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[FVSL Div 2] Results and Banter March/April 2006

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Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

Langley are through.
Aldergrove win then they too go through with the winner between GN and Celtic to also go through? Sound right?

GN win and it comes down to the DFC/GN game for all threee remaining teams. The winner going through and the loser is out based on goal differential with Aldergrove. What comes first - head to head or goal differential?? Buehler, Buehler??


Sep 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

bored said:
Langley are through.
Aldergrove win then they too go through with the winner between GN and Celtic to also go through? Sound right?

Would sound right if you had the right team in there.

It's not GN in the playoff, it's Sporting that is in it.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter


I guess I've been holding back a little because of the respect factor I have, having played with and against many of your guys for many years. Yet, this season long "piss take" you've been trying to sell us about your squad was exposed. You and your DFC brethren, specifically JTL, keep talking smack about the quality of teams coming over from the other sides. Guru, I don't know what fcuking planet you come from, but anytime you are on the losing side of a 5-2 drubbing, you can not lay claim to "dominating" any point of the game. We did not feel threatened one bit all game. Jeff made a nice tackle in the box after we went up 1-0, and unfortunately in the tackle follow-through, his hand made contact w/ the ball. That PK represented one of your two opportunities all game. Even after half, with Gary getting the full bench in, we were still unthreatened. Your second goal came against the flow, with our full backs getting a bit greedy to add to the 5-1 score line.

I mean, Christ, we've read this shite from you lot all year: "We dominated the possession game, but kept it close because we can't finish", "We outclassed them", "We'd do just as well in 1st division (attributed to Bored)". Then, the piss takes this week about "maybe" taking this seriously, or "maybe" just heading straight to the pub. It's all bullshit, because if judging by how hard Matty was running all game, by how pissed Osame was at being left defenseless, and simply by the tone in Skytrain's voice after the game, I'd say you damn well did give a shite, but the fact is, you shite the bed instead. Full stop. On a skill level, you guys had equally the same amount in your starting 11 as we did, with or without Bored and Woody. Sliver is a damn capable striker in any division. The difference, as you stated was that we came to win.

As for Deano...the guy has a couple of beers at lunch earlier in the day and he's "pissed to the gills"? If he was "pissed", how was he so easily able to track your fittest fullbacks down, and cause such havoc? It's so easy w/ Deano and your lot, check the archives. Osame and crew have been bitching and moaning about him for three years now. Ask them: he's the same annoying cnut with the same annoying, unorthodox, awkward style that has pissed them off before. He's out there to wind you up, and he knew it full well before stepping on the pitch. Oh yes, he scored the first goal of the match, what, 15 minutes in? Sure, he was pissed. Whatever makes you sleep better at night.

Finally, the ref...weak sauce bitching about him. He did better than most we've had all year. Believe me, I was on the end of one of his light yellows, too. If anything, you should be thanking him for having the balls to call a tough PK that gave you guys a glimmer of hope. About the only thing you can have a moan about is that he didn't blow the whistle every time one of your guys hit the pitch after a tackle.

Don't get me wrong Guru; I do hope you move up next season. You are a great group of guys. But, at the very least, give us a little more credit where it's due than to vail this with soft excuses.


Sep 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

Aldergrove 0 - 0 Sporting.

Langley and Aldergrove are through. Sporting needs to win to stay up.:rolleyes:


New Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

Is the Sporting DFC game scheduled yet? I thought there were no ties? Are the PK just there for the tiebreaker, later, in the event of a tie in the standings?


Active Member
Feb 22, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

Up Front with Reed & Thomo - LIVE Tonight @ 5:30PM

Tune in to TTP on Monday April 3rd @ 5:30 PM for the fourth webcast here on TTP featuring an interview with Bob Lilley, current coach of the Vancouver Whitecaps.

The rest of the show will include another interview with Jason Jordan (or Jeff Clark - Reed & Thomo are sorting that out), a brief update of the local scene, and of course, your calls and emails (100% we will have the phones going!).

