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Div 3 FVSL Div 3 Combined Power Rankings

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New Member
Oct 1, 2007
Dirty Money
2 blunders doesn;t mean a thing, not at this point anyways
I love how arrogant you guys are. No one ever scores on you with a good play they are allways "accidents" yet your goals are never lucky always "butes" Seriously im suprised you guys keep winning considering how far your heads are up your own asses. Pathetic kids, show a little class and sportsmanship instead of talking how no one can "hang with your stuff" If you are that good let your play do the talking instead of be-littling your efforts on the internet by looking like a bunch of spoiled sissies (which is how you play btw) Win your games move up through the divisions and be graceful about it. Thats how you earn respect.

P.S. i bet bluenose is that bitch with the tape on his ears that cried if we breathed on him, honestly kid toughen up or join a bowling league.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
I dont think you know what TTP stands for Antileno...This site is for fun and banter,,You should meet our goalie Odog,,hes the greates goalie ever if you havent heard,,read his posts in the fvsl div 1 thread and you will see blue and the guys are tame.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I love how arrogant you guys are. No one ever scores on you with a good play they are allways "accidents" yet your goals are never lucky always "butes" Seriously im suprised you guys keep winning considering how far your heads are up your own asses. Pathetic kids, show a little class and sportsmanship instead of talking how no one can "hang with your stuff" If you are that good let your play do the talking instead of be-littling your efforts on the internet by looking like a bunch of spoiled sissies (which is how you play btw) Win your games move up through the divisions and be graceful about it. Thats how you earn respect.

P.S. i bet bluenose is that bitch with the tape on his ears that cried if we breathed on him, honestly kid toughen up or join a bowling league.

Who are you? What team are you with?
Last nights official was the absolute worst I have ever been invloved with in a game, both team's players were discussing it all night.

No I have no tape on my ears as I have no piercings.

If you are ND, which is just a guess, good game last night, finally someone played us with a semi-organised defense.

1-0 win by Nomads over ND Hawks.

Again, I'm assuming youare a Hawk.

That goal last night was sick. A great buildup to a slick finish on a greasy field...You guys all looked like field goal kickers last night.

EDIT: I now know you are a Ranger now. But the comments still stand for the ND Hawks :D


Aug 31, 2005
Dirty Money
I love how arrogant you guys are. No one ever scores on you with a good play they are allways "accidents" yet your goals are never lucky always "butes" Seriously im suprised you guys keep winning considering how far your heads are up your own asses. Pathetic kids, show a little class and sportsmanship instead of talking how no one can "hang with your stuff" If you are that good let your play do the talking instead of be-littling your efforts on the internet by looking like a bunch of spoiled sissies (which is how you play btw) Win your games move up through the divisions and be graceful about it. Thats how you earn respect.

P.S. i bet bluenose is that bitch with the tape on his ears that cried if we breathed on him, honestly kid toughen up or join a bowling league.

well said....


Sep 9, 2007
Dirty Money
QT"P.S. i bet bluenose is that bitch with the tape on his ears that cried if we breathed on him, honestly kid toughen up or join a bowling league."
BE careful who u call a lil bitch with tape on their ear!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Well, all I got to say about all that is 2 predicted shutouts and 2 followed through shutouts for us Nomads.

Not a great game for us......ND Hawks played great defensively and really gave us a run for our money. Had to come up with a big save in the last two minutes off a free kick to preserve the win.

On to next week.........hope i can make the game :(


Sep 15, 2006
Dirty Money
Heat 5-1 winners over Key West Ford.Horrid weather but we are used to that this time of year.Nice to get back to winning after last week but have to be realistic with the competition.Key West have a good group of guys that are just out for a run around.Hopefully that can make some strides throughout the season.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
UUUHHH they are nice guys,,,
Clean game to the end..
What else can I say


New Member
Sep 25, 2007
Dirty Money
Athletica 4 -Pegasus Rangers 1. Well deserved win for Langley, another poor game for us but either way Athletica was the better team.


New Member
Sep 14, 2007
Dirty Money
Well, all I got to say about all that is 2 predicted shutouts and 2 followed through shutouts for us Nomads.

Not a great game for us......ND Hawks played great defensively and really gave us a run for our money. Had to come up with a big save in the last two minutes off a free kick to preserve the win.

On to next week.........hope i can make the game :(

Yeh, you played a great game in there. Several big saves indeed. That's why we pay you the big bucks! :wa:


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Langley Nomads 84
Athletic Club BC 82.5
Langley Athletica 68.5
Players Utd 63
Stolo Utd 61
Surrey Storm 60.5
Chehalis Chiefs 56.5
GEU Phoenix 53.5
Langley Rangers 49.5
SFC Pegasus Rangers 47
Langley Young Guns 44
Surrey Heat 44
Cloverdale FC 44
SFC Stars 43.5
Poco Pacific 42
SFC Pegasus 39
Abbotsford Utd. SC 39
Golden Ears Miners 38
North Delta Hawks 37.5
Guildford Utd 31
Bradner Redshirts 26.5
Guildford FC 24.5
Sundowners FC 17.5
Gobind FC 16.5
Bradner Blues 13.5
Abbotsford Hurricanes 12.5
Key West Ford 6.5
Port Moody Rush 4.5

Again the deeper we go the higher the cream rises to the top ;)
Seriously though... One less team after the Surrey Classics fold.
No teams in red ink, which is good.

