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Indo Canadian Tournaments

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New Member
Oct 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Time to put in my two bits:

Transfer Fee and Rule - This is a joke! Our committe wants these tournaments to follow FIFA rules...Here's an example...Let's just say that Player A transfers from Temple to United. United gets Player A, the committee gets $50 or $100 (or whatever they decide) and Temple gets nothing. If you want to follow the rules, shouldn't Temple receive the $50 for losing Player A? I'm sure that the teams would be intersted in transferring players provided they receive some compensation. Chancal from Van U to Shere-Punjab for $50...signing bonus of a brand new PINK tracksuit.

Red Card Rule - Get a Red Card in the last game of Tournament A and must miss 1 game in tournament B...when are we going to start counting Yellows? If that is the rule then stick to it! Harinder from Temple received a Red in the previous tournament...did not play until the semi-final...Temple did not play it's first game until that semi-final...Should Harinder not have sat out that game!

Our "Committee" changes/adds rules when they feel like it! The committee must realize if you are going to make rules, they are going to be a lot of grey areas.

Let's go back to the old days...play where you want when you want for whoever you want. These tournaments used to fun/entertaining and competitive. Get rid of the committee and Bring out the Sunday Sluts!

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Originally posted by makeitmikes

Red Card Rule - Get a Red Card in the last game of Tournament A and must miss 1 game in tournament B...when are we going to start counting Yellows? If that is the rule then stick to it! Harinder from Temple received a Red in the previous tournament...did not play until the semi-final...Temple did not play it's first game until that semi-final...Should Harinder not have sat out that game!

This one is easy to explain. If Temple is awarded a game due to default then those count for suspension purposes. A team is required to field a team and present a list to the referee, even if the game is to be defaulted. So technically Harinder is allowed to play after the default game. Thats why he played in the semi.....

As for other transfer rules, sounds like a fcuking cash grab :eek: , ....please tell me why there would be $100 fee when BCSA and other leagues charge $25 ?? Fcuk whats next a draft ? maybe we need a CBA as players :rolleyes:

Big T:cool:



New Member
Jun 1, 2003
Dirty Money
hmmm... UR WRONG!

Originally posted by Big T
This one is easy to explain. If Temple is awarded a game due to default then those count for suspension purposes. A team is required to field a team and present a list to the referee, even if the game is to be defaulted. So technically Harinder is allowed to play after the default game. Thats why he played in the semi.....
A GAME AWARDED DUE TO DEFAULT DOES NOT COUNT FOR THE ONE GAME SUSPENSION! You can ask anybody who is affiliated to the BCSA Discipline Board. BECAUSE I HAVE SO I KNOW, the rule used to be that an exhibition game or a game won by default would count for the one game, but now they DON’T! I personally talked to Mr. Ashoka (sorry if I misspelled that) and he said that the rule was recently changed! The BCSA Discipline Board deals with situations like this all the time. Some of the committee agreed with us, and we gave them the numbers of Mr. Ashoka and several other members of BCSA.
We knew that default games do not count, so we protested the game. At first 4 members of the committee made the decision the default games do count, but of those 4, 2 were knew to the committee and soccer, one of them started coming out last year when his kid started playing. He does not know the rules of the game! Neither does the other person!
Therefore, we later appealed the decision. The committee had a meeting this time with nine people! However, the appeal did not go through. ONE PERSON of the committee thought that the original decision was already made and there is nothing to be done to change that!
I personally believe that this decision was made to cover their own backs. If Sikh Temple lost the game due to this, then they would have made sure that GN B and AKAL would be fined for not showing up! So to save the money the Committee or just that one person from the committee made sure that this did not happen. Kalwant was on our side for this one! Therefore, if you think that the decisions was right, and then take the part of playing by FIFA rules out of the FUKCING RULES FOR THESE TOURNAMENTS! THE ONE RULE I BELIEVE THAT SHOULD STAY IS THE TRANSFER RULE, BUT IT SHOULD BE ALTERED IT SHOULD BE THAT IF PLAYER A PLAYS WITH TEAM 1 FOR THE SATURDAY GAMES, THEN PLAYER A SHOULD HAVE TO PLAY WITH TEAM 1 FOR THAT TOURNAMENT, BUT IF PLAYER A DECIDES TO PLAY FOR ANOTHER TEAM THE NEXT TOURNAMENT SO BE IT!

If you don’t believe me that the defaulted games do not count for the 1 game suspension make a few phone calls, about 2 hours of them and find out for your self!

In addition, the Fukcing committee should keep a copy of the FIFA rules for these kinds of situations, but they are too cheap, you know since they do not make money for protest they do not make any money!

Well this is a long enough rant!

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Don't get your knickers in a knot

spectator - lets get a few things straight

1) I don't play for temple.

