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Not so friendly. Temple vs. Sapperton

hard ballz

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2001
Dirty Money
Temple vs. Sap.....abandoned

Temple 0-0 Sap. I thought Temple had the better chances on the night and the Sap goalie's played well....our goalie was not really tested besides the one shot. Many CHEAP fcuks on Sapperton who like giving shots behind the play.....CLASSY!...when we retaliate they start bitching and complaining.....what goes around comes around. In the end, our guy got a foul on a high kick which the ref called....Sap player goes down like he was shot by a sniper. If he's really hurt he wouldn't be up and running around in the scrum 5 seconds later. The Sap guys come running for his rescue and start a big tussle to have the game abandoned. Sapperton looked pretty old and played like shite and I do not know if they had the full squad or not. We did do our hand shake and some of the better guys on Sap shook hands.......overall, well played by Temple.

Hard Ballz


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I've moved this here just because any reply will not be about Div 1A it's predictions or results, besides I'm in charge now, and I can do whatever he fcuk I want while Regs' computer is packed up in a box. :p

New threads are good.




Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Intersting Assessment

Hard Ballz,

I was going to leave this game alone, but you had to say something stupid.

If your assessment of the game makes you feel good, well good for you. We focused on some structure and fitness, and took the piss out of you for the most part.

If you think we look old, you haven't been in the Premier league, ever. Sap had 12 players on the night - 3 of which were keepers. All played 30 min in net, and 2 played out. But our average age on the night was 27.5 yrs.

As for the game itself. It seemed Temple were playing their guts out, yet as all us Premier guys know, the Div 1 game has a very slow pace. It was very clear that if the game meant anything, we would had picked up the pace and ran you off the park. If that was your best game, then you are in trouble if you get promoted.

It's a huge disappointment to see the Whitecap - Morris - deteriorate as a player in Div 1. With 1 CAT defender and only 2 starting defenders for Sap, he couldn't go by them. I have no respect for a guy going where there's money. Yet he can't even earn it.

As as for CHEAP fcuks, your fat porky # 5 started everything. It starts with him talking trash because he has a fat guy/Div 1 complex, and he then trys to break 2 Sap players ankles with some very late tackles. The short fat guy goes down like HE was shot when Mummery brushes up beside him. And then this fat guy with all these little short skinny guys and one loser Whitecap guy fly in to the scrum and start throwing punches.

Typical of a loser team to be cheap, yet thinks it's classy by giving a cheer at the end.

To their credit, Temple didn't looked shite, but like a Div 1 team.


New Member
Aug 21, 2002
Dirty Money
No team with any talent goes onto a pitch and plays for a run about. The game is about competition and if the premier league is the highest competition you have ever played in than I can understand why you think the way you do. In essence there should never be such a thing as a friendly match. By the way, if temple is just the calibre of a DIVISION ONE side than there is no way you should have got outplayed the way you did. I can understand your frustration though which is probably why your players started that ridiculous act of idiocrasy at the end of the game. And about you only having 12 players, as did temple so don't consider yourself so unfortunate but I can understand you making excuses for getting outplayed. And about Dave Morris, he created many oppurtunities and played a solid game. Our number 5 got hacked about 4 times before finally having a word. And I heard your coach telling one of your players to man mark him aswell so I wouldn't be to quick as to call him fat as your coach had enough sense to know that he was dominating your center mids. And just to end it all every temple player has the capability of playing premier and hopefully we get a chance to play sapperton again next year and run you of th pitch as we did last night.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I've heard the Sapperton coach is threatened by good young fat players. He's cornered the market on them you see and when they don't play for him he usually tries to have them done. This isn't the first time his antics have come to light. Throw this ass out of league I say. He's not fit to coach (or play) and can't control his players or temper. He's a complete tit.

Hard Ballz, don't let WAB get to you. You're lucky you even got to play his team, normally he and his CAT coach cry that the pitch is too hard and get the game cancelled. They're scared of a little competition.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
going spare.....

I have been led to believe this will be available for a while.

Someone use it for God's sake.

Dazza would have wanted it that way.



Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
OK...........................I have no interest in commenting on this little not so friendly match! But I do have a beef here on behalf of the league and other teams in our league,

WHY FCUK DIDN'T SAPPERTON PLAY INDO THIS WEEKEND? They obviously got a field and were able to field a team. Now at the end of the year it will add another week potentially to the schedule while other teams will sit and wait to play them in cup games.


Of course this doesn't count if Indo were unable to play but somehow I doubt that was the case.......................



Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
hard ballz i know what ur saying about them being cheap and when something happens to them they cry murder, but in saying that , there are a select few i would not put in that category .One person i would not put in that category is BRIAN DONALD he seems to get better with age.They can give it but can't take it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money

The Sikh - Sap game was played at Burnaby Lake Turf at 9 pm last night and it was apparently only arranged Friday night so I am not sure you criticize anyone for the Indo- Sap game not going ahead. I believe WAB said Sikh Temple arranged the field. I am not sure that last night were good conditions for league games as the temperature was ridiculously low.