ACBC B Is catching the Nomads...we had a 1-0 win, they blew someone out. bound to happen sooner than later.

Clearly two strong teams in weaker divisions than the guys in 3C, which just got smaller. Stolo and Players are good sides from all accounts.

Onto week 6!

On the club side of things, nice to see the LUFC Teams in the top half, with Athletica in number 3.


New Member
Jan 27, 2007
Dirty Money
i hate to be honest but did it ever have i time when it did work....:confused:.....perhaps when you played those 2 years in that san fransico league ...pretty g*y nickname to me for any time.....out

This coming from someone named dopeashell? San Fransico league eh? I didn't know that calling someone gay was still an insult...in the 3rd grade. That is orginal. You are a tool.

Hey Robj,

been busy so not much time for TTP...home building and baby on the way. Only played a couple of games with the new team but enjoying it nonetheless. Had a peak at you guys playing my old team a couple weeks back. Nice tie and not suprised to see the Storm struggling in Div2:wa: How did you guys get promoted anyway? i thought only the top 2 got through. Congrats and good luck.

Cheers, ???


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I love how arrogant you guys are. No one ever scores on you with a good play they are allways "accidents" yet your goals are never lucky always "butes" Seriously im suprised you guys keep winning considering how far your heads are up your own asses. Pathetic kids, show a little class and sportsmanship instead of talking how no one can "hang with your stuff" If you are that good let your play do the talking instead of be-littling your efforts on the internet by looking like a bunch of spoiled sissies (which is how you play btw) Win your games move up through the divisions and be graceful about it. Thats how you earn respect.

P.S. i bet bluenose is that bitch with the tape on his ears that cried if we breathed on him, honestly kid toughen up or join a bowling league.

Okay, the staff and my research team have revealed to me that you play for the Rangers.:rolleyes:
what was the score again?
ummmm...5-2? With two goals (by your team) which were blunders by midfielders playing defense. They weren't 20 yard scorchers, they weren't curled beauties from set pieces, they were two poacher's specials by defensive gaffs. We owned it, I, in fact, caused the first- my Bad.

Luckily for us, unluckily for you Rangers, we scored 5, and by math, which is usualy pretty good, we win.

Fact of the matter is, and I hate to slag in-club teams, we are not a div 3 team(quality wise, I know we are in Div 3A), and you guys are;). The quality of tackling(Division wide, not just you guys) is shocking and it is no small wonder we have no serious injuries to speak of at the moment.

There is a difference between getting 'Breathed On' and getting tackled late, from behind or from 90 degrees, studs up, did I mention late?

I imagine the referee eased up on the potential peno calls and foul calls in and around your box to mitigate the chances of a double digit scoreline....4-0 out of the box, then the calls stop ? hmmmm.

Relax, you won't have to try and 'Hang with our stuff' next season;), just once more this season.:cool:


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Okay, the staff and my research team have revealed to me that you play for the Rangers.:rolleyes:
what was the score again?:

I watched that game, missed the opening 25 but the Nomads dominated about 50 minutes, Rangers clawed back and put up a fight for the next 25 and the Nomads sealed it up for the final 15. The Rangers should not be ashamed you guys are a pretty skilled team and I am sure all the "foes of the nomads" will be out to cheer come cup time when you guys get to play someone that can give you a run. I only hope you keep your top guys interested enough.

In the meantime I would bet a Beer, not one of your crappy Kokanee, but a fine sleeman or Heiny that you do not go undefeated all season. This might give you something to strive for...a chance at $2.25 out of my pocket!


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Sweet, You're on suburbanator! You know I have contributed more than $2.25 to your cooler. :D

I have to come to grips that a perfect season would be quite the accomplishment, but I think an undefeated season is quite achievable for our side if we stay healthy.

My slagging of the Rangers is not a slight on the Rangers at all, just antenna or whatever the hell his name is. Making comments like that which are not founded by fact is shamefull & Somewhat embarrassing for him. He may have pissed off the entire ACBC roster and reserve and family and supporters club with that tape on the ears post :D
I have a lot of respect for the Rangers(good guys mostly), and they could be a div 2 team (calibre wise) with some better organisation at the back (something we are endeavoring to fix pre-cup play ;) ) and with a stronger center mid to create some better chances. But they look happy to slug it out where they are...and with posts like the one above saying we should join a bowling league, just shows what the mentality is, if you can't take the hack you are a sissy with tape on your ears when in fact you or I could easily say if you can't attempt a clean tackle perhaps you should find a new hobby/sport


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Oh Yeah, does your bet include Cup?

On the subject of Cup for the B-Formers...I think that We and ACBC B have a legitimate shot at it this year...We have played well, or beat some of the div 2 teams that are playing with top of the table or near top table records (Whalley, Westcoast, Bullets, Rams, Nationals Et All) over the last 2 years, most recently against Whalley and Westcoast of course. I have seen the Rams play enough and beat The ND NAtionals at ACBC Summer tourney last year.

On the beer front: We are (read: Me) trying to phase out kjohnsob's compulsion to buy slop from the beerstore for our consumption. As of late, to add to the always repulsive Kokanee and Canadian, kjohnsob has added Corona (IN A CAN!?) and the always refreshing Keiths Red Amber Ale to the rotation with the odd Pilsner added in for a touch of the Trailerpark I guess?


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Corona in a can is one of the worst tasting beers i have ever drank. shite taste awful.

Whoever thought that idea up should be shot.
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