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NHL Lockout 2004


Lifetime Better Bastard
Nov 10, 2003
Dirty Money
Hey BJB nobody forces you to buy those $300 tickets. Oh yeah I forgot you come from money so it doesn't matter to you ;). Oh yeah the next time Joe Sakic comes to town I dare you to go up to him and say You overpaid fukcer you aren't worth a penny you earn :)


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: World Cup of Hockey 2004

Dial 9-1-1 said:
Jinky...I was going to mention the NFL not having a team in LA, but no one likes a know-it-all--not even Alex Trebek!

What's the alternative then?

Everyone likes a know-nothing?

Have fun conversing with Luc Van Lierde and Bronco.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Dirty Money
robj it's kinds of hard to tell him when he barely comes here. I'd just like him to bring the cup once to the croat center..... but what can u do. If i ever win a cup i'lll share it with my community. I can bring my softball homerun derby trophy to the park this weekend if u like?? :D

ps i agree with the bettman comment... gretzky should be new man in charge.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: World Cup of Hockey 2004

Jinky said:
What's the alternative then?

Everyone likes a know-nothing?

Have fun conversing with Luc Van Lierde and Bronco.

Ahh Jinky...you're my new Fastshow! :D


Lifetime Better Bastard
Nov 10, 2003
Dirty Money
ps i agree with the bettman comment... gretzky should be new man in charge.[/QUOTE]

He has definately proven himself to be the man, but I think he would have to sell off his part ownership of Phoenix.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: World Cup of Hockey 2004

Dial 9-1-1 said:
Ahh Jinky...you're my new Fastshow! :D
Can't help but think that someone, somewhere, just chortled his Stella back up through his nose.



Scoop Dawg

Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
robj said:
ps i agree with the bettman comment... gretzky should be new man in charge.

He has definately proven himself to be the man, but I think he would have to sell off his part ownership of Phoenix.[/QUOTE]

Scoop Dawg

Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
i don't think 99 would have to sell off his ownership if it is anything like MLB , where
selig still owns the brewers


Lifetime Better Bastard
Nov 10, 2003
Dirty Money
Scoop Dawg said:
He has definately proven himself to be the man, but I think he would have to sell off his part ownership of Phoenix.

Thanks for making fun of my computer skill Scoop.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: World Cup of Hockey 2004

Regs said:
Can't help but think that someone, somewhere, just chortled his Stella back up through his nose.




Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: World Cup of Hockey 2004

I can't believe that people are siding with billionare owners over millionare hockey players. Most of the players are from blue collar families that share thier wealth in the communities that they came from. If John Mcaw has an extra 25 mil in his pocket from Vancouver do you think that money will stay in Canada. **** no. Are the players overpaid? I don't know, but I do know who offered them the contracts, the dumb owners. I have no sympathy for them they did it to themselves and now they expect the players to sacrifice to fix thier **** ups. oh yeah and Gary Betmen is a puke that is killing hockey, Atlanta? Tampa Bay? Florida? he expects the players to sacrifice to save those pathetic franchices? Get rid of the dead weight. I think that if the NHL wants to expand they should be looking to Europe where at least they give a shite about the sport.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: World Cup of Hockey 2004

Dearest Canuckboy...Where do I begin....

"Most of the players are from blue collar families that share thier [sic]wealth in the communities that they came from. If John Mcaw has an extra 25 mil in his pocket from Vancouver do you think that money will stay in Canada. **** no.

Who do you think gives more to the community...the 1000s of jobs that Mccaw creates by having a team here or the commission that car dealers and real estate agents make whenever one of these overpaid shmoes decides to buy something? I should stop here since you obviously have no grasp of economics. But, I'll continue.

"Are the players overpaid? I don't know, but I do know who offered them the contracts, the dumb owners. I have no sympathy for them they did it to themselves and now they expect the players to sacrifice to fix thier **** ups."

Yes. They are overpaid. Now the owners have the right to say, I'm not willing to pay you that anymore. In the everyday world, it's called a pay cut. Otherwise, we're down sizing. You don't like it? Here is your pink slip. Now, pick up a newspaper and see what jobs are out there waiting for untrained, uneducated schmucks like professional hockey players.

"Oh yeah and Gary Betmen is a puke that is killing hockey, Atlanta? Tampa Bay? Florida? he expects the players to sacrifice to save those pathetic franchices?"

The NHL was a raging success under Ziegler and others? How much did players earn then? All these new franchises created about 200 new jobs, and upped the bidding for marquee players. Under Bettman, players are earning 10-100x more than they did 20 years ago. You're right...he is killing hockey.

"I think that if the NHL wants to expand they should be looking to Europe where at least they give a shite about the sport"

The most laughable comment yet. Europe...where 3000 people is considered a large crowd. Maybe you've never noticed all the empty seats at all the World Juniors and World Championships played abroad.

Canuck boy. You have achieved Official Sheep Status! Good Sheep! BAAAAAAA! Now hurry off. I hear Brent Sopel is signing autographs at your local mall.


Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: World Cup of Hockey 2004

**Who do you think gives more to the community...the 1000s of jobs that Mccaw creates by having a team here or the commission that car dealers and real estate agents make whenever one of these overpaid shmoes decides to buy something? I should stop here since you obviously have no grasp of economics.** I guess that you have no grasp of labour, without the players there is no game period.

**Yes. They are overpaid. Now the owners have the right to say, I'm not willing to pay you that anymore. In the everyday world, it's called a pay cut. Otherwise, we're down sizing. You don't like it? Here is your pink slip. Now, pick up a newspaper and see what jobs are out there waiting for untrained, uneducated schmucks like professional hockey players.**
I don't know where you work, but I work for a Union where I have rights and the employer cannot simply dictate a pay cut, it's called collective bargining.

