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Div 1 Div 1 Results, Game Reports, and other Banter for the 2002/2003 season.

Who will win the FVSL's First Division?

  • Golden Ears United Black Knights

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • Surrey City Rangers

    Votes: 22 32.8%
  • Poco City United

    Votes: 10 14.9%
  • Langley United FC "A"

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Delta Metro Highlanders

    Votes: 13 19.4%
  • Surrey United

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • Cenrto Americano United

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Aldergrove United

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Poco Raiders

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Alouette United

    Votes: 3 4.5%

  • Total voters
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New Member
Oct 28, 2001
Dirty Money
well done

another hatty from the big lad and another three points, langley looking to go down to div 2 where they can play there brutal physical game.They gave so many cheap shots today it wasn't funny nothing like hearing a guy say i'll break you when he is 5'2 and a buck twenty (sorry rocko)anyways big match nex't week new lads looked great today hopefuly we can carry on nex't week.

Oscar Goldman

New Member
Mar 20, 2002
Dirty Money
Originally posted by coach
Where the hell are you guys headed
next year?Our way,not bloody likely!

Coach, I think you should have grabbed the nearest paper bag and controlled your breathing before you wrote this post. Clearly it was written in the heat of the moment as you were upset over Balsa's commentary (fair comment at that). Your response is not particularly flattering for you and seems a little immature. As crazy as it may seem, very few Highlanders are keen on amalgamating with your club and your words are unlikely to create more support for the idea. Careful with that fiery tongue, you may be burning a bridge...

Oscar the Highlander


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Well it had to be Oscar or Milhouse.
One of them had to get involved.

Yes, let's get a real fcuking hate-on happening here.

It wasn't enough that GNU already did, but fcuk, of course, you had to get on here and yap.
It's not that I mouthing you GNU, I'm questioning why someone else had to join in.

Burning bridges?
Don't even start with me mate.
Please, don't.
There is a thread started by Milhouse, called quality clubs, you can see one particular post I made on a that a while back.
Read deeply into it.

Balsa: As much as I read deeply into your post on this sorry-arsed subject of last week, the point is you slammed my club.
As much as you pointed out my team and my mates between the lines (which of course I say thanks), you have to realize one or two things.
Coach, you all might be surprised to know, is the chair
of our whole fcuking men's program.
I don't care about guys that I don't know or don't respect slamming my club, but when your friends or acquintances do, it hurts.
Everyone in our club is behind our premier program.
If you all get your jollies from it fine.
Just don't expect the atmosphere when we play you to be pleasant though.
Is that a threat?

I know Coach got inside your politics once before, which was maybe a little offside.
The fact is he was championing one of your teammates causes and who is also a very good friend of his.
I think this matter is little more serious, no?

Coach has stated that the matter will be dealt with.
Are you all calling him on it?
I think you all know him better than that.

The fact is I've always, ALWAYS, supported the Highlanders.
Find one post on here that denies me on that.

I'm done on this bullshit.
I know who I'm having a laugh with on Friday.

PS - there is no way I can keep up with McGill. He's on fire - good for him. :)


New Member
Apr 30, 2002
Dirty Money
Did someone call me out

Your right RF, SFC is a great club, its odd that you guys were willing to leave for our club just before the season started.

The last conversation I had with coach in regards to us joining the club for next year were positive, we would be relieved from shelling out hundreds of extra dollars to play in Delta and the Rangers not headed to O35's would have a solid team of good guys to play with.

Since this conversation I have heard things may have changed. Many of our players are not interested in going to SFC, they would rather continue to play in Delta. What I have heard from a mutual friend is the Rangers are only interested in adding some of our players, not bringing our entire team over.

I'm sure more will come out either this week on TTP or after the game Fri night.

I do not like what has gone on recently with SFC but I am sure it is nothing coach can't handle. Have to admit I am not a big fan of Mitchell or McCann's, but then I'm not a big fan of our club's hierarchy Stabler/ Moody either.

PS Bring your fog vision goggles Fri night to JO


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Actually, I didn't call you out.

I could give a fcuk.

I have to keep correcting you however when you call me out.

You should change your name to Guns for Hire FC.
How 'bout Fcuked for Next Year FC?
Just kidding, but the way you get on here and state how you don't think much of Frank, Roy, Gary and Ian makes me think are you on a team death wish?
Really, who wouldn't want you in their system?
I bet the Club Executives from around the land are lining up as we speak.

Just because we are approached by a club does not mean we shouldn't listen to their offer.
It's a respect thing - ya know?
But fcuking tits like you get on here and yap your fcuking face about it - therefore we have to talk about it.
Should we remind everyone on here who made that thing public knowledge?
Seems like somebody's still hurting from that - fair play.
Again if you enjoy this fine.
Unlike you, we have respect for the Delta hierarchy.
I wish to repeat, we weren't leaving, we were approached.
The fact is Milli, if we did come, you would have been fcuked.
Something which killed the deal immediately.
As attractive as it was, we wouldn't do it.

