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Imperial Cup [Imperial Cup 2005] First Round, Feb. 18, 19, and 20.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Gerry Herdenson said:
Interseting post TA, How are things at home? :rolleyes:

Didn't this kind of incident happened to your team (Polonia that is) when you guys played City FC Blaze, last year. :eek: So according to your suggestion Mike Masi shouldn't be playing then, Is he the big tough guy you have, who can no accept anybody touching him or he would punch the bagger? Did he tried to take the head out of an opponent? Maybe the buds in City FC Blaze could refresh our memory.

The idiot, who is no longer on our team, who started the fight between us and Polonia spat in the face of a player. I don't believe it was Masi who was kickingthe head of our guy on th ground but one of the subs. The ref never saw the kicking incident so nothing ever came of that. As for the fight part of the game, evryone got what they deserved..

I was at the AFC-Surrey gane until a few minutes before the bru-ha-ha broke out. The penalty in the first half was weak and shouldn't have been given but after it was missed i thought, good, it won't get stupid now. Both teams were guilty of some bad tackles and the like but it seemed from where i was that the AFC players kept whining and whining and whining about every call, even if they got the call. I saw 2 claims for penalties by AFC and one was a dive in my opinion while the other was tough to tell if it was handled all the way at the sideline.

The ref, looked a little over his head and i had seen him do a 1st div. game a few weeks ago and he wasn't very good in that one either. He probably was in over his head on this one especially considering the 2 teams involved and their different styles of play.

AFC was having more possession for the portion of the game i watched but wasn't very dangerous as they seemed to want to dribble the ball by every Surrey defender and past the goalie. Very few shots were taken when the oppurtunity arose and those that were looked more likely to hit 64th then the net.

I though that it was likely AFC were going to get into card trouble and a probable sending off due to all the yap at the ref, from the players, fans and it looked like the coaching staff. The Surrey players didn't continually whine to the ref after every foul and no matter who is reffing this is going to effect your decisions. Both teams had some awful tackles that i saw and i left just after Niall got his yellow in the second and looked to through a punch or push the guy away but missed either way. The ref was on top of it and was right there but the AFC guys were all over him trying to get Niall tossed. I'm not sure what could have been done to stop this fight from happening. Cloverdale Park, at least, has the fence around the pitch so fans running onto the pitch is much less likely to happen and I don't know who could have controlled the game as a ref and kept control either. ( i talked to a FVSL ref for the first 30 minutes of game on sideline and he thought things were going ok, other than the amount of moan.)


New Member
Jul 21, 2004
Dirty Money
blazearmy- you idiot

you must heve been hit over the head again, cause ur memory SUCKS.

Masi was the fag who ran up and kicked our guy in the head during that show. also, our guy never spat in anyones face.......other than that, ur facts were bang on.....

all this poker shite must be goin to ur head.......

whens the next game anyways?


Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
Ok regardingthe game the reason ihavenot said anything is cause i am still sick to my stomach that this hAPPENED. A lot of you are racists enough said.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Here we go....

Kangaroo court has let out and this is what I've got so far.

Niall Thompson ? - ? (dunno)

Ian Sneddon 5 games $50.00
Bobson Sesay 1 - $10.00
Andrew Riopel 1 - $10.00
Kyle McDiarmid ? - ? (BC Soccer)
Fred Malak ? - ? (BC Soccer)
Taiwo Ibishomi 1 - $10.00
Chris Clark 3 - $30.00


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
blazearmy- you idiot

all this poker shite must be goin to ur head.......

whens the next game anyways

cheers Playboi.

all this poker shite must be goin to ur head.......

whens the next game anyways?

Do you feel the need to give me more money again? :D


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
larsson said:
Ok regardingthe game the reason ihavenot said anything is cause i am still sick to my stomach that this hAPPENED. A lot of you are racists enough said.

Name names and then back it up with facts.

The racist DiscComm gave you 5 games. They must really hate your nationality. :rolleyes: Give us all a break. Sneds, one day you must look in the mirror and ask yourself if you are what you see. The only person that truely hates you is YOU!

Profoundly yours..........


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
knvb said:
Here we go....

Kangaroo court has let out and this is what I've got so far.
Other than the court of law, what other committee of decision is not Kangaroo? They still do a pretty good job, like it or not.

PS why does ttp have this stupid colour option. I can't even see it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
larsson: "Ok regardingthe game the reason ihavenot said anything is cause i am still sick to my stomach that this hAPPENED. A lot of you are racists enough said."

Well that's good enough for me!!!

All those unwarranted and false accusations against the AFC have been manufactured and perpetrated by a conspiracy of the VMSL elite and Surrey United FC and the referees, the linesmen and anyone else out there who doesn't see it the AFC way or who refuse to watch AFC video replays of the alleged vicious and unprovoked attacks againts AFC players and supporters.

