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Numb from the Covid


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Oh I'm jabbed, twice.

Imagine three years ago I told you you'd need to show papers to go have pints with the boys after training in the fall of 2021... or Sunday brunch with the family... you'd have called me nuts. You'd say I was some conspiracy theory dickwad and that we didn't live in North Korea.

fast forward to August 23rd, 2024. Trudeau says he and the "experts" have reviewed the "science" and the "Models" and that because of the need to transition refugees and migrants, climate change escalation and the current burden on the health care system that effective September 13th 2024 all couples shall be limited to only one child. If you've already had one child you'll have to have an abortion and the missus is getting sterilized. but you know... greater good. One life is too many.

The German and Polish Jews only had to wear stars when they were older than 10 when the star patches and arm sleeves were introduced in order to ostracize that section of the populace.

"Comments are turned off"....


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Slippery slope folks.
Comply now and let’s see what word our kids will live in. Booster shots for freedom.

Where is the line in all this?
Wasn’t it 70% needed? Then 80%.
Now we need to show proof of vax to be part of society. Has this ever happened in history?
Men really are rolling over on this? And dancing cause they got a Jab?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Slippery slope? I think we're on an icy hill covered in oil at this point LION.

When are people going to start thinking for themselves?

When are they going to figure out that no matter what political stripe, these politicians are making it all political?

Yet again the Service Industry is first in line for the firing squad. A group of folks that are by and large young, racialized, new Canadians or second generation Canadians. They get shut down and the owners of the pubs, restaurants, theaters etc have their multi-generation family business destroyed... the young/racialized/poverty stricken cooks, dishwashers, servers need govt assistance, get it, and then somehow feel beholden to the likes of Trudeau and Horgan who've never held down a real job in their entire lives.

When will people wake up?


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Oh I'm jabbed, twice.

Imagine three years ago I told you you'd need to show papers to go have pints with the boys after training in the fall of 2021... or Sunday brunch with the family... you'd have called me nuts. You'd say I was some conspiracy theory dickwad and that we didn't live in North Korea.

fast forward to August 23rd, 2024. Trudeau says he and the "experts" have reviewed the "science" and the "Models" and that because of the need to transition refugees and migrants, climate change escalation and the current burden on the health care system that effective September 13th 2024 all couples shall be limited to only one child. If you've already had one child you'll have to have an abortion and the missus is getting sterilized. but you know... greater good. One life is too many.

The German and Polish Jews only had to wear stars when they were older than 10 when the star patches and arm sleeves were introduced in order to ostracize that section of the populace.

"Comments are turned off"....

Don't you already show "papers" (ID to prove you're of legal age) to go have pints with the boys?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Don't you already show "papers" (ID to prove you're of legal age) to go have pints with the boys?
Yes, because the law is in place to insulate underage people from drinking. Your birthday is not personal medical data. Why don't you go around telling everyone your social insurance number if you're so trusting?

These governments have not asked for our consent to change the goalposts, laws, and in fact you could argue they've been willfully negligent in telling people to take "vaccines" that have now been proven to have staitsical side effects and you can still get, and spread, covid.

When did the "Liberal" and "progressive" mantra shift from "MY body, my choice" to "Fcuk you, get jabbed or I might die because I'm 400 pounds and can't stop eating cheetos and if I get the virus I'll die"


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't have time for this bullshite on TTP. Think for yourselves? Seriously?

I'm scrambling trying to find a new platform for my onlyfans account, it's fcuking stressful as fcuk.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
So are the unvaxxed snot nose kids under 12 allowed to go everywhere while spreading the cov??


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
JBN I know you're a stats guy.
How many more deaths were there in BC per year with covid?? Was it above or below average?

So far we are only at 1800 deaths for covid for 18-19 months correct??

I saw that in BC we average 200 deaths per day in a normal setting. Haven't seen the numbers due to covid or the drug epidemic. Let alone the heatwave this summer.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm losing my mind on this right now.

My daughter is going back to work because she's taking a gap year. New job at Joe Fortes, front of house host. Now she's going to have to ask for a vax pass? She's 19 years old FFS! How long before some guy that does not have it, tries to hold my daughter accountable for asking for this vax pass? When will I be heading down to Fortes with my son to tune some fcuker out in the alley for abusing my daughter over a vax pass? I guarantee you, this will happen.

What is happening right now is the government is dividing us. My line was international travel. I mentally accepted showing a vax pass to travel. Now?

Slippery icy slope, covered in oil, with broken glass at the bottom.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
I'm losing my mind on this right now.

My daughter is going back to work because she's taking a gap year. New job at Joe Fortes, front of house host. Now she's going to have to ask for a vax pass? She's 19 years old FFS! How long before some guy that does not have it, tries to hold my daughter accountable for asking for this vax pass? When will I be heading down to Fortes with my son to tune some fcuker out in the alley for abusing my daughter over a vax pass? I guarantee you, this will happen.

What is happening right now is the government is dividing us. My line was international travel. I mentally accepted showing a vax pass to travel. Now?

Slippery icy slope, covered in oil, with broken glass at the bottom.
They tried to be really subtle about this one. Lots of confusion as this was supposed to be about schools



Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
JBN I know you're a stats guy.
How many more deaths were there in BC per year with covid?? Was it above or below average?

So far we are only at 1800 deaths for covid for 18-19 months correct??