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New Member
Jan 29, 2006
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

The game between Sporting and Aldergrove was a good hard fought game.It ended in a tie with Sporting winning the shootout portion.Congrats to both Langley and Aldergrove on being promoted to Div 1.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

canuck said:
The game between Sporting and Aldergrove was a good hard fought game.It ended in a tie with Sporting winning the shootout portion.Congrats to both Langley and Aldergrove on being promoted to Div 1.
Doesn't this mean Alderditch lost? ? ?
Wouldn't that also mean they're done, and back in second? Based on 1 win and two loses, and the head to head against DFC as a loss would mean the game DFC vs. Sporting is moot?


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

Dude said:

...give us a little more credit where it's due than to vail this with soft excuses.
First off Dude, I think you COMPLETELTY mis-read my post. I said I was talking with Snowman after the game, and we both agreed DFC dominated for at least 10 to 15 min. Which meant LUFC dominated 75 to 80 minutes....

Now let me explain so get it right this time.... LUFC DOMINATED almost the entire game ! ! The 10 to 15 minutes was jokingly saying we shite the bed except for a small fraction..... I also went on to say we were missing Woody and Bored up front, but also said "even with them, we still would have lost" ... now, how much more praise to your team do you need or want... me saying even with our two leading scorers in the line up, and being able to field the players I would figure to be best suited to have our best shot, you guys would still have won !!!

Is this not praise enough? Should I have said "DFC should be in 3rd div next year? or DFC is absolute shite? Or The Athletics should be in Premier? Tell me what you you want and I'll post it for all to see.

I don't understand how you think my post was about how good we are and how bad you were... quite the opposite... Also, if 23 only had a couple at lunch, he needs to check out his metabolism... cuz he was a little on the blotto side.... Slurring words, stumbling... And I never complained about the ref, TheinfamousWes did, and by the way the ref looked and sounded like an unhappy schlep, I don't blame him... the only thing I said was that in the first 20 or so, he let some nasty tackles go unpunished, other than that, he wasn't a factor in the outcome.

Now about talking smack... isn't that what TTP is about? True or false, it's about pissing on the other team....

guru said:
... I'm not sure if this was a typical game by LUFC, but man for man they outplayed everyone on DFC. Outworked, outran and out"wanted" it more than us. A little chippy from behind by LU in the first 20 or 30 minutes. Some nasty wacks, but after #23 was removed from the park, (who was pissed to the gills), it settled down quite a bit to be a fairly decent game. Talking with Snowman after the game we came to the conclusion that we dominated for upwards of 10 .... maybe 15minutes !! other than that, we were chasing shadows and were dominated.

This isn't excuses here, cuz I think we would still have lost this one, but missing Bored and Woody up front, which would have allowed us to put Sliver on the back with Jay like last week against Aldergrove. Missing your top two scorers hurts in a game like this. Not much service to Sliver and Gumby up front. With STD with a pulled hammy, me with a pulled groin, and Skytrain with a pulled quad... (that's a lot of pulls...) we were like the walking wounded out there.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

No, because if Sporting loses or ties then they are done.
The shoot out is for a tie breaker.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

utah said:
No, because if Sporting loses or ties then they are done.
The shoot out is for a tie breaker.
I was unaware.... I was told the games couldn't end in ties, and that's what the shootout was for... Guess we play it out...


Sep 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

guru said:
I was unaware.... I was told the games couldn't end in ties, and that's what the shootout was for... Guess we play it out...

The website has it posted as a tie, so that was what I was going by.


New Member
Jan 29, 2006
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

Does anyone know when they would post the Sporting and Dewdney game and how they decide who is home & away?


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

guru you're still dumb as fcuk. you cant dominate for 10-15 min. thats not domination! no wonder you guys sounded so good when you voice rings out, keep trying to toot you own horn, be atch


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

Slurring words, stumbling...

