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Premier [FVSL Premier] - Results & Banter - Nov. 04'

Who will hand Langley their first loss of the season?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
spoken like a true primadonna goal scoring ginger-haired pansy doctor...

i would love to see you go in hands first after you have had your face kicked in by some "tough" striker. to prevent from having my face reconstructed again, i will be going in with the get-away sticks, thank you very much.


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money
sixfyv said:
spoken like a true primadonna goal scoring ginger-haired pansy doctor...

i would love to see you go in hands first after you have had your face kicked in by some "tough" striker. .
I played in net for many years, so I have been there......and I know you have seen my face! :bronco: Still no sympathy for the over-protected keepers.


New Member
Feb 12, 2003
Dirty Money
Enough already, Millsy has been in this league longer than some of you have been playing soccer, I should know. No offense Millsy. I too have played with and against him and have never seen anything malicious or with intent to injure, unless you try to steal his beer at the pub. How many players really want to hurt someone, for more than a day or so, anyway? Lets get real here, he is an awesome guy and keeper.
For fck sakes, if he calls for the ball, get the hell out of the box! If you are daft enough to slide into him on the ground you deserve a broken leg. When was the last time you slid into a parked truck, you punk-assed kids!


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
Bottom line for me is no one intentionally tries to hurt someone from the keepers point of view but at the same time if you're gonna slide in as a forward you're gonna get wacked as the keepers at this level are gonna be doing the same thing every game.I have played both striker and keeper over the last 10 years and know the feeling forwards get when given that window of opportunity to score.But you have to think all these keepers want to do is stop the ball and that may mean contact on close plays. I have a great idea for each of you that doesn't agree with these keepers posts put on the gloves for one game at the top level and show us how it should be done. :( Chances are after that game you may change your opinion.


New Member
Oct 14, 2004
Dirty Money
Dude said:
1. Agree- anyone dumb enough to go into a tackle with keepers like Milsy or Tim Wagner needs to re-evaluate their priorities.

2. Millsy- incident took place three years ago when your were with Townsend Park playing against SFC Peg. Wasn't there, so I don't know and can't comment on how nasty the tackle was. I've heard the SFC version of events, and you can guess how that plays. I know the result was surgery, some new hardware, about a year of rehab, then post surgery to have the plate removed...plus some angry teammates.

3. KNVB...suffice to say you've never had the "pleasure" of having Tin Po officiate one of your games, at any level, in any league, because you'd get it. Honestly- the guy is a sure bet to make a game altering decision every time he's in the middle.
When Millsy was with the Townsend Park Rangers (former Chilliwack Rapids Club), I saw every game that Millsy played, and I don't remember him ever breaking someone's legs by tackling him in any sort of "instigator-esque" style. I recall one individual who broke his leg, but I don't believe that it was Millsy that was involved in that. If memory serves correctly, I think it was Eddie V.D. that went into a 50-50 ball, and the opposing player tryed to kick through Eddie's legs at around the Center-Wing area of the pitch. If anyone has played against Eddie V.D, then they know that he is most likely made of Iron, and anyone trying to kick through his legs is most probably going to wind up with a broken leg.

In short, I don't remember Millsy breaking anyone's legs.

Red Dragon

New Member
Oct 23, 2002
Dirty Money
To put my two cents into the mix, I don't believe anyone in our league intentionally goes onto the pitch to break the legs of another player. Goalies need to protect themselves just as players do.

We also know that when a player does a slide tackle, they are not allowed to go in studs up. When we do, and we all do it at some point, we know what the potential ramifications are and most of the time we receive a card, yellow, maybe red.

When goalies come out studs up, most of the time they get nothing. When a goalie goes to ground, he is taking a chance. If a player kicks him, he gets carded. I have in my day been kicked by goalies that I wasn't near hitting. I've jumped over goalies that followed me with their studs up, trying to protect themselves or get me :rolleyes:

I personally believe most goalies are just trying to protect themselves, but makes you wonder sometimes when their cleats are at your waist....

Just something to think about :confused: :confused:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dirty Money
Rivermouth said:
In short, I don't remember Millsy breaking anyone's legs.

Rivermouth he said he did it a few pages back.

Anyways my comments are this. What I've never done as a keeper is go studs up in on somebody because I have respect for others and what they do away from the field and find no need to risk injuring others. Now I wish I could say the same thing about strikers as I've had cleat marks left all over but what can you do some people are just idiots and no need for me to be an idiot. The only time I'll try a slide tackle is outside my box and like I said I don't go in studs up. Anything in my box and I go in hands first or dive across the ball.

Now I don't have a problem with goalies going in and slide tackling players it's just there is a respectful way and there is a way that is gonna hurt people. The only reason a lot of times I've been left a few marks is that I got stepped on but that striker had the same right as me to get that ball and since he is running (meaning foot is in the air then comes down) I've gotten down on that ball and players have accidentally stepped on me or maybe purposely but I agree with strikers and their logic of what are we supposed to do. For those that slide into me when there is no chance at the ball then I get pissed off and let them have it but that is another topic. Anyways all I want when I play is a clean game by everyone but you can't get that. We are amateur players people and most of us have to support ourselves. Play the game hard and if an injury occurs then hey deal with it. But play cheap against me, whether I'm in net or out and I lose respect for you as a player.