2) don't tell me I'm wrong, fukcing prove it.:mad: I may be wrong and I'll admit it if I am......here are some sections for your reading - BCSA Discipline guidelines effective Jan 2003. this is the copy I have. You got something else put it up here for reading. I went through this and I didn't find any comment on forfeit or defaulted games. It always mentions next scheduled league or cup match for automatic red cards. Why would a player have to miss say 2 games cuz the other team didn't show up ??? I checked the BCSA website and did not find any amendments to this. So I have spent 2 hours now gimme something concrete. Not Mr Asoka said this and Mr. Imaginary Friend of mine on the BCSA committee said that.

PART 2 Rule 11 – Discipline

i) Players and / or officials reported for misconduct in a league, cup competition, tournament, exhibition or training game, may
be allowed to continue to participate in all soccer activities until their case is dealt with, except;

ii) A player (red card) or team official sent from the field of play will automatically be suspended for one (1) game.
Suspensions shall apply to the player’s or team official’s next regularly scheduled league or cup competition game,
whichever comes first. The player or team official, having served the one (I) game suspension shall be eligible to
resume playing, coaching, managing or officiating unless notified by the Association that further disciplinary action
is being applied. The one game suspension shall be carried from one season to the next if not served prior to the
completion of the season in which it was issued.

PART 5 Breaches of the Laws of the Game

The referee must report to the appropriate authority any misconduct or misdemeanor on the part of spectators, team
officials, players, named substitutes or other persons which take place either on the field of play or in its vicinity at
anytime prior to, during or after the match in question so that appropriate action can be taken by the authority

1. It is understood that any registered player or team official who is sent from the field of
play or reported for misconduct, shall automatically be suspended from participating in
the following league match, league cup or Provincial Cup match of their team.
Interpretation: The next game whether league or cup game, whichever comes first.

a) The rules regarding discipline do not differentiate between games that are completed or abandoned for any
reason. Therefore, the penalty for being cautioned or expelled from a game remains the same regardless of
the situation surrounding the games outcome.

3) your proof didn't stand up to the committee so stop bitching on TTP every time something happens to pfc :eek: They may be right or they may be wrong but whats done is done.

4) Its only the apna tournaments, you didn't lose the world cup. Heck there was only 5 teams in the whole fcuking thng. temple beat your team 4 - 1 (I heard 5 - 1) and you want to go thru on a technicality ??? give your head a shake buddy, you got beat, just go home and lick the wounds and come back harder next time.

5) If the committee is too cheap to print the rules and you know they always cheat :rolleyes: , why don't you carry them with you ?

Big T:cool:


PS - Hey wheres hardballz when u need him.

hard ballz

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2001
Dirty Money

Big T is right......why do teams bring this shite up if they lose? Temple had chances to protest many times but we say fcuk it! We lost the game so let's stop our whining. We lost and we deserved to lose so drink and enjoy the rest of the weekend! In this case, the first thing Resham does is protest......to no prevail. I told Resham as he was protesting that it's only a fcukin tournament so relax and take a deep breath.....I also told him if they want to play in the finals that Temple will just give them the spot so he's happy.....which he didn't do. Perhaps he's like majority of the teams who thrive on these dip tournaments to prove a point:rolleyes: . The tourney's need a big shake up because many people are losing interest. BTW, Akal beat Temple 3-1 and it was a pretty decent game with 2 disallowed goals for Temple......I don't know where Spectator got that we were blown out. Overall Temple played well but our defense lacked and so did Akal's defense.....I guess the goalie made them look good with some key saves, you think Spectator?...or were we just blown out?

p.s.....laugh of the game......Lav megged Harry Sandhu

Hard Ballz:confused:


New Member
Oct 3, 2002
Dirty Money
I think the point of my post was missed.

Temple vs PFC - Temple beat PFC...end of story.

The point is with all these rules in place it gives teams the opportunity to protest. This has ruined our tournaments. Technically schechnically...let's just play the game and a have few beers afterwards.

There never used to be any protests...teams would leave everything they had on the field.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money

How come PFC is protesting when one of the players they use in their tourney's should be classified as an import....but no one protested that.
From what I heard from a PFC player, the guy in question's grandfather is half East Indian:rolleyes:

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
oh puthra !!

Originally posted by G-spot
A little initiative goes a long way, BUDDY.

are u talking to me ? r u tryin to make fun of me ? u better not be talkin to me, BuDDY BOY. :D

look what happens when you let Big T out of the cage (jail). :D

hey hardballz - please give us a play by play of the meg !! Sounds like it was quite the "move".

makeitmikes - i glad to see the some pfc players think that way, and i agree with you that so many rules and regs have just led to more protests than anything else. They should develop a set of rules that would follow most BCSA guidelines and maybe adapt some to suit their needs.

