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English Premiership News 2003/2004


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Elland Road........

Poor old Leeds, it just goes from bad to worse. Not only must their loyal and fervent support now contend with the wobbly mess that is Duberry and Roque Junior (while he did win a World Cup, I expect most of us on ttp would have had much the same success with in Brazil side) re-enacting their pantomime-villain take on defending week-in, week-out, now they're also teetering on the precipice of administration.

Good job they're not depending too greatly on the £4.4 million injection from Sheikh Abdul din Mubarak Al-Khalifa, the Yorkshireman from the decrepit and disused North Yorkshire village of Bahrain-on-Sea.

All petty, ridiculous, and tribal allegiances aside, as a supporter of English football I would be very saddened to see Leeds go tits up. They've always been a massive club and have, historically, produced some wonderful sides full of graft, skill, and endeavour.

This is the kind of thing that always happened to the Mickey Mouse Continentals, not stalwarts of the game England gave to the world.

It's a sad day for football.


crafty cokcney

New Member
Nov 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Chingford Boy - OBE

OBE my biggest honour yet - Beckham

Great stuff for our most famous Chingford celebrity.

David Beckham today revealed receiving his OBE from the Queen was probably the highest honour of his career so far.

Beckham: Order of the British Empire.

The England captain, who scored in Real Madrid's Champions League victory in Marseille on Wednesday night, sported formal morning dress of black top hat and tails for the ceremony at Buckingham Palace where he was accompanied by his wife Victoria.

'This is just an amazing day,' said Beckham. 'It's a dream come true.

'It's definitely on a par with my football medals - if not better. Her Majesty said she was very pleased to be giving me this award.

'It's great to receive an honour for playing football, something I love doing.

'There's so many honours being given out today to so many important people, I'm just very honoured to be given this honour.

'I think my wife is very proud and obviously having my grandparents here is very special to me.'

Asked how the OBE ranked alongside his football medals he said: 'This is probably the best I have received so far. I think to be honoured for something I love doing is special. To me it's been an amazing day so far.'

The former Manchester United star revealed the Queen had asked about his travelling arrangements to and from Spain.

'She asked if it was exhausting travelling around the world to play football matches, and I said `no, because I am used to it now'.

'I know Her Majesty is a football fan because when I was at a number 10 reception, the Prime Minister told me he had watched a World Cup game on television with the Queen and William and Harry.'

Beckham, who scored with a trademark free-kick in France, revealed he was nursing a bad back.

'I scored a goal but I also picked up an injury. But it's back to Spain for me tonight to prepare for a league game on Saturday.

'I love it in Spain - I love the football and I love the life.'

First, however, there was time for a family celebration.

'I think Victoria has organised a surprise lunch somewhere nice.

'We'll meet up with our children. Brooklyn is four-and-a-half now and Romeo is one-and-a-half, and we thought they were probably just a bit too young to sit through an investiture.'

The Beckhams were accompanied by Beckham's maternal grandparents, Joseph and Peggy West and arrived in style in two chauffeur-driven Bentleys.

'One is mine and I hired the other one for my grandparents,' Beckham revealed.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Bless 'im .....

The former Manchester United star revealed the Queen had asked about his travelling arrangements to and from Spain.

Apparently, the Queen hasn't been on EasyJet before ..... they've got daily flights to & from Madrid.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money

What an excellent match today and, it must be said, the best side won. Everyone, and I mean everyone was talking about this fixture this weekend and thanks to a bit of luck the side that has cost millions to assemble came away with all three points, 1-0. For all their riches it took a bit of fortune to win it but there it is. Manchester will be a quiet place tonight.

Five matches now without a goal conceded and currently in 8th. Anyone seen Kippax?

What a woeful football match the Sky match was. Both sides cancelled each another out though the best side won on the day. I can't remember seeing United play as badly in that in a very long time. Keane was shocking, Forlan came crashing back down to earth after impressing recently, the big yank in goals did his best to gift Chelsea even more chances by insisting on throwing the ball out to players marked by two men, Nistelroy was invisible, and Ronaldo?

Your taxi's waiting you little tart. Regs should ban him.


New Member
Oct 11, 2003
Dirty Money

who thinks J. Cole was fouled by Keane for that penalty?