And as far as the tone of your response, you disagree with me fine, you want to yap like a little bitch, do it to my face, but obviously you are a little man, with a little life, with nothing better to do than be jealous of NHL players because they get pussy and you don't.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Dear President of the Vancouver Canucks Fan Club

"I guess that you have no grasp of labour, without the players there is no game period."

You make it sound like these guys are the only people in the world who can chase after a puck. People supported the Canucks when Ron Sedlbauer was the marquee player. These players can EASILY be replaced. It's a cliche, but no one is bigger than the game. Hulk Hogan and others thought that they were bigger than the wrestling world when they created their own "league." Baseball umpires thought they were something special as well when they went on strike. Needless to say...they are back begging their old employers for a job. No, we don't need them. But I see you do.

"I don't know where you work, but I work for a Union where I have rights and the employer cannot simply dictate a pay cut, it's called collective bargining."

What province are you living in? Maybe you should talk to your union brothers and sisters at CUPE or the HEU. And by the way...the CBA has EXPIRED. I won't go into explaining what that means. It's kind of like you expecting Sears to fix your stove for free even though your warranty has expired.

"And as far as the tone of your response, you disagree with me fine, you want to yap like a little bitch, do it to my face, but obviously you are a little man, with a little life, with nothing better to do than be jealous of NHL players because they get pussy and you don't."

Is this the part where I am supposed tell you that I am really scared? No life? You mean like you? Now that you don't know what to do since there is no hockey and you've gone and called yourself Canuckboy? Add this to the fact that NHL players are your heroes because they get pussy and we're right back to where we started....Good Sheep!!! BAAAAAAAAA! You wanna buy my Trevor Linden rookie card?


Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: Dear President of the Vancouver Canucks Fan Club

**You make it sound like these guys are the only people in the world who can chase after a puck. People supported the Canucks when Ron Sedlbauer was the marquee player. These players can EASILY be replaced. It's a cliche, but no one is bigger than the game. Hulk Hogan and others thought that they were bigger than the wrestling world when they created their own "league." Baseball umpires thought they were something special as well when they went on strike. Needless to say...they are back begging their old employers for a job. No, we don't need them. But I see you do**
I'm sure that people would pay $100 a ticket to see 20 brent sopels playing hockey. Your logic makes no sense, if Brett Hull could be replaced for .5 mill by some kid he would already be gone. Would anyone pay money to see you play soccer? I'm sure you have to pay your wife just to come.

**What province are you living in? Maybe you should talk to your union brothers and sisters at CUPE or the HEU. And by the way...the CBA has EXPIRED. I won't go into expaining what that means. It's kind of like you expecting Sears to fix your stove even though your warranty has expired** actually no it's not, but I won't bother to explain it to you, I'm sure you wouldn't be able to grasp the concept.

**Is this the part where I am supposed tell you that I am really scared? No life? You mean like you? Now that you don't know what to do since there is no hockey and you've gone and called yourself Canuckboy? Add this to the fact that NHL players are your heroes because they get pussy and we're right back to where we started....Good Sheep!!! BAAAAAAAAA! You wanna buy my Trevor Linden rookie card**

Canuck stands for Canada retard. Of course you are not scared, little pukes like you never put yourself in the postion where you actually have to stand up and be a man.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Dear President of the Vancouver Canucks Fan Club

"I'm sure that people would pay $100 a ticket to see 20 brent sopels playing hockey."

Sheep like you would. In fact, they already do in some markets. But you seem to miss out on the fact that there are young superstars just around the corner who would be willing to play for 100,000 per year because they have no other options. Kind of like 80% of the current locked out players. And then shmoes like you wouldn't have to spend $100 on tickets. Think of how many Daniel Sedin posters you could buy with the money you'd save!

"Actually no it's not, but I won't bother to explain it to you, I'm sure you wouldn't be able to grasp the concept."

Enlighten me. Once a contract has expired, it is basically null and void. Ask your Chief Rep. And what good union brothers the NHLPA are! They are displacing players in the minors and overseas so that they can earn a paycheque. Solidarity forever!

"Canuck stands for Canada retard. Of course you are not scared, little pukes like you never put yourself in the postion where you actually have to stand up and be a man."

I don't know why you need to get so hostile. If there were ever a candidate for Little Man Syndrome, I think you fit the profile. Good Luck! I suggest maybe adding lifts to your slippers.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
How ironic, a pissing contest. Kind of like the NHL versus the players. Personally, I think the lockout is great. Maybe some of the citizens here in Canada will realize there is other things in this world besides hockey, eh. And Molson Canadian, eh. Jeez, hope I'm not being too harsh, eh.


New Member
Sep 30, 2004
Dirty Money
This will never happen
one other party that would solve this Lock out issue
would be the fan's

if nobody went .. no pocket's would get lined
Like I said it would "never happen " ...
Personally a year in my life without a NHL Hockey season is odd , wrong

I can't accept Juniors, Major Junior's or some other league's calling itself
"professional" ... they simply have no history ( at least on the west Coast )so no credibility ... they are not the best or the cream of the crop

Could we say our Greed for the Best caused this issue ?


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Dapotayto said:
Personally, I think the lockout is great. Maybe some of the citizens here in Canada will realize there is other things in this world besides hockey, eh. And Molson Canadian, eh. Jeez, hope I'm not being too harsh, eh.

What the fcuk? What are you talking about? A year without hockey is nothing to be happy about. :( The "citizens here in Canada" I am sure would agree with me that I'd rather kick my feet up after a hard day of work, drink some brew (and yes, it would be Canadian) and watch some stick n' puck than watch St.Helen's burp up some steam or the on-going battle between Bush and Kerry which is on every fcuken channel...like who gives a shite about that? :rolleyes:

Bang your head against the closest wall before you spew that shite again!


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