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Div 1 [FVSL D1] Predictions & Banter - October 2009

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Nov 1, 2007
Dirty Money
... we had 11 and had to play guys out of position. With guys in the right spots, you didn't have a chance. But, this is our team it seems these days so we have to take another loss.

Had to play guys out of position? That's seriously your excuse? If your team had any real talent guys wouldn't struggle to play "out of position". Real footballers just know how to play football, not a particular position. Your posts wouldn't be so annoying if you just admitted that you have a mediocre team.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Had to play guys out of position? That's seriously your excuse? If your team had any real talent guys wouldn't struggle to play "out of position". Real footballers just know how to play football, not a particular position. Your posts wouldn't be so annoying if you just admitted that you have a mediocre team.

So you're telling me that if you had to put one of your strikers in net you guys would be fine? It wouldn't bother your team in the least? Give your head a shake.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Had to play guys out of position? That's seriously your excuse? If your team had any real talent guys wouldn't struggle to play "out of position". Real footballers just know how to play football, not a particular position. Your posts wouldn't be so annoying if you just admitted that you have a mediocre team.

So you're telling me that if you had to put one of your strikers in net you guys would be fine? It wouldn't bother your team in the least? Give your head a shake. Why is it in all sports when certain guys are missing teams struggle? We figured it out, but too late as we could only crawl 2 back.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Stall..sorry man, but if your team can't overcome having guys missing or injured, they will not be in contention to win the division. Full stop. All it is is a sign of a mediocre, mid pack team.

As stated, good players can play out of position when the need calls for it. That, and if you want to win the division, you'd better have a back-up keeper in mind.

Look at those cheating Rangers...last year they missed key players for extended periods, had guys playing out of position, or more minutes than they should be, and came out just fine.


Active Member
Aug 25, 2006
Dirty Money
So you're telling me that if you had to put one of your strikers in net you guys would be fine? It wouldn't bother your team in the least? Give your head a shake. Why is it in all sports when certain guys are missing teams struggle? We figured it out, but too late as we could only crawl 2 back.

Come on - if everyone of your midfielders, or center backs couldnt fill in at Striker, every full back play wing, etc etc you're hopeless. Keeper's obviously different, but you're in a big club so no excuse :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Come on - if everyone of your midfielders, or center backs couldnt fill in at Striker, every full back play wing, etc etc you're hopeless. Keeper's obviously different, but you're in a big club so no excuse :D

Here's an excuse for no keeper :D Every SFC team played Saturday night, so no help whatsoever ;) And I used striker as an example, a defender played in net.

It doesn't really matter, guys playing 2 games back-to-back, injured, whatever reason, we didn't do enough to win. We should have just packed the box and played hump and run all day but we tried to at least play our system and see what we could do. It didn't work and we'll move on to NDFC, who we owe for quite the thrashing they gave us last year.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Stallion21 you are not going to win with that guy. You are better off telling him about good things. Missing key players is a very tough thing. Sometimes one guy is the machine that makes you team go. Some teams have enough defensive guys to get away with it.
But if you are using forward as your D you are good for one or two goals a game.


New Member
Oct 28, 2008
Dirty Money
Sentinel has no club system, we play people out of position all the time when we are missing key players. Our first game I think we took 3 injuries causing people to leave the game and jumble the line up for the rest of the game and the next week. we carry 16-17 guys and we don't complain about having no call ups, no d men, etc. Just put your head down and play the game. If you have a real team missing people should not matter much.


New Member
Sep 23, 2007
Dirty Money
I think Dude has a secret man cruch on the Rangers. It's OK Dude you can tell me, we're all friends here.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You said you wouldn't say anything. You can go ahead and throw my flowers in the trash, if you're going to be like that.



Nov 1, 2007
Dirty Money
So you're telling me that if you had to put one of your strikers in net you guys would be fine? It wouldn't bother your team in the least? Give your head a shake. Why is it in all sports when certain guys are missing teams struggle? We figured it out, but too late as we could only crawl 2 back.

I just spoke with one of your ex teammates and he told me the sad thing is that you actually believe this crap you spew.

And yes I can say if we put our striker in net we would be just fine. We only allowed 3 shots on net last game because we have strong "team" defense. Weird concept, but our defenders and our midfielders are all responsible for marking someone when the opposition is on offense. It's like they all have to play defense! But you understand that, it's only the most fundamental principle of football, oh wait, you have 15 goals against?!:eek:


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
So if you put your striker in net, who would score the goals?

I can see IS_21's point - if moving players around into positions they are not used to playing in doesn't change the way a team performs results-wise, that says more about the quality of the opposition than anything else.

Put Fernando Torres in the Liverpool backline and let's see how they do - the fundamental principal of TTP is common sense, grab some :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
I just spoke with one of your ex teammates and he told me the sad thing is that you actually believe this crap you spew.

