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Div 2 [FVSL Division 2] Results & Banter - October '04

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Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
Like I said, AJ is a good guy and I've known him for years so I don't want to take shots. He was our goalie in a summer league. We were sittin in about 3rd, he had some good games and some bad games. When he let in a bad goal, he really got down on himself and things got real bad. Late in the season, we replaced him as starter. We invited him out as backup but he chose not to come out the rest of the summer. We ended up finishing 1st and winning the league. We never called AJ back out for winter nor did he call us as he was not happy about being replaced during the season. Whether you want to call that being cut or leaving is open to interpretation...

As for our 14 goals against, the teams we've played will tell you it is only 14 cuz of our goalie and could be a lot worse! Our defense has been horrendous the first part of the season. We are gettin healthy now and gettin guys back so I expect that to turn around. Last year we were 2nd in goals against behind only the ND Titans so our play is the problem this season and not the goalie. He's been great for us.

Guru said:
I don't want to get into a bitchslap argument, it's last years business...but you have selective memory my friend. I don't remember the hoopla you're on about, but whatever. My point wasn't that we were the kings now, it was that you guys weren't runaway leaders like you think. We outplayed you on that day. We've won games we had no business winning, and lost games the same way...that day we deserved it. also, we only played one team last year who didn't field a whole squad, that was Poco in the last game. They started with 8 and took a 1 goal lead. Shocking performance by us on that day, although they ended the game with 10 men, and we beat them 5 - 3.

Yes AJ's a great guy, but on an earlier post you said he was cut, now you say he left unhappy. Which is it?

Regardless of all that "yesterday" news.....it's a new year... and 14 against is a crime. our 10 against is sad enough, but 4 were pks, not earned. No excuses, we just suck so far. Too bad we won't play you this year in league, we could use a game where the opposition doesn't care about a win!


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Hurricane Power said:
We did indeed have our hearings last night. I can say that the league was very fair and all relevant factors were considered. The discipline handed out to individual players was very fair and we have no complaints.

The situation with the fans has yet to be resolved as that is dealt with by the league executive and not just the discipline committee...
Good to see, Hurricane...perhaps we can all put this to rest now and focus on other things. Hopefully the fan issue will be resolved soon as well.


Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
You are by far the dumbest f*ck that has ever been on this forum. We beat you guys 4-0 the first time we played you guys and lost the next one cause we had ten guys and our leading goal scorer was playing in net. Anyways, we still did win the league and sure white rock beat us at the end but who won the cup game when it mattered 5-2? How does our second half suck when we won the cup you dumbass. And also if north delta is so much better than us then why the **** didnt they beat us? Everything you said is just stupid, and if i were you i would hope to god you dont meet us in the cup because we would beat the shite out of you guys, a complete shitkicking. Your guys team blowed! no skill whatsoever. And "shaven" dont be too sure about the hurricanes run and gun offense being defunct just yet, like hurricane power said a lot of guys are back from injury and its time for the hurricanes to make their run. And i gurantee nobody will be talking shite in a few weeks when reality sets in and the hurricanes are backon top again.
Guru said:
OK Whack....whatevah! why you played with 10 I don't know, there was a $hit load of spares on the side. And the keeper came to us before your tryouts :wa:

When we played you, you hadn't clinched squat! So stop the rhetoric! Looking at the schedule on my computer just now, we played you Dec. 6th... explain how you'd clinched anything but your dick by then? North Delta was a far better team than yours last year, and we ended up in 3rd behind them. Which by the way, also tied us for 1st in the other $hite group.
And I said long ago on this thread that we shouldn't have moved up, only the top two earned it, but they brought up several this year with way worse records than ours. No way should there be this many teams in Div. 2. You did earn the right to move up, but you suckdiddlyuck right now!!!

(wolfman: he's from the Razorbacks, what do you expect?)

OK wolfy....yer tormentin' me now....it's Celtic!! :knvb:


Oct 1, 2003
Dirty Money
08star said:
And "shaven" dont be too sure about the hurricanes run and gun offense being defunct just yet, like hurricane power said a lot of guys are back from injury and its time for the hurricanes to make their run. And i gurantee nobody will be talking shite in a few weeks when reality sets in and the hurricanes are backon top again.

I'm not saying you guys aren't going to make a run at getting back in the race but it will be tough considering Poco and the Clones would have to falter for you to catch up. This isn't a shot at you or your team but it's the facts. I don't see us falling like that and the Clones seem to be tough every year. Just a thought.


Sep 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Hurricane Power said:
We did indeed have our hearings last night. I can say that the league was very fair and all relevant factors were considered. The discipline handed out to individual players was very fair and we have no complaints.