Stumbling, right...now you're just making up stories.

Guru...the guy actually has a stuttering problem. I am not taking the piss. He slurs his words because that sometimes happens. Trust me, he wasn't drunk. And no, he wasn't stumbling. What he did do was finish his dinner on the one opportunity he had, and did his job the rest of the way.

Why am I posting this? Well, Deano is a good guy, a bit of a nutter, a spazz, a redneck, but a good guy. He's worked hard at his speech, but it comes out occasionally, especially in stressful situations. You know, like a game. So you know, fcuking drop it, ok?

And, as you know (because I know you do), when you have a couple of beer over lunch, or wine, you sweat it out. When you sweat, your pores drain. But hey, maybe you don't, because I'm sure you've NEVER had a couple of beer before a match. :rolleyes:

So, for you to post it not once, but TWICE now on the net shows your class. You're bitter from losing. I get that. If we'd lost, I'd be a bitter cnut too. But, Christ, TWICE man? You also had that bitch of a fullback crying to the ref, because Deano ran him down to turn what should have been a sure switch to your center back into a loose ball opportunity. Oh, not just from 5 yards, but a good 20. But, right, he must have been drunk to do that. All you're doing here is calling out the integrity of our team, and the individual player. No need for that. If he was blotto, as you say, he wouldn't have played. Utah would have sat his ass. But, a guy has a couple of beers 3 or 4 hours earlier? Come on...


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

Dude said:
Stumbling, right...now you're just making up stories.

Man, if I got beaten 5-2 by Drunk people I would not even tell anyone.

DFC is a solid team, have been all year. They shite the bed in the cup, and now again in the Promotion round which has to make you question the desire and intensity of the veterans. After seeing both the Athletics and DFC play a few times now, I would have to say that I think LUFC is the better team. I doubt that they are truly "5-2" better though, DFC seems tired.

As for the Athletics, my only crit. would be their discipline. They have more cards than anyone in the league, and a couple guys in partcular that are just outright cnuts on the pitch.

My past experiences with Dino, he is a Good guy with lots of energy, but I can understand why someone would think he's drunk. He is loud, usually obnoxious and he runs around the pitch like he's on fire. He also usually manages to get some flailing limb in the way of a pass, creating lots of turnovers. If I remember correctly he won the Premier Scoring race for Langley 2 Seasons ago while playing about 45 mins a game.

Anyhow..that my 2 cents.

Congrats to Langley... well done.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

Well our lack of finishing and the ref cost us another game but we can take pride in the fact that we out played them.:)


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

hoodrat said:
guru you're still dumb as fcuk. you cant dominate for 10-15 min. thats not domination! no wonder you guys sounded so good when you voice rings out, keep trying to toot you own horn, be atch

Jokes.... I get jokes ..... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: That was the point numbskull ! ! !


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

Guru enough is enough. i am sure you don't mean to come off the way you do but for fukc sakes. It has been a season full of excuses. At one point you were a top div 1 team, what you are is a good but clearly inconsitent div 2 team. LUFC have taken the season seriously and taken care of there business. They will be a sucessful div 1 team with that attitude. Do I think DFC would have finished ahead of Port Moody in 2A no fukcing way. I don't doubt DFC's talent level but if your going to come to div 1 do the division a favour and be a contender rather then another team watering down the division.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] March '06 Results and Banter

Easy there Dude take your heart medication and relax. All this stress is going to kill you. Nobody is saying you didn't deserve the win perhaps we can start a Langley is great thread. Btw I was the bitch fullback crying as you put it. I was having a hard time getting to the ball with a pulled hamstring and a bruised rib and didn't appreciate a guy stumbling over me from behind every step I took it adds to the pain. Fair enough if he wasn't drunk he is clumsey and has a bad alcohol BO and his eyes need a little focussing.

My bad classless STD
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