Maybe we should go back to Punjabi Internationale de Football Association (PIFA) rules, slide checks are allowed with 1 foot, 2 feet, and for some people 3 feet....yeahright is jumping up and down for this rule !!!!! ah the good old days :D

Big T:cool:

PS - nice of you to post g-spot, but next time add some mirch masala to the discussion. hiay hiay :D


New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
First of all, PFC get over it. You lost 5 - 1. If you don't know the rules, then don't protest.
Why does everybody complain so much about the committe and their rules. I know our tournaments have been on the decline (quality wise) for some years now. But, I think this year the first couple of them went pretty well. The Akal one was not bad other than the refs (which Kulwant said he will get Jb next year) and some last minute changes by the committe.
After that the tournaments just got weak.
Some things I think we should improve on are:
- Spread the tournaments out a little more. Every other weekend is too much. Some players don't get a chance to recover from playing 2 to 4 games plus Summer League (from injuries)
- Have the two import rule for all the tourneys. This especially helps the two or three teams that have a tough time fielding a strong team otherwise. Case in point, SUFC plays two strong tournaments, then gets blown out in the GN one.
- Have one head committe that makes all the decisions. The club committe just has to organize the weekends fields and refs.
- If the two import rule does not work, then have one Gold mens and one Silver division. This way every team has 2 tough games on Saturday to try and advance. Case in point, Temple lost 1-0 to Van .U one game but were knocked out because both teams had to play GN(B).
How are those suggestions? Anybody?


New Member
Jan 13, 2003
Dirty Money
That wasn't pointed to your direction, Mr Big something. I think the person who it is directed to, knows.

So don't worry YAR, have a tundee and relax.


New Member
Jan 13, 2003
Dirty Money
Hey Hardballz, I've never felt that kind of energy from you. I like it, maybe you should try showing that kind of enthusiasm on the field once in a while, eh. Don't you agree Big T?

PS: Where the hecks Yowen?


New Member
Sep 18, 2001
Dirty Money

Since you asked, these tournaments disgust me. I only participate out of obligation to my team. They're just no fun and I'm not just saying that cause we haven't won this summer.

Case in point- Akal stacking their team with Khalsa players for the final when they had their whole U-18 squad at their disposal. Why? Isn't that what a club system is for? To give the up and comers some experience. It's not the frickin world cup. shite like that just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. There's something to be said for battling through 4 games with your mates and tasting victory. Where's the satisfaction in winning with a bunch of guys who couldn't care less about your team. That lack of unity goes a long way in explaining why Akal can't field a Winter team and many of their guys would rather pint with us after games. This isn't meant to be a personal knock on the Akal boys. They're a good bunch and I consider them friends. In the end, they did deserve to win.....it's just how they accomplished it that irks me.

Happy now G-spot.

Hey Hardballz, magic goal tonight. Next time try that with your eyes open.:D

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
re: Yowee rant

Originally posted by yowen

Since you asked, these tournaments disgust me. I only participate out of obligation to my team.

Hey Hardballz, magic goal tonight. Next time try that with your eyes open.:D

Interesting rant there Yowsef Putang.....but I think you are not in the minority....i think a lot of people are getting sick of these tourneys.....besides a couple of decent tourneys namely harji, i think they are really lacking. maybe we should go back to having 2 or 3 tourneys that have mens open teams.....maybe having less of them will bring back the hype ?? people would be more pumped up if they only played say harji, akal and gn (with 2 imports of course ;) )

hey hardballz you got to stop scoring on your own net.:D

Big T:cool:


New Member
Mar 13, 2003
Dirty Money

Well said Yowen. The last tourney was garbage,from the weather to the games.
For Instance how can a team make to the semi without playing 1 game.
How can a team default in a game and still make it to the next round. GN b was a big part of it.
How can a team bring in new players just for the final.

Leaving the youth on the sideline is a good topic as every team including temple has done that. That is why Temple B was around as all the players did not get to play.

However Akal would have won the tourney even with their youth I don't know why they had to get imports. They beat Van U. (full team) and Akal was using a lot of their youth. Jessie Bains played well for Akal and basically shut done Deep. Dan was non existent and I hope he does not start for India as Shami played twice as good as him.

In the other semi Temple dominated PFC even without Harinder in net they would have won.

My belief that imports should be allowed and before the tournament a team list should be added not before every game.

Yowen you are sour because you lost. Temple has a great team and it is always timimg look at the game with PFC even though it was PFC 3rd game .

Well onto nations next week.
Originally I was starting Jas & Dan and now I say Shami (VanU)


New Member
Jan 13, 2003
Dirty Money
Hey Hardballz, shut the **** up! All you're good for are rumors, you never give any positive input to a discussion. Why don't you get your head out of your ass and start helping instead of starting trouble.


hard ballz

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2001
Dirty Money

Actually, I always wondered if you were really Bisexual....rumours have it you GAAAND!

Hard Ballz

Ankle Breaker

Sep 15, 2002
Dirty Money
Nations Cup....

I guess people are going to start talking about the reasons why we had a disaster this weekend at nations. Curious to hear what people have to say.

For the amount of talent we have in our community there should be no way that we do not do well.

I remember 2 years ago, people saying that we need to go with youth.....now I heard that we have too much youth....I think that it should be the best players period.

What do others think?
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