I'm not denying we weren't exactly happy just prior to to training camp.
We certainly wanted to sort some issues out, but not to the extent of threatening to quit.
Not at that point anyway.
I never once said our club is great.
It 's a good club, with good facilities, good support from the Executive and a good youth system.
Something which I thought we had to a tee until the Storm parted ways.
My opinion is a club's performance shouldn't always be based on the performance of it's premier team.
Obviously, it's the key, but not the be all to end all.

The key is also that this site is about taking the mick.


PS - Sorry everyone for boring details.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Ranger: I’d say SFC, in general, has to be envied as a club. I would say that a lot of the snippets that come out to point out shortcoming come out because others like to kick the big kid in the sandbox when he’s down. Let’s not forget: the Premier team has been re-building for 2 seasons now! This year is a setback, but by the looks of things behind the scenes, a solid plan of action is already being put in place for next year. The Premier team is hurting right now, but that isn’t due to lack of support from the Club, or due to poor management- that’s for sure.

I think it was Balsa that jumped all over the head-but thing as soon as it happened. Again, because of the size of the club, this incident gets more mileage than it would have, say, if this happened between TP & GN Sport. Without knowing what will happen as far as internal discipline (let me emphasize that: I don’t know what will or already has happened), I would bet my left nut that the player in question will be asked to leave the club. It sounds to me like an incident the club wants to separate itself from.

I can also say that personally, I’ve been proud to have been associated w/ SFC, as a club. Believe me, as a kid growing up and playing soccer in Coquitlam, the last thing I’d ever think I’d say is I’m proud to be associated w/ SFC. Certain members of the club have treated me, and the teams I’ve played on and managed, very well. With a club this size, you’ll never agree with 100% of the moves or decisions, but as a whole, the bottom line is the club’s mission is to produce quality players, and winning programs. As a whole, nobody can say that SFC doesn’t accomplish this every year.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Now, the whole reason I logged on- check out the standings: ALU is sitting two points back of 2nd, and have a game in hand! Added to this, they play Sporting next weekend. Seems to me as everyone’s favorite illiterate (who’d been working on his TTP grammar recently, BTW) has his team in striking position to nab a promotion spot. They’re gaining momentum at the right time.

Meanwhile, the Raiders scratched out another result with a 2-1 win over Spitonrefs FC. You have to know that at least one team from 1st will be promoted, and possibly one from Reserves. I’m inclined to think that Alouette is better prepared to make the jump, given the bevy of good, young players they have feeding the team.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
ALU has outstanding goalkeeping and they're young.
They kind of remind me of the Lions.
Ready for Premier?
Who can tell.

But, I will say the bulk of those two teams will be playing premier shortly.
I would say that if each of these teams could add, dare I say, some age, and some skilled players in positions where they lack, they could make the move next year.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
fri night

so where do shower up on friday night?
oh that's right,we jump in our cars and head back to nap!

sorry oscar that wasn't very mature :rolleyes:


New Member
Mar 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Rangers & Highlanders

RF and Coach. To start with the guys have defended me just as you guys defend each other. Shouldn't be a big deal or a reason to start a verbal brawl.

In RE: to my post about the fights etc that have gone on over the past year. It was my OPINION that something should be done. I am not part of the club and have no idea who is on the board. Coach could have just replied that something would be done and blah blah. Instead he starts throwing comments and slagging people. I have to much respect for you guys to get into a pissing match about something so stupid. I consider every guy on the Rangers to be a good guy as well as a friend. I also never slammed the club at all and I think the reaction from Coach was one of frustration. Knowing now that he is on the board I understand his frustration a little more. I think the comments from our guys came when he started to throw insults etc at our club and team.

My comments were as an outsider who knows people in the club. I stand by my comments that something should be done internally about those kinds of actions. I am sure those things arise at meetings and will become more of a topic in the future.

To finish though I have to say that I am diappointed that this crap gets aired on a public forum. If Coach, Ranger Forever, Millhouse and all can't clear things up privately than why even bother to bring it out. We were all team mates at one time and I still think we are all friends so I really find all these slags and threats to be ridiculous. I really think you guys know me better than to think I was trying to slag you guys as a club or individuals. I mean I get slagged more than anyone for being a wannabe Ranger. I really hope Fridays games will be like all the others we play VS each other. Always intense yet we play soccer and have a good time. I really get tired of all these teams throwing threats on the field and I really don't expect it from the Rangers or the Highlanders.

Sorry this post may be a little jumpy but I tried to get my opinion across. If Coach or Rf or anyone wants to chat about this than please PM me.

Cheers and look forward to our game Friday.

PS: Coach if you want a shower I can try to bring a hot bucket of water for you. :D Thats all I can do for you.

AU Razor

New Member
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money

Our ages of our guys go from 35 years old all the way to 18 years old are average age of our guys are 25 to 26 years old . But we have a few senior guys already on the team & if we get the chance to be promoted to premier for next year we talked about adding a couple more senior guys & a couple exp younger guys to the team which would also give us a strong young cat team also with the same mixture as the premier team is going to have.:) Ranger thanks for the good complements!!!

