at all interested in a physical match, and we played our game plan to perfection.

But, the ever looming factor was JB. And, JB, I know you read this site, but at this point, I am so disgusted with your performance tonight, that I could give a rat's ass about the retribution to come down the line. I have always given you respect, and the benefit of the doubt, but tonight you wanted to be involved. The first PK was less than marginal. The striker had no chance on the ball. The second...wow. First, from 40/50 yards off the play, I don't know how it is possible you could clearly see the play, but second, you were point blank making up stories. The other team couldn't believe it, and ****ing ridiculed you on the way to the room. They KNEW they didn't deserve this win. We humped them all over the park. We played hard nosed football, took our fouls, and did what we needed to. We wanted this. But, you...I don't know what the **** was going throught your head.

To whomever schedules the refs...when you see Langley vs. Langley on the docket, and you know it involves former premier players playing against current premier players, why the **** would you schedule JB? Give us somebody with an ounce of composure, and decorum. He was beyond disgraceful.

Wagner...despite what I told you in the pub, full respect to you and your boys. They played hard, and played well. No, I don't think you deserved it, but ask me yesterday if I'd take PKs, I'd say "hell yes". Classy group, and I know a few of us owe some apologies to some of yours. Hey, it is Pak Cup time, and if there is a yellow to be taken, it was taken.

I hope your boys can learn a little about the history and prestige of this Cup, and go for a run. We need a Langley team in Provincials. Good luck- sincerely- moving on.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Oh, did I mention the star of the show also called BACK our go ahead goal with 5 minutes left? Typical goalmouth scramble off a corner, and we still don't know what the call was.

Three words: dis-grace-full.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
So.... you're saying you weren't happy with the refereeing? JB knew the Queen you know? Played with Eric Cantona, didn't he? I don’t believe a man with those credentials could have been as bad as you say.


New Member
Sep 11, 2005
Dirty Money
suburbanator said:
You got the scoreline correct but choose the wrong side of the coin.

LUFC Dynamo 2 DMU 1.

We played a good game, inspired, and won enough tackles to come out on top.

Our Keeper made a big save late on a breakaway to keep the lead and the rest was done by our lone man up front.

DMU keeper made some great saves to keep them in the game.

Good clean team...love to play them again in the regular season shortly.

Full props to Sub and the boys. As expected just like last year the Langley boys worked there ass's off and it was enough to get the W. They won every tackle, beat us to every ball and just straight out worked us. We really could have used a game before playing a cup match, but no excuses we could have won if we wanted it bad enough. They did, we didnt. Well done Langley good luck next round. Please make me feel better about this loss.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Dude said:
Oh, did I mention the star of the show also called BACK our go ahead goal with 5 minutes left?


Dude. Glad to hear you guys turned in a great effort and I am sorry the result did not reflect accordingly.

Any Premier side guys care to post and admit to the theft?

Anyhow as a "club" guy I suppose it's is best that our Premier Team is moving forward to represent Langley in the next round. Ultimately they are probably best suited to wave the flag for Langley. Unfortunately last I checked none of them are from Langley nor even know that there are other teams that play here...

Either way they are a good team and Wagner has obviously turned them around after their poor season start. I hope we manage to not draw them for the next round. Not that any draw would be any better or worse for us at this point.

Congrats LUFC Premier.... please knock a favorite off for us next round....clear the path for us..haha.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
PAU 3 Tsawassen 0
Could have been about 6 or 7, but our finishing was less than clinical... Typical PAK game early, but after we broke the goose egg, the result was never in question... Hopefully this game gives us the confidence we need to get to a third consecutive final... Then again, hopefully we sdhow up next week in Chilliwack!!!

BTW, I can't believe JB called back that 4th goal, I mean Demo was standing rite there!!! :rolleyes:

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