There is absolutely NO way that AFC or any of its fans, players or coaches did anything wrong. It is all the Surrey soccer establishment's fault and quite possibly racist attacks against Larrsson- who is caucasian of Scottish descent -and anyone associated with this fine upstanding member of the soccer community.

If Larsoon says it's true and Bhudie, then that should be good enough for us all.

Not only that, the rules of the Discipline Committee were unduly altered a night or so before the hearings to prevent these innocent lads and their many supporters who allegedly rushed on the field probably to avoid attacks from Surrey hooligans from having anyone else represent them at the hearings - their moms, translators, friends, etc. That in and of itself should ensure that an appeal to BC Soccer or CSA or maybe the Supreme Court of Canada will overturn this injustice.

Not only that, they did not chase the rotten sucker puncher to his vehicle. Those people were themselves running to their cars to avoid Surrey FC or quite possibly, Mr. Fodin from getting to them and possibly beating them unmercifully.

I will be the first to sign a petition of support to clear these lads names forthwith. Free AFC... end rascism... free Willy too.Whoops he is on the other side, sorry.


Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
Weavers (whataboutbob) do no quit ur day job cause ur no psychologists. As 4 what has gone on with the league and suspensions this is not over.The reason 4 my red card was that apparently i went after nial while he was heading 4 the changerooms which is totally false.Firstly if i was going after Niall i would have to go through Joe Billy who Nial was standing behind and we all know that i woul not stand a chance.So they gave me 5 games. Another false statement was that Nial was beaten up in the changerooms which never happened. So hoefully if surrey (which we had no problem with them) who i think are stand up people will go to the league and hear what the referee reported and can give them a statement of what happened. Cause if you heard the statement you would understand our frustrations. Now as 4 AZZI i think there is to much conflict of interest he definately still has a big part in Metro-Ford and has a big tear over guys who left his club. There is a lot of good teams this year and our team has been apart of some great games. I am not asking for help by no means but if you have things to say that are facts come forward. And for guys like BRIAN WEAVERS WHO HAS A OPINION OF EVERYTHING even though they were not present , honestly what kind of life do u have. Are you the same guy that ran after Steve Foster after the game against burnaby sucker punched him from behind. I know it was out of Niall's Character to do that to Kilo and i hope it does not go further then the VMSL.


Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
"Not only that, they did not chase the rotten sucker puncher to his vehicle"

Reccos obviously you were not there cause bobby ran up to him just before the changing rooms and confronted him as joe billy was in front of Niall A few words were said on niall and joe but thast was it i grabed both of them and took tthem back to the field. That was it no one chased anyone to there cars. Fcking stories are getting better


Aug 21, 2001
Dirty Money

is there a steve moore type lawsuit ensuing? funny.
we all saw what happened and i'm sure that ( for the rite amount )
some of us could be called to testify - for either side :rolleyes:


New Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
Come on knowone we all know the only thing that you are after is green and trust me there are no dead presidents printed on it. If that is the price then my testimony could be bought as well even if i never witnessed the event


New Member
Sep 25, 2003
Dirty Money
My nerves have calmed a little, and I'm now focussing on MF, I know I said I was done on this topic, but after the hearing I just have one more thing to say to all those who think we're just whining.

If nothing else can show you why we feel that there is something more to this than meets the eye, how about the fact that the referee submitted his report to the league, and then resubmitted a second report a day later, stating that some of the things he wrote in his original report were not true (ie he was punched by freddy). And moreover, how can two teams get in a scuffle over a blatant sucker punch, and the team that started it gets one red card, and the other team who didn't throw a punch ends up with SIX. 4 of which were added after the match, two of which were added the next day.

Anyway, I'm done for real on this topic now. Now we are looking ahead to MF this weekend, and I don't want too build a reputation as a whiner, as that is not in my character. Although some may have formed other opinions due to my 4 posts. I guess in the future I'll post when I'm in a good mood, so you all can get to know the lighter side of bhudie.

PS. sneds really didn't do anything wrong, This time. And we, as a club, didn't take his first two reds lightly. Ask him.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Just wondering what was the result of the sucker punch. Was the guy knocked out i.e is their any serious damages.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Just wondering what was the result of the sucker punch. Was the guy knocked out i.e is their any serious damages.

Apparently he is posting under a new moniker on TTP and quite often assaults the English langwidge. That's the WORD on the street, Bull.


New Member
Aug 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Nial should get four games from the league, just like Ian Clarke got earlier in the year for his cheap shot. Surrey as a serious organization should give him another six games.


p.s. hope you can now understand why I was so pissed of at that incident.

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