I dont really care what you think, I just wanna know which player got how many games :confused:


Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Ya thats true, but its pretty hard to go through a whole season without faltering. We havent played the clones yet so we got two games against them remaining and we still have one against you guys. We are just going to have to play hard and win the remainder of our games.
redwoods said:
I'm not saying you guys aren't going to make a run at getting back in the race but it will be tough considering Poco and the Clones would have to falter for you to catch up. This isn't a shot at you or your team but it's the facts. I don't see us falling like that and the Clones seem to be tough every year. Just a thought.

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
i'm thinking the royals over ND FC 2-1 this weekend. it'll be close, having our top scorer back would help, he's not sure if he's gonna play yet.


New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
redwoods said:
I'm not saying you guys aren't going to make a run at getting back in the race but it will be tough considering Poco and the Clones would have to falter for you to catch up. This isn't a shot at you or your team but it's the facts. I don't see us falling like that and the Clones seem to be tough every year. Just a thought.
redwoods does have a good point .i think whoever wins the division will have a maximum of 5 losses .for the canes that means 9 wins from 12 games that is a tall order as long as poco keeps rolling along and i hope the clones can still find ways to win .as for the canes those head to head matches are vital and they can not afford any ties or losses to weaker teams

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
Scoop Dawg said:
soccer mom back from your grounding, did you learn your lesson?

hahaha, did i ever. actually it was kinda funny how that ban happend. i guess as i was typing that post with all that useless profanity, regs posted and said he'll have no more of it. then obviously i posted without having seen that, and yeah...whatever, i'm back and a little cooler :rolleyes:

Scoop Dawg

Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
looks like the hurricanes got rather lucky with three players only getting one extra
game but what happened to the fourth red card? any canes know?

Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
No doubt it's going to be tough. The good thing is we still play the Clones twice and Poco once. We are behind but we still control our own fate if we can win the head to head games as no team is going to completely run the table. Our game against the Clones on Nov 6th will be HUGE. We have to make sure we win the 2 game b/w now and then and then lay it on the line for that game. We are expecting a number guys back in time for that game so it should be a great game...Clones size, physical play and stingy defense vs our finesse and run and gun offense...

redwoods said:
I'm not saying you guys aren't going to make a run at getting back in the race but it will be tough considering Poco and the Clones would have to falter for you to catch up. This isn't a shot at you or your team but it's the facts. I don't see us falling like that and the Clones seem to be tough every year. Just a thought.

Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
Dude, why you so curious about div 2 anyway??? Doesn't GN play Premier?????

If you really need to know though, I got 1 more game, Lucky got 1 more game and Eric got 1 more game. Sunny got no additional games. So, to sum it up for ya, 3 guys end up missing 2 games and 1 guy misses just the 1 game from last week...

Kokanee said:
I dont really care what you think, I just wanna know which player got how many games :confused:


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Soccer Mom said:
i'm thinking the royals over ND FC 2-1 this weekend. it'll be close, having our top scorer back would help, he's not sure if he's gonna play yet.
Um, I don't think so Mom...Having played both of your squads, even with your top scorer back you're going to need a small miracle to hold FC to only one goal, and hope to put two by them for the win....3-1 NDFC :eek:


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Soccer Mom said:
hahaha, did i ever. actually it was kinda funny how that ban happend. i guess as i was typing that post with all that useless profanity, regs posted and said he'll have no more of it. then obviously i posted without having seen that, and yeah...whatever, i'm back and a little cooler :rolleyes:
Nice to have a kinder, gentler Mom back...welcome back to the flock. ;)


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Hurricane Power said:
Dude, why you so curious about div 2 anyway??? Doesn't GN play Premier?????

If you really need to know though, I got 1 more game, Lucky got 1 more game and Eric got 1 more game. Sunny got no additional games. So, to sum it up for ya, 3 guys end up missing 2 games and 1 guy misses just the 1 game from last week...
Ouch, Hurricane, tough penalties with the additional game each. Hopefully your squad does not have to go through anything like this again this season.


New Member
Sep 22, 2003
Dirty Money
Hurricane Power said:
As for our 14 goals against, the teams we've played will tell you it is only 14 cuz of our goalie and could be a lot worse! Our defense has been horrendous the first part of the season. We are gettin healthy now and gettin guys back so I expect that to turn around. Last year we were 2nd in goals against behind only the ND Titans so our play is the problem this season and not the goalie. He's been great for us.

I will attest for that. Against us it could have been a lot worse. While our (my) finishing was woeful on that day, their keeper made some outstanding saves, including one for which the rebound was converted.

Goalkeeping is NOT the reason for 14 against the Hurricanes.
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