I thought Keane was a bit late ..... although Cole did fall quite easy....
Sep 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Why on earth would you care to hear Dazza's comments unless of course you're taking FULL piss on the fact he's possibly/probably been banned. He's a Seth Efrican twat/yid supporter(Tottenham).
As a Man. U fan I'd say the peno was an obvious one, and that was all that was going to decide this match! Very tight defensively. We'll be fine once Scholes is back! On a side note - great win for the Boro!! Thank you Sun Jihai for salvaging my day:)


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
EC unlikely to play ball over Premier League deal
By Mihir Bose (Filed: 04/12/2003)

Christmas looks like being a bleak period for the Premier League, with strong indications that the European Commission might refuse to play ball on the television deal they have done with Sky.

The Premier League want the Commission to exempt the deal - worth £1.02 billion over three years from 2004-05 - from the anti-cartel provisions of the Treaty of Rome. If that fails to happen the deal could be challenged in court and this is just what Dermot Desmond, who owns Celtic and is a Manchester United shareholder, is looking for.

He would claim that a collective deal, like the one in question, means Manchester United earn less money - they could earn a lot more if they sold their own broadcast rights - and the Premier League, frightened by the prospect of a court battle, would try to appease him and offer to allow Celtic and Rangers into the Premiership, which is Desmond's dearest wish.

One source close to the negotiations said: "It hasn't gone very well for the Premier League with the Commission. The problem is the Commission don't like the dominant position of Sky on the British market. The Commission accepted a similar deal from the Germans but in Germany there's no dominant television player like Rupert Murdoch."

The only consolation for the Premier League is that they look like getting more money for their overseas television rights, which are the subject of bids now. The Premier League need to increase this from the present £172 million to £250 million over the next three years if they are to make up for the fact that, from next year, the BBC, who will be screening highlights on Match of the Day, will be paying less than half of what ITV are paying on the present deal.

The Premier League are likely to get more money but not enough to make up the shortfall.

I don't know why Rangers is mentioned, they wanted no part of the EPL. things are getting interesting now.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Legend ......

Fcukin' hell ........ let's get Davey Jones on TTP. Fcukin' piss-take of the year :D

Wolves boss Dave Jones has admitted that he was one of the three Premiership managers in for Rivaldo - and confessed that the World Cup winner was not interested in the offer.

Why the hell would Rivaldo not want to go to Molineux ??

Sad bastard ......

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Ashley 'Cnuting' Cole should get at least a 10 game suspension for that fcuking 'tackle' he unleashed on Saturday. Fcuking disgraceful and the worst part about it was that the other fcuking cnuts from Arsenal were arguing the call. Fcuking cnuts.

Also, did anyone see the highlights of the Coventry/Sunderland game today? I know it is first division but another horrific tackle, which snapped his shin in half. Awful stuff, but I did have to watch it in slow motion for some reason, even after being warned. :confused:


New Member
Nov 12, 2003
Dirty Money
Ashley Cole, yes definatley lock him up, he broke the guys leg, punched the referee and let the tyres down on the little spastic kids wheel chair on the way out.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Dirty fcuker ........


Your sentiments are echoed son. Fcuking diabolical 'tackle' it was - twat should be hung from Fastshow's local.

Haven't seen one that bad since er, ....... Keane on Haaland a few years back.


New Member
Oct 11, 2003
Dirty Money
that prick Gerard had a disgracful one on Graeme Le Saux last year - it made his one against Newcastle look amateur


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Cole laid out Benny Thatcher quite nicely with that tackle. The slo-mo replay really did the expulsion justice as you could see the 10-foot run-up to what was a textbook over-the-top, two-footed stab. Cole DID slightly knick the ball with his boot moments before nearly shattering Thatcher's shin, so I think this is why the Arse were (wrongly) arguing the call.

When Sky Sports showed the replay at full speed, it was hard to make out how bloody dangerous it was, so top marks to the official for getting it right. I doubt there will be any complaints once the replay is viewed by all those involved with the incident.

Captain is bang-on with calls for a lengthy suspension. When you throw yerself into a tackle like that, your main priotiry isn't the ball, but to inflict some damage into the opponent. Thatcher is EXTREMELY lucky his tibia and fibula weren't blown through the back of his leg - the only way to discourage fouls of this nature is to have ol' Ashley sit for a month or so.

Speaking of diabolical fouls this past week-end, Dugarry's unpunished elbow in the Portsmouth-Blackburn game this week-end will probably come under review as well.....


Sep 14, 2001
Dirty Money
Elbow in Review

Dugarry's elbow is being reviewed by the FA and have requested video evidence. I think the hospital x-ray of the nose should be enough:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I agree that Cole should have the book thrown at him but he won't get more than 3 games just like Lucas Neil did earlier in the year and he broke Carrigher like a twig:mad: :mad:


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