Oscar Goldman

New Member
Mar 20, 2002
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Rangerforever
Well it had to be Oscar or Milhouse.
One of them had to get involved.

Yes, let's get a real fcuking hate-on happening here.

It wasn't enough that GNU already did, but fcuk, of course, you had to get on here and yap.
It's not that I mouthing you GNU, I'm questioning why someone else had to join in.

Burning bridges?
Don't even start with me mate.
Please, don'tB]

Hey RF, why the harsh words? Isn't this site designed for people to put in their two bits? Pardon me but the condascending tone of Coach's post warranted a response. He seems to be implying that we're desperate to join his hallowed club and we'd better stick with "the program" or we won't be worthy of the privilege. I would have responded sooner to his post if not for the vicious bout of projectile vomitting that it induced.

With regard to threats for Friday's game, I'll be sure to bring my customized throat guard and do a few extra reps at the gym this week. Coach, I thought you'd gotten over your personal hygiene issues back at NDSS. I will bring a extra deodorant stick for you so that you can join all the Highlanders in our weekly Portugese shower.

Friday should be good. Why don't we just forget about the game and just watch Balsa and Coach have it out in a "coal-miner's glove match"?

Oscar the DELTA Highlander


Christmas Party

Hey Oscar, Millhouse and Balsa can I invite the Rangers to this years Christmas party? :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Balsa just PM'd me by mistake.
Fwd to you:

Rocko: Most defintely YESSSSS!
I can't believe they're coming again.
I'm so excited.
You go to Costco and get those mini quiches that RF likes.
Oh, and he likes those prawn rings too.
And, Nanaimo Bars, he really likes Nanaimo bars.
I'm off to the liquor store now as we'll need more booze to keep those Rangers happy.
I'll call you for an update tomorrow, because we don't have much time to prepare.



New Member
Mar 16, 2002
Dirty Money

I forgot to ask if you liked the Bagel Bites....There mmmmmmm good.

Do you think the guys would be upset if I wore my Autographed Ranger Jersey to the party ?

silver fox

Jun 30, 2002
Dirty Money

Hey Coach, instead of a shower, why not try a nice post-game swim in the pond at J.O.? I heard a real he-man did it once!!


p.s.- Take it easy RF, with all the typing you've done these past few hours you're hands will be too sore to feed yourself.:eek: :D


New Member
Jan 18, 2002
Dirty Money
I'm all over Nanaimo bars!

Now I'm sure I should have checked the new thread that Milli created before seeing all this slap fighting but I didn't. I know you all really want to be friends so get over yourselves and lets play soccer.

Balsa mentioned the bagel bites because that's his little gig to bring to the party. You only have to bring them not advertise them man. If we hot the hottub, beers and ladies then the Rangers aren't invited. Water might overflow and we'd have a problem. J/K.

I moved out here (Surrey) and played with SFC Royals, Linfield FC and even with a U-21 team about 5 years ago. I left the club for one reason. The arrogant Roy! He's a back stabbing, ****y person I couldn't associate myself with. The club is great and I missed it bigtime. Now that I'm with another good group of guys in the Highlanders its been awesome! So I've seen both sides as well and even though I haven't been around as some of you older lads its clear to me everyone wants to play for good commorodery teams. We're two teams lucky enough to have that. Spending the time on anyone other than my teammates and other good teams has only ever given me a bad headache. Then again my opinion thats all.

I recommend we hang a cooler full of hot water up for Coach and let the plug out. Satisfied!



New Member
Dec 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Millhouse, Balsa, Oscar, HV et al :

Just a question from a casual TTPer with Lurker Tendencies who wants to start partaking on a more regular basis. With no intent of offending any of the noted DMH lads or misrepresenting any of the Rangers:

Why would the Rangers be looking forward and/or give a fcuk about the match on Friday?

Last time I checked, DMH had 19 points (actually, 16 plus a 3 point gift) and the Rangers had 36. I keep reading about how much you Guys are looking forward to the match like it will make or break your season. If I was a Ranger, why would I want to be playing a meaningless game on a blistery December evening (other than for pints with the lads afterwards)?

I would much rather be sitting in my hot tub with a few of the Boys, sipping rum and egg nog, and chatting about MEANINGFUL games that will be coming up in February and March. Instead the Rangers are playing a game that means nothing in the standings in a league they've already clinched.

From what I read, and I apologize if my reading between the lines is off the mark, it appears that DMH think there is a rivalry with the Rangers. But in my books, doesn't rivalry mean you are constantly battling for league supremacy?

Just a few questions and observations from a rookie TTPer. All the best on Friday Lads!

Your Friend,



New Member
Apr 30, 2002
Dirty Money
Although the Highlanders and Rangers are never battling for first place, I think the Rangers would agree we have provided them with some of their tougher games over the past 4 yrs.

These are a few of the reasons why the Rangers probably get up for the Highlander games:

In the final game of the 99/00 season we beat them 2-1 to ruin their perfect season.
Last year we tied them 1-1 in a game we had the majority of the chances.

Although RF has stated many times its our "World Cup". I'm hoping the Rangers don't get up for this game.
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