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Premier [FVSL] Premier 2016/2017 - Results & Banter

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Maybe the one team per club in premier rule was ignored because of who runs the second PMO team? :)


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
For those who care, I believe the FVSL gets 5 Provincial Cup spots... Pak Cup Winner, Premier Cup Winner, and top 3 League


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
There are no promotion or relegation rules - Thomas and Dave just decide who goes up or down.

:rolleyes: :D ;)

While rules exist (I'm sure) the one thing I have liked about the FVSL is most often they are flexible and reasonable with the desires of a particular team/club to remain where they are or to go up or down.
Certainly at the lower and older levels.
They try to do what's collectively best for the league, the team and its players.
That said, if you decline promotion I believe you need to scrap like 2/3rds of your roster the next year though.

That all said, I'm not sure where they stand with the one club rule in Premier but that was the one area where normally that was pretty firm.
At one point anyway.

My two bits,


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
There are no promotion or relegation rules - Thomas and Dave just decide who goes up or down.

:rolleyes: :D ;)

While rules exist (I'm sure) the one thing I have liked about the FVSL is most often they are flexible and reasonable with the desires of a particular team/club to remain where they are or to go up or down.
Certainly at the lower and older levels.
They try to do what's collectively best for the league, the team and its players.
That said, if you decline promotion I believe you need to scrap like 2/3rds of your roster the next year though.

That all said, I'm not sure where they stand with the one club rule in Premier but that was the one area where normally that was pretty firm.
At one point anyway.

My two bits,

Till your dying days, you will defend the Rangers never accepting promotion.

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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Um, why wouldn't it be? I see no negative, and it gives a platform for young players like Connor to go show himself. I'm excited for those kids, especially Connor.

Seriously, I get it, you don't like the FVSL, but FFS, you are really reaching far to try and pull a negative out of this. I'm giving credit where it's due. What's your take, or is it just cryptic messages we're supposed to interpret?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Don't put words in my mouth, I didn't say ANYTHING either way about the league.

I was asking how this was "news". You've given an answer that I never thought of, so thanks.

The rest of your answer I can do without because at the end of the day, you don't have a fcuking clue what I think about the FVSL. I know this because I've never had a conversation with you about what I think of the league.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Oh bullshit. It was a loaded negative question / cryptic post, and you know it- and are you serious? We have never had a conversation about the FVSL? Ever? Never ever? GIve me strength...

Hey, I'm all for calling out Tomas Mills and his bullshit, and I'll 100% fully admit I can't stand the man (countdown to my next indefinite suspension in 3, 2, 1), but getting this game is nothing but good news for the league, and it's a complement to the execs for landing it.

Unfortunately I'll miss it, as I'll be in Mexico.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
BTW, this is still the shittiest thread on TTP.

Players that are castrated and can't post.

Coaches and execs that see it below themselves to post and promote their product on literally the only media venue that actually knows what they are.

Bring back Mr. Base. I once thought it'd be a cold day in hell before I'd admit he was an asset to this thread / league, but look outside. Snow in Vancouver in late February, things are fcuked up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
That's not really correct @Dude … I don't think TTP is 'below' anything, I jump on near daily. Rare do I get a laugh out of it like I use to, but I've been around since 01, liked it, promoted and supported it on and off in that time too, but for all the stuff you just went on about is some of the reasons I don't directly 'promote' the FVSL here.

Look no further than any of the "All-Star" team(s) that was recently put out. It got brutally carved 17 ways to Sunday, no hesitation. Not a single thought our question as to why or how. It was a joke the second someone hit post. I get it, it was snowing, no one else was doing a program other than the Island, nothing else to talk about, Im bored, I hate Thomas and/or Dave so lets eat the fresh meat on the table. Fair game. I'm a big boy. Not nearly a big as Mills, I'll remind you.

I think by now most everyone knows me, the main posters anyway, and my role. Not a question came my way. Unless I missed it, not one person thought to ask in any reasonable form that would get a response. Why was this done like that? Why him? It went straight to hidden agendas, conspiracy theory, league and personal slander. @Yoda tried, I guess. He had no chance. Poor kid is special you know… in a Olympic sort of way. Keep your chin up kid, helps with the drool. I guess what I mean to say is, it's not the site per say it’s the keyboard cowboys that can inhabit it. It's not business here, at all, it's personal. So be it, it is what it is. Have at it.

You ask why I don't post, I ask why would I pour more fuel on the fire? I’m not a fireman, I actually have to work for a living. I can't speak to why the players don't post anymore. My guess is Apathy, texting and Tinder. The old boys clubs are few and far between now. Sad.

I have no real beef with the site, but I did take great offence to what I (everyone) perceived the #noonecares campaign to be about, if I could have a do over to what I said on twitter I probably would, but if the hall monitor isn’t on board you’ve got no chance of not getting stuffed in a locker here.

You're as subtle as @Rangerforever at a buffet @Dude. I get it. We are well aware and I am trying.

insert paperpresident emoji here
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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
smiley emoji.
hugs with reach-around emoji.

I get it.

Mostly I'm poking the bear in trying to get a rise. Figurative bear, not TM, who's as big a bear in October.

That said, you know I have a special place in my heart for this league, and truthfully think you guys are doing a great job, but I remain baffled at the lack of promotion, and look over at the VMSL threads and see players posting, including some very nice match reports.

I want to know more about some of these great players the FVSL is hiding. I know I'm not alone, but likely just the most vocal. Or best at procrastinating mind numbing work. One or the other. I know when RF is procrastinating, he's actually billing me, fcuker.

You guys have a good thing going here, and nobody knows about it outside TTP, and barely anyone on TTP, for that matter. Trust me, I've tried to find news.

Great news again on the WFC2 Match, that's a real coup, and I hope there is a means that it will be videoed so that I can watch it after my second surf session, then post session sunset beach beers, then dinner in town, and ultimately back at the condo, waiting to do it all over again. I hope the event goes well, and one or two of your players can catch an eye.

Oh, for old times sake, KNVB is a cnut.

KNVB Banana emoji
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