I saw that in BC we average 200 deaths per day in a normal setting. Haven't seen the numbers due to covid or the drug epidemic. Let alone the heatwave this summer.
The facts:
1,785 deaths with Covid in BC since March 2020 (as of Aug 23)
120 of those deaths under the age of 60.
There isn't an infection mortality rate because the stats aren't granular enough to say how many people have tested positive multiple times (You can get Covid multiple times but you can only die once ;) ), however the deaths over general population and deaths over total case counts gives us a survival rate of 99.97% against the population of BC and a case survival rate of 98.83% (again all based on a BC population of 5,145,851)

Total deaths in BC in 2019 was 38,551 (JCCF numbers)
it's hard to get accurate numbers as the government counts these things from July 1st to June 30th... not on the calendar year.

statista.com claims that:
2017-2018: 38,128
2018-2019: 38,471
2019-2020: 38,927
2020-2021: Numbers should be in, but not yet released.

There's significant excess death increase associated with Illicit Drug use/overdoses

I'll keep searching, but I'm having a difficult time squaring the circle re excess death being wholly attributable to Covid.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
The facts:
1,785 deaths with Covid in BC since March 2020 (as of Aug 23)
120 of those deaths under the age of 60.
There isn't an infection mortality rate because the stats aren't granular enough to say how many people have tested positive multiple times (You can get Covid multiple times but you can only die once ;) ), however the deaths over general population and deaths over total case counts gives us a survival rate of 99.97% against the population of BC and a case survival rate of 98.83% (again all based on a BC population of 5,145,851)

Total deaths in BC in 2019 was 38,551 (JCCF numbers)
it's hard to get accurate numbers as the government counts these things from July 1st to June 30th... not on the calendar year.

statista.com claims that:
2017-2018: 38,128
2018-2019: 38,471
2019-2020: 38,927
2020-2021: Numbers should be in, but not yet released.

There's significant excess death increase associated with Illicit Drug use/overdoses
View attachment 31293

I'll keep searching, but I'm having a difficult time squaring the circle re excess death being wholly attributable to Covid.

Off topic but on topic here...wow on drug overdose. Big leap in 2015-16 from 529-991, huge leap in 19-20 from 984-1728...although 17 & 18 were both in the 1500 range as well. For sure there is a correlation. I personally know of two suicides (one drug overdose, one other means) where we know COVID-19 restrictions played a role.

Me....I'm getting tired of taking these punches to the gut. The mask thing would not bother me nearly as much if it weren't packaged in with the vax passport. Further to this, the uncertainty of our future. Is the world now fully committed to living with COVID-19 as opposed to trying to hide from it, and fighting it? Or, given we are now in an election campaign, does this give our idiots in Ottawa another reason to extend CERB, keep the free money for general public flowing, and give people plenty of excuses NOT to get back to work? That's been a dagger in our economy, and the world's economy. I'll wear a mask to a private appointment at The Swedish Touch if it means that the economy can get rolling without CERB as a variable. If it means businesses are allowed to operate.

I am STRONGLY against this vax passport, though. I am 2 jabs myself, but fcuk me, what's next? Is some pimply faced 15 year old flat chested girl going to ask me for my latest prostate exam results when I want to go see the latest Marvel flick? That's crazy, right? Well, in Feb 2019, so was the idea of a vax passport. If you aren't concerned about these actions, you really need to be. In our society, we've now decided it's OK to segregate a certain segment of our society for what amounts to their mistrust in the government. It's either mistrust in the science (which is allowed and in fact encouraged in many aspects), and mistrust in government (also allowed, this is a democracy, I think). We give convicted criminals more privacy to live amongst us in society than we are giving our friends and neighbors whom have exercised their right to NOT put something in their bodies they are unsure of.

This is what we've become now, a segregated society.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

I used to get a big kick out of these, but more and more I'm just not. Nobody is doing the same sort of pieces featuring hard core left wing vaxers. You could just as easily find some fat millennials, who can't survive without their high calorie coffees, or their screen time, who never exercise, who live on fast food and DoorDash, who never leave their homes, but wear masks everywhere, and who are one burger away from Type II Diabetes, who will claim that an anti-masker is killing them with their unmasked breath. This really isn't an absurd statement, we see that kind of shite ALL THE TIME now! Common sense and the ability to actually think critically has left the building! It's not longer considered intelligent to QUESTION BAD PUBLIC POLICY! This virus is now proven to not be overly deadly! Proven! Yet, most people are now blindly following the public mandates out of fear, and encouraging others to do the same.

Will I be carrying around my passport? Yeah, I will, because I want to be able to walk into establishments, and I know the flat chested pimply faced 15 year old at the door is just doing her job. But....fcuk me....


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
I'm numb from trying to persuade selfish nephews in the 30's to get vaccinated. They live in the interior where cases, deaths and ICU numbers are going up. We had 16 deaths in B.C. this past weekend. We have 78 people in ICU. Some hospitals will have to turn away emergencies cases.
Keith Baldrey revealed that since the vaccine passport idea was introduced, the number of people registering for first vaccine doses doubled from 3,000 per day to 6,000 per day. Why did they need to be threatened with loss of services before they would agree to get a vaccine.
I'm numb listening to people say that COVID is not deadly. 640,000 people in the US have died from COVID, but the real question is how many would have died if social distancing, masks, shutdowns and vaccines were not used? How many would have died if the herd immunity approach had been used? Fortunately we will never know the answer to these questions.
I'm also numb from hearing people talk about their religious objection to vaccines. No holy book prohibits vaccines.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
The overdose thing is red herring re COVID. That's due to our three-legged harm reduction approach that does nothing more than supplement dirty hard drugs with cleaner hard drugs. All we're doing is accelerating their eventual deaths while disingenuously claiming that hey, they didn't die TODAY, so, somehow, win. Until we include forced abstinence based recovery as part of harm reduction, overdoses will continue to go through the roof. Period. Chalk it up to statists yet again completely discounting people using free will to adjust their own behaviours to new government policies.

@Dude, the only thing I took from that is that your daughter is now front of house at Joe Fortes and can get me patio access when it's jammed. Please PM me with the details as to what donation I have to make and to what crypto account to make that happen...

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