Red Forever

New Member
Jul 26, 2002
Dirty Money
You lot are all missing the point! We are not saying that all goalies are cheap or they dont have the right to come out and challenge.
What we were saying is that TWICE Millsy came out studs up and made no contact with the ball. One of them led to out forward bieng carried off....so we felt that the red card was warranted.

Some goalies use their size to give them a advantage, nothing wrong with that.


New Member
Nov 21, 2002
Dirty Money
Train said:
I didn't know what to think of the stories I heard of Millsy breaking Mario's leg. Then the next year I played against Millsy and watched him try and break Utah's leg. Utah put the ball up and over Millsy, and he came out two footed, the top foot being knee height. Most keepers try to get square to the player and try to put a shoulder on it or something. Millsy you got a different style, and not a very respectable one at that.

Are you fcuking kidding train if your going to spout like that use your real name.This time I'm pretty sure your wrong.

Apparently I need to re-evaluate the way I play the game, it seems I'm known around the league as the "two-footed" goalie :confused: Funny how in my last season of premier, before masters, this nasty unrespectable style play has come to light. I thought for sure someone might have mentioned it before :rolleyes:, talk about having the wool pulled over my eyes.

I have an idea next time your on a breakaway, train, I'll just run out and punch you right in the chops then there won't be any confusion over my style of play. :(

The worst part of all is I'm on this fukcing website trying to defend myself to some chumps who are pissed at losing to 10 men on Sunday.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Studs up

OK, I'm days off to comment on the brutal and diobolical officiating that definately impacted the outcome of the Delta vs PAU match... nuff was said...

After reading posts regarding Millsy and other keepers/players going in studs up, I find it curious how public opinion is persueded by the implications it has on one's team/teammate... I personally regard Millsy as a brilliant keeper and know he respects other players on and off the pitch... I don't think he'd ever (nor have I witnessed) go into a tackle thinking about injuring another player... Yes, he can be late and has to be trying to protect himself at times, but isn't that the nature of a contact sport???

I have went into tackles showing studs on numerous occasions... My object in doing so is simple: win the ball and don't be on the losing end of an injury... (I am not 6'5 and cannot extent too far so must use every inch I've got to even get there) ;) I've never intended to injure a fellow footballer, but have been injured myself and know if you hang your leg out and don't go through the ball then you run the risk of not going to work on Monday... I'm not a particularily hardman unless the games calls for it and I'm getting hammered all over the shop... Tackling is part of the game and some guys are better at it than others...

A couple of names mentioned in earlier posts bring back memories of what I would consider "dirty players"... Eddie (Chilli) and Mario (Whalley) are two guys I consider to be whackers and not overly skilled... Both are effective if allowed to get away with elbows and rugby tackles, but both also cost their teams by their hot temper and stupid tackes...

In short, I wouldn't consider Millsy a guy who traditionally goes for legs or is completely reckless, but unfortunately I wouldn't say the same about the other two.... Eddie I could care less about and don't know him personally, but Mario is a good guy off the park and an old teamate, however he (like studsup) is usually on the giving end of injuries and not the recieving end!!!

Just a thought.


New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money

crafty cokcney said:
There is no doubt that there were more than a few questionable calls in this game, but in the referees defence, it was always going to be tough game to call. I disagree with the posts that the other officials at the game were more qualified to be in the middle as I have seen the other two in action and can attest to witnessing bewildering decisions by both on numerous occasions.


You're out to lunch here crafty :confused: ...there's no comparison between the man in the middle and the other two. The fvsl brass will hopefully get the message despite your smokescreen of a post. :rolleyes:

craftytakingamisplacedpiss :)

Red Forever

New Member
Jul 26, 2002
Dirty Money
Guinness I think you are correct in saying that it depends on each individuals point of view.
Obviously if you lose a team-mate to a bad tackle you are more likely to rant about it. You are right in saying certain lads go in harder than others, and maybe that is part of their game.

As for Mario bieng "dirty", not sure about that one :confused: Having played with him for the last 10 years or so, that is by no means true.
Does he go in hard? God yeah. Does he always get a piece of the ball? Too right he does.

Mario is one of those players that you dont want to go into a 50/50 with thats for sure. Does this make him "dirty"???


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Red- agree. Mario is not a dirty player. He gets stuck in, and doesn't hold back, but I could finger many that are dirtier than he is.

I'd just label him as hard (relax Guinness).

Besides, dirty is just a matter of interpretation. What some may consider dirty, others will just consider pushing the fine line to gain an edge. ;) When it comes to broken legs on tackles...hey, they happen. I've been on both ends, and in all cases, the bigger player came out unscathed.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You're one sick bastard, Yoda. This is the Premier thread, not the Pillow Bitter thread. Please stay on topic.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
It is on topic dimwit
I was asking how you've been the receiver of a broken leg tackle but then you say the bigger man always comes out unscathed?
How could this possibly be?


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
You need a ride?

Back on topic, Looks like CHilliwack and Geu games will be cancelled this weekend if this weather keeps up.


New Member
Jan 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Don't know the forecast for the next few days, but this weather is crap... I can't see Albion being open, but the field in Chilli looks like it can take it? Any Chilli lads wanna comment. And we all know how well the high-quality turf in Langley holds up :rolleyes:
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