I saw the game and Hardballz comments are a bit much to take as they are full of error and onesidedness.


First of all, you fail to notice that Sapperton used 3 GKs that night, not just the one who you say played well.

I can only surmise that you got down the field so few times you failed to see the GK changes (all facking 3 of them and all during play stoppage!). Are you blind????

You also fail to note that #5's chop earlier that sent a Sap player out of the game s what started the problems late in the second half. Your guy started the rough, stupid stuff.

Thirdly, the game was stopped with just over 5 minutes (not 15) to go.


You should hardly be commenting on Sap players as we all know what you did last summer to one of them. FYI, BRIAN DONALD, was not at the game.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money


It's funny you mention dishing it out, but not taking it. I go back to the summer league when you sucker-punched our 17 year old player. And before you go off on the thread stating it was all part of the game, why would the police then decide to charge you with with such a cowardly act?

Go rot, you stoner. Enjoy paying the thousands to defend yourself. I know you can only dredge up that money through drug dealing or homosexual prostitution.....you'll probably take the latter.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Looks who's Talking

I don't know all that took place last summer with Larsson and Sap, but I think it is unfortunate that a player would get charged for something that takes place on the pitch.

I find it interesting that WAB would wish such hardships on Larsson when many years ago, it was a Sap. player that was doing the punching on a Burnaby Canadian player after a game in the Queens Park parking lot. The Sap. player involved with this did have to deal with legal action that probably cost him some money and sleepless nights.



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money

Then you also have to disagree with Marty McSorley getting charged for his attack on Donald Brashear? Or are you saying that he should have only been charged if he killed the player. Where would you draw the line?

If an incident that is criminal occurs in any sport, charges can be laid and should be. That is how it should be, or where do you draw the line. Obviously, there are things in a game that would not lead to charges as a participant would have to be from Mars not to know the inherent risks such as an injury that might result from a hard tackle.

BTW, the game with Sikh Temple was fine up until the latter stages of the second half when #5 put a Sap player out of the game with a vicious and very late tackle above the shin guard. Up until that point, it was a fairly played game with no incidents of any sort for the ref to have to handle. From that point, it got a bit scrappy unfortunately.

For any Sikh Temple players to complain about Sapperton while ignoring what two of their guys did is a bit much.

WAB, your post is a bit over the top. I wouldn't suggest that our buddy Larrsson would do any of those things.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Reccos
Then you also have to disagree with Marty McSorley getting charged for his attack on Donald Brashear? Or are you saying that he should have only been charged if he killed the player. Where would you draw the line?

Well there is a big difference between a thrown punch, sucker punch or not, and a guy skating across the ice and hitting a guy across the head with a hockey stick, would you agree.

I think when ever you step on to the pitch, you should expect that players could go over the line when playing a physical game, over the line being a thrown punch. But a thrown punch in a soccer game does not deserve the same punishment that a thrown punch on the street would get.

I would think a player going over top of the ball in an attempt to hurt or take out a player is far worse than a punch that is thrown because a guy losses his cool in a game.



New Member
Jul 24, 2003
Dirty Money
Reccos & WAB

Would you guys fcuking shut the hell up! All you do is CRY!!!! Also I saw that game in the summer maybe Larson shouldn't have done what he did ! I didn't see ONE SAP player go over & stick up for his player, especially one of your young guys . It just goes to show SAP is not the old team they once were.



Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I'd have to disagree with HOS

I believe that if two players engage in physical combat on the field (throwing punches, etc) then be it (it happen's). Although weather on the field or not, if you sucker punch someone, then that's an assault.

Although if the guy gets up and kicks your ass then let it go :D ........ but if it's a sucker punch causing harm then it should be taken care of



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Over the top


I apologize for my comments.....they were way out of line and after re-reading them, I am truly regretful of them. Again, I am sorry. I do know what it's like to go through the BS and I learned my lesson of 1997. Hopefully you have learned yours.

Who the fcuk are you? What team do you support? Does your team cry and complain ever. Dhuh.......don't we all?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Temple's Amazing Game

AP News Wire

Burnaby Turf, BC Canada

Sikh Temple FC played a brilliant game Sunday night against a shite Sapperton Rover squad on the cold, frosty turf in Burnaby. "We played absolutely awesome tonight! An elated, unidentified Temple player remarked. "Sapperton was shite! We were absolutley incredible."
"That was the best game I have ever seen us play!" another Temple player barked.
The Sikh Temple coach piped up, "Every player out there had perhaps their strongest game ever as a Temple player. I am so proud of them tonight. It was a gutsy performance by the squad and our top players really showed their best stuff. Sapperton is shite! Are we still on the record?"

The final score was 0-0.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

My response is an obvious one..............

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