And yes I can say if we put our striker in net we would be just fine. We only allowed 3 shots on net last game because we have strong "team" defense. Weird concept, but our defenders and our midfielders are all responsible for marking someone when the opposition is on offense. It's like they all have to play defense! But you understand that, it's only the most fundamental principle of football, oh wait, you have 15 goals against?!:eek:

I cannot wait to play your guys. More than any other game this year (since we've already had our derby). Your awesome "team defence" (which to me sounds like packing the box) will be lit up again and again, I will even steal the famous #7 "Guaranteed Win Night" for that game.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
If you have 11 on the field and play the game...You cant ever use the excuse we were missing guys...You had 11 on the field and they are on your team...The biggest part of any team is the bench. It IS the bench where all good things come from. As a Manager/Coach/Guy who runs the team, you know that. You must prepair your team for Injuries,Holidays,Sicknesses,Card troubles,Work, Weddings,Hangovers... Prepairing your 12th and 13th(and so on) players is as important as any other preparation made for your team. If you lose key guys and do not win that is part of the game...As big as it gets infact. Every team has a decent 11....Its after that 11 what makes or breaks all teams.
Its what seperates the good teams from the others.
Ya I know some teams are in clubs and can call players up and move guys around...Well hell ya thats part of the dam game too...
We just played a Premier game and Abby only had 10 guys show up....We had 18. Ya it was ThanksGivin but who cares (4pm not 8pm kickoff)... We called up the 7 we were allowed because we new we would have to..They called up no one...Why ??? I dont know. I guess they were ok with drivin in to get hammered and then say ...well we only had 10. (Actually they never said boo,they took it on the chin) Still its part of the game.
Otherwise we would be playing on paper only. The most important part of the game, is getting to the park and playing.
If you are an Independent club, Like we are,than you better work harder in the office to get the Bench you need. I sign (well just look at my roster on the Website)tons of guys.
Its not fair to sit so many guys some of you say...well I have and they dont mind...or they quit and I dont mind. But thats why my teams are always fighting for a top spot..Simple as that. Big Bench.
Secret in keeping so many guys happy is easy...Play alot of midweek friendlies.
Anyone want a game? I got the field every Wednesday night for 2 hours.
Message me.

Oh we played the Div 1 WhiteCaps tuesday night. 0-0 draw. They are very good. and we look to play them again..they play 2 games a week too. Same reason.
We then played yesterday (back to back days)vs UBC Metros VMSL 6-1 us. they play us all the time too and have now moved up to the top of Div 2 and should get promoted.
They are an independant club too who just started a B team and a u-21 team so they can be a better team.
Croatia VMSL Premier has no system and is desperately trying to get one off the ground because with their top 2 players quitting this year un expectedly, they are in some serious trouble.
Guys my point is ,,Take the time and work with in your club. Get out and check out who the other guys in your club are. Meet the guys playing Highschool ball in your area.Ask guys on the team to always bring new guys out , look ahead and plan ahead. Dont be the guy on hear saying well were missing so many of our guys... And definately dont ever be that loser of all losers, a team who forfits a match on game day.


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money
We have 21 guys signed, all friends and all play for fun....and to win! We are old, but have 10 guys that easily can start for the 11 that do. We have a ton of injuries, but are confident on any given weekend. Injuries are inevitable, thus pick a team (and its bench) accordingly.


Nov 1, 2007
Dirty Money
Well spoken Ghouse.

And Stallion, I'm glad to give you a game to look forward to. The season can become a drag when you're losing all the time. Sorry about your loss tomorrow. I'm sure that due to injuries or illness you might have to move one of your midfielders into defense, and nobody here expects you to overcome such hardship.

As for the games this weekend, what are everyone's predictions? Here's mine.

Strikers 1 - 23 NDFC (Strikers will score accidentally on a cross)
Rangers 4 - 0 Abbotsford
Coyotes 3 - 2 Aldergrove
Razorbacks 2 - 2 Gunners
PAU 1 - 1 TWU
Stolo 0 - 2 Poco
LUFC Athletics 0 - 2 PA Selects
Whitecaps 4 - 2 Sentinel


Nov 1, 2007
Dirty Money
So if you put your striker in net, who would score the goals?

I can see IS_21's point - if moving players around into positions they are not used to playing in doesn't change the way a team performs results-wise, that says more about the quality of the opposition than anything else.

Put Fernando Torres in the Liverpool backline and let's see how they do - the fundamental principal of TTP is common sense, grab some :rolleyes:

Liverpool would still beat the Strikers! They would be too busy fondling themselves to focus on the game. In fact, the pages of Stallion's Liverpool calendar are all stuck together.
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