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Gun control on a more serious level


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Beyond brutal. Even crazier is that this didn't even hit the headlines, just regular, mainstream news. Because random shootings are normal now.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Heard on cnn I think since Obamas second term, there's been a mass shooting every week..

Well by the sounds of his last speech it appears he's tried to stop the trend but there are people, somehow more powerful than him, impeding change. These people don't seem to have a problem with it happening. We'll wait and see when it happens to one of there kids, and if things change. But I'm sure it'll be Obamas fault anyways.


New Member
Jul 26, 2013
Dirty Money
Again I don't believe this is a gun control issue, but more of a mental health issue.
You don't think it's an issue that mentally ill people have such easy access to guns?
I'm sorry but comments like this, which is just propaganda put forth from the gun lobby are irresponsible. "Guns don't kill people, people kill people " is another one of my favourites. If someone comes after me with fists, a bat or even a knife I like my chances of survival. If they have a gun, I'm done.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
Dirty Money
You people actually think the crazies get these guns through the legal process.

I support gun ownership as I am a hunter, I'm not one of those Americans that believes its his god given right to walk around with a gun but that redneck from South Carolina isn't the one doing the killing either, its nut balls that get the weapons illegally.

It doesn't matter how difficult a process it is to aquire a gun through the proper channels crazies will steal them or buy them on the black market.

As long as there is demand there will be illegal purchasing of guns by nutters who want to kill people....this has nothing to do with " GUN CONTROL " as defined legally.

My two bitz like it or not.


Oct 17, 2003
Dirty Money
What kind of new gun laws do you guys wanna see down in the states that will hopefully stop these mass shootings?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
No more big box stores carrying guns for one also they should be ridiculously expensive, if you want to shoot a gun go to a gun range. You want to buy one, $10k.


New Member
Jul 26, 2013
Dirty Money
You people actually think the crazies get these guns through the legal process.

I support gun ownership as I am a hunter, I'm not one of those Americans that believes its his god given right to walk around with a gun but that redneck from South Carolina isn't the one doing the killing either, its nut balls that get the weapons illegally.

It doesn't matter how difficult a process it is to aquire a gun through the proper channels crazies will steal them or buy them on the black market.

As long as there is demand there will be illegal purchasing of guns by nutters who want to kill people....this has nothing to do with " GUN CONTROL " as defined legally.

My two bitz like it or not.
I know I'm not going to change your mind on this but the two variables you've used as your explanation for gun murders are mental health and the availability of guns on the black market. Both of these variables also apply to Canada and again we don't have even close to the same amount of murders based on our population.
I agree that there is more to the issue than just gun control. Responsible gun ownership is a huge issue as well. There have been too many incidents where the culprits of these mass shootings/school shootings/accidental shootings were able to access unlocked guns from home.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You people actually think the crazies get these guns through the legal process.

I support gun ownership as I am a hunter, I'm not one of those Americans that believes its his god given right to walk around with a gun but that redneck from South Carolina isn't the one doing the killing either, its nut balls that get the weapons illegally.

It doesn't matter how difficult a process it is to aquire a gun through the proper channels crazies will steal them or buy them on the black market.

As long as there is demand there will be illegal purchasing of guns by nutters who want to kill people....this has nothing to do with " GUN CONTROL " as defined legally.

My two bitz like it or not.

Sir M nailed it.

I don't think we're talking about gun control so much here. I think we do have an issue, but I also agree w/ you that guns used for illegal purposes here are generally not acquired through a legal process.

We're talking about the issues down South, where clearly it is way too easy to get your hands on guns designed for assault, not hunting.

Without a doubt, demand down there is massive, and the NRA has huge financial and political clout. Politicians don't have the balls to stand out from the herd, and take a hard stance.

What would it take?

I think a whole slew of changes, not simply "tougher measures" to acquire guns. I'd think the following all done in combination would have an affect...

~Politicians w/ balls to introduce, get support for, and push through various plans, to start (and likely where this stops).
~A National "Gun Buy Back" program, where the government buys back the weapons for above list price. Yes, potential massively expensive, and in a country suffering in debt, would not be a popular plan. But, it would work. Here's a suggestion, scale back your military efforts by 5%, that will more than pay for this.
~Taxation on buying guns. Treat it like the alcohol or tobacco industry up here. Added taxes to make the purchases unattractive.
~Taxation on manufacturing guns.
~Import tariffs.
~Strict government controls of manufacturers. Something like an ISO programme that only applies to gun manufacturers, and yes, a make work program for sure, but babysit the fcuk out of the manufacturers to ensure their raw materials and inventories / sales all mesh, to discourage supplying the black market.
~Stricter controls on procuring guns, like what we have up here.

Basically, the key would be to discourage the manufacturers from being in the business at all. I would suggest that for rural and hunting, those users would have to jump through hoops to show they are deserving of some sort of exempt status, but if that is what it takes, so be it.

All of those are pipe dreams, because without strong financial support behind it all, nothing will happen. Maybe all these movie starts speaking out on the "Enough is Enough" campaign can pool their "hard earned" millions into funding to back the plan on a political lobbying front, and publicly get behind politicians who support this, so they can get elected to office on that platform.

Alas, a pipe dream...


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
Dirty Money
I know I'm not going to change your mind on this but the two variables you've used as your explanation for gun murders are mental health and the availability of guns on the black market. Both of these variables also apply to Canada and again we don't have even close to the same amount of murders based on our population.
I agree that there is more to the issue than just gun control. Responsible gun ownership is a huge issue as well. There have been too many incidents where the culprits of these mass shootings/school shootings/accidental shootings were able to access unlocked guns from home.

I totally agree with you on that, irresponsible gun owners are probably a big part of the issue, racism also is a driving factor, more so in the States than here at home. Another issue ( again my own opinion ) is these video games that encourage running around killing everything in site for pleasure.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Another issue ( again my own opinion ) is these video games that encourage running around killing everything in site for pleasure.

If you are gonna go that route, there's parenting issues that are a large part of that. And that's a whole different ball game.

Although I played first person shooter games when I was younger and I know video game from reality..... Not that I don't want to shoot people on a daily basis but I still know it's wrong.
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